The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 09, 1896, Image 2

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-«THE HUSTLER OF ROME> - sae.e-dat. the Fosteftlee as second-class matter FHILLO. BYRD- Editor and MANAGER. - , J .€ ceatfi per w *ok. s•> year •vid'MTTising rates, reasonable. PHONE NO- 85. One ■by one the McKinley bosses . fire shooting the McKinley cheutes . tn d McKinley, ‘‘he lays low." * hnuei one Hag", Fioyd county *- mocracy, over 2600 strong, will roll up an overwhelming victory > aext fall. t lay be the free silver craze will itself out. —Macon News. For it is very evident that 'he gold bugs can never beat :t out. Crisp defeated dußignon 5016 2216 in Fulton, iloke s Smith’s liaine county. The Atlanta Journ al « published in that county, too. Poor Tillman. 11- sees that a free silver platform will be adopt .“d j.t Chicago in ail probability, L ami yet, he knows that he is the ’ ■yiaat uian who will be mentioned fjt the nomination. Surely no man who fought the old ticket will bolt the nomina- . tkou. The Hustler of Rome knows that no man,who is a man, will do dishonorable a thing—even in ’ Site hour of defeat. All together | >x now for the nominees. ■- - < n Bibb county, with both daily 1 :’'-tAjiers fighting silver, Crisp de- ‘ Gi t-d dußigu on 1555 to 939, a ma- 1 I , -0f>619. In Floyd, where the ' .'♦.i sri.HR of Rome was the only s • a.per championing the cause of 'silver, Crisp defeated dußignon * I to 191. or a majority of 1964. "Miss Winnie Davis, “the Daugh- ' ter -<jf the Confederacy" will hole ' I at reception ft! Richmond on June ' I «jy>th in the ColifeiL rate White | 4bouse, in which she was born. It ■! -m?!! be a memorable occasion, at f “ ided by the surviving heroes of < *ihe confederacy. t Farmer?- . > Fitzgeral are about ■ ready to l.a v st small grain. Not B gnat amount has been raised | ’buteuflicient to convince colonist.- Is. ih-At it can be successtully gro.. n | lv2i<?re. Fine, large heads of wheat, rye and oats have been st nt North | ft?ti febow what the country can ' I tproduce. flit* following is a news item in ; I Uhe Marysville (Tenn.) 'rimes- i ■ - Jtmn Lewis, a popular voung I of this community, ar.d Mis- illLda Jones, a Long Hollow school j .■ e-ichtT, were married a-t week. pt t -to be hoped tnat -»ohn gave ( jer a good equare meal to till ui> hollowness An.•■ricus Hei- 1> J o date, Judge Naddi-x has car-1 I-• d Floyd, Chuttr '-ga, Ca’oosa ' I- »bb, Dade, Goldn, Haralson, liLx-., iding. 1’ 'id ai.d A alker. giv- I ) •_ 6voes : t ■ oi.ven- i? Judge M . rri »d Bar | few, by a mass :m ting, s< curing 4| ffflvot-es. Wnitfield and Murry, ll.e •‘i '-marniug counties are vet to act, H- p are conceded to Maddox, giv- | iv-,g him the Hrs ii.ei: of Rome’s! of 12 out of the 13. I THIS ■ Wt* tfae trade-mark which is on every ■ 'rrwjYne wrapper cf h sion M | At others claiming to be u just as ‘*7ust the same and “equal tu'7 &coYt s Emulsion are imitations -wto'iicuMhis label. m gi tuitr : if 7'i-j -vin- g-n.-nt rcM-.'ls, : 5- >■ a, .V ILIWU Now York Speaking of a Western man or bust —but there's no longer any use in speaking vt him. It is a Western man beyond all doubt and in spite es all possib'e con troversy. And Missouri is a-think iug that she can furnish the indi vidual. Bland buttons are in de mand through the South and i West—St. Louis Repu> lie. The 12 independent nail mills are giving the nail trust a great deal of trouble it is said. Hard ware men should wire the,ir kind and loving friend the nail mon opoly their heartfelt sympathy in this its hour of tribula’i »n. The interest taken it the death of “Brick’’ Pomeroy shows t* at I a man who has the courage to as sume a position and to maintain it, even though the position may be wrong, will mark on his country’s history. Mighty are the strides of inven tion. A late patent prevents mice from nibbling at bicycle I‘ires! A cycle tquipp- d withall the cycle accessories that have been patent ed would probably weigh between 300 Jiud 400 tons, McKinley reminds one of the Irishman who fe 1 out of the third story window, and, when the by standers pushed up and inquired it he was d--ad replied : “Notdead, bll spaychleßss.’’