The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 01, 1895, Image 1

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I v AM &SONS • J u ling for the “indurin .i'l, - trade. They have iJtiomus and stacks of HOll“ Xamined before . *J njan.Ttb, ic4 efore Christmas and ivYl, ?e for that pu> < BdV'c.s. 1 ply a lot of bargains T ,{ E PUBLIC. n the Holiday Lines. -fcndidae for the <J < iv#r of Floyd Co , d Jack O'rear w cis with ad remnants must gothere cordially invited real’ jet what you want at | orice. LnTiHp. ons. pack away no goods Io l ito another, its against jles and besides they such work and so storage goods. Jargains during the Holi- ■5 L»O tO I)N 236 Broad St | i»<h MJ. TEEIVTT4- lie Kg 1 >n Druggist are husHing ■°™ ncy Druggist. Sundries. V • mo Competition in the Wag Because they have the _Wie “■ s t the demand and are 1 ” 5c Cotton profit on their ■L now your friends and favor ca!l on above firrus ■ * _| r 0 - _ — . •zlw JJ NCH ROOM. I 10 ' SATALL HO U R S*+ u I tn ‘lna , Fish, and Game all ~ri u in short Notice. “ miclc, Propr 19 i r Rome Ga. at all hours I LURE & CO. I LER9IN ND ALABAMA, p ' id Domestic IOAU zest Prices |AT h ROME CITY MILLS I ONE NO. 27. wwwwfwml ay’s news| ithe Hust-I print. !*► «« THE HUSTLER OF ROME. THEY RESOLUTED- The Blacks of Book's County Talk With Sense. CONDEMNED MURDERERS And say That the White mob Contained Only About 100 men. Condemned Also, the Reports That Were Published. Savannah, Gn., Jau. I.—A Morn ing News special from Quitman Ga., says: “At a meeting of several hun dred colered citizens held today at which every district of the county was represented and of which Hen ry Williams was chairman, the following resolutions whfo unani mously adopted. “ Resolve, 1. That wedo hearti ly approve aud concur in the reso lutions adopted by the bjard of county commissioners of Brooks county at its last meeting with regard to the recent crimes com mitted in our community. “ ’2 Tnat we earnestly hope that Waverly Pike will be brought to a speedy aud impartial trial for the killing of Mr. Joseph Isom, and that he may pay the penalty if found guilty, by the courts; and we hope the murderers of our race shall be speedily forced to trial and compelled to pay the pen alty for the crimes; aud that we urgently appeal to the authorities to arrest the persins charged with theee murders and to indicate the naajestf of the law. ‘3. That we repudiate and con demn the published reports in re gard to this unfortunate affair which were calculated to cause trouble. Without attempting in any way to make excises for the crime of Waverly Pike, we say without hesitation ani after full investigation, that tlii people of Marion district were 'not armed and prepared for a race war, but, on the contrary made every effort to avoid any trouble with the mob of 75 or 100 people, most of them now residents of our county, which in the search of Waverly Pike, committed the most itrocious crime in the history of the county. We wish to clear the good name of our county from all such troubles. “ ‘4 That we are glad to say that the best 0 tizens of our county condemned ih unmeastred terms the recent acts of lawessness in our county. We beli'Ve if they had not coms to our ie' p as soon as they did, more nurders would have committed, ‘“5. That we r>quest the press that haa given such wide cir culation to the false reports in connection witi this affiir to pub lish these reSo'Uions.’’ Growing in Unpopularity. St Johni, N. F., Jan. I.—The unpopularity of the government measure for guaranteeing bank notes, which was passed by the council a few days ago, is daily growing in intensity and a public meeting under the auspice of the high sheriff of the colony will be held to-morrow to protest against the governor signing the bill. At all events the agitation of the noteholders is likely to force the government to adopt a more satis factory method, and petitions are being circulated for signatures praying the governor for the ap pointment of a royal commission from England to look into the subject. The government is divided on the matter of requesting