The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 12, 1896, Image 2

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HUSTLER OF ROME> •uraMtiU tl.e IkMtoffioe as secoHtl-clans inattei a?H£LL'G. BYRD- Editor and . KAJUGKR. 10 cents per wne’<. per year Advertising rates, reasonable. PHONE NO- 86. •V E MQC RACY’S NOMIN EES. ■f or Congress, Seventh District: JOHN W. MADDOX. Representatives of l-.oyd . ’wuntv : W. 11. ENNIS. JOHN H. REECE. FELIX CORPUT. ; «r Sherilf: j. p. McConnell. with J. D. Turner, W. P. McLeod, ft_ J*. Redmond and Jim Johnston of. Deputies. For Clerk of Court. Win. E. BEYSIEGEL. F.cxr Ordinary . JOHN P. DAVIS. Z G'' Treasurer: JAMES B. HILL. Fnr Tax Collector: J. J. BLACK. 'For Tax Receiver: R. L. FOSTER. For Coroner: F. H. SCHLAPBACH. #kjr Surveyor: J. T. MOORE. Ko»- Commissioners of Roads and 2eveui?et C. N. FEATHERSTON, D. W. SIMMONS W.C. NIXON R. B. Me A EVER • GEO. W. TRAMMELL. .. Election to ba held in October. Kruger is said to be a million.-.’.:r< . The gold-bug cause in Georgia Ji&s been put lo sleep, in a folding bed. Generally the man who eats • i • words is filled with strong lan guage. Democracy's offer of a solid sil ver service, will capture Miss Co lumbia. The dark horse will have no Miance this year, against the gray -fwlio,-enters at 16 to one. "The fellow who i« thrown out jf a hammock, like the fellow who <feH out of the balloon, is iot in .. -if-. Floyd -coun'y democracy was a-tver stronger —thanks to the ef ffprt of the new ring to down the ald ring. '.lt is said that Car isle is now prepared to recognize Blackburn’s belligerent rights—A u gust a Jlr onicle. ; That .it is easy to get up in this ’by gas, applies as appropri ately to many statesmen as to i'll o s Hoonists. Don’t mistake a man for a go d >pg because his nose happens to wear a rich golden bloom. Vide Kentucky !—Chattooga News. The Savannah Press, though a <o!d -bug, admits ‘hut “The W« j st ;x tid South will probably stand to gether for free silver and will win.” Floyd county democracy has Jicided that the “old ring” has ike,right ring and, now, like good cerate, we are all iu the same zing. T*he. man who refrains from -inuking whisky has cooler blood ' *nd clearer head for business than | the man who drinks.—Marietta! i -5 oun:al. ’ 1 -et the Republicans nominate ’/Napoleon of straddlers, Bill J M-cL inley, and the free si ver vo i ers>of this nation “won’t do a bicg ' te his political face. 'Georgia must send a solid free- Lfiil >e:xielega’ion to Chicago. And mnMt>ernotrg them will W. -I'n.i. the Davy North Q<>rji» The New Voi k Times sbov s by a resume of Mr. McKinley’s rec -1 ord as compared with that of I Speaker Reed’s ihat while the for i nier has habitually voted for free silver, the latter has as consistent ly voted against it. No wonder McKinley is so anxious to have j Reed as a running mate! McKin ; ley has a correct idea of what he j will need in this campaign of | straddle. The Hustler of Rome has f night just as openly as it has , fought resolutely for its side. The ' Hustler of Rome never rides 'l.e 1 fence, it never strikes in the dark, and it despises the trai'or and the | “two-faced” individual on the i face of the earth. All the , , of Rome asks is—and it is entitled to so much—a fair field and no j favors. “We had supposed the Phila-I delphia manufacturers were ruin ed some time ago by the lew tar iff,” says the Springfield Repub lican. “This appears to have been an incorrect supposition, for some one hundred and fifty members of the Manufacturers’ Club of that ci'y and their families left N°w York Saturday for an < xtended and expensive trip through E.