The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 05, 1895, Image 3

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■Speculation ■jAMMOND and t o. L j bond BROKER ■ )3 0i132 Pearl Street, 3 City ■ Boll ,lsand Grail nought Kid, eiirri.d on Margin. ■ jLs'H'l l " r explanatory K.',„n elation- al"'' weok- S notice S . , it |i<Ti Kaihvay will make fau i..r the round trip desiring to at’end the |V [al x Mt the I’resbyte-’ cilU| ./, It.dlax. Toxas tic k > lilV 1 ;ih ! "" 1 ,sth g °° i ’ 95 - F,ir - W fi; . Will bo cheerfully K promptly furnished . by any Southern Railway or Carr. Tkt. \gt., K.., Ga. E IL Wells, T. I’.A. | T, ir k GT. A Macon Ga, J). A . JJcnacoter, ■ A G. P. A Knoxv lie Tenn. E GENT 1N E M E RIT |K; Hand's Sarsaparilla wins wlr'rover it is fairly and tried. To have perfect nm-t have pure blood ),o<t way to have pure t ’.ik II .xl s Sarsaparil- ■ k<: purifier and strength >.|" I- all taint of scrof- rheum and all other hu- Kj at the same time builds whole system. ■ EASY CURED. Morphine and To ire < :ih I v cured by the Hi Il's Chloride of Gold Tab- required of the pa- is allowed the use of until he voluntarily use. Maybe given se tea t coffee and a cure Mn:.:-*d in every case. Eor sale lass druggists at SI.OO For full particulars testimonials address BkDC iiiemical Works, Lima fvi sale by J. T. Crouch. B IX THE SPRING. ■>••-■ th<‘safest and the most Bruit way to purify the blood in Mtpriu; is by using Dr. King’s I G< rmetuer. It tones the Mr- .cl- digestion, restores 10-t ■' and brings quiet, restful MbhiiiL’do'p. For little children, Mull | pie. ami for delicate la- Mias\odl as for the more robust ■vigorus of both «ex Germe- Mrstli,'ideal remedy for use in M spring—pleasant to take as Moni'ic, harmless always and Mdu! in every case. New’ pack- M.Large Bottle, 108 Doses One Mliar. h>r Sale by all Druggist. B* - I IVHAT NEXT ■ fir.Dd iys only gold platinum ■hr fill in o a'C calks diammond ’U'lil iilhiiL's 50c all other plas efit.iings attc gold fillings each 150 tn Gold crowns $5. Plates itwlli Ki. Teeth extracted with Utinder for 25c each. In Ford w'k work by 8. A. McArthur, il6-tf. NOTICE City Council of Rhine de ■( in communication with 1 parties holding Rome city , , 8 - lii answering give seriesand “ n, y of bonds, amount held, *"I interest and date of niftttl- V’ Address XV. J.. Neel, . 1 11 1‘ ia. Com. , Rome, Ga. ’■ll-t.f, i-iFE INSURANCE AT COST. ,y. iz ”At about ONE the u sual Ra l os e ° me before you iake out a Life Policy “ gents wanted nr °ugh9ut North Ga. Ap Ply to address John C Printup Manager, Rome Ga. i’ll 1 ? deceived, a pret- Z! lne °f Silver Novel thinim facing “every arrh g ‘ goods tmh Pd Monday and tn. ra ? e so ™e most orno 1SI ’ art,c les and Or, }aments. J - K. Williamson The Jeweler, MILITARY CYCLISTS. Competitive Wheel Races in the Government Service- Chicago, June s.—Encouraged by the secretary of war, Maj. Gen. Mites and others, preparations have been made for a competitive bicycle relay race this week be tween the postal service taking a message from Postmaster Hesing, of Chicago, to the postmaster of New York, and the military ames sage from Gen. Ruger to Gen. Miles. More than 500 riders and substi tutes will I e necccssary to carry the messages—more than were ever in a race before. The Itineracy has been carefully arranged and each division of the journey is un der such careful supervision that little time will be lost in changes. The finish is expected to be an exciting spurt and will be awaited at an appointed station in N. A’, by Gen. Miles. Medals and prizes for those linking the best average time will be given. The time ached tiled is seventy-two hours, which seems small, but on account of the careful arrangements it is thought that it can be almost carried out and a time record established which will beat anything which has hitherto been done. The route, after leaving Chicago takes in La Porte, South Bend, Goshen, Ind.j Fhemont, Elyria. Painesville, Astabuitf, O.; North east Pennsylvania; Buffalo, Bata via, Rochester, Syraruse, Utica, Schenectady, Albany, Poughkeep sie, Sing Sing, Tarrytown, Yon kers, to New York. THE FORESTS I Fierce Fires Raging in Western Pennsylvania. Kane, Penn., June 4.