it; several ,nfluential members favoring the appointment of a royal commission but the professional politicians vehemently oppose such a step. Lost His Cas 3 . Cincinnati, 0., Jan. 1 Colonel W. C. P. Breckinridge, who smd Gustavus A. Mey»r to recover the receipts levied upon at his lecture Thursday night, lost his case today Tbs court sustained Meyer’s claim for servic-s in taking depositions m the Pollard case a year ago. ROME GEORGIA. TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY. 1 1895. BALLEW--FOTTER Thats The Attraction At Nevins Tomorrow night ; THE BEST SHOW YET Will be on Boards tomorrow night and if you wa. t to enjoy the new yeartreat of managers & Son get tickets. When Mrs. Potter made her fir appearance in London, ten year* ago, the critic* of that city, with out exception, declared underly ing her crudeneas, she showed in dications of unmistakable talent, and predicted that in future years she would be heard from as a pol ished aotreas. Their predictions are now verified, for Mrs. Potter, on her present American tour, has received the highest praise from critics in every city in wh|oh she has appeared. Her eiigag’metff here in conjunction with Mr. Bal lew, and supported by an excellent oumpany, is announced for Wed nesday, January 2nd in their la test success “Charlotte Corday. ” The repertoire of this oompauy is exceptionally strong aud popu lar, and presented with such excel lent artists should prove a most attractive one. Mrs. Potter, a na tive of New Orleans, is devoting her life to the stage, has worked hard and faithfully to accomplish the object of her ambitions, and although in the past she has been assailed to an unwarranted degree —particularly the New York crit ics—she has succeeded in making those who were most bitter in their attacks acknowledge that she is an actress without a peer in Ameri ca . Mr. Ballew, years ago, won his spur from the stage, and is inva riab'y acknowledged as one of the best romantic actors of his time. FROM THE WEST INDIES Change of Ministry in Hayti - France’s Demand New York, Jan. 1.-*-The Dutch steamer, Prinz Frederick Hendrick, which arrived this afternoon from West Indian ports, via Port-au- Prince, December 24th, brings the news that at the time of leaving an entire change in President Hippo lyte’s ministers was about to take place. Everything was very quiet, al though a great scarci'y of money and hard times prevailed. Three French men-of-war were in the harbor of Port-au-Prince. It was reported that they would proceed to San Domingo to enforce a claim of the French government against the government,of San Domingo, owing to the arrest of a French subject for the recent rob bery es a large sum of money from the Bank of San Domingo,in which President Herreaux was implica ted. There was one Spanish gunboat at Cape Hayti. An English and another French war vessel were also expected at that port te aid in backing up the claims of France- Hungary’s Crisis. Buda Pesth, January I.—Em peror Francis Joseph has returned to Vienna without having succeed ed in the formation of a new Hun garian cabinet. It is not now prob able that Dr. Banffy will become premier, but it is more than likely that the presidency of council will be accepted by Count Hedervary, ban of Croatia, with a coalition i ministery composed of liberals and n iticnals. Struch on the Rocks. St. John, N. F. January 1. — The Baitish steamer Benisaf Captain Gundry, when a few hours out from Pilieys island, enroute for New York, with a cargo of iron pyrites, was lost near Cape Bon avieta last Saturday morning. The accident was caused by a deviation of the con p ms. The steamer struck on tbe rock during j a deuce fog. FEARED RES’JL .T. Tne Orchard Thief did not \ Anymore Kertncky in His . HE BEGGED THE JUDGE - —■■■. JU The Buckeye Judge Entertain ed the Prayer and Declined t° Have the Requisition Papers Until he heard From Kentucky Cincinnati, 0., January I.