Newspaper Page Text
J A. WlLLS—Dentist—2oßl-2 Hroad street
B over Cantrell and Owens store.
J. H. Spn look. Attorney at Law, Mason
Temple Buildidg
Temple Building Rome Georgia.
JAMES B NEVlN—Attorney at Law Offic
Poverty Hail postoffice cornor 3rd Aveum-
f>” IS. W UNDERWOOD- Attorney at
* asonte Temple.
Rome, Ga.
R .JCE A DENNY—Attorneys at law. Otho
i i Masonic Temuie. Rome, Ga.
e— ———— i
WW. VANDIVER— Attorney and Conn
t seller at Law—Rome, Ga.
VK .» H. ENNIS—Jno. W. STARLING—Enni) |
y , >V Starling. Attorneys at Law, Masonti
Temple, Rome, Ga. feb23.
DH. RAMSUR— Physician and Hurgeo>
Office at residence 614 avenue A, Fonrve
LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Snrgeon
„ Offers his j rofessional services to tfis pee
pie »f Rome and surrounding' country
Office at Crouch and Watson’s drug storey 20 r
fcSTwad street. J
DR. W. D. IJMYT- Office at C. A. TrevUtt I
drug store, fa. .t.'flTlroad street Telepin.*! If
110. residen te. No. 21
Frank A- Wynn, Physician and Surgoß
office at Tretitt & Botins >n drug store !.i
Telephone 13 Residence 406 Second Avn ’
■ Mmpt attention given all professional call \
finable Farms irtnloH
We have On hand a
dumber of good farms
for renter sale. These
farms have come into* ,
our hands at very rea- |
sonable figures, and
we are in position to
offer them at low
prices and on most
favorable terms. Ten
antsand buyers would
do well to consult us
bofcre trading. We can
rer»t or sell. To good!
parties, wishing time
on Farms we are paa
pared to offer bargains
Come and see us
Hoskinson &, Harris.
■GEORGIA, Floyd Couniy:
Pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary
JWil! be told before the < ourt house door in the
<Slvo Rome, said County between the iega
Micurs >f Sale, on the first Tuesday in Dec
18M, the following property to wit: Land lot
Na. 25 in the 16th .Distr ct and 4th Section of
IPloyd c ounty Ga. containing (40) acres more or
J e«e. •«*
A! so lot No. 24 in the 16th District and 4th
■Set •> a «f Floyd county Ga. containing (40)
acres more or less. Also lot N 0.864 in the 3rd
Hi strict and 4th Section Floyd county Ga. con
t ainiagAA aares iuo-e or less. Said land sold a
ri»e property of Elizabeth Dempsey, deceased—
Tirrws of sale cash.
V E.inis admr. of the estate of Elizabet
S’ jo-j-, deceased.
"Acts Like Magic.”
Man f eld’s Magic Condition
ForPrevention and Cure of Dis
ease s in Horsesand Cattle.
Magic Poultry Food and Egg
For Cure and Prevention of Dis
eases in Fowls of all kinds.
Magic Lice Killer.
For Exterminating Vermin that
nfest Poultry, Horsesand dogs
IMLk -:<• II ealing Remedy.
A Splendid External Remedy
for Horse and Man.
These* goods have established re
lation in over 15 Stables and are
eolutely guaranteed to be the
-t on the market and to do th
work, give them a trial.
They are for sale at Rome by
Lowry Bros
Dry Goods
We Are
and LOW «
Lowry Bros
old Stand
403 Broad St,
Brooklyn, N Y. No*vet»b«r 16.-
The safe of John Y. Mokane' the
t»x-boBB of (teravseend, low in Sing
Sing waa opened in the mnnicipal
builbiug, Brooklyn thia morning,
by the board of assessors,, and to
the great surprise and eonsterna.
ticn of all it was emty.
The only things they found were
a white slip of blank paper partly
torn throurh the ceoSer, and a
email modle brass hook„au inch
The Brooklyn authorities have
been at work for three months try
ing to get possession of the safe
and the books and. papers, suppos
ing them to be locked in the safe,
and expected to show conclusively
whether McKane is behind in his
accounts with the town.