—Never be fore has this place been threaten ed with so much destruction as to day. The forests have been on fire since Saturday, and all efforts to check the flames have proved una vailing. This afternoon at 3 o’clock the fire has spread to West Kane, the heat being so intense that the fight ere were driven back, and the peo ple began to desert their houses for places of safety. Every spring is dried up, and the 1 place is at the mercy os the flames. The fire is now raging in the oil field and has burned the oil well rigs owned by the Griffith Compa ny. The Union Oil Company has lost six rigs and three tanks ol oil James Campbell’s sawmill and over 1,(XX),000 feet of logs have been de stroyed. ON THE WAY To His Wedding When Gronnil To| Pieces By a hein Logansport, Tnd., June 5. —Wil- liam Kuyjath, an employe of the Pan-Handle Shops here, was struck by a fast Wabash fruit train to night in the local yards ami ground to death. When tb« Accident occurred Kuy jath, who was a widower, 53 y< a s of age, was on his way to liis wed ding with Miss MinnieG Idsmith, who, with the guests, awaited his coming. THE SNAKE DEAD. Port Jervis,N. Y., June 5. —'A >|. ie Peck, the eight-year-old son ol lohn Peck, residing half a mile from Long Eddy, discovered a rat tle snake Coiled up near a fence this morning, and began poking at it with a stick, laughing gf<-efully. The snake’s repeated att< nip's to strike the stick madd< n<d the rat tier, and it jumped for the boy. catching him on the foot with its fangs. The youngster grabbed it by the tail to pull it away from him and was again bitten on the arm. Then there was a war of some five minutes between the snake and the boy, which resulted in the rattler being laid out by a blow across the head . The victor dragged the snake to the house door, and showed it to his mother, and then fell over in a fit. The body began in a frightful manner. A dactor was hastily summoned to relieve the child, but said it was too late, and pronounced the case a hopeless one. (Just below the su face.) Prices at the Bazaar. THE HUSTLER OF ROME XA/EDNESDAY JUNE 5 1895 TH IRSTS FOR BLOOD An Ohio Convict’s Many Attempts To Commit Murder. Columbus, Ohio, June s.—lra Mailatt, the only prisoner at the penitentiary in solitary confine ment, seems to have a constant thirst for human blood. He re ceived a life sentence for murder. Before he had been in the peniten tiary long he attempted to kill a fellow prisoner. He then tried to murder the Deputy Warden. Marlatt was placed in solitary confinement, a cage being built especially for him. It was discov ered today that he had secured a strong piece of steel wire from some unknown source, and, by rubbing it against the stone floor of his cell, had made a sharp, spikelike weapon. Several guards went to Marlatt’s cell to disarm him today. He. re sisted and fought so desperately that it was necessary to club him into insensibility before the wire weapon could be taken from him. The prison officials believe it is on ly a question of time until it will become necessary to kill Marlett ’n order to save the life of some in nocent victim of his thirst for hu man blood. A woman horse thief was receiv ed at the penitentiary today. Sim was sent up from Allen County t o serve one y ar. Her name is Louise Sarkey. She is only lb years <>ld, but already has served four years in the Girls’ Industrial School. Fred Wilson and James Reed who were received today from Muskingum County to serve one year each for stealing meat from a smokehouse and committed the crime because they were hungry, expressed themselves today as be ing weary with the life vs “Road side Willies” and glad they were in the pen. The Board of Penitentiary Man agers will meet to-morrow and Rear a number of applications for paro'es. Students Summer Confurence. On the grounds as the Universi' to, Tennessee. Knoxville, Tenn., J une 14—23, 1895. For this occasion the South ern States Passenger Association has authorized a rate of one limit ed first class fare for the round trip tickets of iron-clad signature form, limited the continuous passages in both directions, to be sold June 13th to 14th, good returning up to and including June 25th, 1895. The Southern Railway offers to •he teacher and pupil desiring to attend this conference—Fast and convenient schedules and elegant ly equipped trains. Information cheerfully furnish ed upon application, by any Agent or by C. A. Behscoter, A. G. P. A. Knoxville, Tenn., W. A. Turk, G. P. A., Washington, D. C . Gresham’s Pension. Chicago, June s.