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About The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1894)
=\ I \'b Sb^^C-® 8 •£ ■' ; •'--^••■ , ~~"~7~T-~7 ff t» nr ~~' TTn3l Ws| - Avenue. JT.“ „ CZ3 E JL?.2 rlj Xj Mad son A z cn e and 58th,Street, NEW YORK. $□ per ('ey ; up American Plan < -* • •-> FiR&PRO V A'J ) 'IST CLASS 'N EVERY i' v’TICULAR --• > , Two Blocks from t • ; hird and Sixth Avenue Elevate* l\a lr<> <ds The Madison ‘in I P.rr i!> Aveibiv and Belt Line Cars past, the Door. H M. proprietor Passenger E’evptor runs all night, $ D D D PIMPLES » BLOTCHES £ > ■ ■ 18 I ■ ANO OLD SORES £ ' a PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT CATARRH, MALARIA, F T and POTASSIUM KIDHEY TROUBLES C J Makes anti DYSPEPSIA 5 > Marvelous Cures ? N in Blood Poison “"h.™,.- .r.™, < (/ ■■■ 11 111 ■■■■■■!■ LiFPAwm '.cam. , cuvannah, ftjL' v. r> ■ . • Ga. : UEAKoiKS-1 toUKUt a bottle or Xi z j n iid ** ii * SourP.P P. al Hot Springs. Ark.,and IlliClWlUllj i It bus done me more pood 'rrin three K," V ■,»■■.i..r -- i i months’ treatmentat the Hot Springs. Z'W Bend three bottles C. O D. ZJ \ and Sero u s t f r ■I- AJI. a U ’jJLi Aberdeen, County, O. Zy' IK P. P. P. purities the blood, builds up ©apt. J. IT Jobtrstors ! y the weak and deb" '.<t, ni is _ ~ . _.. - . fT ' strength to weakened ■ n<„ cap s . K> «» tr*«ri «f —V rw;-yn.- There- k diseases, giving the ;>at »•■)• , .-7 i t ' properties *, I 1 happiness . . ’ mns of Eno skin. I ST X feelingsundtas .lt • de, nnered tor rcerui ye ;rs with an un- K - —.. ../,.. , ! d'sugr. t able eruption on k ( 1 I.'„ r ,„■ .. ~,. i . ... ; -t led <■ g.-ry known retne- X svnhilis f.'.r'l.’ ...5 • .•" ••' ,‘i , :n:i,until P. P. P. was used, k taJi ,„,' .. .. 1 . : ■ely c >s..,i. j. In di n i .:-.dVl!r : A..■/- ■h ‘ < -*> J - r -.•j, 0 * 1N n 9 A c ?.’„ >k blotcLca, i-it-pf ’s, old chronic iik-.s, Savannah, Ga« Ms tetter, b Id hc«x<<. bvn'. ti v<*ipeius C " wrdo \ 7 eczema- ve mrv H v, wlthrv t r ( -- f * £rr «. contradict -'11, t iiat !'. 1 ■'’•’* theb'st Tcttirriwj Mayor of S?qvin,Tex» 'V, ( > blood purifier i'i th“ w tH, p.'»<l . . 1 positive, speedy an < periuan *nt cues Ri Tez. January 14, 1893. k. inallcas ' Hi «n. . L;???;an E :)s.. Havannah, • H —,lml j Ga.: '/ ' ' iv « tJc] your P. Va Ladies v hoso svat 'as are r isoir d /’ i* Ln- c'Dcr.'- f- ‘• bUin, usually w' z and whose blood .0 i ‘•..ip'jro c>n - known ''• ” ! f years v ( * tion, due I,»menstr... . ' 1 ij r , pt? *. c relief: It; £ ■ arapeculiarly bene ed by the won- ■ • moves all ir- derful tonin and bi« i cleansing prop- ritation from the the dlsefisa ( 1 ertiesofl. ' r richly Ash, I Quo anilpr-;; 's an. ling of the ff} X Root and Potassium. aonea. Ib?.’ >t..k nr reix bottles x z | gum.wjwmiMwv< —.-. -■ and f - coni, lent 1 thor course \ Springfield, Mo., lug. Hti . 1893. S c L‘ m. uls° relieved X —I can sneak is the highest t rins of SJi.-.Hioi* v\ an<l stomach x your medicine from my wdt rsonr.l trouDlcx Yoar. tr j> : nrre"* knowledge. I was affected wr nhe irt CAI \ - T X C -X disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for uvyauw. 35 years, was treate 1 by the very best ’ \ F. h rnr^%v;’r; p^tw h n u BXK Cl B”sfi ClSl FISB. tr P?? all DRUGGISTS CCI.I. IT. cheerfully say it has done me more . amn __ _ i. good than anything I have evertaken. LIPPMAN BROS. ’L I can recommend your medicine to aU * ivirvi. a_> aw sufferers of the above dlseasea. PROPRIETORS. * MRS. M. M. YEART. Sprlngflel l, Green Coun.y, Mo. Uppman’e Block,taviunah.G, X FOR mEBYD.W. CURRY r NMU . /-x zx 1 SHIN CIE S IT ■ 'e sr them and sell iem a2 bottom prices, ■ J V: ' & PERKINS T HE KUSTLFE O OMF 1 NOVEMBER 16 SOBER AND Sfi I hit Eeligicn F/ah’' cf Fuf ths ii< u utibC, Louisville Ky . Nuv 16 —Chan. McCue, a respect bie-b okim? mnl die aged luau, w liie i. 1 , n us pre, judicea get the tietier <H Lu- judg. ueut, and wan eeverelv j ui.uhed for it by Judge Thompson 'hit. mo. niug. He wag found by detective Coi.-i uel in trout of si Andrew’s church at 1 went)-Fourth and .ilakt street*. denouncing everything | Catholic in the most profane man ner He wai elling at the top of hie voice, and even after his arrest continued his loud de iiinciation. ilv was sober, and the officers thought him mentally unbalanced. .he defendant aaid he was g »ing home from work and tu-aring a boy hurrah for Waiver Evh'ih he voiced his approval of tne b‘ y » seulimeuts. Three men suddenly confronted him and began atoning him wilen he gave the distress sign ti ot ih A. P. A.