McKane signed an erder a few
days ago allowing the assessors to
open the safe, and this mornii g
was the time fixed for the exami
nation of the safe to begin. About
twenty men were present when it
was opened, among them a number
of McKane’s friends, who laughed
when the safe was found to be emp
ty. The officers claim that they
did not expect to find the papers
in the safe and that they have all
the documents they want anyhow.
Mississippi’s Official Vote.
Jackson, Miss., November 16. —
The complete official returns ar
rived at the office of the secretary
of state from the seventy-five coun
ties in Missisisppi show the follow
ing aggregate vote at the congres
sional election in the seventh dis
tricts on November 6th :
Democratic, 25,501 ; populist,
12,096: prohibition, 451 ; republi
can, 1,900.
This was less than half a vote.
The registered vote of the state ap
proximates 90,00©. No state officers
were voted for. The state election
occurs i e <t year.
Banker in Texas Fails.
Fort Worth, Tex., November 15.
—H. P. Schmidt, banker and gen
eral dealer, in Bremond, Robert
son county, filed a deed of trust
yesterday to secure his creditors
in the sum of $75,000. Schmit t
creditors in the sum of $75,000.
Schmidt’s assets are fion SIOO,-
000 to $125,000.
George has no Mongoose.
Asheville, N. C., November 16.
—To quell the rising excitement,
Chas. McNamee, George Vander
bilt’s representative here, wishes it
stated that there ,is no mongoose
on the Vanderbilt estate noris one
If the good office s of the United
States shall be accepted by the
quarreling nations in the Orient
will there be something for Mr.
Blount to do? —Cincinnati Enquir
Mrs Mattie L. Mauldin j Libel far
vs. f Divorce
Perrian. Mauldin. ) in Floyd
Superior Court Meh, term 1894.
It appearing to the Court by the
return of the Sheriff, in the above
stated case that the defendant
does not reside in said county and
it further appearing that he does
not reside in this State. It is or
dered by the court, that service be
perfected on the defendant by the
publication of this order and no
tice twice a month for two months,
three months before the next term
of this court, in the Hustler, of
Rome, a newspaper published in
Floyd County in which Sheriff’s
advertisements are published.
April 18 1894. W. M. Henry,
J. 8. C. R.'C.
Mrs Mattie L. Mauldin, ) Libel
vs. I for
Perrin A. Mauldin. ) Divorce
To the defendant Perrin A.
Mauldin, you are hereby notified
to be and appear at the next Su
perior Court to be held in and for
said county on the 4th, Monday
in next September then and there
to make your defense, if any you
have to the Plaintiffs Libel for Di
Witness the Hon. VV. M. Henry,
Judge of said court, this April 18,
Wm. E. Beysiegf 1,
Clk. Supr. Coi r?.
Judge Newman Will Hear The Mo
tion For a New Trial Saturday.
The motion fora-new trial in the
j Ballew saso, will be heard before
I Judge Newiran Saturday.
It will remembered ib.aß Bal
lew was ecently tried before Judge
[Newmamfer appropriating: pen-
I sion niorey of an old negro client.
The defendant, Ak W. Ballew,
was a lav yer at Rome, and in the
course of professional duties*, se
| cared a large government peaeion
j for an old colored woman.
A» a tew for his B*rviews h® wa«
paid a large slice of the pension.
I The matter was brought to the at—
I iention of goverumenfrofficialwand
the lawyer was arrainqued bef<'”w
courts on a charge of fraudulent
ly approprii ting penriou meuey..
In the nsetion for new trial* Mr.
W. C. Glenn, leading counsel for
the defence will urge several
grounds, among whso i will ie a<
charge to affect that one of vhw
member# es the jury that convict ■
ed hie client is do',, citizen oh tho
Nuited States.—
pleasant in the taking,, pleas*
iUJt * u tLew- action—bat ui>
rivaled in their results. That
fairly 'describes Dr. Mei-ce i 1
Pleasant Pellets. In every
I disortier O1 liver, atoniacSt,
I aiid bowels they give
pf. I cure.