—Eor three years Secretary Gresham had not drawn his S3O a month pension from the Chicago Pension Office . He has never surrenpered it, but for some reason he had not made any call for it. There is an accu mulation of $l,lOO to his ere lit. The pension was granted him for wounds received at the battle of Atlan a. Under the laws of the department the accumulation is subject to order of his wife, and the pension of $lO a month will go to her. Found Ths Plates- Washington, Juno s.—Chief of the Secret Service William P. Ha zen tonight received a telegram an nouncing the capture of the gang just jailed at Utica. Secret Service officials found in Buffalo a plate for a five-dollar silver certificate, Thomas vi.nette;a plate fora ten-doliar silver certificate, Hen dri ks vignette; the press upon which the work was done and the ink used. ______ Large Manufactory Burned Lindenhurst. L. 1., June 4.—The th ree .story brick factory oi the Vulcanite Manufactory Company burned to the ground yesterday. One hundred and seventy-five hands are thrown out of work. Two ■ firemen were badly burned and had to be carried home. '1 ho cause of T ’’ n 1 ;”j 9 estimated a! 00, with S4OOO insurance. THEMIKftDO- The Best Amateur Performance Rome has eveilProduced. WITH PRETTY COSTUMES And a Professional Trainer Rome’s Talent will Amuse and Entertain one of the most Brilliant Audienc es of the Season. Do not forget the comic opera “Mikado” Friday evening. This opera is given by the best ainetuer talent in the city and will be splendidly presented. Every attentihn has been given to details and Mr. Erhart has la bored unceasingly for its success b ith from an artistic and dramatic •land point. The cast includes the best artists in the city and there is n<> dmibtot its great success. The company will endravor to gve Rome an opera equal to any professional show on the road, and no doubt a large au dience will attend as Rome always patronizes her home enterprises at all times. There is no shipwreck scene as you migh i .fer fnm'h cut. MBIiMasiRSgM Ur \ \ W J&P’JW .JxV'" r X— A——N | In tact this is only put in to a ■ trret your attention and because this is the only cut of the kind he boys have. The proceeds go to the Rome Light Guards. Go out and helpthe boys and see a good show at the same time. Seats now on sale at Ralph Dille’s Co., under the Op -ra House. Reserved seats 75 cents. GONE DAFT ON RELIGION Preparations Were in P ogress To Commit Murder. Cleveland, Ohio, June s.—An entire family has gone daft on re ligion. This discovery was made by a Police Lieutenant today, and the w ,rkers of the family, includ ing Henry' Buchwold, tha father, Charlotte Buchwold, his wife, and two gr«wn daughters Emma and Eva, and three small chil iron. The adults of the family ,n-c a 1 herents of the Spiritualistic t'aith, and for more than a week past have been locked in their home, di Be ;ver street, holding wildly in sane Spiritualistic seances. One of the daughters is laboring under the hallucination that she is a spirit, and another member of the family that the spirit must die. ' ■ 1 The spirit was perfectly willing to die, sacrificed, but the arrival of the Sheriff's officers prevented them from carrying out their in sane ideas. Probate Judge ‘'Vliite made a partial investigation of the case this afternoon, and the in quest was continued until tomor row. iStoip 1 j a Moment L 11 —aren’t you working too hard f L 4 iYou know a body's apt to get so p wrapped up in business that he |f ( neglects his health. |n yet profit and loss and busi- W" ness and worry out of your Iu head a moment, and ask your self how you feel. W Can you eat a meal with a C boyish relish ? Have your nerves | SS stood the strain ? Is your con- ’ Mstitution as good as you'd like » ■ lit to be? J W Brown’s \ [lron Bitters | will set your health right. It k will cleanse and enrich the blood W —gently stimulate the action of F the kidneys, the liver and the g digestive organs. That's what H it's made for, and thousands of E happy homes all over the land B testify that it has not been made u in vain. Brown’s Iron Bitters is pleasant L| to take. It will not stain the teeth fcj nor cause constipation. Sec the QI crossed red lines on the 1| wrapper. K B BP,OWN CHUM !