The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 16, 1894, Image 1

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FOURTH YEAR Fire Crackers 2cts a Pack. They are new goods full size a nd sud count and at half the prices others ask forthem SEE OUR SHOW WINDOWS TUESDAY. Santaclause will make our window his head Quarters and will be there to amuse and in struct both old and young. Be sure to see him and bring the children, We have an immense stock of Dolls Toys Games etc for the lit tle ones, and fine China bric-a brac Dinner sets Toilet sets, and a thousand and one nice things suitable for presents for the Holi days. All of our good are new selecied in person in the market of the East. No old shop worn Plugs but bright games Toys Dolls etc at less price than any where else Remember we are the original when it comes to cutting srices, COME AND BUY BEFORE THE LAST DAY. Dont buy until you see our goods, UNHftM & SON 230 Bioad St fc.23 BRNO STREET THE PLACE H \ XKS CO th< PEOPLE, who with Small expense and large and Complete Stock, bought with due. ARE AND CASH«OTT«»- Are enabled to sell any and everything in the House furnish ing line at prices so low that, in compairson. 5C COTTON LOOKS HIGH NOW FOR HEREAFTER YOU SHOULD ANY ARTICLE THAT GOES TO MAKE NOME COMFORTABLE, SEE THEIR IMMEN st LINE OF CHOICE AND RARE BARGAINS N BEDROOM SUITS. ALL STYLES OF SIDE BOARDS, WARDROBES. DRESSERS, BU LAUS, WARHSTANDS, DINING TABLES. B°ckers, and chairs of all kinds Rugs, Oil Cloth Matt ing s , Shades, Tin Ware Crockery, etc, Also in connection we carry a full line o (1° J 115 . Caskets ana on she t notice will do un er “king in or out of the city. MS (J COMPANY. "Abroad st, ROME GA. THE 111 STIVER OF ROME. ROME GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING DECEMBER. 16 1894. GOOD WORK Being Done at the Present Session of Congress. APPROPRIATION BILL Consumed Much Time but has Finally Passed While Other Bills of Importance Have Been Disposed of. M ashington, December 15.—Ths second week of the present session of congress closed with the session of the house today. In that time there have been passed three gen eral appropriations for the year ending June 30th, 1896, carrying a total of $148,718,204, nearly one half of the annual expenditures of the government, aside from the permanent appropriation. Besides these, an urgent deficien cy bill for the currentjyear has been passed, carrying a total of $2,006,- •595, making a grand total of $145,- 724,799, appropriated thus far at this session. Tiie pension appropriation bill was discussed for four hours today and then passed without amend ment. General Grosvenor repub lican of Ohio, made the principal speech, Other speakers were,Messrs Marse, Lacey Enloe Baker, Sick les, Mahon, Pickier, ,Dunn, Hu lick, Coombs, Bynum, Cannon, Milligan and O’Niel. Chairman Outhwaite reported the array appropriation bill for the year anding June 30th 1896, and it was placed on the calendar. The resolution introduced by Mr. Hitt, asking the secretary of state for the correspondence rela ting to the promise of this govern ment to pay Great Britain $425,- 000 on account of claims made by Canadian sealers growing out of the Behring sea seal controversy, was favorably reported from the committee on foreign affairsand passed. The house then took a recess un til) 8 o’clock, private pension bills to be considernd at iiie evening session. Th* attendance was slender throughout the day and scarcely more than a corporal's guard ans wered at roll cull, at the opening of the session. A Chance to Make Money. I have been selling Di-h Wash ers three weeks, and have cleared $315. Can any of your readers, without previous experience, beat this? In this business a woman can make as much as a man. Ev ery fimi ly wants a Dish Washer when they can he got so cheap, and they will have one, no matter who it is that is sell ng it. I am convinced any one can make from $5 to $lO a day in this business anywhere, city or count y. They all want Dish Washers. You can get particulars by addressing the Iron City Dish Washer Co., E. E. Pittsburg, Pa., and by beginning at once, you can have enough mon ey by spring to start in most any kind of business. I am going to stick right to this Dish Washer businees until I make SIO,OOO. MATILDA B. Forbids the Lord’s Prayer. Ansonia, Conn., December 15. — Recently some of the pupils in one of the public schools refused to participate in the recitation of the Lord’s prayer in concert, saying the prayer was not in accord “with their religeous training. The Board of Education has therefore ordered that after this term all re ligious training be dispensed with. Yhe Rev W. E.Marwick, a Con gr'grational ministers, today pub- Jisherl a letter in which he denounc ed the board of action. The use of the player has been universal n he citv schools. THEY ARE LULUS 'TheCarolina legislature Ampu tates About Half of ———— ■ - - -. THEIR SALARY FIGURES. The Governor' Kicked by the Same Mule While the Chief Justice is all Broke in two. The Records Broken, Columbia, S. C., December 15. The lower house of the state legis lature tonight killed the divorce bill and then jumped into the con sideration of the bill making a horizontal slash of all salaries of state officers. After a big fight, the bill was passed. Some five or six aye and nay votes were taken on various amendments. The majority was really goaded into passing the bill by arrangements from the opposi tion that they had been in power for four years and this matter of reducing salaries had always been one of their principal campaign cries, yet they had not cut salaries one cent lower than they wer* be fore they came in. They even went so far tonight as to amend the bill by cutting their own perdiem from $5 to $3 and their mileage from 10 cents to 5 cents a