J For Bilirttsness, Jaundic*,
K IndigostioiConstipat.on. Diz-
Soar Stomach; aad
or Bilious He*ilachu.<s
ttiey are t.Se natural remedy-.
I They’re tiuy, sugai: - coatad
&. LyU ly J granules, scarcely larger tb-ia
mustard *wed»—a compound at
refined and -oiieentrateri vegetable extrajts.
Put up in sealed vials, always fresh and re
liable; a convenient vest-jxxrket remedy.
They’re guaranteed to.give in
Bvery case, ec yaur money is retur ied.
Any experimenting with Catarrh lit the
Head is dangerous. Serious troubles result
from its being driven to the ♦hroat and lungs.
Dr. Sage’s Catarrh R*2medy, by its mild,
soothing, cleansing, ani healing pro|>ertjee,
completely and permarently cures the very
worst casas. Its proprietors offar re
ward for any incurabD case.
“Orange Blossom” a. parities
cure of all diseases peculiar to
w men Sold fresh by D. W .Curry
zzwaartßTOitaraEXunxapWDßi® uesaKtaua ssitsm
Sonlta Ry. Co cMnls.
To. The East.
L<t ave i<ast some 5.40 a. m > 4,40 p.
Arrive Cleveland .7,55 a.m.. 7.02 p. m
“ Knoxville 10.25a,,ai. Ju.OO p.m.
“ 8ri5t01.2.15p.m.. 4.30 a. n>
“ Washington .4.02 a- m. 9.40 p. m
“ Baltimore 5.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.
“ Philadelphia,....7 05.a~m. 3.50 a. m
•• Mew York... '.. .10.50 x,.m. 6.52 a. m
T:»in leaving Hast Reine at 5.40 a.m.. has a
Pulitnan Sleeping car, Mobile to clevel-aurt,
wh<ne it connects-with the- popular Vestifeule
Dining car train for Washington and New York
This train also connects at Cleveland, with
traindor Chattanooga, arrives at 9.55 a. ra. The
4,p jn. train connects at Oohewrh Junction
with Sleeping oar, for Radford, Va., making di
r nt oonneotioufor al o<vi u ts V s'*
To West. And The North
Leave East Ra io 4.40 p. m. 2.00 a.m> 10.40 am
i Arrive Chattanooga... .7JOp. m. 4.50 a.w. 1.20 pm
“ Cincinnati J.,30a. Ml. 7.20 p.ia.
Nashville 8.20a. m. 10,55a.iu.75i0p.tu
“ Memphis 7.00a. m. 6.10 p. ui.
“ Si. Lotus 8.45 p. nu. 7.05 a. m.
*• Kansas city ,7. t 25 a. m, 10.25. a. m.
“ Litt’* Rock 2.30 p. m. 2.45>a, m,
“ Ft, Worth .8 :«0 a: in: 7 -50■ t> m
Trains. leaving East Rome 4:40 psn is the pop
liar “cioicinnati & t-lecida Limited.” It is full
vestibuled and runs solid Jacksonville to ciu -
cinnati. carrying Pullman’s flnest sleeping cats
and a -Magnificent observation carfrom Mace*
to ohaltanoogafseats free), where it makes di
rect connection with solid train with through
neeyimg car attached Chattanooga to Mempluc
01m ecting there for all points west.
To South Georgia, Carolina and
eave East R0me...250 am 1115 am
Arrive Atlanta 6.00 am 155pm6f5p
“ Augusta ,1.20 pm 9 25p m.
I Macon 10 50 a m 725 p m 10 40 p m.
“ Savannah ... 680 pm "90am
“ Brunswick.... 716 p m BBan
•• Jacksonville ..9 00 ptn 830 at m
Train leaving East Rome 2:5 Bam runs so
tofßrunswick. Sleeping cars Chattanooga to At
anta, The 1115 a m train solid vestb
billed train to Jacksonville, stops in Atlanta 1
55 until 7 30 p m : takes on sleeping ear to Bruns
wick and the connection from 4:02 train, The
1115 a m train connects with R & D,S AL, A &
W P and oa railroad trains in the Union Depot,
Atlanta, It Also has an elegant observation
chair ear (seats free) to Macon,
To Alabama, Texas & the West.
