The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 16, 1894, Image 4

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TREVITT&JO SON 206 BROAD STREET, P It ESC RIP TIO J\ r DRUGGISTS* Agents for Mouson’s Importe Perfumes, TREVITT& JOHNSON The Leading Prescrpt'on Druggists of the ci y Paul Re; se has cha re of th Prescription Department. •» a iiihiim r nr mjrawa—swmxranniwir^-Mren'j—— mfllH ad »imimi MANUFACTVRERS AND IN Mln and Granite, Itaiirt, GoM Wire and Wrorght Im Fencing, Lawn Vacos, Fnnntains &c. Jfeg-Order What You Want and Get What You Order. S HEMSTREE‘ r Mgr, Chattanooga Tenn, 1116 Market Street. A. J. BANKSTON General Agent Ringgold Georgia THE KEELY INSTTUTi; Formerly located at Dalton, Ga., has removed to Rome where it will remain pernmnetly. The Company has secur ed a commodious and coitvi- tlv arranged building, two miles north of ihe city, on the Summerville road, well adapted to the requireti!'uts of a private institute, where every possible comfort and convieuce wi.l be supplied for the bent fit of those under treatment. Parties desiring furth er information, address. The keely Institute, P. O. Drawer, 348. ROME GEO .GIA, I?94FA LAND WINTER MILLINERYIB94 NO. 302 BROAD STREET. ROME GEORGIA, We are now prepared to Show A Select Stock of New and Sty lish Millinery, > Ladies, Misses and childrens, “ r-.ats and Bonnets, Baby Caps, Hair Ornaments, Side and Tuck Combs, Ice Wool, Silk floss and Zephyrs. Wil) sell at lowest Cash prices, Call and See us, Respectfully A. O. GARRARD. MiJJMM-Muj JJ—. —.HBtiir irr rrm — ’ jkmwu■■umti—wu 1 mwnaiwr< vatj- - ~ —ni i wi ■■ in ■ nil rutin ti B B B fims, blotches J £■ ■ 1 B ■ 6WD OID SORES 1 S PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT CATARRH, WALARIA, F AND POTASSIUM KIDNEY TROUBLES f £ Makes and dyspepsia | Marvelous Cures $ 4ft . _ B plum, the greatest blood purifier on & 5 in Blood Poison ■4- i i:w ~ savannah. . n . . Ga. : D::ai: Sirs- I bought a bottle of M Rheumatism > : h • JK will 1 ■ I ( r S..rlUtoO. S' . - - . • . <). I>. :' jss&ssk ■ ■BF | 1* •* I* j- ■ ■> the blood, tt> < ’■. -14’.tail 7B* the weak an : debilitated, i ■ r V ii: :. . ■ v •. t \ X x... . Ti ' fcF r i'tn ’ . '• *v an 1 t< f X s>, . e Jod, rial pu- i i'.l.a. < ••'-. ■1 ia, I , ,\r z ' . in nil 1 b ,«i at • qj n di- ■ (> blotches T’ ’.;pn”», old chr- ' io uh. 40 tetter, sc . h. boils. ery> ,<l • -3 c- »»* % C'venui » • ma hit, without i. •. 1 ' ’* Jb < , ”Ut rn-'p . ’ hut ) . I‘. I*. is t 'm 1 ■ c .o'J.,-y 40 blood purifier ju the world, a id u»-i £ positive, speedy and permanent cuvea F iri?’. Tr . ,<3 01 1-1, 19?. Ci-** Ji,,. in 11 ■ • ; ■■ vannah, 0P IB Ml 7—■ l IF «ur ’-i - : ~ 1 ! \ Z 1 y CU r 1 . X i xT LaTtos v.'hoce nyatemn are poisoned I.P.F»v .t <‘ > 1 t.:c .• .1 a, usually and v 1:< o'l :.‘»ina iL.pui' e' i- In- •••n 'er, t orly y< ars >- wF tion. due to men*’trtm! irregnlarT. , r ' ■ hnv .. ’ .nn < L’ a. raile, :it A-y are neculiariy b.*r» ntc<! by the w-a- )• < r »; ;•••inovosail ir- x. x-'A'*' derful tonic and L'loc iclcansintrr r. * ' ' • ' »t the disease X rF ertiesef P. x. /.-Prickly Ash, I’oka 01vi P* reading 01 t’.o ! X. R ■ - - r-, •-1 4 .L: t . L another COUTO V bpringfield,mo., vig. iith. 1 y 211 ; 1 ‘• hi ' :d ? or 1. —I can apeak in the highest terms of x/‘ J ‘ r ' °t U » X, 40 your medicine from my own porsonnl v. □«* -.. Yours truly. knowledge. I w:u affected with hosr<, f. RUST, .a disease, pleur’sy and rheumatism A orauy at Law. , E331 oil tiijofl Diseases Melied Free. F ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. cheerfully say it has done me more „ «- ■ „_—. X F UPPfiftAN BROS. Wk suaerers of the above diseases. PROPRIETORS. M MRS. M. M. YEARY. _ ’ T, Springfield, Green County, Mo. Uppraan’. Block,Savannah,Ga x THE HUSTLER OF ROME SUN DAY DECEMBER. 