—Birmingham State-Herald, We ough* - to have discriminative duties in favor of American elii | ping interests. The restoration ol of our merchant marine must p -jeede the upbuilding of an ex tensive export trade. There seems to be some differ ence of opinion as to the location of’the in the world De Myer says that at Hildje, Siberia, 85 below the zero of Fahrenheit is I considered nothing out of the or-! di nary. Peffer takes the I uzz of the I wheels in his head to Le the echo of ttie revolution which is coming Exports of silver are a pleasing variation from the habitual tend ency of gold to go abroad. LITTLE (111*1.US NOTES The original S rasburg clock, the mechanical wonder of Europe,, was made in the year 1352. The present clock was imide in 1838. In the month of June 1658, a whale 58 feet long. 12 feet high and 14 feet broad was captured in the Thames inside the corpora tion of London. A radish 18 inches in length i has been grown near Weidan, Ger many, which is said to be in the exact form of a baby, even to the fingers and toes. Daniel Lumber, the “British Mountain of Flesh," weighed 912 pounds He died suddenly in Lon don on July 21. 161>9. St. Jerome states that he saw Scotchmen in the Roman armies in Gau! whose regular diet was human flesh, and who had “double ! teeth all around. ” In Buffon's experiments he i once found a Frenchman who i could exert a force of 534 pounds i with his jaws. I Dust showers are frequently re p >rted from ships m the center of me Mediterranean Sea, and from hundreds of miles off the West • coast < f Afaica. The human brain, according to Cuvier, is the qne-twenty-eighth pait of the body, that of the horse but the one-four hundredth part. r One Lost Day is uot much out of a lifetime, but to i business man it may mean the loss nos a valuable opportunity. When T temporarily crippled with any pain or weakness, for which an active and g effective external remedy is needed, nothing iaso trustworthy as Johnson’s Belladonna Plaster. It touches the spot and gives the welcome relief. It i is made to succeed—not merely to x sell. Look for the Red Cross on all x the genuine. 5 JOHNSON & JOHNSON, » Manufacturing Chcmwts, New York. THE HUS i LeR OF ROMF TUESDAY JUNE 9. 1896 STATE SIFTINGS ■ A missionary Baptist church will be constituted in the Eleventh district of Doolv county, near the Cobl) place, next Sunday. Mr. Saul Winsted and Miss Lil lie Hale were married Thursday evening at the Baptist church at M aycross, Rev. W. H. Scruggs ul ficiating. The foundation of the new court house at Douglasville is about completed and work on the main walls will advance with all speed pos a ible . Mrs. Maddox, of Gwinnett conn ty, is near her nintieth birthday, but is as straight as a proud wo man of fashion, steps sprightly, and can ride thirty miles a day. Mrs Ellen Miller, aged 82, who died recently at Waycross, was ti e mother of sixteen children and her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren number nearly 200. Peter Henderson, a young, negro boy,snatched a pocketbook con tainin sls from Mrs. 31 T. Walker at Atlanta, Thursday, He was caught and all but a f-w dollars recovered. » Mr. James H. Roberts, former ly of Covington, bnt for many years a resident of Monroe county, died at hif-Jhome near Fersyth re cently. He was one hundred years old Report has it that there are three blockade stills in a radius of three miles of Lawrenceville Corn in a jug demands a bett r price than corn by the bushel, es pecially