-‘T’-«»v were ter ffi ■> at tii'b, and r u.’ ne said v r I Witnesses bwoio teat he , i. hern a zatiited, and, it. uah 1. P > vp d a good char c ' . J i g< ITb mps >i: sited nun $1- and j. him under SIOO b< m ... > in. n h . SHOT AT THREE WOMEK. Then Took a Shot at Himself, and Succeeded. Louisville, Ky., November If This afternoon Allen Primo at tempted to kill his wife and moth er-in-law, Mrs. Lehman, at No. 2004 Portland avenue, but luckily his bullets went wide o> the mark. The woman saved their lives by getting out of the way of the whisky-crazed man, after he had fired several shots. Prime then shot his sister-in-law. Miss Jennie Lehman, who was in the yard, the ball lodging under the right shoulder blade, inflicting a serious, though not dangerous, wound. He then turned the revolver on himself, and, with one remaining cartridge in it, shot himself through the head. He will die. Prime is 30 years of age, and a tinner by trade. He lost his posi tion about three weeks ago, and has been drinking hard since. His wife left him two weeks ago, and went to live with her father on ac count of his cruelty. Prime had often threatened his wife’s life. ANOTHER DEAD. Lexington, Ky., Nov. 14. —An- other of the principals in the trag edy of last Thursday night died this evening at Athens. George Toomey, who was shot in the fight at Athens by James Green, and who was the cause of the second and bloodier tragedy, in which Distiller Isaac Davidson was killed and L. Sharpe cut by John Tray nor, a son of Judge Traynor, of Atnens, died after having combat ted with death for a week. Green is out on bail and will immediate ly be arrested on a charge of mur der. Traynor has gone to Nicholas ville, and will not return to Ath ens. He will have his posessions moved from Athens, and in this way prevent the feud from again breaking out. Green is at Athens. - Met Four Bad Men. Guthrie, Ok. T., Nov., 16.—A remnant of the Cook outlaw gang, which had been run out of Indian Territory, held up a German emi grant mimed Beckney, who was en route with his family from Wewo ka to Tecumseh yesterday morn ing. The poor traveler was robbed of all his valuables, his eldest daughter assaulted, and one of the horses unhitched from the wagon and taken off. There were four ban dits in the party. Deputy Marshals are in pursuit of the desperadoes. “I wouldrather trust ’hat medi cine than any doitorl know of Says Mrs Hattie Mason, of Charl ton, Carter Co., Mo., in speaking, ot Chambrlaios Colic Choleria. and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Lowry Bro . io a i will I(I If U ill lepresent Our Orginal Purchases FOR THE FALL SEASON SHOE TRADE OUR DUPI.IC.ATE ORDERS AMOUNTTO AORDTHAN r" _ ■ 11 ‘.-r ,uOO,OO II jVncl the Shoe Trade Season just O pened. W e can A.CCO 11 n t for this verv flat *? terin Tit ADE m no other way titan for the i- d<is< n that the people are out for th< ‘ best values possible so i tli e leas t 01 1 tl •< iyo f C _A_ SHI ARE LEADERS IN LOW PRICES -t-Who DARE HAY FOIIOW A- f£. ..Ct || RS Our Specialties includes the Entire line.KJ hi|Wename only a few, JM kS Our Ladies Grain Button at 75c equals Highirj $ I ,00. Mi “ Dongola ” Pat Tip, Opera Toe, All ®pfcrsl ,25. Same shoe in common sense is notte RSeoualed in this mar ket at $ 1,50 B, MS Our Ladies Fancy Dongola, $2,50 Shoe forj® S$1 ,50 is creating Panic and Consternation at® “High Price’s” headquarters. K 4 Dont neglect oui $3,50 arid s4ooLadies Ex-® raitra Fine Dongola Kids at $2, i O t<< $2,60. Our mens line represents everything from aEu fegMachine Pegged to a hand sewed-at 60c togUJ |sss,oo. n Rs A full linechildrens, 40ct052,00. Always giv-JW gMing you big Valuable and receiving only smallls BSProfits. B? Our Dress Goods Dept is full of choice Patterns latest goons and lowest prices, Dont forget that we carry an immense stocks first Class Clothing, Childrens Boys and Mens suits and Over Coats. A large Invoice of the latter bought 25c per cent under regular price. See them-at W.ILCOKERSIfi 1 LLB<2l _Br<>a<l St. Koine Gru.