- rope.” Both delegates from Alaska to the St. Louis convention have been instructed to vote for Mc- Kinley. Alaska has no “infant industries” except the slaughter of infant seals—and Alaska knows ahat McKinley’s protection [ .g --tects the money men instead of the masses--the seal hunter in stead of the infant seal. The Pope, whose skill in Latin verst is well known, has just writ ten a:i elegiac poem on the mouth of Mary, in which he eloquently sings the praises of the Virgin, and describes some of her interven tions at criti-’al moments in the history of Chiis endom, notab v at ihe battle of Lepanto. “Lady cyclist detectives” and the new photography in divorce cases” are the novel inducements for patronage offered by a London detective agency which claims to have “an army of lady cyclist de tectives throughout the Kingdom for confide ntiai services.” The silver ticket received 4,360 votes in Fulton county to 2,132 for the gold ticket, a majority of 2,228. Crop’s vote was 5,676, and dußignon’s 2,815, a majority of 2,861 for Crisp. And Hoke, oh where was Hokes Myth “at?” “I had as lieve get bilin’-drunk and fight a duel with a wh°el Har row in a back yard at midnight, as to light ttiis ‘old ring,’ ” said a prominent member of the “new ring” yesterday. He has qu t. Says the Phi'adelphia Record: “The latest McKinley badge is ;n --setibed, Patriotism, Protect:-n and Progress.’ Has prosperity u - ready been dropped from the play bills?” In response to a specal invita tion from the Hungarian Goxern- . ment Li Hung Chang will take c cnsion io visit 'im Millennial Ex hibition at Budapest on his return 1 from Moscow. 1 -■ i Maybe McKinley has not gone 1 off because he was not loaded THIS is the trade-mark which is on every genuine wrapper of Scott’s W €mul= ft • slon All others claiming' to be “ fust as good,” 44 just the same ” and “equal to” Scott’s Emulsion are imitations without this label. Get the genuine if you want genuine reaulto, For sale at and |i.«a lay all druggists KOTT « BOWNB. iWw Vert THE tiUS.LcR OF ROMF RRIDAY JUNE 12 1896 HEI’CW IS CORRECT. Mr. Chauncey M . Depew recent- Lly made this declaration: “When I say that every enterprise, every business, every institution must ’ be advertised in order to be a success, I only voice the opinion of every thoughtful, sensible bu siness man.” Mr. Depew’s politi cal judgement may be poor at j times, but his business judgement is unimpeachable. < HAT FROM OVHR THE SEA Two English officer were arrest ted by the Germans at Metz, sus pected as spies getting informa tion about fortifications. The Austrian Minister of For eign Affairs yesterday intimated that unless Turkey improves her self Austria will turn against J her. The Chancellor of the Exche quer told the House of Commoi s that the expenses of the Sudan campaign will be paid out of the Egyptian funds for the present. CURRENT TOPICS For the ten months ended April 30 last the total production of cigaretts for home consumption 3,338,147,300, or an increase of 617 804,4800ver the fiscal ’94-’95 At least the “Coffin Nail” Trust cannot complain of hard times! Dr. Joseph Barker, of London, describes the bicycle as “ hut shoulder-contracting, mischievous, horrible machine’hat will take the manliness out of any nation.” A newspaper published in Jeru salem, printed in the Hebrew lan guage, states that Er. Bliss, super visor of the Pales'ine Exploration Fund, has lately discovered, near Mount Zion, the exact course < f the city walls of Jeruselem, built b Tore and during the Roman ea ; also a number of vases and mosaics of high value. A friend tells me, fays a writer in The Critic, ihat he was riding on the front platform of a s leel car in Boston, and, as there wa no cue there but himself and the driver, he repeated, in a fit of ab sent-mindedness, a few lines of Virgil in an undertone. To his surprise the driver of the car took up the lines where he left off and car.led them on to the end, and in Latin. And yet, in cultured Bostoi there hangs a sign board on which is printed his legend : j “Veterinary Surge, n —Horses Clipped Satisfactorily in the Rear.” I -r- | PHLNNY GRAFTS Mamma—“You know, Johnny, wnen mamma whips her little hoy, she does it lor his own good.” Johnny—‘‘Mamma, J wish you didn’t think quite so much ot me. —Collier’s Weekly, Watts—“ Don’t Jeu wish you were as happy as that whistling bwy out m the street?” Potts—“l d be a whole lot hap- TRY OUR RESORTS For pleasure, health and rest you will find it to your interest to spend your vacation at some of