The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, October 15, 1896, Image 2

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•STHE HUSTLER OF nt trad »t the Postott , ea« second-class matter PHILLG. BYRD- Editor and MANAGER. 10 its >-rV -■ •'< s>p ir year Adver ising rates, reasonable. I PHONE NO-85. 11 >w glad Dr (ianil>n-ll must be because he "as “too young.” The tenth district, T tn Wat eon’s district - , "tut Democratic 175 majorry *. - - 1 The more the Hannacrats force the issue of coercion on the Amer ican people the worse it will be full them. Fifty thousand children are re fused admission to the public schools of New A urk for lack of accommodation. That must be a campaign lie abou{ Wright ru. ning for govern or. He didn’t do anything more than craw!.—Marietta Journal In 1898 the net majority for At kinson from the counties in the fourth district was 654 I his year he has a net majority of 4219. The edi or of an exchange says he has come to the conclusion that politics this year wi 1 make a lot of strange dead fellows. Talbot ton New Era. John Bull has begun to te*- the Venezuela question in a new light, and one that is very favorable in this country. There is nothing so effective with John . s a li tie dip lomacy. It is estimated that the Pop vote in the late elections amount ed to only 85,000 or about 12,000 short of the two year ago vote. Truly “the earn thing aire i.ed an ’ donoit.” In New York the registration is far ahead of that of four years ago. Th- same story comes from ail ■ever the country. V> hen the peo ple go to the polls ’he Democratic partj’ does not fear the result. Boss Buck says if his circular had been issued ten days earlier than it was that Atkinson would have been defeated. Thu’ “IF” sounds sorter like some of Seab Wright’s. —Americus Herald. Win. McKinley recently died at Portland, Oregon, and Mark loan na’s gin house burned, with' ail his cotton, at Spartanburg, S C.,and things are looking blue tor Repub licanism all round. —Augusta NeWs. It is about time for 'he Hustler oe Rome to “mark anol her predic tion.'’ —Calhoun Times. Then here g eg; McGarrity will get more vol-s than Rankin and Massey combined, while Maddox will beu’ the entire vote of the tie d. J-flin Temp'e Graves said Hon. Seaborn Wright had taken up “his, fi s ht .” H<; claimed the cedit t< r 'A tkinson’e vote in Atkinson’s first rice. We wonder if ho will c aim the credit for Atkinson's ini reused majority this campaign?—Mariet ta Journal. - , That the land grubs of Great Britain is not bigger is due to the prompt action of the United States m the Venezuelan case. The final brief of Ex-Minister Scruggs con tains strong evidence that this con templated grab would have been .an unqualified steal. Sam Jones should see that hi campaign letters are carefully pre served and put in book form. The Popuilsts probably won’t buy any of them, but they w.ll be valuable in the future to show j ist how far wrong a preacher can go when he attempts to dabble in something he knows nothing about As a po litical jonah the Rev. Sam rivals Mr. John Temple Graves, of Col lege Park, Ga. All England wil celebrate on \\ ednesday of next week the niuty first anni vol siry of the great sea battle of Trafa'unr and the death of her greatest sea hero. To the memorv <>f Horati • Nelson London has dedicated her splendid Trafai- I gar square, and she has laid his ashes t > rest in a pompous crypt !in 'ln* vault of’St. P til s Cathe dra'. There, 'oo, still rests his fa mous hear.- , made from cannon balls Nelson hi- been oude red to England in a popular wav ly the slang adoru’i'-n t.l his Duchess : “Theßullv B>y with the Glass Eye.” Bu’ th 1 sailor who lost an eye off Corsica was able to see the Little Corsican o e heifer witn the remaining optic. It his death Nel i son gave to the British navy its motto: “England expects every nan to do his duty,” just as the dying Lavvence bequeathed to the American navy its watchword: “Don’t give up the ship.” Judge Joel Branham, of Rome, was in Atlanta yesterday. tie is an av wed candidate for one of the judgeships on the supreme court bench. Judg- Branham is’ one of the most highly esteemed members cf the Georgia bar, not only for his virtue of character bu’ for his ac knowledged ability as one of the best posted lawyers in the state. He numbers his tri nds by the thousands and the gr at number of his friends who have taken off their coats in his behalf are as en thusiast c supporters as one ever finds in politics. Jud « Branham wil! not find himself lacking back ing in the contest —Constitution. Here is a sample of the reason given, by the People’s Party Pa per, explaining Seab Wright’s crushing defeat: • The negroes a! tn >st solidly vot ed against us. One reason is that the Democrats told them that if they voted for Wright they would m.ver get, any more whiskey in this state.” And this too in the face* of promises iff “more whiskey for the money, and