< A L CO.. ilj« BALTIMORE, MD. EP CAST ASHORE ’The Body of Miss Gogle Drowned at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, N. J., June 5. The waves this morning east upon the beach at the foot of California avenue, the body of Miss Regine Gogle, the youi.g lady who was drowned while bathing yesterday afternoon. It was fully a nfile below where the accident occurred that the body came ashore. An inquest was held this afternoon, and after hearing all the evidence in the case the ju ry returned a verdict exonerating Charles E. Crawford, of Cleveland, Ohio, the dead girl’s bathing com panion, from all blame, and find ing that Miss Gogle was accidentlly drowned. They further found that the beach was unsafe at the point where the accident had occurred, and that it might h ive been avoided had the owners of the jetty’ tak n p'oper precaution and put up d m ger signa’..-. Cruv ford rel ja-ed from custo ly. ~ A Cowhide. Charleston, W. Va., June 5 It came to th<' ears of Mrs Ella doran that Hwnard Co;dov, a neighbor, had c rcul. ted a st»>ry that reflected on her reputation. Last night she ami her husband. Otis, and her brother, Joseph Hen son, called Con ey out of his house. | He was tied to a fence, where he was laid partly’ across a rail; His -hirt was s.ripped fr >m him, and while the two nv n held Conley Mrs. Conley laid a co«hide across his bate back until the bldOd <ame. Shipwrecked Crew. San Francisco, June s.—The steamer Santa Rosa arrived last night from San Diego and way orts with three shipwrecked mari ners of the schooner Crest abroad. iCapt. Harlow, of the Crest, siys that w hen off Point Conception the schooner was badly disabled by a fierce storm. All of the so d was washed overboard and after drift ing about four days with nothing to eat a dog was killed and eaten to appease the hunger of the crew Wiide is Insane. London, June s.— lt is reported here this evening that Oscar Wilde, who was recently sentenced to two years’ imprisonment in Pentonville prison at hard labor, after having been convicted of grot-s indecency, has become insane and is confined lin a padded room of lhe prison. YOU’VE NO IDEA How i icely r Hood’s Sarsapari la hits the nt-eds of the people who fCel all tired out or run down from any’ cau-fe. It seems to oil up the whole mechanism of the body so that all moves smoothly and work becomes delight. If you are weak, t red and nervous, Hood’s Sarsapa filla is just what you need. Trv it NEW LUNCH ROOM Wm. Ciiinnick Froprietir. 219 BROAD STREET. table supplied with best th’- i•v i'■ ass ir Is. H>tin ids al i • jas. Opm at night util I’cio ;k. J. B. Trawick. Rubber - Stamps. Also cle ans & re pairs Organs, Over Smith’s Book Store. " cAVF.AIS, I HADE MARKs COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For s prompt answer and an nonest opinion, write to Sit AN' A CO., who have bad nearly tttty yeara experience in the patent bustneea. Comtuunat. lions air. tlv confidential A Hit ml book of In lormation concerning I’ntenia ami bow to ob tain tbein pens free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical ami seientlflo books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & (o. receive special notice in the Kcirntitle Americnn, ana thus are brought widely before the public with out coat to the inventor. This splendid t»aper, Issupil weekly, elegantly illuat rated, has by far the largent circulation of any scientific work in the world. #3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly. |2.50 a year. Single copies, *2»> cent#. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and (holographs of new f louses, wit h plans, enabling builders to show the atent designs and secure contracts. Addrens MUNN & CO.. Nxw rt)KK. 301 BhuapwAP IgaHgtf FREE TO ALLU Our New Illustrated •! V Catalogue of Plants . K*>*e-, Bulb*. X Ines, ’• Shrub*. Small Fruits. X * Jr •vaasaewtal Tree*. ' ttrapc, Seed*. WJ ct< *” wi, l be mailed « 1 f r **e to all applicant?. - ho pnges. Mf>?t com- a (• pint« Plant Catalogue X (• published. Satisfaction guaranteed. « SO Roae Houses; 46 Greenhouses; 80 Acree Nurseries. Address '• NANZ fit NEUNER, Louisville, Ky. 2 jP.WMiLCOIM’. attorneys W. w-VaJDiVKR A. J. LWIN VANDIVER A- EWING Attorneys ot Law. ROM E (IEO R GIA Office over Post offiee. Will prac tice in all courts. W. M. HENKV. BEABORNWim.nI HENRY & WRIGHT Attorneys at Law. ROME GEORGIA. Offices: Masonic Temple Annex- Entrance <>n 4th Ave. Will do a general practice ■ ■ - T. W. Alexander. Junius F. Hillyer AL’ XXNDER &HH LYER ATT.iRXEYS AT LAW Office in Man nic Temple Build ing, Rome Ga. FG. Govan. Att<> nv at Law. in sniiic .eu»p'.e, b.u.»d •>t.r«er. ' R.ine'ia J. »l. Si.n hwk, Attorney at Law, Mas »n Temple Riitldidg Temple Bonding Rome Georgia. JAMES H NEVIX-Attorney at Law Offi Poverty Hall imstniHce corner 3rd Aveuu • Wright Jt Attorneys at Law. <) tu e in .ue King Building. CHAS. "• UNI'EdM GOD- Xttornej a’ L»v Masontr temple Rome. -y KECK A IH.A 'X -All.ill.i -m Ia • (■S in Masonic leiuDle. Rotue, Ga. .1 J H. EX MS—.l N<». XV. STAR LI Mi ; • y y A Stalling, Alton-cv*, U Law, Mar - ¥ " Temple, K< me, Ga. feb23 i 1 r W. VANDIVEP A Ewing W Office ver Post < <ftice ¥ ¥ W ill practice in all lhe Courts. PHYSICIANS AF'D SURGEONS. Frank A- Wynn, Phvsleian and Surgeon Resilience, corner 7th. Ave ami East First St. Office, Room H ii. Medical Building ove> J, T. < rouch & Co. Drug store DM. RAMS VR—Physician and Surgeor Office at residence 614 avenue A, Founi “ ward. LP. HAMMOND—Physician and Surgeon Offers his | rofessional services to the pe ■ pie of Ro to aqd surrounding counti »ftice at Crouch and Watson’s drug store. 2* roar* street • | \R. W. l». I.OYT—Ottice a-. C. A. Trevit' I Jilruji store. •’« 33lBroad street Telephoi v 111. residei. >3. N 0.21 DENTISTS J A. WILLS -Dentist—2oß 1-2 Broad sirs' over Cantrell and Owens store. MOTHER AND CH’LD. Mrs. A. J. Tippen, 29 Muy St Atlanta, Ga , says: “I was a great sufferer from Nervous Proti action One bottle of King’s Royal Gerine tuer cured me completely. My lin tie girl had intermittent and ty phoid fever and one bottle of Ger inohier cured her after the docto had failed to benefit her. I us.-d it f>r all kinds of sicknc.-s io my family and recommend it as th best family medicine I evi r used. Germe'uer is easily the gr de-t of all remedies as an all-roun I luim ly medicine. Pleasant to ■ ■as lemonade, harmless always . New package, Large bottle. 108 doses sl. For sale by Druggists. IIOW ’STHIS I We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any’ case < f Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props , Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by thei firm. West & Trcax, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Wadding, Kinnan it Makvix Wholesale Druggists, Toie 10, O. 11 ill’s Catarrh C ire is taken iu crmilly. acting dire«tlv on tin i blood am! mucous surfaeos of th, ' system. Price 75c. per !■ i t !e. Sohii by all Druggists. Te.imonial free. NOTICE TO ALL TFACIii h OF FLO) 1) COUN I’Y. The Institute for 'he year IS9;>. will be held in the Chappel oi Shorter College, beginning oi. June 17th and ending on the 22nd All teachers umler contract with he Board, or holding license there from, are compelled, under law. I to attend. 1 have in hand thej Syllabus or program for the wee ,s I work—Call and get one. I desire each teacher who has | not*made out liis second quat«erly : report to do so during the Insti- j tute; as the Board will meet-to I audit the acts, immediately after the Institute closes. 5-2" ts- W. M Bridges C. S-. 0 What Nerve Bcrrle? have done for others VICOk X MEN Entity, Quickly \ ant!Pormanantly Restored, cotu day. \ positive curt* for all Wp;ik'nehfl(*e, NerTonnnoM. D bilny, and all their train of evil- resnltinir from early errors and later ftpossvs; tho rosull overwork, MickiieK*. worry, etc. Develops d giv»'i tune a-I wtrrnrth to Hie xual or «i«. Stop* iiiuiHtiirai* or niKlitlr tiuuiiHi* caused by youthful rrror* or ex' isive use of tobacco, ouhmi and lluvaor. Ilch 'ead to rouMimptlon and fnoanity. icir use showx linmediate improvement. Accept nslst havlr.g the genuine ixirt/rh PinrritfiQ no ottier. ( onven- Id V V C/i I I CO, lent to enrry In vest ck« t. Price, per box. boxes, one full .eatment,$ p ).