the popular summer resorts along the line of the Western <fc Atlantic R. R. and Nashville Chattanooga ami St. Louis Ky., among the most popular resorts are Catoosa Springs,Lookout Moun ain, Estill Springs, Monteagle, Sewanee and many otners Cheap rates, for any other information call on er wriie to C. K. Ayer, Ikt.. Agt. Rome, Ga. C. E. Harman, G. P. A. A Ilanta Ga . Mass Meeting. At the Court House Wednesday, June 17th, 1896. All citizens ot Floyd county wh“ are willing to aid in an honest ef fort to secure honest elections, to reduce public burdens, and to fur ther such other reforms as will tend to restore prosperity to the true interests of our County, >tate and Nation, are cordially invited to attend. By order of ex-Coni., of the peoples’ party. S. J. Whatley, W. J. Camp, Sec’y. pier than the kid if I could lay mv I hands on him.”—lndianapolis ■ Journal. “1 hear,” said the Elephant. | “that you bet the Giraffe two dol jlarsyou were the tailer. Who , won? “Well,” answered the Ostrich. I “we were neck and neck, only 1 [didn’t reckon onnis <ars. ”—New York Press. “Do you remember, asked the I young lawyer and promoter, “that you once said I would never I e iich? I rather think lam on the road to riches, at least.” “I never said you would not be rich,” answered the elderly cynic. i “I only said you would never have | any money of your own, and I still say so.”—lndianapolis Jour nal. Miss Wanteriio -“Do you wiite for pleasure or for money?” Pushpen—"l write for the maga zines f><r pleasure. I have to wri'e to mv father for money.”—New York Herald. “Why do you double that letter twice?” •Because it nukes it of two-fold importance. ” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Those who have never tasted the joys of love can get good imitation by eating mulberries with .ce cream.—Atchison Globe. No tuan knows how limited his wardrobe is until a Chinese laun dry burns up. —Los Angeles Ex press. DID YOU EVER MAKE MONEY EASY? Mr. Editor.—l have read bow Mr C. E. B. made so much mot - ey in the Dish Wash. r busii es-i and think I have beat him. I am vet\ young yet and have had little ex perience in selling goods, and have made overeight hundred dol lars in ten weeks selling Dish Washers. It is simp y wonderful how easy it is to sell them. All you have to do is to show the la dies how they work and thev can not help but buy one. For the benefit of others I will slate that I got mv .tart from the Mound City Dish Washer Co. , St. Louis, Mo. Write to them and they will send you full particulars. I think I can clear over $3,000 the coming year, and I am not go ing to let the opportunity pass Try it and publish your success tor the benefit of others. J. F . C. The June number of the Progress of the World magazine is an un usually interesting one. In the de partment of scientific progress Dr I. M. Cline gives the results of a careful study into climatic dis eases, and a colored map illus trates every portion of the United Sta'es in respect to the diseasts that are common to its clima e. Other matters of popular scientific interest are trented, such as th.- formation of butter, cheese, etc., by bacteriological growth, th’ latest uses' of aluminum, and an illustrated description of the “Aerocycle,” the new bicycle pro pelled by r compressed air. I hearti cles on financial topics are also especially strong this month. The general history of each country oi .he world during the previous nonth is epitomized in crisp, irightly written articles that are exceedingly instructive. Any one vishing to keep up to date on all ’ ines of the world’s progress can jowhere find a more entertaing instructor than this well conduct d periodical. One Lost Day is not much out of a lifetime, but to a business man it may mean the loss of a valuable opportunity. When temporarily crippled with any pain or weakness, for which an active and effective external remedy is needed, nothing is so trustworthy as Johnson’s Belladonna Plaster. It touches the spot and gives the welcome relief. It is made to succeed —not merely to sell. Look for the lied Cross on all T