The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, November 01, 1894, Image 3

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FOB WOMEN FOLKS LOVE S FULFILL’NS. O, love l» weak Which ootintt the answnra anil the gains, Weight all the leeeet and the p ln«, And «»R er 'y e,eh l°nd word drain-, A joy to tcek. When love it strung jt never tarries to take heed, Or know if its return exceed Its gift, in its tweet haste no greed, 5o strife belong. It hsrJly asks If it be loved at all; to take go barren seems, when it »n make Such bliss, for the beloved s sake, Os bitter tasks. It* testacy Could find hard death 10 besuteou*; it (oes through tears how Christ loved ua, And speaks in saying -I love thus” No bla-phemy. So niueh we miss If love is weak, so much we gain jf love is strong. God thinks no . ain Too sharp or lasting to ordain To teach us this. EXPSEBSIONLESS FAT. A fat body is utterly expreasiou leei. Adipose t'spue is not capa ble of receiving and expressing emotions. Fat is a nonreceptive unproductive and consequently jjDPXprvssive material. Muecla is not put cn in lumps and patches, but symmetrically. Only a very little adipoee tissue e»u be used to advantage in mak ing up the clothing of the soul. Mu'cular tissue is full of life, vi tality, action. It is capable of re ceptivity. conductivity and expies aivenssß. AH muscular tissue needs is freezing, training and inspiring to make it an agent that is n»eful and pleasing so its master and to thoau who behold it. Remember, that development is always seen along the line of use, and that practice will make perfect.—-New York Press. DON'TS FOR FLBSHEY PEO PLE. Fleehey women should avoid everything in the wav of liquors (especially beer), starchy cereals, like cornmeal, hominy, ry», oat fiaeal and brswn bread; also they should avoid k>o much seasoning in the way of salt pwppjr sat o-s ; these create an unnatural thirat, which nathing but liquid of tome kind can quench. And water enters largely into the composition of fat. Meats o n be eaten freely, as they enter into the musele, not fat. Fleshy people’h >uld;exorecise rigorously every day, and not be given too many hours of sleep. They also should sleep on hard bads; pampering the body in hab its es luxury predisposes one to embonpoint THE QUEENS’ DOLLS. Queen Victoria still has 38 dolls which she not only played with, out dressed with her own hands. Most of them represent people out of history or characters from the stage. Small American girls will have a chance to see what all these dolls look like, for a book is now .being written about them, and it oas pictures of the dolls in colors. THE OVEN’S HEAT. For bread and pastry have an oven that will in five minutes turn ft piece of white paperdonebrown. When the oven i« too hot at first ft crust forms on the bread or cake, which prevents its rising. It is bet ter when baking bread and cake to have the oven a little slow at first, »nd increase the heat gradually. When baking puff paste the heat should be greatest first and de crease later. This is to keep the paste in shape. When the oven is too hot the temperature may be reduced by putting in it a pan of cold water. ORANGES HER STEADY DIET. In order to be healthy and beau tiful , women should make their habitual beverage of water into which lemon juice has been mix ’d, and they should eat plenty of Iruitiuall seasons. Oranges are especially recom mended, this fruit possesing, it appears, extraordinary virtue. The Marquise de Crequy, who died at the l~«t csutuiy ths age of 93, and was still then a moat attractive old lady, with an apple-blosßom complexion, in bundance of snow-white silky hair and all n*r teeth unimpaired, lived during the last 40 years of her life almost exclusively outr ange. She was wont to eat a of hem for her breakfast, and the same number for luncheon and dinner, accompanied each time by a thin slices of rye bread and a bowl of chicken broth.—Pq if;, delphia Times. A GIRL CARPENTER. A lively young Danish woman, Miss Sophie Cbr b.un c en. is at x ous to git wor* in C aoago a* a carpenter and j-. iner. In the city ot Copenhagen she learned the trade, to which she was bound as appren tice When her apprenticeship was complete, a short time ago, she was •drained o full members iip in ih« unieu. She displayed great apt.