Leave East Rome 9 40 p in
Arrive Anniston ,1a 05 night. 750 p m,
•* Selma 5 30. am
“ Montgomery.... ,7no a rn
I 1 Ue 12 80 noon
•• New Orleans 4 45,p m
“ Houston 7CO a in 4
Leave East Rome 4 10 p m Alpine Accomoda
Leave East Rome 2,00. p, m, Gadsden and At
talla Accommodation.
Tiain leaving East Rome 9:40 p m has Pull
man Sleeping car to Mobile connecting with I
Pullman ear to New Orleans,
For further particulars, ti Lets or sleeping
car reservations, call on or write to
T, c, SMITH, I" &TA, RomiGa.
L A, HELL, D. I’ A, Selma, Aia.
J, J. FaRXSWORTH DPa Atla i'a oa,
c, A EENSCOTKII, A Gl’ A„ Knoxville, Tenn,
\v . a Tit;k, g. r, >, Washington pc, j
CEMBFB 1894.
I GEOHKIA, Floyd Cet
Wil 1 he sold befm« the iween h>> ise door in
the city »»t Itoine FiiFyti Lo. , bc»-W6en the'
level ’MMirs of sale ui the IsU'fiuesuuy in Dec.
i'B94. Hie lollowing <iee«)ribe<t property to-wit.
I inat irvet, or parent-of land lying and being
I mill .ted, i. the count?/, of Floyd auu State of Ga
anu lying in crititupCity aujvh. ng Koine Ga.,
and kuuwi in the plan of said I’riotup Citv, as
city loi s. uumbers 40 41,42, 43 Mid 44. Levied on
by virt-e of a mortgage ti tamned from the
f’loyd S'kperior court in favor of rienrarv Saving
and l.oau Company vs.*Marg-*wt s. and F. L.
| McGinnis.. As the ptoperty cl the Deft.
Ab o at the same tune and nlaoe. On* Bay
< mure ab- wt t> years c»lrt, name Mollie M hands
[high. Levied <>n by v Hue of * mortgage Ufa
issued from .he Floyd City Court io favor of A
D. Hardin AgU for L. Lytle vs. R . E. Hudson.
As the )>' vperty of tb«-Deft.
Also at tUe same time and pl.viv. Forty acres
of lot ot 1 ywi No. 182*i.23rd, Uiairiut aud 3rd.
Section of Floyd Go. Sa. Levsiul n by virtue
I *n a mortgage fl fa issued from the Flovd bupe
j rior court in favor of U.. Ik Soott ve. Juo.H. God
! dat'd, as the, property otthe Deft
Aho at t’ie same time tuid plaoe, <>n ail tha
tract or parriM of lai d situated, Lying, am bein t
iu the 23r't, Diet, and 3rd. Section of F’,oyu Go.
I.a. and being thatp.rt ot lot i>o ; U7 iu said
Dist. and Section that-lies.on the "west side of
the Summerville road and is b funded »u the
■ south by land known as Ware laud on tile west
I by land ot W. A. < north by that
x ?art of lot an. 117 willed uas lonvey-ed. by H
D. Aycock to w. P. Simpson andon the East by
the Aumme-viue road, lucres more
or less. Lev led on by vu iufc 06 a fl fa issued
from the Fl >yd City coiwt in lavor of Potts and
I’urts vs. R G Liaukney ,as the property of the
Also at th*same tiiiai and ylace, A certain
two horse hack, double h led, also a two Isorce
plow No. 5 Llhattanooga w.chaivauka. and t o
one horse tufiiiug plow ii.and al*o ? .of
on harness, Levied on by virtue of a mortgage
iita issued lain lhe Flcvd City Court in u.vor
of James Long vs. John. D. Yaxbrougb *
p.-operty ot the Deft.
. Also at the sum time and place. Lo_ ...
