The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, November 12, 1894, Image 5

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hunks «am. \|ew Stock of New Furnit ur WE HAVE JUST OPENED OUT AT NO. 23. BROAD STREET AND THIS IS TO CALL THE ATTENTION OFTHE PUBLIC TO THE FACT THAT WE HAVE BOUGHT AN IMMEN SE LINE OF NEW GOODS AND ARE IN SHAPE TO OFFER THE TRADE THE BIGGEST.SAR CAINS IN ROME IN FURNITURE STOVES MATTINGS ' ANDRUGS Our Line of Glass and Tin Ware is replete in everything needed in the Dining room and kitchen. We are headquarters for Vase and Hanging Lamps * « * In addition to the above we most respectfully announce a full and compile line of undertakers supplies, Day telephone 122 telephone 113 all calls answer ed promptly and by polite and experienceed' men. lANKS s CompanY 23BROAD ST, ROME GA. Is The Place to get GROCERIES Os?: til kinds. CHEAF3 : - BRICK kiln s LIME KILNS HAIR AND SAND We can furnish fresh Lime in large quanities burned from our own Kilns on short notice. Brick. Lime, Hair and Sand al ways on hand Qeorge W. Traninioll Fourth Ward Brick Yards, the little ruby barber TONSORIAL PARLOR t If you want wcr < In mv line call at my place n F rank. Taylor, the old reliable. THE HUSTLER OF ROME MONDAY NOVEMBER, 12 1894. THE SILVER PARTY. -- -- Senator Cameron Not in it. But He Believes in Silver. Washingtori, November 11.— ■ Senator Cameron denies that fea t ire of a I en.-er story winch states tha. he ha* corresponded with the proprietors of th * new silver party, ab >ut to be launched, and is n hearty sympathy with the mov g nient. “I huve had no such correspond ence as to a silver party, or any thing in that line,” said the Sena tor. ‘‘Like Mr. Hill, who says; ‘I am a Democrat,’ I can say: ‘I am a Republican,’ although I am a Republican who believes thorough ly in ibilver. General Warner, Preside it oft ft Bimetal! ic League, is expected her* next week with soma information on the weeterii nioy<mei)t for ft 111, v«r party. Gordon Clark, Acting toecretarr of the league, says the fttatenaeut from Denver is probably correct. A meeting will be held at p ! •A/ dpy, Mr,Clark aay«, but the time plaee have not yet been determined. Ab to the detail ß of the movement Mr, Clark is net informe He Bays, however, that a slyer party will undoubtedly be formed by the force of circenutau ees. Thus far the Populsisc have given gr*ategt eocoureg»ment to silver, and n itwithetandiug recent reports io the contrary, Jdr.Clark Bays the Populists are stronger than ever as a factor to assist stive I There total vote reached 800,000 and they will hold the balance of power in the Senate after March 4. next. A balance of power in the Senate means a balance of power tn Congress and in all national 1 gir-latiou. Senator Stewart, of Nevada, said: “I have no information regard ing the movement, and of course, have no correspondence regarding the subject. I have uo do doubt, that there will be a conference of the leading men from all sections who are op posed to the gold policy of the Re publican party and Cleveland de mocracy, and that they will act together, but the nucleus of any movement must be those 2,000,V00 votes cast last Tuesday by tb<> Populist and against the twin gold parties.” Hugo’s Coffin. Victor Hugo's coffin in the Pan theon in Pans still rests on the tempory trestles upon which it was set on the day of his fune-al,near ly 10 years ago ‘Nothing has been done toward preparing the tomb in wnich it is to lie or toward erect ing a monument over it. At the time of his death it was proposed to raise a great national subscrip lion for that purpose, but nothing has been accompluhed. HOW’S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props , Toledo, 0. W® the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honor able in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druagest, Toledo, O. Wai.ding Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh C«:re is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood anu mucous surfaces of the system. Priee 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail Druggist. Testimonials free. Getting Married. She was past 30, though quite a be lie had never been engaged until now “Do you know anything about this man you ar* going to marry?’ iuq ired i friend “Not a thing.” “And do intend to marry a man you know nothing of?” “I certainly do.” “What are you doing that sot?” “Bscausel want to get married.” —De roit Free presa. 1230 HONEY COMB TOWELS, EACH 4Cts. Ty are full 34 inches long and 20 inches wide. New and bright and you can buy them at the value of a wash rag at BASS BROS & Co. old store, and PARKS & Co, store. This is but a little item of the Thousand Great Bar gans in store for the Fall Trade. Our prices for the next sixty days will be a revelation to the people, Prices unmatchable, unap proachable and phenomenal. YOU HAVE NOTICED The new«pap< r annouiiCe .nents of our purchase of the i Receiver of the Ladies’ Baz iar! Co,, cf Atla* ta. It was a great stock of fine Dry Goods, Notions, &c., invoicing $39,- 000. The price paid was nearer nothing than that at which BW-h goods never changed hands in this broad land, if our knowledge of such matters is a true record— _ ——in ill ***** *•» 8400 Yds, heavy yard-wide Brown Sheeting, worth 6 1-2 cat 4 I -2c. 420“ Turkey red Damask, never before under 2Oc going at 12 1-2 c. 8000 “ Good quality 4-quarter bleached Domestic worth 71 -2c at sc. 300 “ Cheviot shirts, with collars, priced by othef s at $ 1,50 to go at 75c 80 Fine Count all wool, 10-quartor.Bed Blankets worth $ 10. 4000 Yds Dress Ginghams, lovely styles &. colorings worth 7c at 4 1-2 c 300 Pairs Ladies Fine dress button shoes, worth $ 1.75 logo at $ 1.00. 3500 Ladies Hemstitched Handkerchiefs worth from 10 to 15c at sc. 2000 Yds. High grade, fine count, Sea Island full 36 inches wide, worth 71 -2c at 5c 240 Pairs of that celebrated Shoe for Men, “Goodwear” worth sold only $ j gn 360 Suits Fine all wool Cheviot Suits single and double breast* sacks, blacks browns. & c., worth $ I 0.00. Made to sell for $ 10.00 □ more. Nothing equal to them in a thousand miles of Rome for the money FOR DRESSES By far the largest stock in this market. An almost endless variety from h single width American goods from 4c up to the exquisite effects of French Artists : extra quality. Covert cloth. Serges, Novelty Mixtures, Armures, Bengalines, Popliues, Heniietta Cloths, Camel’s Hair, Granites etc. Satin Dutcheeses, Mone°, Fail es and Bengalines, China and Japan ese Silks. Surahs, Ginghams, Prints, Peicles, Cheviots, Crepe Cloth. Ducks 1 Denims, Suitings, Stupes, etc. 46-inch Covert Cott , the latest comer of new drees fabrics made to sell atsL2s ; our price .85 Beautiful Mixture Covert Cloth, worth 80c. at 60 Two toned Diagonals, 36-inch Double fold Suitings, 36-incb, lark and medium gray, worth twice the price; lull suit, 8 yards for sl, 10.000 yards Fancy Dress Prints, 34x64 cloth woith 7c.. 5 Trimmings & c. All the imaginables in Silks. Illumi nated Surahs, two-toned, shot and seeddot effects, Bengalines, Tff, Velvets Velveteens, Si k Braids, Pass ementeries Jets. Novelty Trimmings, Ribbons, etc. The desirable thi ngn laces. Embroideries on Swiss, Nain sook and Cambrics, all-over embr< j deriei*. 