The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, November 21, 1894, Image 7

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Joaks, Cloaks, Jloaks. CAPES, CAPES, CAPES. fAHY’S FAHY'S FAHY'S Superb Styles NEV/ WEAVES, Bargain I Piices. targe mm ILL sizes. MS MAKES. rAHY’S I FAHY’S I FAHY’S THE HUSTLRE OF ROME WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 21 1894 ONIA DAYS MORE The End Oldest Largest Latest ' I ■, n W Mfr. r sfcw Dlt D. a JOP.DAH. Z The Britanunka Is the oldest, the larcest and the latest cyclopaedia published. It has stood the test of competition and criticism for over a hundred years, and revised for the ninth time It 1$ now the recognized standard work of reference of the English-speaking world. Its articles In every department of science, history and literature represent the thoughts and discoveries of the greatest men of all ages and nations and it is regarded by scholars and literary peoo'e as the grandest work the world ever produced. It Embrace:; ahd Popularizes every subject that can be thought of, containing a.) H •'' '• '“nJ of accurate and practical in.' irmatiun. It isi “i ' k ' i.v cant-mes boiled down: the ess mcc of all M >4 s crystallised. - Ahlght value o» the Britannia, al 1 ’ ' * • ■ 1 a -ests its unrivalled exca I tnce. is th • that many of ts irt c’es.ha > "> separate book form aida i , j . i.-.i bo >ks ai d authorities >n those subjects n >ur best Educational : mtions HarvarJU ■ ' H University* Columbia ■. ’'■ M e 1 .’ > 1 liversity. Stanford Univer-." , , 1 Vinong these are the v> ■vir..;'. Ir' . .oiatomy. architectur . a o.ronomv. ) 'gv, botany, brl tg-s building, France. England., political ccon-n". .11 ■ a u. Constitution ot Hi : ' >' l •> The president or the !..- -nt S- - Ir.. Unlversltj in a i . .1 I ■ .how » n •» n n these *■ t ■: tnnica words: I>' C—. ■ , 5t jn d It recogni-''d by s-'><>’»•» |t jg mostp.-rf >:t encvc. • ' i ’did > •* ~.i ry e compin’.-' library in itself . *1 covers . d^partin2iit of hunfiun kn *w.l The now edition is a verv satisfactory one. as til'.' entire >rs been - i vi 1 date by high authorities. The new maps are also of special value. -pAVU) S. JORDAN.** For sample pages, description of various styles of binding, prices, terms, etc., write Ths Constitution ATLANTA, GA. / is at hand, as far as in troductory prices are concerned, as will be seen from the foilow ing letter, which ex plains itself: ATLANTA, Nov 20. 1894. To Mr. J. S. Cundiff Manager Bri tannica Reading Rooms. Rome, Ga:- Prepare to leave Rome next Monday. No orders will be re ceived from the re at introductory prices af ter Nov. 26 Publish a notice to this effect, so asto give fair warning to all who are planning to take advantage of our special offer. THE CONSTITUTION KLUSTER OF BULLSEYE SHOTS I had a letter from a bargain loving Baptist this morning, sav ing : “My wife’s mother is a Meth odist and is with us with two oth er delegates” and soforth, and winding up: “Now 1 feel disposed to offer yon 12| cents around for all roosters you have left on hand from the late election.” %* Jeminy Christmas 1 Just fancy! Doi* the brother propose to try »o get up a home edited edition o conferncp table, and at the Fame time under'ake to serve to his mother-in-law et-al, such“ Pot-pie” Ana “plat'” matter as remains in our 4 imported v !em< k r at koop? *** Still these beautiful ir r' e .J oirds are for sale and must go dur ing this session of Kouferenc so kali and examine the stock and g t a pickin. * * * rie sending of a in issage and reply between Mancht 4.-r, Eng,, and Victoria, Brit'sh Columbia, recently, occupied 90 seconds. The otal distance by wire, out and re turn, is 18,OCt) miles.