whiskey for the negro as good as -he good liquor drank by the rich white folks” promised the brother in black, from the pro hi stump. Il warts were gems ’Len the P. P. P. would be a j-wel of much price. Tlw croak-r ! There is no doubt (hat the can didates will now heave a sigh of relief, as the campaign is over. It is related of one of them that on being introduced t" a lady on the train he .exclaimed: “Our names are the same and your face looks » range!v foniliar?" “Iht is not surprising.” replied tie lady, “I am yoti£ wife ’’ He h d n t seen her since lie beginning of the cam paign. —M ajis >n Advertiser. HON. J. BRANHAM. The Times hopes to ’ see Hon Joel Branham elected to the Su preme bench. He is one of the ablest jurist- in the state, a man of undoubted personal integrity and uni <-s in an eminent degree all the qua ifiSations of an excel lentjudge. .He is a N rth Georgia man and this part of the state is entitled to\at least one representa ' tiv« on the Supreme bench. North Georgia can have one if she will unit- and make a strong pull for her man . Let u-t see that Judge Branham is elected by a flattering | majority. —OaTioun Times. I i Sweet Music 1 There will lie a rare rich treat to welcome all those who attend the concert at the ’conservatory on next Friday evening. • It will surpass any attempt of a similar natur, if the pregram fore -I'e Is imythi' g. • \ Cramps,\ \ Croup, \ ££ \ Colic, \ \ VBA VIA | nrAKRjrcCA, DYSENTERY, •*> I and all EGiVEJ, COMPLAINTS. A Sure, Safe, Quick ( ure for these * I , troubles js WinkiUerJ (PERRY DAVIS’.) ’ 6 > Vsed Internally and Externally. ; Two Sizes, 25c. and Me. bottles. 'HE HUSTLER OF ROME THURSDAY. OCTOBER 15, 1896. This is on- of tie's ■ d ys wit- .. I half d 1 ad with cold, 1 I’e-1 like t< write would be an * fl'ort a d to inflict what-1 shoii d "»rite would lean i.njtis ptini-hm. nt io my re tiers. Therefore a ter calling attention h) the fact that Mr. I. W. Lancaster, the old reliu l le, and up to date photographer, is en gaged in photograpning the vari ous grades of the pub ic schools and also to' the fact that Gus Johnson has just received a beau tiful assortment of the most ar'is tic stati o ary and the very latest thing in alligator skin purses, 1 most respectfully ask to be exkuz ed for this edition. NEWSY NOTES Senator Blackburn is convales cing. Boston will be recommended as i he torpedo boat station oi ’he ser vice. St. Paul’s Universaiist Church, Chicag , Bi., will advertise its services on bill-boards. Charles H dworth and Henry Welsh were executed in Ok ahoma ' ( rritor’y Sunday for murder. Frank McCormick, of New York aged 16, was arrested yesterda- , for being a chronic drunkard. . i t The Bishop Museum, at H >no lulu, will build a $750,L00 quarium for the study of Pacific marine life. The Justv eS ■ f the United State? Supreme Court yes erday made their cus'otnary call upon Presi dent Cleveland. While temporarily demented Mrs John S’awart, ofNew York, jumped from a house top and land ed on a fire escape. She may die In a suit tor SIO,OOO damages, Judge Caldwell, in the United States Circuit Court of Appeals, at St. Louis, Mo., yesterday decid ed that a railroad company mt s keep its vestibule's secure. BIG FRIDAY. There will be five events that wi 1 interet as many classes of p c ple tomorrow. First —there will be the speech of Hon. W. L. Massey, republican nominee for Congress. Second—therj will be a delight ful concert at the Conservatory of Music. Third—there will be an tlegaui recept on tendered the Board of r. ustees of Shorter College the senior class of that institution. Four b —there wi 1 be the torch light procession of the R. R. .and Working. M-n’e Club. Fisth —there wi l be the tea giv en by the wadies of ihe Rome Chris i«n church at the home of Mrs. R. G. Cross. Saw a Monster iceberg- Savannah, Oct. 15. —The Brit ish ste mship Washwate ', Captain Steph'-a, in port here, reports hav ing passed a monster iceberg in laltitude 45.50 North, longitude 52.12 West It was an unusually dangerous' one, being about 60’» feet long, and entirely submerged, except tour spire-like heads, th- tallest >t winch was 30 feet. Siudebaker’s Big Mortgage., Chicagf), Oct. 15. —A trust deed for $2,000,000 was field m the County Recorder’s office, executed by Studeb iker Bros., in favor of the Illino’S Trust and Savings I Bank, to secure an issue of $2,- 000,000 first mortgage gold b >nds . The mortgage covers the entire plant, franchise, patents and right of he company at South Bend, Ind. Ihe deed will also be fifed in I udiana. Capes and Jackets fromsl up at Thos. Fahys. STATE SIFTINGS •lames Gordon, a 1 ’»• insurance ag-ntol Atlanta lias boon aejudg eu insane. A large wolf was 111 i d by- i . I. Thoma- n ar Lithonia on S d a y. ! here i« a ph.iiiwt I >ot'<i lodiii'w t : l<‘ cost ol text Io o' sto the Si h' 111 cliildre,: of G oigia. • The depot at De«ring. on th" Ceorg a iailr-i id, thirty n iles trou