No. 225 in ti»,22iui. Dieorict and 3rd. Section
of Floyd Co- Ga Leviedkon by virtue of a mort
gage, ti fa, issued from the Fioyl Superior court
11* favor of EuuuaE. Sowell vs. Joint W. Boss
as the proptsuy 01 the Deft.
Also at tb« same liimrand place. Lots ofla nd
Nos. 468, 469 and .i 4 in the 3rd.. District a j<l 4th
Section ot Floyd Co. Ma. C4>’iiaining,4fl. acres
each more <»_• lass, uav vd.oii virtue of a lax
fl fa issued by J. lUaok T .G. in favor of
State and cogvs.Mf ry As-Gm u ron
( erty of the l»«t. F
Also at th« same time aud place, lotok land
No. 41 in the '3rd Distrjot and 3rd Section of
Floyd Couutj.Ga. coalmining Wu acres. nso.U'e or
less. Levied on toy virtue .<f a dia i-au«<L from
the Fl< yd City Ceurt iu favor-of J. M . V'ern h &
Co, owners and. holders vs A B. McDonald as
makers and W. F. McCrary as wdorses, as the
property of tbaDefc. 0. F. McCrarv said :fl la
proceeding Ser. :he bilanc* of the pnachase
. money of said lot.
Also at the same time und pllace lot s£ lan r No
40 in the 4tb district and. 4th. section ot f’loyd
county, Geocgi?.,containing wo acres more or
le»s. Levied oa by virtue of a lax ti fa it sued
by J. J. Blank I. C.. in favov at'state ami coun
ty vs. BrowtkJolanson,as the property of the de
Also at the suite time Mid pl ace, oua bav hors
muleabout tenyearsol I nauwd lobe;, oue »or‘
ret mare mule a. out ten yeaisold nmuedi J aue,
one white wuamed white about five years
undone buggy,one mewing machine, oue hay
rake and one IM) horse thinablvskeiri Studeba
kerwago-. Liatied 011 bv virtue o 1 fl la s oue
4VW-. . V..»niuuuuv v toll VO IWHI «a s oue
a mortgage fl lx in favor of J L. r-ut er, the
other;? laborer’s lein fifa hi favor <f S L Hunt
l>uili issued fiom the t itv Court an. I vs.
C L Ansley, as. the prsyv tty of the delta idant
Also at lhe same time anti place, ivie lai iu of
forty five a ores in 23d tfistrietand steti. >n of
I' loyd count. . Siaie Georgia, dasorilaf :d as !
tallows: 1 emiueucing at a stake on tl»< east
side ot Summerville n»aj, run. ing. north 871-2
degrees, e .*. ?3 .»b .bains to or near the beml '
of Oostanaula river, leenceup the river to the
( South of Dry\ < reek t» the original! tooun .hei
( line be ween lots so- tt.4 ami io., lamia I
| of A 11 McDonald, * hence westerly paeale.l with t
the first line ami wiu. said origiirilYine to the •
< Snmmei v Hit road 61 inailvs, theme along the!
east edge .if said io.ul to-starting .joint, l.evied .
I on by Virtue of a fifa. issued from Floy! Sure
, rior court in favor of the Georgia Loan anil
fru it com 1 ,tiy for til.i use and bonetit of Lvdia.
M. l.merette M. orcen Koeelia D, W.dl
vs < '’lie w Gibson is the property of ..he dett
Also at the »atue t-nut anu place... *Mie half <>t
j lot o 8 in the Oostanaula division, to |tbe cit
-1 of Rome, <;a„ commencing at coiner 01 North
t boundary stive., and 7th Avenue running west
Itioia.ih Avenue to Uih- Oostanaula. river, bound
on t ne tenth by the properly of Mrs Lucy Ragan
mo dng along saidproperty west to O<«tanaula
riv. r, emit a ni-g oue lour room.boMse ami one
) two room house, iißdialiout three acres more or
les-. Levied on by virtue ot a ti.ta issued from
the Floyd Ordinary’s, court in. faa or of Ali y
Fowler vs Thomas B. Higginbothai n, as the
pr< petty of the desk
Also at the same time and. place, a certate
paxcel of lAnd lying in the 3th. W ard of thna
city of Rome, (feetnerly Hil sfeoro or Snnth ’
Rome) and known :iapart of Hot No 34 in slid
< o. and State fronting 54 1-2 ieec All Cave Spring
ma * now Main St. and ruiuiiug back sane
width I’o fee 1, bounded on the Ntorth by Roland
g 1 ecu. and on the Sou.h by Mrs. John Hu«-hes
amt <-n the back a# Shorters, being the same
property deeded by Mrs S. H. Patterson to k.