during the 1 snake season . NEBRftSKA’S BIG FLOOD People in She Lowlands toen Fiorn Their Hsmes Columbus,. Neb., June 9. -Last night was oiie of terror to residents of the lowlands in thi* city. Tin c oudburstin the Loup-valley the night previous made of the usxnJ ly sluggish L<>up river a raging torrent, and to this volumiv of water was added the heav,y rain of la,t night. All bhe low-lying px&rt of town was Hooded to a* depth of of irom three to six-feet- The dan ger po. I. was nswtt leaclsed uobil nearly when //ooupatt&s of houses were Forced to Hee to higher ground. The siOuatiom is but Little improved tuda’.r„but with no more rain it the vesa ter will soor receded.. Othe r towns irs the Louap vaEiey are in even worse co nA ion.. At Ful’lei'ton, Northwest oi Here, Mae depot) is surrounded by water near ly o tlie depth »f fiv<r feet, wd the water runs through the build ing whil ) the opera! or worka, >ct his’key. The I rvon P.w-Hi.: is un der water and ’rains are L-.icb up here. Mueli of the traz-k has been washed out further West. The I‘iutte rivei* is beginning t rise and there aro f-arsof the Platte bottoms further East, the richobt fanupig distiiet m tin stint*. T’ v -e Loup river has five feet since ms’ night. There are two fatalities '<> human life thus far. I'ln* raininli over the district was -an pros* ’dented ext nding as tar Northwest ’is Chadron. < L i c — \ — (l y mamma used Wool Soap) (I wish mine had; WOOLENS WILL NOT SHRINK If Wool Soap Is used in th« laundry. In thefleaneingof winter blankets.flannels and al l wool fabrics before storing for tbe season. The value of WOOL SOAP 1« laeatlmahle Waahrs Bilks, laces and al) Bummer fabrics without inturv. Equally valuable for bath, and general laundry purposes Sold by all dealers. Kawsrtk. Schedde a Ce., Maktrs, Cbicace. New York OtSeeADeeaard at.BeMoa.lCtetbaa* NEWSY NOTES Gypsum City, Kan,, was Hood’ d on Thursday at midnight by n cloudburst, and the people had I to Hee for their lives. The Naval Academy Board will i recommend making the age of admission of cadets from 15 to 18 > years, instead of from 15 to 20 William A. Bowles has been chosen superintendent of the \ ir ginia Deaf, and Dumb and Blind 1 Institution, at Staunton,, succeed-. ing Thomas S. Doyle. The Arbitration Conference at Mohonk Lake, N. Y., after de claring in favor of substituting law for war in settling conbrovei si- s, has finally adjourned. Stephen Dasseau, a Lake Shore , A' Michigan Southern engineer. I and former member ot the Mich “j gan world’s champion rowing j crew, was killed by a locomo tive* [ at Elkhart. Ind. The National Sculpture Society has s c nt a protest to Secretary of War Lamont against the action of the W. T. Sherman Monuaaent Committee accepting the Rolf- Smith design. Refuses a Seat In Congress.. Washington, D. C., June 9n Representative S. 8. Turner, of i the Seventh Virginia district, has I. written an open letter to his con stituents, declining a renomrna tion to Congress. Mr. Turner - is reasonably certain of a good ma jority of delegates in the district convention, and consequently, of i renomination and election, but he prefers i>tjrnment to a rer.omi-1 nation on a silver platform, wlioh he deem*certain, in view of the action of the Democratic State Convention at Staunton on Wed nesday last. DON’T STOP TOBACCO. HOW TO CL'RE YOVRSELF WHILE USING IT. The tobacco habit grows t»n a man until his nervous system is -en./jsly affected, impairing he ’ißh. comfort and happiness- To quin suddenly is too- severe a shock to the system, ns tobacco to an inveterate user Ixkwbw a stimu lant that bU system continually craves. “Baeo-Cuao’'' is ascietitifie euro- for tbs tobaevo habit, in all its ?