— This feat was accomplished by the Great Commercial Cable Company. I atn informed that it breaks all re cords todate—Ge whizz! But ‘aint that a-gwine and a cornin’’ * * « lam glad to see that General Morgan was nominated in the Democratic caucs at Montgomery last night by members of the Alabama Legeslatare,to succeed him self in the United States Senate- Senator Morgan is an Am erican of whom an entire nation may well feel proud then how can Georgia’s Gal-daughter, Alabama, afford to do anything else than re-elect him? why she couldnt and she wauldnt. * * * I notice that Col. R. T, Arm s’rung, one of Rome’s lea ding and. most enterprising citizens has ai tived home from Europe, Col. Arm strong, it will be retuenibered,went to Europe to transact some impor tant railroad business, and he tells me that his trip was a decidedly pleasant one and that he was emi nently successful in his undertak ing. He looks as if he were enjoy ing the cream of health and the upper crust of prosperity. * * * The Rome Bar is made up of a genial ami whole s >uled set of us bright legal lights as ever attemp ted to make macadam out of Black —stone. I say this because I have just seen ahandsome ssoehocolate set of Silver and China, which 'Ley presented to Cel, James B. Nevin, at his marriage last night. Col, Nevin is the youngest mem ber of the bar but he is deservedly nopular and will, 1 hope, Jive, grow and wax old, and see many another young legal light marry and bo. a* happy as he and his ioveiv bride, who are now on their honey-moon. TO ROB A PAY CAR Plot Was Revealed by One of The Conspirators. Cumberland, Md., Nov. 20. A plot to rob a pay car near this city Saturday afternoon was dis covered in time to prevent ti e crime. It appears that it was the inten tion of seven strangers and a man living in this city to remove a rail on the Echard branch of the C. dr P. Ry., ditch the train and rob the pay’car of about $25,000 which was to be used in paying oft' the miners. The plan was all arranged and averthing was in readineas, when one of the men weakened and told Superintendent Himiltou Sheriff King and detective?, aimed w ith Wenchesters. boarded the special train which leaves the city abou 10 o’clock, carrying the pay ear. and road to Eckhart without acci dent. It is thought that the rest of the gai g iearuM Jof the exposure of the ►ebemenud made there es caped. The matter has be< u I p quiet by the railroad officials wub the hope es capturing the would-' e wreckers. nrajoDEATH A big Black Brule Squeezes a De senseless Womali UNTIL SHE MAY DIE, Another swooned and thus sav ed Herself While the Third Sought Safety in Flight. Grape Hunter’s Fear ful Experience. Guthrie, Ok., Nov. 21. —Mrs. Emma Statts, Mrs. Belle Bou langer and Mies Anna Worm brough, three ladies of Pawhuska, had an exciting experience yester day morning. The ladies had been driving in 1 lie country and to gfttltel* v lid gffijteS. While thus engaged a big black bear suddenly appeared and at tacked Miss Wormbrough, hugging her and tearing her skin. Three of the ladj •” ribs were broken. The animal then turned on Mrs. Stat' p, but sb» was saved by swoon iug In the meantime Mrs. Boul unger ran away screatnin", nd the be;<r pursued her, frig iteuing the 1 idy's hqrse and cmsing him to ruu eway. Mrs. Boulanger escaped ihr-ugh the timely arrival of two farmers. Miss Wormbrough’s injuries may result fatally. The bear is being hunted by a posse of countrymen AUNT POLLY Again Becomes a Bride. This TimeTliat of an Editor. Maysville, Kv., Nov. 21.—A wedding was solemized this eve ning at Dover that created much interest at that place on account of the age of the bride. The license was granted this afternoon. She is known as Aunt Polly Grove, and is 75 years old. This is her third matrimonial venture her last husband, the late Colonel J. C. Grovej having died about 18 months ago. The gentleman who figured as the bridegroom is Sam W. Sta'. s editor of the Dover Searchlight, the Populist organ of this con gressional district. He is 45 years old, and has founded s vend newspapers, the Dover News being one of them. .Mrs. Grove is worth over SIOO, 000, and is the wealthiest v.nnn in this part of Kentucky. She fig ured in a sensation last spring, when it was reported that she had given Prof. McKinley, a poor young schoolteacher, several thousand dollars to link his for tunes with hers. The match was broken off’ for some reason or other, and the mar riage never occurred. McKinley has been engaged in running a store at Dover since then. I - -- j When you want to buy groceries and buy Them cheap call upon j Kane cor. Broad and Ross St. New yel low yam potatoes very cheap, orders called for and delivered. Give me a call satisfaction guaranteed. BARS AMERICAN BEEF. Denmark Follows the Example set by Germany. Copenhagen, Nov. 21.