- tude and skill as a worker at the trade, and the is ready to display spectmeusoth >r handicraft Among o her thinge she has made a f closing bookcase,’’wtiuh is service able, artistic and beuatiful, and which is admired by everybody who sees it. HOW WOMEN SHOULD ECON OMIZE. Save the emotions. Horrible tales, criminal records and histo ries ofcrime are too expensive. Sweet, dainty, delicate woman needs finer food for the soul. Calamities, murders, quarrels and fatalities will happen. They are in the line of the philiosophy of evil and their dicuesion can do no good. Reckless sympathy is wasted en. ergv and enforces reedless distress upon khs sensibilities. Keep out of the slums, slaughter-houses and severs. Walk in the sunlight, look up, and let the vision of bright ness on tie mountain tops be thy guiding star. Loftiy thoughts that nourish the finer nature are not to be found in the gutters of life. Sea little old tutor of Columbia College be lieves. JAPANESE LOVE FOR CHIL DREN. Next to their frugality and ex quisite .neatness, a remarkable thing about the Japanese is jheir great love for the little folks. They have an extraordinary talent for making their doll babies happy. They are forever inventing comi cal toys and designing fantastic lit tle playthings to amuse them. With us, the grandfathers and grandmothers are .the children s playfellows and best friends; over in the sunny little Empire all the world has nothing more important to do than provoke the pleasure of his own child or the Mr . Little Boy or Miss Little Girl of his neighbor, as they are always called. At the bazaar, on fete days, at festivals and conaerts, the inde scribable little creatures are seen pick-a-back, with their sweet, round, yellow arms tightened lov ingly about some big sister tor big brother’s neck. They have peppered jam, iced beans and gpickled sweetmeats to their heart’s content, delicious tarts jelled to laurel or lemon leaf, and as many dolls, kites and col ored lanterns as they can posssbly carry away from the booths. Ex change. PROVED HER LO\E. Don Massimo, Duke of Autikoli, whose engagement to Princess Eugenie Bonaparte FR * recenuy announced, some years ago fell in j OT e with a beautiful Roman gir of humble birth, but, in spite of their mutual supplications, her parents refused in the most cm phaiic manner te give their con sent to the union- After a great deal of } ersuasion, bow.v.r, th. gin •PP“ red W A!ve ner objection, to a se.ret | m Tbe’dly of the ceremoay «*me I . t wbU* they were THE HUSTLER OF ROME THURSDAY NOVEMBER ! 1894. staurtiiiki together and talk ing ther vows that the Roman maiden suddently threw herself into her lover’s arms and nobued out : Y r u shall see how great the love I bear yju. I will not consent to thia mar riage. The world says tbai I want your title and your money I don'i but I never, could never make you b«ppy,” A D<l, in ppite of tue Duke’s urgent, heart broken m t’salies. she obs inately refu-ed to go through the remainder of the Ceremony. — Paiiadelphia TinW. ALUM AS A FILTERER Alum is a simple remedy for muddy 1 » king water. If one and a half grains of common alum be pul m a teuspoouful o' water, or a leuspoonful of alum in a gallon of water the former will act on the water, producing immediate pre cipitation and making it as clear as crystal,wiiiie the small um.uut f slum used will not affect the t .st of water. Water filtered in this way is goo<l far family use, either in drinking or for laundry pur poses. HOW TO BE A SUCCESSFUL WIFE. A clever woman writes as follows to the ever clever New York Sun: ‘‘Let women, old and young, listen to the advice that lam about to give them. Let it not enter One ear only to pass out at the other I beg, but take it to heart and re solve to act upon it immediately. If you are married, going to be married or have just been married, let this be your rule: Arise with a bright, cheerful heart, resolved to do your duties willingly. You may say, "Oh, it is hard ” Yes it may be, but if you try it will become a second nature