Augusta, is burned . Frank Be I In s ln-en app<>inttd by Judge Lump! in temporary e c iver of the Aragon Hotel Compa ny nt Atlan a. David Gr zzle was killed and his wife badly injured in a runaway at Bearden Bridge, in Lumpkin count v. By a Georgia aw the first Fr - d.iy in De ember is set apart as arbor day. Great preparations are being made this year. Rev. Dr. J Vi alden, an eminent Presbyterian divL.eofNew Orleans has been e ected pastor of the church at Ath ;h, Ga , with a sal ary of $3,000. Augusta ha» a. lady enva in- r in the person of Mrs. T. S. Harrison, who is a grad nit ej u the a’ , and bas ja*l lemoi -d from I .dianapo lis. James W. Boler, f Au. usfa a fl igmitn on the Georgia railroad, was injured in an ac ident at Camak last Friday. He wi l recov er. The increase in earning of the Centra vs’n railway from January 1 to July 1, fur the pres e t year, was $167,000 more than 1895 .’or the similar period. The stockho ders of the Tennes s e, Georgia a.nd Atlantic Railay 'Company lien! m eting at Athei s an Saturday, but m> action was taken cone ruing the transfer ot the Northeastern lease. The Sou hland Mote , which was sold under mortgage at ( arrolton on Tuesday was bought by L. C. Mandaville, for SIO,OOO. 1 ij>- hotel was moi tgt’ged lor $1,350. Hensler s Wound was Fatal. Villa Rica, Ga , Oct. 15. Thomas Hensler, the Voting man woo was .-hot i>j his father Satur day iiigiii. while climbing through the window t<> h's room, died last nigh atOo'c ock. borne n j had all' m.pieu i entf-rMr. Heusler’s hous” the night before.. Mr. Heu sler was moused iatw Satiuday night by Ids son opening the win tow. Thinking his son was a bur gi•>r In- shot Him. Mr. Hensler is nearly hc-art-brm sen. a;.d tears are entertained tiia the terrilde acciden will dethrone h s rfc'ooa and lie wii. du, t.imseif b di i s harm. f Sour Stomach, sometimes calk d waterbrash, and burning pain, distress, nausea, I dyspepsia, are cured by Hood’s Sarsa- I parilia. This it accomplishes because with its wonderful power as a blood purifier, Hood's Sarsaparilla gently tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs, invigorates the liver, creates an appetite, gives refreshing sleep, and raises the health tone. In cases of dyspepsia and indigestion it seems to have “a iragic touch.” “For over 12 yeers I suffered from sour Stomach with severe pains across iny shoulders, and great distress. 1 had violent nausea which would leave me very weak and | faint, difficult to get my breath. These spelts came oftener and more severe. I did not receive any lasting benefit from physicians, but found such happy effects from a trial of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, that I took several bottles and mean to always keep it in the house. I am now able to do ail my own work, which for sik years I have been unable to do. My husband I and son have also been greatly bene fited by Hood’s Sarsaparilla —for pains in ' the back, and after the grip. I gladly recommend this grand blood medicine.” i Mrs. Pfter Burby, Leominster, Mass. Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. SI. > I x " i. run cure all I'’ vc >‘ Dis and IlOOu S rillS Sisk Headache. 25 ceuUi * I —j- A NE W | And Elegant Liofi es ! HIGHGRADE I ■ Note anfiTetler Pacer ; I D. N. Cuiin i M We hve added to our stock a £ line of U e very latest s ! y es of high * grade note and letter paper. The | Vt-ry finest of old English Scotch * and Linens, New designs, New * plates, - new finishes. Assorted * “ * * colors. 'A, hi e and delica e tints. * * *»*.********* ***«;»*» * While buying candies don’t for get that we a» e agents for Nunnal - * * lys, These goods are equal to the * < best. Always fresh. * * w 60 cents a pound for the finest A- assorted Bon Bons and Chocolates % known to the confectionary art, J ! D. I ■ I ThE DRUGGIST * * * * * M * * * * > **w* * **'* *1 *w *** ** * O** * 1 MILLINEBY I ! With the best bought and most stylish pattern hats and bon n?ts and Ladies’ head wear, yet brought to Hie city we solicit your patronage. . * Our line us Children's hoods and caps are the prettiest and most complete in Rome A pleasure to show them to you. RESPECTFULLY, A. O- GARRARD Medical Building Broad Street REMOVAL MULLINNIX & BURNETT Practical Leather artists and builders ot hand made ehoes which they guarantee in fit and finish, are now at 330 B r oad St,, Masonic Temple. They beg to state that they are prepared to do repairing on short- . W. F. BROWf SIGN & CARRIAGE I’AINTINiG. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO fill ADVERTISING SIGNS. iJfITCOR. SECOND AVE. AND WEST FIRST ST. Kame Mutdal Loan Association HOME OFFICE ROME GORGIA, 325, R road Street.' A National Building an d Loan ompan> Purely Mutual, Safe Investment and Good Profit Made by Smail Monthly Payments. O h KICKK *. J-. a glov r, President. j. d. moore, Sec’ty & Treas, chas, i graves, Vice Pres. J.H. Rhodes, Mgr’ wan Dept Hatstep smith, General council.