®rms, carefully compotinded after the f<®mul& of an eivinent Berlin phys-ician who used it ii. his private-praeiiee sine? 1872 i without a failure. It is purely i vegetable and guaranteed perfect- . ly harmless. You can use-all the) tobacco you want while taking “Baco-C’uro,*’lt will notify you when to step. We give a wrilt m guarantee to cure perjuanenllv any case with three boxes, or re Gird the money with 10 per cent interest. “Baco-Cuio" is not a su' sti’ute, but a seieu;.ific curt* that cures without the aid of wi> puwer and with no inconvenience It leaves 'he system as pure and and Iri.e from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or smoke CVLIED BY’ BACD-CVRO. AND GAINED THIRTY Put'NDJ From hundreds of testimonials, but oritrin, , als >f which are ou tile au J open *o itissectWn the folowing is presented • Clayion, Nevada Co., Ark., ’an .8. Eureka Chemical & Mfg , Co., La t rosse Wis. —Gentlemen: For forty years I used tobacco m all its forms. Twenty -five years of that time 1 was a great sufferer lor general debility and heart disease. For fifteen years I toed to quit, but couldn’t. 1 too a various remedies, among others “No-To-Ba . ” ‘■■The Indian Tobacco An tidote,’“ Double Chloride Gold,” me,, etc., but none of them did me the le st bit of good. Finally however, I purchased a box of your •Baco-Curo' ami it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms, and I have increased thirty pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could write a quit e of paner upon my changed feelingsand condition. Yours respectfully, P. H MARBURY I’astor C, I’ Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at sl, per box; three boxes, (thirty days’ treatment) $2.50 with iron-clad, written guarantee, or sent direct | upon receipt of price. Wri'e for j booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemi | cal & Mlg. Co., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. The Millers’ National Associa tion is holding its third annual convention at Chicago. Bank President Isaac Lewis of Sabina. Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He has lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years, lie gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood's Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this comes nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. “I am glad to say that Hood’s Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many time*. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at Hight when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood’s Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very mueh.” Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Isthe One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only byC. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. , are piKompt, efficient and IlOOd S PIIIS easy iaeffect, ascents. — < —i 1 >"- CChlche*ter’» Fn<M«h niainon J T»ran«L ENNYROYAL PILLS -'CaTx Original *nd Only Cepnlne. A t ®> r E» always reliable, ladies ask fat Dragcirt Ibr CMchutera English Brand i’n Hod and Gold nietaliioV\/>y t>oxea, sealed with blue ribbon. Tuke tW other. Befuae dangerous substitu- * s'r iSr Men* and imitations. At Druggists, or send 4h*. I ia stamps for particulars, testimonials au i \ *£• A •‘Relief for I.odlea,” in letter, by retunn —X Zr Mall. lO.OOft Testimonials, .\arnr Paper. I <'hlcheate«-<’henaleal<'o.,MadlMt»« Sold bj ail Local JiiruiKisU. Philada.. iW There is fuw in the foam, and health in the cup of HIRES Rootbeer —the great temperance drink. Made only by 'yie Charles E. Hires Crsy Philadelphia. ▲ 25c. package luaaes 5 gallous. Sold -svory where. "PARKSR'iJ *“ -“k/-.’ ”A!ft BALSAM i<--~ and beantifies the hair. ■** , • o;v» a luxuriant growth. v ' ' r Fails to Before Grny -i f to its Youthful Cojor. <» •<*> ' hair faliiag. ’ al Druggists The only sure Cure fee Con; >. Sto>.s all puin. Ensurow com* fo&te Lu« ■walking at For your Protection raiW Na we res tivwiy staustliar i reiueilv does coiii..l>>|M>x<vW^ > *vS|, r ■» j 'H's’drug-:' 1 - n ’ jr ' Nasal Catarrh y s a local 'isc-ase and resul: of e-ckis and sui’u diuiare changes. NSg ELY’S CREAM BALM Opens and cleai><es he <'isd Pa a snges Allay.