The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 10, 1894, Image 7

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is as safe and Unless as a flaa seed poultice. 1; 4 its like a poul tice, drawing out liver ar d pain and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. •‘Orange Blosrjxn” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; » is applied right to the parts Every lady can treat herseL with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of sl. Dr. J.A. McGill & Co. a Panorama Place. Chicago, 111. Sold by p, W. Curry Druggist. REGISTRATION NOTICE. Books of Registration for County Election 1 st Wednesday in January 1895 wi 1 lei ose on Tuesday Dep. 18 1894. Take notice this on an entirely new registra tion that applies to all Jrio. J. Black ts Registra. MAGNETIC NERVINE u r»na«M4 w mn JWSSk MWW Nervous Rro*tm» tlon, Fits. Dlito "M«, MsaSsohs. iLjJlw sJt ■•urnl«in ud In. HsMm Mh •entnls. OrwtM Jk J la th* UM •( i»- •>«», aloutel ul la Mhar 4lr«o- W Mmi*. bvisMiM ®—■ -J&’TclC* NHlty, to bMS U. mawmlara*4 »uuw, bulls. «*• «to\ briaa. rntrtob rG Mmb, ka« mum HmIUI tad MBpinw. to MM Am" A aaath*. toMtonan* is >Uii >Mim b. bar addmm. NOO aar bail • far *9O. Wkb thTtwar. ’fflSSn lEIUIE OF OINTMENTS FORCA IAIBM THAT CONTAIN MEBCCBT as mercury will surely destroy th tense of smell and' completely det range the whole system when en ding it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never to used except' on prescriptions front reputable physicians,, as ths •ismagsthey will dois ten fold to -the good you can derive from them. Hill’s Catarrh Cure manufactured by '?. .' & Co,, Toledo, 0., contains do mer enry, And j» takqn internally, act ing directly uppii th* blood And xucouf purfaces the system In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure b sutAyou get the genuine. Il i« taken internally *nd is mads in • Toledo, Ohio, by Jf. J. Chensy, A Testimonials free MPSold by Druggists, price 75® yrbptile ' jam ».<; T| r IS a rx Dr, jk. A.' Auaurvnv umuMaou /»« / MM. Vs - -1 9CJJT *■*■*•" I aßSjf | lit 9a Vmsmcsw * Awr/rs WmwvY Ts* Lispasr.M Br rbswtON DEAFNE9OCANNOT BE CURED By local applications as they **nnot reach the diseased portion ,f ths ear. There is only one way to cdre deaf nets, and that is by institutional remedies. Deafness >» caused by an inflamed .condition *' ths mucous lining of the Eus t*chian Tube. When thib tube is >oflamed you have a rumbling ’ound or imperfect hearing, and *o*n it is entirely closed, Deaf- D<M *’ the result, and unless the ®fl»mination can be taken out and ' >» tube restored to its normal Condition, hearing will be destroy forever; nine cases out of ten by catarrh, which is Whing but an inflamed condition • the mucotit surfaces. -■ W * "ill give One Hundred Dol .2 r, /° T ftny CM ® °I Deafness (caus y Cat,anp h) that cannot be ?* d by Hall’s Catarrh Curs. f°r circular; free. •OhV CHKNEY 4 g °m Toledo, ♦Sold 'by Draggtau, Tse. ’ CLUSTER OF BULLS EYE SHOTS 1 Judge George Harris, this morning and was one of a big group v<> give his honest hand a kongra - ulatory grasp. I may he oil' myka «PP but right now I am going l() predict that Judge Harris "will make one of the best judges the ermine of old Georgia ever rested upon. * * j* We are told that “Comparisons are odious,” and they may be, but I was thinking this morning of the way three Flatwood's boys, who have won recognition from Govern or Atkinson, secured their Web ster’s Unabridged Dictionaries. Judge George Harris was terribly in earnest about obtaining knowl edge and hauled to Rome eleven loads of fire-wood which he sold for money with which he bought the great lexicon. *** I attended a spelling bee, given at the Opera House for the benefit of the First Methodist Church and because I ‘‘couldnt understand the words given out” by Dr. Battle, of Shorter College, the judges award ed me the onliett Webster I have ever owned. It seined that the fact t hat I missed every word konvinced them that I needed,it the worst and—maybe I do. But th* other man—is assistan Principal keeper Jake ‘.Moore and be haa do dictionary and hae never hai one because Jake haa alwaya been a amarter man than old Dau lel Webster ever darad te be. The fact is, if Jake had bean aheriff of Buffalo, be would now be ex— Preaident Jake C. Moora, hared aerved aa President of these Uni ted Stated for two consecutive terms aad delivered hie mat to a democratic aucoeeser whoae Sen ate aad