The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, November 21, 1894, Image 1

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FOURTH YEAR fiNGIFdERCUT r.,, a sls Cloak Going at only $3.15-Wow! TOWELS AT 2 1-2 CENTS I anham & Sons are Keeping u pthe Sensation they Cre ated a few Weeks ago by Putting the Khife Into Values Just Think About it SB,OO, $ i 0,00, $ 1 2,00 and SISOO Cloaks Nice, New And Stylishly Made. For $4.25 x Don’t you buy a Cloak until you see our Stock. We bought out a Cloak concern and are selling Cloaks away down underthe prices other merchants pay forthem, others ad vertise Cloaks but they cant meet our prices. A cheap and very poore Cloak full size, for 55c, a good nice and stylish Cloak for $1.50 A large lot of fine Cloaks were SB, $lO sl2 and $15," We are celling at $3.75 Misses and Children Black Hose sold by oath’s for lOc our price as long as they last at 3c per pair, Large lot of Towels, 21-2 cents each worth lots more, but we gotteem cheap and can sell them cheaper than any bodv We have bought a big job in Gents Clot hing and Furnishing goods, and now sell a Pair of Fine Gloves atCostatthe Factory 50 to 75c for only 25c. Clothingdown below any body’s price. If you Have any money To spend You had better See us Before you Spend it SHOES SHOES! SHOES! Baby shoes as low as 20 cts. LANHAM &SONS M3IB, 320, 322 324 4 326. STH AVENUE FOURTH WARD Till? HUSTLER OF ROME. CONFERENCE. Those that are not Here are Cer tainly Coining ANO A ROYAL WELCOME Awaits Them all. The First Session Will be Held at 9 Tomorrow Forenoon. Preachers Aid Sot i ety servicestonight About one huuiticd ministers and laymen came in this morning and not less than three hundred more will arrive this afternoon and tonight and perhaps one hundred more will come tomorrow.” These were the words of Dr, Gibson, pas tor of the first Methodist, spoken to the Hustler of Rome this af ternoon. 'J hose who came in were met by committees who took them in charge and soon distributed them out to hospitable homes in the city. Those who come in this after noon and tonight will be received with the same wholsouled open arm hospitality for which the Hill City is so famed. Those who enma in first were either members of examining com mittees or v.ere undergraduates ready and anxious for the exami pation, and bo‘h branches were soon in ses-ijU and at work. There vere between sixty and seventy of those young r e and they showed a deep interest in their work. The first service will be held at 7:3otouight in the First Metho dist church and will lei i the in terest of the Preachers Aid Society. The first session of the Confer ence will convene in the auditori um of the First Methodist gchurch tomorrow morning and will be pre sided over by Bishop Haygood who arrived this forenoon and who is quartered at the First church par sonage with Dr. Gibson. S. M. STARK I desire to inform my Friends and Patrons and the Public gener ly, that my elegant line of Fall and Wi nte WOOLENS Has been received,and are now open for all spection, And I willfur ther state that 1 am now better prepared than ever to turn out FIRST CLASS WORK FUST GUSS GMS, At prices never before heard of in Rome, S. M. STARK, raw run 16 ARMSTRONG HOTE ROIVE GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY EVENING NOVEMBER. 21 1894. MURDEREDALL Fired the Residence and Then Committed suicide. MANIAC’S FEARFUL DEED His Invalid Mother and help* less Brother and Sister fall Victims of his Pitiless Axe. TheWolfolk of M ssc uri. Mon Igomtgomery Mo Nov. 20 —A horrible butchery was com rnitted this morning about 3 o'c'oek in a farmbo is* tw» miler Hast of Wellsville, iu this (Mont gomery) county, Mother, two sous aud a daughter are dead, aud their bodies are burn ed in a building charred beyond reeoguiiiou, The ouly one of the family of grown people who escaped death a sister. She escaped by jumping through a window, Thornes Portucheck was a Bo hemian, unmarried, who lived a farm two miles from Wellevi b with his brother, an invalid, i> widowed mother and two sisters the latter aged about 15 and 19 respectively. The younger brother, aged about 25 years, and Thomas occupied one room, and the siste s slept m the room wi h their moth er, who has been unable to leav< het bed for the last twelve ye»r». About 3 o’clock this morning the elder sister was aroused by hearing a moan and heavy blows in her room, where the light was burning. She opened her eyes aud saw her brother, Thomas with an ax in his hand, just striking a blow at bis mother’s defenseless head. He turned and steed between his sister and the door. With a fearful scream she bounded to the window, and through it, carrying the sash with her.- She stopped and looked into the room she had just left. The maniac struck the lamp from the stand, scattering the coal oil over the fleor, and lighted it, and then opened the doer and stepped just outside of the thresh old. Standing in the light of the blazing room, he cut his threat with a knife, stabbed himself in the abdomen and fell into the doorway, with his head in the Hames. The frightened sister lushed fast as her feet would carry her to the nearest neighbor, a quarter of a mile distant, aroused him and told her tale. He at once summoned the neighbors, and by the time thiy arrived at the scene the inside oi the building was a mass of fire and the bodies could be seen in the blaze. Just how the maniac killed his brother and sister will never be known, but it is supposed that the first dispatched his brother in his own room with the ax, and them entered the other. The murderer was a quiet, inof fensive, but not a very bright man. He attended to his own business and was generally supposed to be perfectly harmless. His sister noticed notning unusu al with him Sunday afternoon, ex cept that he was extremely irrita ble, and spoke harshly to them several times. He also complained of a severe pain in the back of his head and said that it felt like someone was boring into his brain behind his ear. None of them sould speak Eng lish well ana had but little com munication with their neighbors. There is another 1 rother, who i« married who moved to St Louis some months age. There is no doubt that the mur . derer was temp irarily insane, JULES GUZOE Creates a Sensation in the French Chamber DENOUNCED ALEXANDER AstheExecutionerofthe Poles. Tne Governmt nt Will B« c ; the Expedition Against the Madegascan Government. Paris, November 21.