the genuine. F JOHNSON & JOHNSON. * Manufacturing ChvmisU, New York. Wanted-An Idea Bank President Isaac Lewis of Sabina. Ohio, is highly respected all through that section. He lias lived in Clinton Co. 75 years, and has been president of the Sabina Bank 20 years. He gladly testifies to the merit of Hood's Sarsa parilla, and what he says is worthy attention. All brain workers find Hood’s Sarsaparilla peculiarly adapted to their needs. It makes pure, rich, red blood, and from this conies nerve, mental, bodily and digestive strength. “I am glad to say that Hood’s Sarsapa rilla is a very good medicine, especially as a blood purifier. It has done me good many times. For several years I suffered greatly with pains of Neuralgia in one eye and about my temples, es pecially at night when I had been having a hard day of physical and mental labor. I took many remedies, but found help only in Hood’s Sarsaparilla which cured me of rheumatism, neuralgia and headache. Hood’s Sarsaparilla has proved itself a true friend. I also take Hood’s Pills to keep my bowels regular, and like the pills very much.” Isaac Lewis, Sabina, Ohio. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. 91. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. j. r-»m are prompt, efficient and llOOu S FHIS easy in effect. 26cenu. . gMk Chlch?4iter*B Fncllah Diamond Brand. Pennyroyal pills ■ Original and Only Genuine. A always reliable, ladies aik «\ druggist Ibf Chichcsitr n Fiiqliah iJta fOFKA Brand in Bed and Goid njetallio\\iy sealed with blue ribbon. Taike other. dangervua subMttM* v {’/ ” nf tiont and itnitationg - At Druggints. er send 40. I * in stampe for particulars, testimonials and \ T* ® •‘Relief for Ladle*.” in letter, bv reini u —.Mall. Testimonial!. Narne Paper. „ ! <?hk‘heater Chemical Co.,Madlaon Square Sold by ad Local Druggists. FhiliubL fW There is fun in rhe foam, and health in the cup of HIRES Rootbeer —the great temperance drink. Made only by The Charlea E Hires Co,, Philadelphia. A 25c. package makes 5 gallons. Sold everywhere. KS& s 5 ’ -A. f 2 BALSAM yyy/gZ 17? >r au( i beautifies the hair. ** ft . luxuriant growth. , ver Fails to B estore Gray its Youthful Color. . - uses scalp diseases & hair failing. r > >r,and4lW at Druggists , HiiWERCCRrcS. The only sure Cure for Corns. Stope all pain. Ensures con> fort to the ieet, Mak„s walking eagy. lieu, at Druggists. For your Protec ion wepos lively state that thn BALNW remedy does not <>.>ntalr>Oa^ft>WS' ine'eury or oilier injn ! >■>» drug . wi/n Nasal Catarrh y s a local 'isease and ot SIIIHI dimaie changes. ELY’S CREAM BALM Opens and e'eanses he faaal Passages, Allays fain and inflammation. Heals toe Sores, Pm. tec’s the Membrane f om Colds, Restores the Senses of laste a .d Smell. Ihe Halm is quiekb absorbed and gives relief at oace. Price 50 cts at Druggist* or bv mail. EIY BKO I’HEKS 56 arreii St. N. Y • Pianos Organs, Bicycles Typewriter Sewing e ® Machines. FOR SALE ON EASY PAYMENTS LAUGH STOCK OF SMALL INSTRU MENTS. ANY FI HUE 0F SH EE TMU SI ( OR MUSIC BOOK PUBLISHE! Tc farmers I will se l.’ on time will small cash payment I can sav. you money! Wn r catalogu and prices. E. E. FORBS Montgomery and Anniston A > seab Davis Managerßome Branch Libel for Divorce Georgia Floyd county: R L. Huckeba 1 Libel for Divorce Nannie Huckeba j 0 ' t OUrt To the defendant, Nannie Huckeba. The defendant is hereby cited and required personally or by attorney to be and appear at the next Su >eiior Court to be held in and for .aid county, on the third Monday in July next then and there to answer Plaintiffs Libel for Divorce, a, in default thereof eaid court will proceed to justice the)) sppertaiu. th. Honorable W. m Henry Judes of Mid court. This April 20, i.9s Letters of Administration Ge rgia, Floyd Comity: To ail whom It may concern: h L haring tn proper form applied t„ „. e ’ manent letters of administration on the JIT of Margaret! H. Morris. Ute of said (> X V rt ’‘ ceased. This is to cite all and singular , he itorsanu next of kin of Margarett H t<> be ami appear at my ofl ice Wlth||l th ' allowed