(M». Guaranteed tocurr any rane. If not kept by your druggist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in j lain wrap per. Pamphlet free Address all mall orders to AniKPAt JIf.OK'AIA <3*r|,nn«tl. O. For Sale by J- T Crouch & Co. YOUR OUTING GO TO PISTOBES|O! ITlflGKlNflC ISLAND. ONB THOUSAND MILKS OF LAKB RIDS AT SMALL EXPENSE. Visit this Historical Island, which is tho grandest summer resort on the Great l.akes. It only costs about $1.3 from Detroit; sls from Toledo; $lB from Cleveland, for the round trip, including meals and berths. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the D. & C. floating palaces. The attractions of a trip to the Mackinac region are unsurpassed. The island itself is a grand romautic spot, its climate most invigorating. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for the upper lake route, costing $300,000 each. They are equipped with every modern convenience, annunciators, bath rooms, etc., illuminated throughout by electricity, and are guaranteed to bo tile grandest, largest and safest steamers on fresh water. These steamers favorably compare with the great ocean liners in con struction and speed. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macki nac, St. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, “ Soo,” Marquette and Duluth. Daily between Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and Put-in-Bay. The palatial equipment makes traveling on these steamers thor oughly enjoyable. Send for illustrated descriptive pamphlet. Address A. 'A. G. P. A., D & C., Detroit, M!ct»- I WINTER is UNKIND j W TO ■ FAIF< FACES. 9 W Most women have ft natural B 7 dread of winter—the cold wimi.s Z ■ ami dampness roughfUß and 9 7 chaps their skin. Many have Z ■ gained knowledge by experience B 7 and now apply a little > POZZONI’St POWDER ■ before going out. It protects, ■ 4 softens and beautifies the com A 7 plexion. and then—it is invisible v I if it is rightly used. ■ J HAVE YOU EVER TRIED IT? 7 7 ALL DRUGGISTS and 7 J FANCY GOODS STORES SELL IT. J V’ V A ' \ *3 / The comparativevalue oCthese two cards Is known to most person*. They illustrate that greater quantity ia Not always most tc be desired. These cards express the beneficial qual ity of Ripans « Tabules As compared with any previously known DYSPEPSIA GURU. R.pans Tabules : Prior , 50 cents a box. Os druggists, or by mail. RiMNS CHEMICAL CO- 10 Spruce St., NY- MAGNETIC NERVINE I* guarantned to ent* Nervous Prostra- ■;.q 4 tion, Fits. Dini- s ’s r reejfl, Headache, t. ' t.s ) Neuralgia and ln- C 2% -*. pomnia. Great ex- I -4'- V,■ , I J ersfet* tn tha u«D of to* boce*. opium, alcohol, '. z **,**• , '// f.- .1 '\X t if/iis, briuginKon De- - AfltFl* Lilrty, Sleepleos- ild nedft. Mental Do- .< ic , Foitening Os the arair., Insanity i.i; ’.i -k. h. MAGNETIC NLR • ‘iS 1 ■ fdi io‘s<« in either sex, roQo*vs vitality 1 ■ h nerv in • - li, •“ o > the br,;.r.. builds u* hot!—di bri i«« refresh . si,■-p, .nd h< ;.Hh dix’t ImppiiufNi bl the •i. A i noth’* tr aioient iu plain piickuxe bj .1 fl; •. ; 11. ■*» f. ? box; * for *0.(0. WR6 . >* . 1 . 'i u.. tv ritten Cuarnntttvi to •> cr 1 ’un-1 the iroiv’y. <\rcubi-s true- Guurau*”-*’ , .j • - ■ v r ’ <n *:•» , ’* > -W. ■ ji -jn.-s- •’ ... it, -t . • ,f. • •• 1 ■ < ' i •» *?»t n..d ’•'<» I . ; . \ . I- 1 I ••• I ’ll for i’’’ 4 . • • .hi ■•* . • . .*» 11l f. Hl d !>.’•■ I V.hy WD.‘ i.w . • .- •. V a »iib ’ • • ’ >' .; j. •. i.’ *. # .. ui.‘. ,>' CT; > \ j*» ( t-4 Cured. Piles .. lt._ t it i» 1 V** Lv lap .nese live? Pf-Hets , ‘J II PECHTLATOk ano l.ii-H. , i, ;i uai’-, hh< i »tnd piftßHiivt »c v - . < 1 (<.r child* tn’s use WUw* »’T * • ’ tw GA.ME FOWLS Georgia, Alabama, Maryland, and New Y<>rk Pure Fit Gam« Old *nd young stock fcr sale. Eggs $2.50 per setting of 13 Satis faction Guaranteed in every pa ticu’ar. I hornas J. McAffrey I |3 Main St, Rome,