® i*ain and inSaimmauoii, He 's tne Sues, Pro tec's the Membrane 1 on* Colds, Restores the Senses of I'astea .d Smeji. he Kahn is quick *' absorbed auid gives rebel at once. Price 50 cts. at Druggist* or bv mail. KuY HRDI’HKKS .'-6 arren St. N. Y • Put Craps oa the Door. Briflgepfit, N. J., June 8. —Sev- eral months hg/< Mrs. James, <4 Port Norris, left her home a- <1 a small Lahy ami elop ed with John Reed, of the same place. Ijii-y vo-re found by Mr. Barnes at Millville, wher« they were livin ’ t<> *u t h er. Re *d culled uoon Barnes am’, gave bun a ?s-;itii>g after Mi's. Barnes refusfe-J to retuin to her home. Bubsequ‘*»tly Reed and tl.e won - an returned to Port Norris and took tip Barnes, aud they have been living there ever since, keeping house. This week Rod has been away planning oysters and now Mrs. Barnes has locked up her house and left for parts unknown The neighbors have hung crape upon the doornob to greet R.*e ■ when he returns from the hay to morrow . A SUMMER SCHOOL. Will begin at Rome Business College Monday, Jum-Bth. S ecitil classes in Penmanship at $3.00 per month. Boys and girls under 14 years, $2.50 per month. Reduced rates <)t tuition on Book-keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commer cial Arithmetic, Practical Gram mar, etc. A splendid opportunity will be given all who desire a prac tical and profitable course at a low rate of tuition . Remember, next Monday is the day the school be gins. H. S. Shockley, Principal. .N o* ice Agreeable to an order of the Court of on ary of Floyd enmity will be sold at allcti , J “i 1 be ccurt house .loor of said county on the flm luesday in July next, within the legal h.» of -ale the following property towit ; the ero halt ol lot being #5 feet front of • w - - >'■- o„.„ county Georgia, beginning at the corner «r the lot known a.- the B.eve Xoble Jot and |rann ‘““ thence tn a Southerly direction alorg m * street lormerly ealied the Ckve Spring Ro ait one liuiuireu and ninety feet 190, thence in , Easterly .Ibection about Three hundred ano seventy two and 1-2 feet to the land of Ntl Bros *Co thenne in a Northerly d.reetion one hundred and ninety feet lao, to the .-vnar o. the Ste- e Noble hot thence in a straight line tothe beginning point, reser;ing, the Right of way to tlie rteve Noble house through the road now on the lot being conveyed the said right of way hereby reserved being 18 feet wide and one hundred and fifty feet long [reference U made lor further deaeripion and remarks to Appraneiw nt record Rook “D” p age 51 in ord.narv’s office Floyd county, Georgia. Also a certain tract or paicel of | -n d situated lying aad being in the Sth Ward of the city of Rome Ga, being what is known as lot No. 5 i D Lytle and Tatums addition to South Rome [now sth ward of the city • f Rome ■ a.,] said lot front)- g seventy one feet on Blanche avei|te and running back one hemlred ami nfty fe«t IX) to an alley and fronting on said alley sixty tour ieet, t>4 Botinded on the West cy McCall property on the East by Spencer- Ijt on the Non It by Blanche avenue Mui on the South by an alley cornering .McCallslot at the corner of stain st and Blanche A Iley. Also all that tract or parcel 1 f land siturted I, ing and being lu|rhe 4tfr Dis ricr and 4 h beciioo of Floyd county, Georgia, and being the West portion of laud iot No. 22» beginning at the Southwest corn«- of said )0i,22i), ami running thence North along the Wc-t. line thereof) w chains and 39 links 10 the Northwest comer of said lot thence .