House and for too terms would have been over .whelmiagly demoeratio, Jake ia a aucoeasful atateeman—makae yotr own Mom on Grover. •% Here ia an item, coming aa it does from one of Roma’s leading businam men and moat conserva tive oitiMne, endorsing every cord I said in thia column about tutting the big salary being paid by the Board of Rdada and Raven at to itaelork: Mr. Bulla Bye Man:—Ton cer tainly etraek |Ke koy-note when yon atatod'm your last ieeuo that the salary of the Clerk of Commie aiontfe* of Roads and Revenues should be sot down, aad I think tho Commissioners should not let another month past without reduc ing It. It is too much in flash times, much less the way things are now. Cotton is down, provi sions are down, house rent and property aro off about one-half and I think somo of the office holders salaries should be cut ia half. Do aot kt up on them yet. Tours, Eqaaliser. It was rumored around Satur day night that Deputy Sheriff Mc- Connell would have opposition in his race for Sheriff—-and, as we have said before, he may, but I am still of the opinion that the email element who opposes him will fi nally subside. There’s one thing certain, the man or set of men who seeks to oppose honest rugged J. P. McConnell, and his able and experienced deputies, will suffer a defeat by the side of which a “land slide” could not hold a light. The masses are for McConnell and Me Connel will be Lloyd’s nest iff. “Mark that prediction.” I see that Professor Everett, the great Hypnotist will be at Nevin. Opora House tonight, I havo do ticed Mr Everett’, careei'for , r al months and havo yet to m £ oxchange which ha. not given hil • l l^ f “to flattering ?k o>t ’ w ho go out to 3X Wihl7 pleaaad with what they •••• THE i- OSTLER OF ROVE, MONDAY sunlight of an after-a-nin-D’ceni bers-unlight I fe*»l dmposHd tw ask : When will Winter .succeel Fall amid Imsmcs.- in person with us decendauto of Adam? * ■* n Yesterday’s Histlkh of Romk | sci'ins to have ‘’lmd m the shade” ; i' other Sunday new-papers in Ilii- neck of the woods. The Hi s-t --i ’ i: of Rome is an all home set, li mie print newspaper and is th e People’s favorite—and then the Hustler of Rome is the "only” ofiieial organ ot Rome and Floyd county—statements to the contra ry notwithstanding. JOE DEAN ARRESTED. Ke Murdered old Mr Leigh of Campbell County. Atlanta Ga.— D-an, the black fi md who Oruta.l y mu dere Mr Leigh, of Campbell tuuuiy on Saturday uight, one week ago, was run down and captured near Tala poosa last Saturday night. Dean confesses the crime and tells a straight forward story giv ing in a graphic manner all the details of his tsrribls crime. He says that be murdered Mr. Leigh that ho might rob the houso. He denies that ha had any design on the honor of tho young ladios •nd alsodeuios shooting at thorn. Gov mor Atkinson offered 1250 for his arrest, and thinking it un safe for the black fiend to be car ried back to ihe seeua of hia crime has had him jailed in this city for Malo aeepiug. SOUTHERN BURNINC. The VifnificMt ChittMoegi Hotel in Flames. Chattanooga, Tenn., Doe.—lo, (Special)—At noon today fire was discovered in the Southern he tel. A general alarm was turned in, and though the fire companies are doing an. .hey can, the fire at B o’clock is raging fiercely. The hotel was leased not long sinoaby Mr. W. A. Camp, and he had made a first-class hostling out of it. The building will bo totally destroyed. W.LrUUuvvAu S 3 SHOE. * L’WWVWIA*, MAIS. T “" - BmbOM, **••• the largMt waßafactsrsts «r sdvarUaad akaas 1b Iks warld. aad «n»r.»te< th«*ala»ky •ÜbblM * h « ■*“« the kettetn, eeMch proteeta yao afalset high Orfraa to'**les»<a's preSts. Oer Bhoes canal auataat wark la etyle. kaay ftUßf bb4 w.«rlß< aaaUttas. Wa kare them told efery vkera at fcwai prlcea forth« »«l«e rlrenthas •nr other Make take Me awkaUtate. It yaai .