—The com nittee of the chamber of deputies o which the matter was referred ias made a report acceding to the demands of the government for a •redit and exchange of sanction to '.he French expedition against Madagascar. At today's session of thecham ier, a socialist created an uproar oy denouncing the late Czar Alex tuder HI as the executioner of the Poles. He obtained the recognition of < the president to offer an interpre tation to the government, demand big a statement as to the reason for governmental cancellation of •he decision of the municipal an horitiesof Roubaix to establish n that town a cost price drug dore and a number of law offices, vherein workmen could obtain le jal counsel at a nommal cost. In persuing his demand, G'.iz de leclared that the various muric’. jalities still seemed to be subject o rulers such as kaisers and czars Fire speaker was interrupted by -several deputies, but continued by saying: ‘‘One may be French ■vithout being Cossack.” M. Hebert ahouted : ‘‘You di n’ epresent the Freach workingmen. ’ thereupon Guzde retorted : “Work iugrnen will no* target the- execu tioner of Poland.” ROUGH ON SALOON MEN. Daton, Ohio, November 21. — rtighteea of the twenty saloon keepers indicted for violation of the mile and one half limit law are now in jail, each serving a sen tence of 30 days’ imprisonment and the payment of a fine of $5 and costs. / In addition each is required “to abate his place as a nuisance with in 10 days.” One of the remaining saloon keepers under indictment skipped, and the other is in the Lebanon Jail for a violation of the revenue laws, Unless there are back doors or underground passages to and from saloons within the inhabited ter ritory unknown to the public, it is now impossible to get anything to drink stronger than water within one and one half miles of the Sol diers’ Home at any point, within the circumference. BURNED TO DEATH. Two boys Lose Their Lives Play ing With Matches Charlestown, W. Va., Nov. 20. Phis afternoon Shockman Beaman ind Floyd Bennett, 5 years old □lay n; vi'h matches in D. M, Beaman’s hav mow at Timberville set the hay on fire aud were burned to death. Another Boy Burned to Death. Perry, Ok.,Nov. 20—The 2-year dd boy of G W. Brown living tear Pawnee, east of here, was turned to death yesterday. Th*- mother emptied a pan of ashes near herhou»eaud went for a pail of vatsr, There was fire in the asbe? md it kindled a fire in the glass. The clothing of the little fellow took fire and bnrned off him be , fore his mother could get to him The little boy died in great agony WHY OF COURSE. Tommy Watson has Nothing tc Lose BY ANOTHER ELECTION He Will be in his Glory Chas ing that Seat in Congress Which was Never, nor Will Ever be won fair ly by him. Augusta Ga. Nov. 21. VVbiV 1 no letter or mesaa/e has been ‘re wived here from Mr. Tom Wat»m> Himself, it is learned that be wil probably accept Major Black’, proposition. The major’s offer was to resigi •m March 4th. next a» the repre sentative in congress from this district and have another election Mr, Watson, of course has noth ing to lose in such an offer and al' t ) gain. Mr. Black’s manly lett< j commands the respect of populist* «s well as of the democrats. WALES ANO WIFE. St. Petersburg, Nov 21. —Applica tion are being receivn-l from all pirtsof Russia for flowers tbu were used in the fortress cathedia luring the ying in state of Cza Uexauder’s body and at the fun •rai services. Tuere will be tc-mor ow a general distiibuiiou ot th* Howers I o I hose who desire to secure 4 memento of the Czar. The 11 >ra tiering received from Franc* were very numer f u-i. It is the intention of the Prince and Princess of Wales to Remain in S’. Petersbug untill after the mu riageof Grand Duchess Alexan Ira Feodorovua(Princess Alix)to Czar Nicholas. Both Czar Nicholas and nie mother have repeatedly e: • pressed their profound gratitude for the devotion and kindness of the Prince and princess of Wales iu their trying erdeal. JUST RECIVED One of the most corr plete assortments of TOILET SOAPS AND TOILET ARTICLES ■ Ever brought to the city. See our line of fine IMPORTED TOOTH BRUSHES They have no superior on this or any other market SOLE AGENT CANDIES J. T CROUCH & CO. Medical Building. I O CENTS A :WEE The Fact of the business is there is no use of any )ne going or sending out of Rome for a Suit of clothes where they can buy a much better article here for less money than elsewhere BURNEY »• Said a gentleman last week, “I went to Atlan ta to order a fine Cuta way Suit and 1 found your TAILORING Much better th a Atlanta ano your prici .vay below theirs and 1 want you to make m( a Cutaway Suit. He gave our COMPANY His orefer, and said behaved 8 or 1 O doU larsbyjso doing. When in need of a nice suit 6 dont give your order to some suicide who happens a long with a lot of shoddy samples and represents he will sell you a Suit to order, when in fact he only sends you a ready made suit, but come to us and we will sell you a fine Suit cheap, and make and trim it ele gantly. Remember we want to keep every Dollar that is possible and will convince you that we do if you will only give, us a cau«e, BURNEY TAILORING Gff 220’BROAD STREET ROME, GA.