T. ; argroves 00 Jan. 20th. 1884, and bv R; T
Harg. o /es uee.W to Malinda. Hargroves'Levied
wu oy virtue of a mortgage fl. f a issued f-.mi
the Floyd Superior court in favor ot R, D. Van-
Dyke transferee-vs .rgroves. as the
p.opertyof the Dett.
Also at the same time aasi plate. That contain
lot in die sth. Ward of the iity ->f R. me f'l wd '
Co. ua. Beginning at a point on 'he cast side I
<>t l-o t at enue 120 feet south fr-jia tha iniersec- I
tion of Cherokee St. <ml Bort Avenue and gv •
mug thence in .in easterly direction, parallel i
wgripChetokre St. 163 12 feet more or le s '
I thence <t rignt angle tn a Boutlierly direction
I 66 2-3 teei, thence at riglm in a westerly
direction 163,1-2 feel, mure or le>a to Fori Avu.
and thence al-mg Fort iwuue in a northerly
direction ii<. 2-3 feet, to the i...j lfi (> f begiunitiJ
Levied on by virtue of a .D'stn« court fife is
sued from the 919th. Ds-t. G M of Floyd
t'ce court in favor of Atlanta Carriage Hard
ware Co. v.s. W. T. Dreuno-.i. A. the proparty of
thepeft ”. T, Dreit.. hi, and tseid bv hire un
der bond for title from .1, <J. McDonald and
< S. Spanks. Levy made by H.Beard L. C
Also at the same t;nie and piacc, all, right;
title and HBterest of srxs. Edward Haile, the De
fendant tn and to th-at tract »r parcel M land
located, in the state c/ Gecrgta county es Flovd.
in the city et Rome and in Etowah division
thereot.and Irontotg 15# fee, O n ,;th Avenue
fonueiiy Etowah street, and 130 feet «u Hast
Second: street, foniK--|y Fxanklin stuaei, the
same being bit No. gj on which there is a 7 room
residence and a 5 rsom residence, and being al
so a part as lot K<>,l3 adjoining lot Nra y »m
Ironiing on tith Avenue, this part of lot No. 4,
being included in >he abtwe troutage on 6tl
Avenne of 150 feat on which there is ai roon
reswJence. fhatpan of 10l No. 43 h-rein levie<
up.u iyirg between 10l No. 42 and tha& part »
D ?”K>ass <& c*. ami Mt
Henderson. lamed on by virtue of 2 h las is
sued from the »10 District G M. Justice Court
favoref J. B. S. Holmes the ether in fa
mJin Ju’ KMrnes, Gariington and John-or
hoth vs Mrs. W. C. Haile, as the vrcparty of lb.
Welt. Levy made by W. P McLeod L, C.
*[so at tho same time and place all iny (M I
Earle s) interestin my father’s (A. Earl, Deo d
estate, said estate consisting < f 13?«.,ws of > an
ot No. ICO. 160 f ores of land lot No. Hi,.5 acres ol
land lot No. .44 SO acres of land lot No. 243, al
<2. te - V " g i “' rt bf, ' n K iu the 25:11 1 Ttriel
and 3rd Section of Floyd Co., G.; my interests
described in the will of my fa: her (A. Earle
i el V<? Te hu , l " lre ' l dv’lars, and one
rounn (i 4) of the remaining property. Levied
"" b^V rtUe i Os a ,n « rt (.'aK« fl *A issued from
S,IiS, SnP « ,Or Co, ' n ' n * svo ’ oi K«t<d>"m and
the TleCt MarBUB B - Earle, as the property of
Os the upper end nf
town. Chas Weis
opened up a meat mar
ketat 4 Cothran St.
where he will be glad
+0 seehis many friends
~. 0 P? ce to get
ail kinds of steak roasr
chops and c i would be
pleased to have you
twive me a cal I.