—The remarkable scene of a man begging and pleading for his life, claiming fear of lynching, was witnessed in Judge Buckwalter’s court today. The prisoner was A. 11. Hampton, alias Jackson, a tall colored man indicted in Marion c*unty, Ken tucky, for shooting and wounding a fanner who accused him of rob bing his orchard. Hampton fled to this city and was arrested this morning. When Hampton was brought into court, his face assumed a sickly hue and he trembled so violently he could hardly assume a standing position. Stretching out his long gaunt arms to th* judge, he moaned : “Oh, Massa Judge, don’ send me to Kaintucky. I ain't no cow ard, butdey want ter lynch mo. Dat’s the way they does down thar. I get letters telling me that they would string me up. ” Judge Buckwaiter asked Mr. Penn if he had heard of such threats. “Yes sir,” was the answ r. T; the court, with his fingers point ■<. at the deputy sheriff, said : ‘‘Four months ago I sent on ex tradition papers a fugitive from justice into Kentucky. He was lynched soon after he loft the train The authorities broke their word with this court. The state of Ken tucky broke faith with her sister state of Ohio in the protection human life. I will not send this man awr from~theß'i coTTTff' TTffffi T TfTT’hT letter from your governor a d from the presiding judos district that Hampton’s life will ; not be placed in jeopardy,andf hat I he will be given a fair and unpar tial trial.” A murmur of applausff ar > from the large crowd present. Hampton was returned 1/ jail. r— —3 LADIES WILL BUM IT. ——J_ The Prop osition to the Za Jias Memphis, Tenn., -lan. 1. —The Commercial-Appea/has placed its plant at the disposal of the woman of Memphis who Zill edit the pi per for one issue and receive the revenue accruing therefrom for the purpose of staffing a fund to build a woman’s t'fliple in this city similar to Christian Temperance /Union building of Chicago. Tij; edition will appear on St. Valentine’s Day, February , 14th. Ladi/s will control every de partment/rom editor-in-chief to 1 y offee boy BRECKINRIDGE'S FAILURE It is Rimored That he will Cancel Future Dates. S/, Louis, Mo., January 1. — QoigreMman W. C. P. Breckin ridge lectured last night at the Olympic theater on I ‘East of Amer ;an Development” to an audience of 150 people, including two ladies one of the latter being h's wife. The door did not pay for tip There is a rumor that his fu 1 dates will be canceled. Dneyfus’s Sentence Confirmed. Paris, Jau I.—The council of r»vision has confirmed the sen tmee of confinement in a for;res for life, which was imposed u/n, Captain Albert Dreyfus, by th courtmartial on December Captain Dreyfus did not apps. person before the council, demand for a new trial was rt-j ed ,the couucil d«claring th*', in first was conducted on all | | in conformity with ths law. GDI THEBOODLE A couple of Train Robbers got sl,- 150 Last Night. DELAYED 4 MINUTES Dogs put on the Trail and as There is Snow the Pros pects a re That They Will be Caught. On the Q. &C. atYork, Ala. Birmingham, Ala , Jan. 1 —Two masked train robbers held up and robbed Queen and Crosent South bound piibtenger train No 3 near York last night about 8:30 o’clock. The pair boarded th* train at Livingston as passengers. After the conductor had passed them they sneaked an* on th* front platform of the amok er, and after masking vheim-elves, walked into the bag gage car, the door of which they found op»u. They covered th<’ messenger and baggage agent with guns ami made them throw up their hands. The m isenger wa* mad* to un lock the safe and hand *ut its cou tents, which amounted to only $1,730. After they got all they could from the express and baggage car they made the baggage master pull the ball cor 1 and stop the train. When it came almost to a stand still iiaey leaped to the ground and ran off into the woods. Not a single pas-ienger was mol ested, not a shot, was fired and the job *uly delayed the train four minutes. Doga have been put on the trail, aud as the ground is covered v .th snow, they will probably b* cuigbt. ■r... AN OHIO MAN’S SUiCIDE jfe. Ma Boom Lua JadsoMe Hote and Shot Himself. Jacksonville, Fla., January I. I W. Charles Alilli-r, of Newark, 0., was found (b ad in bed in a room lat the Tremont house in this city at 3 o’clock