by law and show c>use,if a „v th’ can. why permanent administration should nm be granted to R. L. Lorris ou Marg re tt h Morris’s estate. Witness mv hand and ofticiai' signkture this rtrst day of June mi. John p. Davis Ordinary Floyd County Bids Wanted Georgia, Floyd County; The Boaro of commissioners of Roads and Revenue of said county desire to receive bids ’or the budding of a wooden bridge across Watters’ creek n said C it ity ; the sun-t to ba 12 feet from outside to ouGide, thirty feet long, a’ul (> feet a''* ve low witer. Plan- and specific »tions will be found in the office of ths Clerk ofthcß >arl All bids must be in ths Clerk's office bv noot. on BHu .day, July sth 1896. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Witness lhe Hon. Jno. C. Foster, Chairman of the Board, this June, 2nd., IR'jd, ' 'eik Notice Georgia, Floyd County• Whereas. Mrs. Helen k Nevin Adiuiaistrix of M - A. Nevin deceased so mer Guardian of Marshall. Margarite Lon T. Wyatt H Almer- Cn W. and Rachel I Shanklin, minor he'rs of James f. and Rachel deceased iep resen's to the < ourt n her petirion'dulv tiled that she ||has fully settled with and turned over all the property as shown by the records to have been in the hands of m. a. Ne< in for mer Gi a'dian at bis dia'h belonging to the es tate of aid minor hairs to jerufs B Hill pr«s ent Guardian cf said minors. This is to cits aH persons kindred and creditors that are con cen ed to show < arise if any they can. why said .ormer estate should not be discharged from any liability concert ing such Gi ardian* ship and Letters of Dismission issue on the first Monday in July 1896. Shis June Ist 18’6. John P Dav:s Ordinary Flcyd County Georgia I ibel for Divorce • <>rg’ Floyd Conntv: '■> -a A ker 1 Libel for Div'-rce '> ; No. 45 rioyd Superior Court J bn i . *’ ' r I inly term 1X96 To ’be I eie.idanr, John F C'tk-r. The def r.d nt is hereby cited an I r< qtiired personally or b. attorney, t' be : nd api ear at he next S*ui erior Court to ne he'd in and for said county on the thir l Voudav in July next hen and ti ers to answer Plaint IT Libel for Di vorce, as in default the-eot ntd court will pro ceed as to justice shall api er fin. Witness rhe Honorable w m Henry Juilgs of said court. This April 20,1826. M-B. Eubanks I Win E, Beysi’cel PlaiintilPs Attorney J Clerk Vai’s Support Geov.rja, gioyrf County: T i ail whom it may concern : Not ce i.hereby given that tne appraisets appointed to set apart and assign a yeir’s support to Mrs. Chavlotta Mc( affiey, the widow and children of Thos. J, McCaffrey. d»ceased, have filed their aoard. and unless good and sufficient cause is shown lhe same will be niaue judgement of the court a t the July teim. 1896, of the eourt of Ordinary Illis J t i.e Ist 1896 John P. Davis Ordinary Kloyd ' ounty Libel for Divorce State of eorrit. F or I 0 > r i’.v! Laura Mealerl Libel For Divorcein Floyd Su va. [ perior ourt. No. 88. i N Mealer JJauy. Term 1896. I'o the Defendant in th- above stated case. You are hereby notitioil and commanded to be and appear at the nexO Superior court to be held in and for said county on the Third Moo day in July nex t then and there to answer the Plaintiff’s pe.ition for Divorce, as in default thereof said o urt will proceed as to Justice shall appertain Witness t h e Honorab'e W, m Henry Judge of said co:.rt, this 26th day of Feby. 1896. Win. E. Beysiegel Clerk. (SB Western & .Atlantic R. Re (BATTLEFIELDS LINE) AND Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway * . . TO CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO, MEMPHIS ano ST. LOUIS. PILLSUN PALACE BUFFET SLEEPING CARS JACKSONVILLE and ATLANTA . . TO .. NASHVILLE and ST. LOUS, THROUGH WITHOUT CHANGE. Local Sleepers between Atlanta and Chat- tanooga. Cheap Emigrant Rates to Arkansas and Texas. „ . Excursion Tickets to California and 1 orado Resorts. For Maps, Folders, Sleeping Car any information about kales. Schedules, write or apply ta C. B. WALKER, X A. THOMAS,. t Ticket Ageat. _ PfM* -- Inion Depot, Ne. 8 luiabaM «<>-••• ATLANTA, 8A- c - x *■ «wL, ITLUrTA.*A. „