I Admiristrati iw s a | e
Georgia, Floyd Ce t ntyi-
1 ursumit to oniAr
Ot said county . granted bn Ordl ° W >
vsmlier 1894, there will b. lu>f
house door iu the ciiy of Rome V* the C ° Brt
Floyd on the flrM 7 n -»
between the >e Kal ho , n . R J
deserit>ed property to-wit That ‘ h * ,oUowl, >2
Section of Floyd county g» i.. u /„ n<l 3r,<
west side of the B,dma Division r" ng ° n ‘ h »
E. T. V. AO . lUII formerly th.
Railway Co.) on said lot No ISoVh ' B ° Uther “
k-wn is-Hume's Branch”
road and running with said Rr-m a 8a " Rail *
i u.HU it strikes the .-Si J
[ Nos. 192 and liiu Thence west with^T 6 " ’° U
! line to the Brooks corner: T 6l ' 111
, -srly direct on with the j i ® n » west
J Nos maud Listen ch.uns and X bn?
Cstake, thence southerly at ' ’ to ‘
original line about twelve chams t W ‘ th ’
railroad. Thence with said r ’ le Bai *
, -k.nniog point, sai a * e
’» acres more or less. Xa " “ n ‘ aini ”f
~ >ng seventy-fly., t 75) Ilcreh or be
-ng partsot lots nos. 107 and MK ■ „ " b< '
; -Strict aad .3rd. Section said county and Src*
; -owned and possessed by said Ssa-fi d B,att >
t v...- a ”7
September 3nd 1873 ami ree.rded , ’, *”
I- aiceiu sand county in book “T’M dXt"
! istrand syecia! reference is madieto
, . eoi.vey-iuicetßthef.cinreferred n
atv.esonptmn.Seld as the property, f 1 TT
; ' bury, decerned. Terms of sa e « h T ± 8 ?"
; 5tbf1894. “' T^ IS Nov.
• I 6. W. Underwood Admr. Est. es j . „
( I bury, deceased. A ' Stan ’
li ears Support?
• ticorgia, fabydlCou
; To *ll wtom it may concern: Notice is he „
byg>ven thatthe app rißer9 apMnW [ h o e *
. ‘ S “ Slgn asecond years t .
> zabeth J. €knip t the widow of Hfl c air . .
ceased, have filed their award and nnJ
and suffloienc cause is shpwn, the reue
nade the judgment of the Court acthe Deeem
SS* :88 * OftB * C - rt^”rdiua I
1 John 3; Davis
. Ordinary Floyd County,.Georgia.
; Application for Letters of Dig-
! e e
Wsergia, .Floyal county;
•_ Whereas Alexander JohnQnn •
' Joseph Sliarp.i represents Uuh
U.m duly filed,, that he has adininuil peti '
m January 1364. This October Ist. IW4 d
zy a. „ uoiiN e, Dark
Ordinary Floyd ' Jodfity, Georj
Petition for Partition,
I Mr ' i - Flora ) Petition for par I
tMr i l, i‘" kh,,USCr i I,,v <lS« I
■*• JJ, M , Kit-hois J perior Crt. Sept. I
■ ... T?' (Term 1894,
•»., w Thomas. j
tlle G w. Thomas: You ire I
X. »fX’ , T’‘ to ' he a " d a,,pear at »*«■>«'
term of the Sttpenor court to be held in and far I
ts<' ti, ,•' 'T V*' 9ec,,n<l in Jamiarv I
ISJS, then and there to make vour defense it ■
it ','. aTe t,le alh,ve partition I
c>ai<l petition being to partition atnung the live ■
owners thereof the fol.owing proper’?, tv-wit- I
Wnat was wnaeriy knoa n as lot number (21: ’■
1 LPT” i hiMne - fronting on Main Street, tw» I
ntimlied and flfry eight fee .and running back fl
along < herokee Save. so ,- .mdr-d and twenty ■
three feet.tile back of tt lot being only two ■
hundred and forty-one eel wide, containin’ fl
two acres more or lees, being the propertv de- fl
senlieil in a t’eed from Alfred SI orter to Thom- fl