400 ya ids Hamburg Edging oith 10c yard at ,5 20c Hambi rg at 10 30c Hamburg at .I‘i CLOTHING-- A choice assortment for Men, Boys and Children. Swell effects in Tweeds, Cheviots, Cas simeres and Serges: also swell effects in the dressier Fabrics, prominent among which Clays, and West of England Diagonals. Suits for slender people, stoat people, young giants and little fellows. Especial attention is called to 360 Men’s all-wool .'Suits at $5.00, They are simply unmatchable bargains. (Jur stock of clothing from lowest • » • t [i i it r • » i us as the most brilliant haul of our victorious buyer, and we are determined bp the power of magnetism ot price to put more new clothing on men and b »ys this fall than ever before in our business experience. The few prices named th-oughou this advertisement <remere ly suggestive of the way other goods will be sold, 300 Ov<re .its less than half prices Fact. Superb assortment ot Clcak*. MII I I l\l PQ V I The Bazaar ’ s Btoc k a!inos t in i S entiretv wa? snipped to oi< iVHLLIIILIx I » Rome house—cost nearly nothing, and if you want anythin/ in this line, we will sell it to vou away down below prices of others. C<>m j to soe u». BASS BROTHERS & COMPANY. For the goods here’advertised, go to either o F i jrg stores, excepting that the Millinery will be found at’the .PARKS k CO, store,* and the Clothing and Hats w’ll beat the old store.|2s ,roa i Street. Less Than 1 9 Cts on $ I A good percentage of these I goods has been shipped to us, ! and if prices and values count for anything they will go into new homes in quick order. Our import order for Fall Goods had • "*en placed) beforethis purchase w. made •nd the goods are daily. Must have room, and we are going to make it by bidding adi“u to a pile of mer- , ••handise at once. Small Wares. Needles, Pins, Hair-Pins, Threads. Wba'ebone , Casings, Hooks-and- Eyes, Tapes. Dress Shields, Coisets Laces, Shoe Laces, Buttons, Brads, etc. A straw will show the way the [ wind blows, so in these little items we will save you 50 to 100 per cent on your purchases. Stick a pin down here; if you Lave no pin, we will sell you a whole paper of English Pins for s*. a 1 everything else relatively as < ea_>. Blankets and Flannels These goods at prices that cannot and will not be duplicated by others We bought them away under the market at the great auction sale of Faulkner Page & Co. Ne w York in May when the mecury was up and blankets were down. We want you to see our full size ; Bed Blanket at each—a trifle 25 ' Our Fine All-woo. Blankets SIO.OO [ value per pair 8.50 1 Nothing evei J ffere 1 equal to I them as barga n R Flannel worth 25c at 15 W te Flannel worth 25c at 15 Red Twilled Flannel worth 40c at 25 Wlnte Twilled Flannel worth 40c at 25 Every quality of Flannel cut almo-t in two. Gents Furnishing Linen Bosom Shirts Lautidried and Unlaundried ; and Cheviot Shitts Satine Shirts Drawers Scriven’s Patent Drawers; Ho»i<rv and Glov- I So Price! Price! will do it. When the cost is I small, a 1' action of the worth, our lee -way io imiueni e-19 1-2 I cents on the dollar, a al! fine goods too J iilosi of th€fid Winter Good*—l9 1-2 cents You never heard of such a pur ci ase. in gr at vui“ty B<-<rh. '’’ l( r Hcs* SupporujiH < uff-» Buu <um < jr and Cuflu etc.; m. in tt>w buv.i it.- logue, Afer’s Firn* Al'. Wo I Sts and Drawers silk Stiched wonh each si,- I 00 • kh long as thia Ij. lua.s «iur price will bo .09 1,900 4- Linen Collars It Shoes There is ro equal to our Dongola Button Shoe for Ladies at 1.0« Have you yet bought our s ecia T.q-Soj. Blucher . 0 f < in u? This Shoe is made ♦ xcusively for us and cannot bo sold by ai.y one <xcept us. We take the bold position that <here is not Shoe on euith of equal wear to it at the price 1.59 Laities’ Cloth Tup Patent tip great I value ‘ Ladies’ Genuine Kid worth | j*.oo at 2.0 C I Lauies’ Solid Substantial Shoe* I Men’s lb x Calf Shoes 1.50 ! H»nd Welt Calf worth $4.50 at 309 Children’s Solid Shoes Misses’ Heavy Shoes School Sb- es worth sl. 0 rt School Shoes worth $1 .25 at l.Ot MiHHtb l iueShjes worth $2 OJat 1 5t For uh our *t< res we bu* to m \ Shoes as any 4 houses in Rome; we buy them ut headquarters with the cash uud we buy them at lower prices than tie He « bo buy’ in M>ia''er quanti 'i<-«. Come •01 r ph<> for Shoet.