this afternoon. He was dressed only in his un der clothes. There was a bullet hole in his right temple. A revol ver lay by his side, where it had avidently fallen from his hand, and life had certainly been extinct for at least twelve hours. Miller arrived iu this city by the Savannah, Florida and Wes tern Railway at 3 o’sclock yester day afternoon and an hour or two later registered at the Tremont House, where he paid 50 cents in advance lor a rcom. He had no bag gage but, was well dres*ed,aud look ed well-to-do. Nothing more was seen or aeard of him until he was found dead. Undertaker Clark notified the suicide’s father, C. W. Miller, 32 South Second street, Newark, O. This address was learn id from the back of a photograph on which was also writen •. “1 thank you all for what you can do for me and look for a bet ter reward in heaven.” In the suicide’s clothes were a photograpii of his wife and her sis ter (taken together), a gold watch and chain and a few cents He had remarked to the dark when regie terii.g that his trunk was at the depot. The Grange feature of the af fair is that nobody in the house was aroused by Miller’s shot. | Th* man was apparently wenty three years old . Assignment at Chattanooga. Cnatianooga, Tenn., Jan. I. The Chattanooga Storage and Banking Company, W. E Ashcroft president, assigned today. The assets and >posits are small. IL Is anted, 1 Georgia, Floyd County. ' The Board of Commissioners l» ■.cnuejX said Louuty will receive sofper sous lesi ring to act as ferryman at Pope’s ferry, Frerinan’s furry and Veal’s ferry in said C<nm« ' ty. for the year Said bids to be in the office I ol The Clerk of the Board on or before the iirst day of January, IW. The Board reserves the i right to reject any and all bids. Max Meyerbaidt, Clerk. IPatronize Home by support-: Jing your home paper. : 1U CENTS A WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT COLUMN For Sherifl'. Toth«,oter» ofWoyd county, I annancn self a candidate for Sheriff or Rood county an* il elected idtllaeTomer and Rltp Williaraaon will lie my Ilcputiox. Election Unit Wcdneadrty Lu January ISM. Very r**p**t£oHy J. k*. MoCeeaal For Clerk of Superior Court, I Hereby announce myself a Candidate Car re <>h!« tion lor the Office of Clork es Woy< Superior Court. Election ftMt Wednesday in January riMft W*l E» BKYSIKeKL, For Treasurer. We are authorized to announce the name of James B. Hill for re-election to the office of County Treasurer. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce myself as a candidate for he offien of fax Reoeiverol Floyd oounty, elea ion to be held <>n first Wednesday in JtMiuary 895. Respectfully. R. L. Foster I gave my right arm to the “Lost Cause,” and respectfully ask the people of Floyd county give me the office of fax Receiver. Election rtart Wednesday in January 1895. F. w. QvabLn. I hereby announce myself a* a candidate for tbe office of T**x Receiver ©f Floyd County, elan i ion to be held on first Wedivesday in January 1895. Respectfully George Washington. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Ibig to announce myself ae a Candidate for Tax CoHector at the ensuing January election, and kindly ask the support of friends. J NO, J. RLAW For Corener, I hereby announce myscLf a eaudidate for■». elec ' ion to the office es coroner of Floyd, uennlfr Election first Wednesday in January 1895. T M Dreimon. I hereby announce myself a candidate for tJm office of coroner for F.oyd county, ami desire (he support of my friends. Election Rest Wed nesday in January 1995. John R Rotldard. For Bailifl. To the votes© of the 919th IXst, G, M- w sp ci * >tlly annouLoe msK»elf as a candutate far tjaiiiii . and 1/elbcte i willdo my duty t© ttm best of my ambiflty W. P. M«leo» To the voters of the 919th Diet G M : el low Citizens I hereby announce myaelf as a Ondi da e for Bailiff of the 919th Diet, and if elected 1 promise to discharge the duties of the ©ffi to the best of my ability, itespeot uffv Thoma,c. Mobri*. To the voters of the 919 Dist G M : fellow Citi, zens I ber< by announce myself as a Cai-.di.dale so»- Bailiff of the 