to you, and you will wonder at yourself. Do not forget te give your hus band his morning kiss and greet him in the early morn with a bright, happy, cheerful face. Do not Ist the sunbeams outdo you in this. if it baa rainy morning, or sold and damp, or clear and bright, ba attentive and see that your hus band has the necessaries raqudi • for such days, and warn him, as a wife only can, to be sure and take good care of himself for his little wife’s saxe. At braXfaet haave a bright,"heer ful conversation oa hand, so that your husband may go forth to his business with a light heart Never allew him to go down to tnis meal alone if possible. Always attend him to the doer, and let him not depart without a good-by kisi. Then return indoors and do your duties cheerfully and with a good will Whatever meal your husband takes at home, luncheon or dianer. be sure all that he likes is upoai the table, according to your means and take good care that it is all hot. When it is time for him to ar rive home be ready te welcome him after his long day’s work. Let him always know that there will be a happy, bright, cheerful little wife waiting for his coming. Greet him not with an account of all that has gone wrong, but see that all is comfortable for him: be interested in his affaire,and be not cross with him if he is is a little out of humor, for he has annoyan ces, big and little, that he wishes uot to trouble you with, and he has been working all day. Wait until he is in a good hu mor and has rested ; then relate to him all the doings of the day, ask his advice, and be sure, oh, be sure to act accordingly, for he knows best, These things are not hard to ac complish, but just the reverse, and if you try to perform them you will be astounded. Remember you are never too old to learn; it is never too late to commence, nor is it ever too late to amend. If you do these things your husband will say, even if he does not express these feelings: "Poor old fellow, Jim; all’ alone; if he only had a wife .tike mine.'’ Wfi»UL CJL’JX- DENTISTS J A. WlLLS—Dwittet—** 1-2 Broad «uv over Oaatroll and Owens-store. ATTORNEYS J. R. Spu’look, Attorney Law, Manon Temple Buildidg Temple Building Ruma Georgia. JAMKSR NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offi. Poverty Hall potitx'ffioe corner 3rd Avnaei CHAS. W. UNDERWOOD- Itlorne) at Maaonle Temple Rome, Ga. R*k.HCE « DBN'NY—Attorneys at law. OOM" it) Masonic Temple. Rome, Ga. WW. VANDIVER—Attorney an* Coat teller at Law—Rome, oa. WH. ENNIB-JMO. W. STARLING— Enol & Slariing. Attorney# at Law, Mason: " Temple, Rome, Ga. fet>23. PHYSICIANS AND SUWQSONS. DM. RAMSUR— Physician and Surged’ Office at residence Sl4 avenue A, Fours. “ ward. LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon Offers his i rofesstonal service* to the pec * pie of Botse and surrounding country Offie* at Crouch and Wataon'a dr g store, th Broad street. DR. WD. WOVT—omoe at c. A. Trevitt drug store. Xo. 331 Broad street. Tetaphon 110. resides so. No. 21 Frank A-Wynn, Physician and Surgon •Woe at Tret itt & Johns >n drug store Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Ave, Prompt aiteution given all profesiicnal call Nerve Berries have done for others do for you VIGOR WW* \ OF 15TM DAT. J M E hi £«///, Quick! f andPermanantly Restored, soth day A soeluve em* for all Wee _n««ses, Nervousue*. IJomilly. aed all Hieir train of evils resultlm from early errors ar>4 Inter ex eceses; the renal ot overwwk, worry, etc Dcvelos end irlvea Sone and strength to tile Hxusl os gane. Atope Bsssinral loan.* ur ulek.l enUaalome caused by yeuUtrul errors or es ceestve use ot tekeeeo. opium and liquor which lead to eoniumpclon aed taaanliy Their use shows immediate improvement. Ao.