—The Min ister of the Interior, M. Homing, has issued a decree, to take effect immediately, forbidding the import of live cattle and fresh meat from the United States. Washington, D. C., N«v. 21. — Count Beventlow, the Danish Minister, first heard of the action in excluding American beef and meats through the Associated Press cable from Copenhagen. The Count expressed surprise, as no action in thalline had heretolore been con templated. He said the action was probably due to a request fro u Germany, as ■ & tllMl New Stock of New' Furniture WE HAVE JUST OPENED O -T AT NO. 23. BROAD STREET AND THIS iS TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE P’J LICTOTHE ACT THAT WE HAVE BOUGHT AN IMMEN SE LINEOF NEW GOODS AND ARE IN SHAPE TO OFFER THE TRADE THE BIG lEST.BAR GAINS IN ROME IN FTJRNiTTTKItJ STOVES And ■ LTGrS Our Line of Glass ano 1 ..i Ware is replete in everything nseded in the Dining room and ki chen. W are headquarters for Vase and Hanging Lamps + ® « * * -i- * '-ts In addition to the above we most respectfully announce a full and compile line of undertakers supplies, Dav telephone 122 -?Might telephone] 1!» all calls »nswe ed promptly and by polite and t xperienceed men. HUNKS § 23BROJLD S r , M~ LA. beef received at Danish ports fre quently would find its way into j Germany, and thus overcome thfti G' rmtm re-tricti<?n. He had never hutil'd Hist an? < f 1 o American pn duct in Denmark wai affected with Texan f«ver. U' der ifie cicumdancee h p feels t at ine action of Demark is not so much aimed against the United ■states as it is so make Danmark's neighbor, Germany, effective it; her exclusion. I’he Miniate- In? not rec iv*»d any official advice* on the sulij ict Vv 7 hr n you ws.nt to buy harness and strap work and buy then; cheap and strong. Call on J. S. Henderson the Reliable Harness Ma ker- 234 Broad St. Highest Market price paid for Hides & Pelts, J. S. HENDERSON. TWO DEAD-TWO DYING. Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 20. —Lo- cal freight train No. 11.' south . bound on the Chespeake and Ohio Southwestern road, when near Station, nine miles out from Memphis was ditched by run ning 1 hrough an open switch early th iff even iug. Fireman Thomas Matthews was killed instantly and Loyd Grimes, engineer, and Ilex Saundrr-, col ored brakesmen, ate dying, and three other men received terium, ■ l hough not fatal i ■ j n i •?. The train was 01. a down grade, ruuning2o'mileß an hour. It was 1 pitch dark. The switch had evi cteutly I 0 *n turned with intent to » w eck, for it was observedjto bo all tight a few minutes before the ! ; wr< ck 'and the miscrenn s no d w ubl iniemled to catch the passenaer trait which wasffub’in lOminni-s The eugiu'dr and fireman did m t ’ observe the condition of the switci s'until it was to » late to stop t'.r SXij ;..v. ■ !>"».* train. i Ejgim-<i G i" l *’* n v s<l the I b'vr ), im 11 uu O '' n "d I j"'l p U 10*0 t. <■ 11 H 11° 'a’i/.t,,: 1 . f.. ’ .. n. d d I forward u_ „ , ■ , U . “is I BCUI. | Fiirmr.n ?d. itl.e. . jumped ! but he at •. k aguil *1 > gh em bank: *■;,( a: 1v as 11 > . .i back 1 under Ihe mi r-* A bee. ran over I his head. f‘um'.»• ■ 1 thrown ; from tl:<‘ top 'f a i ■ illie '• ur ine.! of billin' eoi.uiy, Kentucky; "Janie- Lnt.-r < f Cuansboro, Ky., I nnd F' J es of Louisville, (ran i \\b ” 1* n a car of lum ber. I i:t nei h ‘r i. seriously hurt. There is n > -‘usoicion who threw flic EViilch. *l'l e < oad and injured II w”re i».'oiii>ii! I > J'emp.iis late to ijnigbt. tVh! il.l i'l'piest was held on 1 1 the don fl-cm Mil. !' South ijiinl has a Governof ‘JJ-iJnS, T se. * a» a t d.ernor i I'.i ai-..; a.,d a r eal many Georgians | wanted a G Vel'lior Evans. That Mnanie seems n hnve the call in ( this neck of the woods.—Aih h’s 1 1 Banner. | Among Dt‘ noerats? TEXAS! limi IMIIM ■■ Ml— »£(!' IS THE DIRECT LINE TO TEXASandtheSOUTHWEST ' ISTHE SHORTEST LINE TO SOUTHERN TEXAS. ’i tea ISTHE ONLY LINE TO TEXAS ALL UNDER ONE MANAGEMENT. > I PH £-1 ISTHE ONLY LINE GIVING CHOICE u|W3 U| OF ROUTES via SHREVEPORT ki ORVIA HEW ORLEANS. tfl IS E. JUIPPEDWITHSOLIDVtSTIBULED 3 I KM TRA!HSTONEWORLEANS ahowith HS L)1 THf.OUGH sleepersatlantaano „‘ Pl pt! BIR AINGHAMTO SHREVEPORT.; H La ClitiSE LONNECTIOtIiT "STHERPOINT tI K gy WITH i'H’ OUGH SERVICE* TEX A3 LINES OURRATEiiASLOVMSAHY! ; aUOV/./fl'iliCAss.-'m/MfSS ~ A.J.LYTLEDIVPASSViAGENTREAaHQIIbf: LfcTTAtICCGr.TrHM. 1 IR.MEGRECOR n WX.RINEARSON 6.P.A. CINCir l/TUll i