mile each way. Represen tative Sanders offered an amend ment to make it 50 cents per day and three pounds of bacon and a peck of mea l per week. It is the general opinion that the senate will kill the bill. One of the reform leaders said on the floor that if they did not reduce the salaries and give the people the relief they demanded “they were gons.” The highest an • nual salary provided for by the bill is $2,200 —the governor’s sala ry. It has been heretofore fer years $3,500. The chief justice of the supreme court comes down from $4,000 to $2,000. During the figh‘ th* hall was jammed with interested specta tors. Whether the senate will pae« the Lili or not remains to be seen. It is thought that Governor Evans wi'lv. •«-» it even if it becomes an act. Tn- present governor’s salary is protected by a onstitutional provision. The state senate has killed the bill to estab'ish a blind asylum and educational institu tion at the capial of ihe atate. The Keely Benefits- The Minstrel for the benefit of the Keely League will be one of the most succesful Amateurc|<hpw ever given. They commence Tues day, with a Street Parape at 12: o’clock. Something never before attempted by Ainetures —Doors open at the O t »e r a House at 7 :30 P. M. Curtanins at 8:15 the fol lowing is the Programs. The nt wand original first part entitled. THE WAITERS CONVENTION! SERVERS OF JOINTS(& BONES :)Mr. Hunter Smith, Mr. William Mc- Williams, Mr. Chester Price. BERVERSOF MUTTON(TAMBOB :)Mr. Joe Patton, Mr. George Wright, Mr. Claud Hanson. SERVERS OF TOOTHS )ME MORSELS! Edgar Neely, John Ellison, Dudley Magruder, Frank Orrtberg, Philip Jones, George Rounsaville. Patil Jack, Head Waiter. Serving the following: Soup, Ford’s Orchestra, “Pe lis”Bass Solo Paul Jack, “Currie” Served By Joe Patton, Sauce by Company. “Cupid at the door” Win. McWil liams, and Kitchen Quartett “Swim Out O’Grady” Hunter Smith, Sauce By Company ‘•Her Golden Hair’’ McWilliams & Wright, “Drum Major Drill’’ Phill Jones The. Kitchen Quartett in Selection The Olio John Ellison The Chestnut Trio i in Banjo Specialties. LIVELY CHASE A Fifing Coon Creates Great Ex hitement. HE ESCAPES. I “ A Negro Waited for Stealing a gun was Cnased by Sev eral Officers Last Night but he Escaped Eas- i y. ( Last night about 7 o’clock, I cries of “stop him! catch him” etc, soon called a large crowd around Bridge street. To start at the begining, about a week ago Mr. McConnell ‘went out Nordi of the city to arrest a negro who was wanted for stealing a pis tol from another negro. Just who these parties were none could re member or at least their names. Last night a negro came to policeman Jones and Mr. McCon nell, and told them that the man they wanted w is up town abovethe Martha Battie Hospital. They sent the darkey up there to entice the man they wanted down to Lowry’s corner where they could get him. In the mean while the two officers went across by the fire house. The negro sent for the other one instead of doing as directed and ran towards his man yelling Po lice, police. That frighten > I the fellow and he came down the street like a rocket. He ran over M onk Tropp, and rolled him <bout forty feet. The darkey turned int o Bridge Street, down West firstand McCon nell, Jones and McCounel com menced firing into the air to fright en their man. In one half a minute the streets were filled with a yelling, howling mob. Deputy Sheriff McConnel < fired once into the air, and then he stumbled and fell. The darkey chased into Fourth Avenue and disappeared towards the river where no trace of him could be found. The man’s name is not known, but every officer has a description of him and he will be arre ted soon. The Literary Club. There was a very pleasant eve ning spent in the Fifth Ward last Thursday night. The White Star Literary Club met at the home of Miss Willie Taylor. T’- • >c : - t> i; composed of the young pe pie of the Fifth Ward though it is not exclusive of older persons. Its ob ject is to promote the literal and social pleasures of its members. Mr. W. S. Simmons, E; T. Mc- Ghee and Jno T. Taylor some time last month invited those w ho were desiri ms of associating them selves together to meet at the resi dence of Mr. Taylor andformulate asociety as above stated. It has a meeting once a week and each there is a program which is carried out in full. The program is composed of reading, recitations and music both vocal ami instru mental. Mr. W. S Simmons, Jno. Canfield and Miss Lizzie Powell are the executive committee of the cl uh. Their selections of reading and recitations are from the let au thors . Mr. F. B. Huffaeher, who is a fine reader rendered the amusing features of Betting on a horse race which .was well received. Miss Dora Burnett read from II (lines My dear ancestral Aunt. The music by little Addie Taylor and Moniac Daniels was splendid and was received with a hearty ap plause. Mr. R. C. 'Pippin read the Cabin Philosiphy which all enjoy ed very much. There was also reading from several other members which showe I that interest is being dis played. The secretary, Mr. J. W. Tippin has the following program for the next meeting winch will be he.ld at the residence of Mr. T. J. McCaffrey. Mr. AV. S. Simmons and F. B. Huffaeher —lialoguo between Fits James and Roderic, fr mi the La dy of t ie Lake. Mr. Canfield, Jno. Whitehead, J, 'l'. Taylor and Miss I)’ra Burnett —How shall I have and not be taxed. Mr. W. W. Vandiver who is critic of the Club n ill read Buck shaws Funeral. 1 O CENTS A WE E Lowiv Bros AT C. D. WOOD’S OLD STAND New *stock ■Y3t OF Dry goods; TXotions. Hats» Caps. Tr unks. V al ises. Crockery. Grlass and Tinware. ♦ SHOES* a In any Style and Price Ton want. OU3STOCK OF Stamped Dnens ARE BEAUTIES. Remember > ) c WE WILL LEAD THE PROCESSION ON XMAs Goods Lowry Bros 41 3 Broad St„ ROME GEORGAK-