as Ihomas, dated Febroarv llui, 1870. subse- fl
| quently conveyed hy said Thomas, to his ehtl fl
dre'i. Also that t'rr, of land in the Fifth Ward fl
of the city of Home, Ga., lying in mediately back fl
of the pro. erty above describe-d and bounded fl
Low: Fronting on Cherokee formerly Bet fl
rv street,.two bund’ed and seven feet, and run fl
mng ba< S the same width to an two bun fl
fired and forty one feet, being fee same proper fl
ty described in a deed from Alfred Shorter te fl
G w. Thomas and children, dated May 12th fl
Witness the H«>n. W, M Htenry. Judge of fl
Floyd Superior court, This Sept. 25th, 1894. I
Wu, E Bevsiegel I
AlkgSiipt. Court ]
Floyd Co, Ga, ■
Year’s Support. I
iGKOKKIA, Floyd County: I
ro *U whma it may concern : Notice is hereby ■
given, that tie aopraisers appointed to se‘ . at B
I and iissign a year's support to I’orwelia 1 M
' the vvulow o.f Isaac Evans de eased, have t'ieiß
their awarn, and unless good and sufficient
< a:i-e is shewn, the same will be made the
' menkof the court at the necemlwr term. 1:<*I ■
of ths court of Ordinary. This Nov. Tib. ■
John I'. Davis M
Ordinary Floyd* cou ® .v, corgis, ■
Bids Wanted. ■
Georgia, Floyd County.. fl
The Board of Comniiwiiouers «f Roa' 1 *
Revenue of said ' nunty will receivebi-lsofpe 1
sonsdesiring to act as ferry urao at Pope'- 1 '' r
Freeman's ferry and Veal’s ferry in said '
ty, for the year 1895. Said bids to be in the
n.f The clerk of the Board tai or before the
•lay »f January, 18*5. The Hoard reservo
right to reject any aad all bids.
d- Max Meyerhardt, Cirk.
id M
p: 1 "I rag
£ Guardian Sale. ■
>d i .■
►f I. Susi* W. Allgood.Guardian of Andrr»
c - Allgood, will make application to Judge J ll *
Hunt, Jadge ot the Superior Court of tin
» circuit. at his office in the court house, “
“ «ity of Griffin, Spalding oosuty, G*
>0 3rd uay of December, 18114. an order »u: la rtz> n
B the sale, at private Bale, the so lowiag
11 ty of Andrew F. Allgood, her ward,ti>«B
, r undivided one-third interest in th* l trUl
11 and situated in fathransboro Floyd <• ■■
-t known as lota Nos. Thirteen, Fourteen »“
I teen, frontingsixty-slx f> t -ch
e and running l av- one liuu...«>a and UW I .’
J feet westerly, this property hereby so lll
U iag and seuth of the Baptist church.
’t Baid sale is to be made for the P ur P
because said property is ’
lots, productive of ao rents 01 incotn*
constant expanse in paying taxes a ,lu 1 ||H
■ is depreciating in xalue.
Guardian of Andrew F. Allgood.
FOct. B). 14114.
> Libel for Divorce. |
Georgia, Floyd county.
Carrie E. Williams ) LUxtl for'l:', j
VS 'No 4‘>. I-Io? " jwd.
Beni. L. Williams) < oiirt, Sept.
■lojtiie defemiant Hcii.iamm I-. '
are hereby not Hied ami comma
anpe.irat the next term ol the
to beh'-ldin the aforesai l ' """ 1 , then
: mi In-2nd Monday H .l.muar 1 ■ |jble
there to answer pl nfiU's c ,,urt
divorce, As In default thereof sa
pro. • cil as to justice shall jinlg'’
Wi-ni’s- file Hon. W. M. He . s lte
, comPv. "his 2.;--
. isti4. W E. i cyse e . ‘ lk> feu l w
wice a :uo lor 2:m>.