919th Dist, and -rs elected! promise ro discharge the dalles Os >he ©mee so the best uMibility, Respectfully F. Ji . Cauwilk. / To the voters of the 9Wth Dfst G. M. fellow Citizens I hereby announce myself as a Cadi dace for B.iilitf of the 919th Dist, and if elected ! promise to dis< i irge the duties of the office lie best a i bilicy, HespecctaHy E. L. PobLoOK I hereby announce ni-self a candidate for re election to the office or constable for the Ihft M. Floyd Comity Election Ist Saturday in January 1895 respect fully W. M. Uyaam I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for re-election to the office ©f Bailiff 919th Dist <S. M. Election first Saturday in January. HENRY BEARD To the voters of the 919 District G. M. Floyd county: I hereby an non nee myself as candidate for the office ol Bailiff and asking your support, pledge you to do my duty to the best of my abil ity when 1 ant elected, John Riders. J hereby announce myself as candidate for Bailiff of the Rome District I will not be able to sec each votein person but hope to have ihatr support on the first Saturday in January 1595. Tredaway. TO MY FRIENDS. At the earnest solicitation of my many, many friends—th»‘candidates—l have cut the price of election tickets half In two. RumemberU Is a solemn fact that every candidate I turn ever printed tickets for have been elected. Half iu two, C, O D. Don’t forget the c. o. d- TOM TURNER. Election Notice. Georgia, Floyd county i By order of Board of Commissioners of Road* and Revenue iu and fur said county of Floyd notice is hereby given that on the second (2nd day of January, 1695, an election will be held at all the voting precincts within the limits es said county, to determine the question whether coupon bonds to the amount of Forty Thousand sM,oi)o) Dollars shall be issued by Floyd county for the purpose of paying the floating indebted ness of said county. Said bonds shall bear lute eat rate of per cunt per annum, said in terest payable on (he first day of April of eaeh year after the date of the issue of said bonds Said bonds shall bear date April Ist. 1885, and shall be of the following denominations* Five Tliousand ($5,000) Dollars to be of the de nomination of One ($1.00) Dollar each. Five Thousand(ss,ooo) Dollars to be of tbe de nomination of two ($2.00) each. Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars to be of the de nomination of five ($5.00) Dollars each. Ten Thousand ($10,000; Dollars to be of the de nomination of Ten ($10.00) Dollars each. Ten Thousand ($10,(>M)) to be of the denomina tion of Fifty ($50.00; Dollars F>r the first til teen years, only the interest of said bcmls sliall be paid. Thereafter there shal bei»aid: The sixteenth year five thousand '55,000) Dol lars <d (()ue Dollar bunds) and tw F o thousand (#2,000; dollars of interest. The seventeenth year five thousand ($5,000 dollars of paincipal (two dollar bomJj; anti sev enteen hundred ami fifty ($1750) dollars of inter est. Ihe eighteenth year, five thousand ($5,000 dollars of principal ($5.00) five dollar bonds and fifteen hun Ired ($1500) dollass of interest The nineteenth year, five thousand ($5,000 dollars of principal [five dollar bonds) and twe;\e huudrudand fifty ($1250 dollars of inter est. the twentieth year, fi~e thousand [55,0001 dol tlars otpriucipal (ten dollar bonds] and one thousand [sl,ooo] doharsof interest. '1 he twenty first year, five thousand fss,ooo] dollars of principal (ten dollar bonds}and seven hundred ami fifty [s7so] dollars of interest, huue twenty-second year, five thousand ($5,000] dollars of principal fifty dollar bonds) aid five hundred 55001«' dlars of interest. , rhe twenty ilnrd year,five th i and [ssJ)g> <lollars of principal fifty dollar > d) and two hundred ind fifty [s2so] dollai of kiterest whanpriucipil .m l interest will be r ufiy paid off. All voters favoring the issuance of bonds will ha\»‘written or printed on their ballots the words “For Bonds.” Ail opposed tbe words •Axainst R( h s.” JohnC. Foster, Chairman, Ma X dwerli.ii'dt, Clerk. Board of Ccmmissioners of Roads and Rey u ue of Floyd county Georgia