The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 14, 1896, Image 1

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SIXTH YEAR. s. S. King & Co. the Hustling Retail Grocers sells Warters Rome Made Cigars. Best in the Market. J.. 1 . ‘ I : ' ‘ ' ' t ft, 1 ll; • .... ' T '~ ■ j ■ , . I , - . ' r’ t> '. t;• * W • ———■ —... .- , „ , J S FJ.KANE & Company. Or- ■ - . \ v. w.V a .j ' •. '■ , M £ -i • 1 l' ■ • . '■ ' A 4 J ;i eall and winter goods - And ask you to call and. look and feel yon win tMiy- , >. I DRESS GOODS f • In this department we are showing all the new up to date dress stuff F, all Ihe new weves and colorings iou can also find trimmings to m atcn No trouble to show you its a pleasure and ask you to look thro our stock. Our success last season was beyond expectation and tn is season we want io do still better and have boufirht the ar gest line of new goods in Rome. You will f‘nd every piece of gooo > h >r e racked up with real value and worth- Our buyer was last * a Markets and has bought some novelties that will be shown onl/ b v us * Do not buy your suit until you inspectthis stock, Phices that crush competition Styles shown that cannot be improved o b See them. Special low prices made this w* ek- HOSIER'S - Hmm i-i >ur pet stock No house can show you better dose Don’t t hiii'c ii j hou-e can match ours at the prices Chihir i) Fust Black all sizes. 5c “ “ 44 Seamless 10c Ladies “ 44 a good one 5c “ “ “ Seamkse ■' 10c ' 25c Ladies “ 44 ■ . Hose dnly 17c Lkdiea’so gauge'4 thread Silk finish only 25c 50eLiele thread fibs* only „ 33c 20c Meu’a Fast Black i Hose PJc 10c 44 Heavy no seams \ 10c We are headquarters for hos iery KID GLOVES We have made customers with our Kid Gloves for th°ir services •'ll we have put in an entire new line. fl 00 Gloves are sold hpre at . 75c 125 ” ” ” ” i, SI,OO . i 150 ” v ” ” ” .“V . 1’,25 The best ” ” ” ” ” "■ , 1,50 We have a *ull line Tan, White a id Black. n. $"1 ZIEGLER BROS As you havd a,wa >’ known f/ JM made the best shoe to be had for the W amount invested For wear and fit there is none better and we sell them under Seethe shoe we sell you at .00 • FI ANNEI SOLANKETS- ■» I ’ * We could fill this page about our blankets but “a few” prices below will give you an in sight how ▼ Grey Bed Blar kets at only 2Qo each then sOc pair all the way up every pair is unde- any com fctil or and will be pleased tQ have you see them F J KANE&CO ■ J-J -L IV r 1 i_r« i A I THE HUSTLER OE ROME. .• • . ♦ ‘ . j _ i ~ ' . »• ’ j ROME GEORGIA, WFDNESDAyjEVENING OCTOBER 14, 1896 fcy — ■ » > •' ' . UNDERWEAR More underwear than you can ftnd in any two stores in Rome at prices that seem rediculdus. Ladies Winter weight Vest only 10c 25c Ladies winter weightiest o»Ty 15 40 “ 14 14 “ 44 25 75 44 44 “ “ 50 ‘ ' 1 00 W 44 44 44 44 . . 1.25 “ 44 44 44 “ SI ,00 Union Suits 50c to 200 Chi’dren winter Vest and Wrappers only 5c 44 44 * ' 44 44 44 44 s * r : ■?' “ <*• “ in all sizes 5 and up. ■ ... ■■ . W .I. ■ I—! ■ .y- ■■■■ ■■ ! r-y..-'. - t jftr •; •• ■:>»'•. *- v “.■ • HANDKER- ■ 'in j; .■■• - ’ I ’ • ‘ < 1 *» ' CHIEFS We closed a few lines of handkerchiefs while market' and think wt have some real good things 'tf offer Many away under valti»One.lot is the greatest bargain W^‘hay* eVer had. Look here for Handkerchiefs SPECIAL SILK; SALES <>Jb our pleasure tjb) on hand and t advantage of a I arg a silk sale in New York. We did not all, butbought what our cus tomers willw ant. Here are the prices- to 1 Op stripe, printed warps Silks only 50 These are the greatest values you ever saw in Silks and first come first, served. New things in Satin Duchess Plain, Rhademe, Satin Duchess Brocaoeßengaane, Brocade Satin for eveing, India Silks burah, Crepe, China Silks, Printed Warp Armure. Tinsell Netts for Evening wear. < W • LEWIS WEARRESISTER Wese " Lewis- w School bhoes They are built to wear W They always give satisfaction Have j selected these two makes ano will stand behind every pair. ‘ School Sh aes 50c up * I-* oEs.. • 3 bppciHls Every housekeeper in Rome should see. 300 yds 75c Damask full Bleach only s©e 800 “ $1.25 “ “ . ‘‘ 75 300“ 1.50 “ “ ' 4 V ' l4 58 in. Bleached Dirmaskonly " '3sc - .54“ „ “ “ all Linen “ 50 • Red Damask 25 tn gQ Towels, no place has het fist*’and we want your trade. , N apkin» any price rny It ind. j DOMESTICS 30 in. Sea Is and line quality only 5e ** 30 in. Sheeting A. A. ,l 4 36 in. ’’ A A. A. ” 41 j 36 in. Bleached no stnreh ” 5 Cotton Flannelssc and a p 1 Case Turkey Red Prints ” ‘ 3k. 1 All our dome-tics wer • b night at the lowe-t price they ever reached and we can save ynu the advance- IO CENTS A WEEK