16 IST4. fED Ife ITH fl CORPSE. Juggletad by a Wide Throw [ Pitched Into the Ti Pittshurg Pi. .D< 1- I’i I i | burg wa.i tn-dny hoirifi“<i by ih-' ! (fptHilsof n most horriblp di ui)l<hu ravid which took place in ihn f'snionablc Fast. End hst night. Frank Heil and Harry Illiev, two wefllthv nod well-known votitor > East E i l, ■ ’ •i■ -i dead bdo . < • t 'i -..»■•» > I bt-'gan a■/ ■: •pit I nr! tn -wth >h j co r p 1 •. ''' , - lip fun ’V: -a al ii .• I • ’ill:' ! ono i■ i' ■•• » , jrn nken - :’ '• • ,i >.'■ : •a ■■ I'. ‘ ii•.V oi t I'. Ip 1 i ti j | into th- Id ■ zi'v.r st ye • ' |I- . U’ i ’ • • h : j h chi 1 A I cri-p Fv.-ry effort w s inad* 1 to k< • p ’hr matter quite T >dav an information charging the m.‘y with disorderly conduct, was made before A'derman Braud per. who sentenced Heil and Ri ley to 90 days iu the workhouse. The child belonged to John Con nors, living on St. Clair Street. | Mrs. Connors gave birth to the babe, Tuesday morning, but it lived only a few hours. Heil and Riley visi ed the Con dots house about 9 o’clock Itst evening. T ley were well supplied with whiskey and had little trou ble in getting all about the house intoxicated. T hey stole the corpse and visiting a neighboring saloon, where they began to sling the nude ! corpse around like a football. The i 'mates of the saloon chased I tin tn 1 'ii the p'ice Another p‘ac ned mid 'he corp.-e I was ~ on the overcoat of a well ' ’ ') F ' !<nd butch '. ' who, u; i ng the trick, almost ' . .fl d i '-<)uug bloods, but . they manag-d to escape w th the corpse. They finally wound up at Pa’- rick Lawler's saloon on Pennsyl vania A vetiue. Here they began , their gam > of pitch and toss with ! the dead iufanbut the tun was cat ah -rt by the corpse fall ing into the fir». Heil and Riley.l (led, but «<-re aro-sted thig inoru- Img and sent to Ibe workhouse de spite their good connec ions. OF THE COOK GANG. Four Bandits Arrested Aftera Run ning Pistol Battle. Hot Springs, Ark.. Dec. 15, — Four desperate characters, who, from tb«ir general appearance, are believed tn be Territory outlaws, were arrested here last night at a late hour by the police, after a run ning pistol battle. They had held up and robbed the watchman at Gibb’s lumber mills, and were in the actof blow ing th esafe when the officers came upon them. When locked up they gave the names o f Charles F. Ken nehy, James Brady, Paul Dunn and John Brink. Th»y were he vi ly armed with regulation Colts’ rfvolvers. The officers are confi dent they are member* of Bill Cook's gang of Territory outlaws. ■ ■■ -x BE WAKE O F OI NT MEN f S FOR (’ A TARIIH THATCONTAIN MERCURY as mercury will surely destroy th sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en ering if through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrji Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co,, Toledo, ()., contains no mer cury, and is utKen internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure b sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free fW'Sold by Druggists, price 75c perbottle LOST In the new Court House a gold Hunting Case Watch .works loose incase. Liberal reward will be paid for its return to Sheriff Highest Pat. Flour. $1.60, Morris & Bro. Il j snl.ll CTEWARTUU T1 IE BI G GEST TH ING AT ROM I WKl"iNh‘r al! -• x .:\.£ f'-l ' v•<J • v ; i F '9' 1 1 HTVj Xi ' ; OXrgSm 0 SfG ; | iST-L -JI T — —>■' it ill S ’lid Oik Suit, $17.51). Washstand $ <» yßbh I 1 ■jJSnf T1 ' 1 XeX J| ™ M ’S V\ ti S. It Nj]| I J“ \| Ladies’ Reel er, sl.lO i,u I, °” ■‘'“•‘A.J.i Oak Rae’er SI,OO $ d IR A I I iWnnrn Ww 1 ■ n //I “S Ulj P . A £ I|mK t *" l ' ” ?* Ji Hknl ol > jr r./ ' r, r. " ~ nri o. -Xwr y/ -Ji Ladies Hocker, SI.OJ KVVashsta d $1,25 OCwX ' (11 ’ n 125 if i i I £CHI n I I I!I K I i - t / i I- i 3 J r ' ' / I 0 < I ki I || || // 0 .i! XxL.ya .*'l ■ ill if I ” 11 K °" nd tabe ’ c< ' ntre la s2 ' 7s ' ? ' f - ■' ■A Bl BF U > Il Kk- fv mrj ITkJi - ■ it ■ n VJ7 |fe H-XX > —■- ’ ii;.l - > ’ ke 5) 1 , ak Suit, $13.50 IL • S ONLY FWOF THOUSAND BARG M !l iiiuJooalii-S ft Co