•eal-» ••aaot »«pplr waeaa. Maid by Cantrell & Owens. DR. JAQUES 130 Wwt Sixth Str«et, CINCINNATI, OHIO 1 Haa pracMoad medicine in Cincinnati years enter thav any phyaleian, tiring apacial at taaUon te Blood, Nerroua and Urinary diaeaaee Warrona Debility, Impotency, etc., reaulttef from yonthfnl iadiaerstlon, exoaeaea in matured year a |u>d ether aasaae, inducing aome of the fellewlag ayniyuma, M diwilaeee. coutoalon of 1 ideae, dofeetiro aUmary, averMea to aoclety, QonorrkM, Sftkilia. ike later caaaing ulcere, ercptfoaaoßlargef ieinta, rbeumktiam, owaU lag In grolne. maceaa patahea ia month, sere < throat, felling hair, Ceaaultatienc free aad in rtted. - , \ ....... Hour*, •a, m. te • p, m.: Munday, 10 to 13 m, n4Jmi^kW>TRBATISE •»« ■ naaaaiad««rolepoyin.application. Bute you jao. ■ ■ ' I mi WV What Narva Barrio have doae for others Bg wil> do for you. W } vigor iwr S i OF MM DAT. ( MEN ftwZr* W'ty WbhSJI Parn>99Mtlf ■<>*■ dat. A nealUre ears far all Waa Nerroesao* Debility, and all their train ar avila reseliim tram early arran aad later aiaaaaaa; th* raaal at orerwork. «■. weary, eae. Daraley and Xirw BBtoa and •IVMigaO ta t>a a—mal pa by ywwMSSTaarawm er m eaaaira aae at eetaaea*. onlua aad IMwaa whlah lead te ooawwaßFanew and ImaaaUt* Their see thews immediate Imyreremant. Accept aa laaitatlea. In tilt ayat harlaa the (taelca Nerve Berriee, peeket. Frtea, M " per hex. tlx haaae. am. fab _ 1 FBli /I I ikZ A P.K- ill, 'Lafctafii Trimmed, Wide SWEEP, Latest STYLE Capes IH $4.00 to *6,qo al j 11— - - —— • . 111 • I-., i ij 200 Full sized Heavily Fleeced 10-Quarter Bed Blankets worth $ i .00 aPair at 25 cents each We have an insufficent n«jmber of customers for Misses’ Cloaks— we are overstocked in them, and from this time on we will offer' any one of them in stock at whatitcost us. Quality stytes latest. We have sold an enormous number of Novelty Suits during: the last sixty days. Have about 30 left. You can Have any one of them at what ft cost us. If the merchant’s “at cost” sale is to you a chestnut—Weir, it neverwas anditnever will be truthfully said thaftßass Bros, & Cofcad yertised anything ateqst and at the sales-counter sought to get more than cost for it. Any Misses Wrap or any Novelty suit in our house you can get At WhatitCost Us. » - ’ > P - - > T • . . w ’ W '< . ‘ —"■■■■■ 1 ■■■ 1 11 1 ■ing.ii 11 li - ' ■ A new lot Ladie* iVraps, just- received, Priced low. Sixty Child’* Cloak*. be«tiful]* tri mined with Angora Fur, Bome of them as low aa 90 cent*. Lfidie* Cloaks from Park’s stock worth SIO.OO to <lt.o0 f »t $2.00 io $4.00. $500,00 worth of Toys aid Holiday Novelties from-th* Parks stock. - Nothing ovar cost will be charged for anything in the lot. This class of goodo usually brings large profits and when you get them at retail or wholesale of the little folks at the Park* store Pi i 420 Honey Comb Towals, 36 inches long, 18 inches wide,. 4c, 90do2en Eadies’ Hose, fast black, sc. 6000 yards wide heavy Brbwn sheetifig, 4c, ** • • » -dk 4000 yards Dreoa Ginghams, atumn styles, 4 I*2 New supply of select trunks jds£'fec«iv*d. What hirer ftwa Christmas, The fine all-wool Blankets we are selling at $8.60 -are worth twine tho money.- The red apd black plaid number has dawned as a rage for making bathrobes. Scores have been sold for that purpose. Itmeets the requirement to the “Queen¥ taste,”' and the outlay so lit tle. 150 yards Turkey Eed Dama*k, as long as it lasts, 12 t-2c. 400 pairs Ladies’ Real Dongola Shoes, solid at every point, worth $1.75, at f J.,00. We Jiave the best collection of Holiday handkerchiefs ever exhibited in Rcme, long ing in price from five dollars down. Their inspection is worth your while. A manufacturer h*B shipped us 200 dozen beautifully Embroidered White Handknrehiefe. They are seconds but the imperfection is very slight. Worth 20c to 50e> Take your choice at 15 cents. 120 Men’s fine all-wool Cheviot Suits worth ten dollars cash, ou» price only $5.00 2000 yards high grade fine count Sea Island, worth 7c., at 5c A splendid assortment of Colgate’s Extracts and other Holiday suggesting* among the new arrivals Many of these and hundreds of other article* offered equally as low, we could easily sell for tw ice the prices asked for them, but we bought them so much under value* that we can afford to, and we w 11 meet the conditions of 5-cent cotton. MILLINERY! MILLINERY. ’ Our recent purchwe of the Ladies’ Bazaar Co Stock in Atlanta threw into our hand mor® then three ti mes ae much millinery good« as we expected to «ell in Rome th it teaaon- Could notbuy the other part of the stock without the millinery. Could not avoid buying it, but we can avoid keeping it. See if w® don’t. A Ladies Hat that would cost you $2.00 to 38.00 elsewhere, you can buy of us for 75c. to »1.50. We will not carry goods from one season to another. and Hats at our stand 25 Broad street. For all otherbar gains, go to either our old store or the Parks & Co. Store. Cloaks, Capes—Capes, Cloaks for everybody. Come and see us. Bass Bros Sl Co. , Broad. Street, BOIMEE GF A..