-ep no imitation Insist upon having the aenv ne Nerve Berries, |WCkM. Price. <I.OO per box. six boxes, on fnl treatment. *i.oo. <2 tuM-smiesHi so cure wiy umo. ft not kept by your drurslat wa will aead theta b, mall, upon receipt of price, la plain wrap per Pamphlet free. Address ail mail orders t» atatasiCAl. CO.. CtsMteaaM » For Sale by J. T Crouch & Co. Warter’s Hand made is the finest smoke on the market-—and then it is Rome made;Fruits of home Industry. Ask your dealer for one. NOTICB. The attention of the readers of Thb Huetlkr op Rome is directed to the advertisement of E. C. At kins tk Co., manufactures and re pairers of all kinds of saws. This is one of the very best and most reliable houses in this line in all the county. Their saws are the very best in quality and the most reasonable in price. They make a specialty of mill supplies and re pairing. When in need of a saw or anything in their line write to E.- C. Atkins & Co., Chattanooga Tenn. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGIBLA. TION. Rome. Ga., October, 30th, 1894., Notice is hereby that ap plication will be made du ring the present session of the Leg islature of Georgia, for the pas sage of an act entitled, "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City Electric Railway Company, of Rome, Ga., so as to authorize and empower said company to furnish electric lights and electric motive power, to the city of Rome, and to other persons and companies who may contract for the same. J. King, Pres. BACK AT THE OLD STAND. We have opened at the old stand of W. H. Edmondson & Co., on Broad st., with W. H. Edmondson as manager of the business. Our goods are fresh and nice, and we are going to sell them very cheap for cash. &bud j our child or serpent to us, and they will be tr<- to s well as f you came yourself (hut don’t forget to send the t ush.) If you want to buy groceries at retail and wholesale prices conn• .to see us. We want all of W.H. Edmon •oiiß 4 Cos old custon;ers and a great many new ones, so come and do your seif good and please us. Respectfully. Edmondson Grocery Co. * Tlieviiser ifeam Dye worts 1 t J C Market St. Chattanooga V/.C. SMITH Agt, Proprietor I LADIES G ?\ f TS CLOTHING CLEANEM DYED OR REPAIRED, I AT LOWEST PRICES. I PROMPT PROFESSION WORiL I I Ifel 4b, | fl p* m 3 HI WwOw M Sil EltutjAlW • ■ * ■ Hfpjafta Mty—lJL —i k Madison - Avenuq HOTSL M Madison Av*n> a and 58tb,3ire? 4 NEW /ORK- ■■ per day ann up. American. FIREPROOF AHU FIRST-CLASS 'MEVmI PARTICULAR. ■ Two Blocks from the 1 lurd and >ixth Avenue Elu'dßw Kaiiroads The Madison and Fourth Avenue and Belt Line the Door, Passenger Elevator runs all nighL 'H | ? n n n PIMPLES ‘ PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT CATARRH, and potassium kidney &joi<sCures 1 hi Blocd I’oisoa ““JMI Rhjtimatism KSSMHi ■ CtaMi three 5 and Scrofula v 1' r f pui ,Lr» tb<-inun.l, biuidx up Cart. J. D- ..igl _ „ t -i. . ,; s n,s.!■ U til.: p-nout b/.,,; h >u.d uv -«:<i dy to tbe ■ ! ' r I'li'unry jrcuiul.'.ry and teriury _.<3‘ svplnli. fur bl t jh.:i >niug, niarcu- I?!. 1 ?/ rial r- - : , n.alu.-la. CMfpcpsia, and **<l in al: blind and akin di.easra, hke ay) blot.b.x, pimp.-a, Old abronlo v'vars, z»a totter, scald head, bulls. .ryFipolaa, fJUin ,-.-ma tv© may sav, without fv.raf w r..ntradl«t:nu, that 1' P P.isthalK'at Jbaj'-aan ■ ■ < ® Lined I'nr.hur I'l the w rid, end nia-.-w • sitr.-.i. sp.fdy Bad pariuauant .any Ic tq-tf.. Trcv., X In .ill cases. Mun I * ~rrnmn-m • ... ■, mu ».. ..I— -- Ix-. 1100 v/aoso systems are iminoned f. P. f>r a >, and wli.,aebhiodl»inaulmt>u.-es ; V- ton, d ■•■ t . meiu-tr-il kresularlUw, *' '* ‘d Wl* 1 . | i ild 1 I‘l' *i l' HI '1 P V areuectiiiarly buxeuied by Mae w.u- b ~."12 ‘.I 0 ., , M A dorsal tool, sad blood elaawelnr pr<-«- w Loi , t«*P.raa. P ium ,r, ‘ kly ' ™ 1 U-'et anil f...its. _ ai(l feel mmdd© << Bratsanxi-D, Mo., A»R. 14th. 130*. 111 f gw * X -I .ar, sneak is blithest terms of v.At; f 7 -ot.r irodlclx.- f cm n>y wa [ •■rsan.-.l V knowledge. I was nffectvd wit b best I MBWMMMMWWMi #1.... we. pleurisy nad rlteunsatasiu lor ;*.»r 35 years, was treated by the Very b'eat ph . slclxas am apont hundreds es del- Cnao en 11 ~||lpl |L||WV|\ibii j'Miill t'||V A L—. tried i-u-iy known remedy v itb- Wtm th .KJ *ut finding relief. 1 have only token ... i ...i M ' ii liJ 'i J 1 U Ji 1 ' ' l' iU'! H one bottle of ;w P. P. F.. and van ALL DRT cheerfully aav It has dme mem.:. , I—, rt a a XV g ,od than anything I have everlaiten. ’ Wj ‘v 1 nan rocommond your medKduo M> uu . auffarera of the abov» diseases. ’Art, -'. MRS. M M. VBAKY. gpriagflold. Green Cxiuat* . for srnmuuMß