-as. aier.g the line tiiereol 23.1 2 chain- to a post <-ak stake thence South >1.3 degrees West to a pine knot placed ou the South line of said fourteen, 14 chains East of said Southwest cor theuee west along said S- utto hue 14 chaff* and 10 links to the beginning corner containing 86 acres more or less and being, the same prop. «rty conveyed by H .lsted Smith to Mrs. Mary W- Towns and by W.H Ennis-Admr. of Mary W. Towns to W. H. Coker & ao- on Nov. 6th, 1894 said last named deed reoorded in the < leaks office of rloyd Co., in Bc«k “Y. Y.“ of deeds page sft. vian all that tract, or par-el of land situated ■ i->g an »> ing in the slh wasd-of the city of o 4 eonntv, Ga. formerly South Rome. u.ivriic .on the Cave Spring road where ■ll -...- cross s said road on the South -ide •■foKiii! sueet running th-n-te West one bundled amt seventy . five fest, 175 to Mar ti Bobo's line tueuce along saidt Bobo’s Hi.e Sout iwaad to Lytles line thence- along Ljtles Hue ward two hundred ant seventy five, feet to the starting point and being the vaine property described in a dee-1 from L. Ly tle u> W. H. Coker dated April Wh 1S;)4, and ■ eeovaled ia book "X. X.“ of deeds page 45 and also in been from J. H. Hoskinson to W. R. Coker dated April 17th 1894 and recorded in book* X. N “of deeds page76,said Lvtle and Hoskiris. n each conveying ?n undivided one half in said »roperty t<» said coker. Soli) as the property of Mrs Juditli VI. Pepper lat.o «■* said cinuit/, deceased. JLrms I cash a. M. W ord Administrator Notice ■ 4pveeable to an srder of the court of Ordin ary ot Floyd county will be sold at auction at -he court house door of said county on the first fuesd-y in July next within the legal hoursof sale the following property, towi-t,: All that tractor parcel of land in the sth ward-,f the city of Rome Ga., lying between Mrs. Judith -VI. Pept-er residence iot and the Etowah River, being 95 feet wide and running back same width to the river bounded < n the xorth by property of J. T. Warlick East by the Kiowah Biver South by thfe property of N. H Bass and West by the property of Judith M. Pepper Being part ot the laud tleed-d by W-n. Noble toN. H. Bass and M. ml **eppnr Dec. 2nd fBB9 as appears of Re cor 1 Clerks office Flojd Superior i.otirt Book Z Z. of Deeds page 501- Sold as the property ot M. is. r epper late o said county deceased. Terms 1-3 cash the bal ance in 1 and 2 years. This Ist day of June 1896. A. M Word Administrator Hoad Csta ion Georgia Floyd Ceunty: WheseasJ. D. N' and oth- rs have pet itioned the Board of Commissioners oi Roads and Revenue of said cow ity for a change ot the public road commencing at tlfe bridge above the old O’Bryan Mill and running to the Sum merville Rovd,aid the district co-ninission ers having reported that it would be of public utility to change said-ro id from the bridge to the corner of the f nee about half way to the Summerville r tad. This is t- notify all per-ons having objections there to, or claims for dam age-, arisino therefro u to make the same known at the next, meeting of the Board to be held on the first Monday in July, 18)6. Witness the Hou. Jno. C. Foster, Chairman of the Hoard, this Jnne 3rd 1896 siax Meyerhardt, Clerk. SPOONS FREE 10 ALL. I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. S’. Louis, Mo , would give an ele* plated liook spoon to any one sending her ten 2-cent stamps- I sent for one ami found it so useful that I showed it to my friends, ami made sl3 in two hours, taking erders for the spoon. The hook spoon is a household necessity. It cannot into the dish or cook ing vessel, being held in the place by a hook on the back. The spoon is something housekeepers have needed ever since spoons were first invented. Any one can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2-cent stamps to Miss Fritz. This is a splendid way to make money around home Very truly, Jeannette S. 4oz Bx's Brutons Scotch Snuff for 10c at Holmes Grocery Com* pany. .