The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 07, 1897, Image 1

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HIE HUSTLEk SEVENTH YEAR Koval makes the food pure, 1 wholesome and delicious. o. rOY4| [Of Absolutely Pure fIOVAI BAKINO POWDER CO., NEW VORK. INIISS SfLUE OMBERG PUSSES BEYOND THE SILENT RIVER, [HER SPIRIT TOOK FLIGHT TH'S morning kiiE Fin hal Will Occur To morrow. Dr. Gof.tchius \\ ill [ Officiate. [j The spirit of Miss Sallio Om |,erg was gathered by the ang I of Leath this morning and transport fed to celestial r< alms. |F Miss Omberg was a beautiful Loung lady of pure Christian char hcter and a consistent Fresh;, te riai). Her friends were numbered by Ihe score and are sad hearted over bier untimely departu'c. She has leen suffering for f- ver.l months from a cancerous tumor. Evry Iffort of medical s . nee was ex lausted in trying to save her life. I Loving hands sim-oihed Imr Bring pillow and tearful cy s bad ■er a pathetic fnrowell. MURDER ■ausage Maker Luetgert Mu&t ■ Answer For. ■ Chicago, June 7. —The grand ■ry has vcled a true bill against ■L. Luetgert, the rich sausage charging him with' ■e murder of his wile .The indici ■ent was returned today. ■ The indictment charg s Luetgert ißth drowning, choking, strangling with a knife, heatirg and ■eking Mrs. Luetgert to death. ■ Those various counts arc- be— -> cov-t v.-ry possible tlvo- of how her death was caused -r th-- 1 iiiuis statutes rela'ing murder. car load of watermelons ■•day at Geo F. 0 b ■hey are large and fresh. ■JNTS-ONE CT. A WORD business n an in eveiy city (not aheaCy for exclusive sale of manufactured Applicant mi st furnish few bundled cash cipi al to carry snail rtock of inerclian i writ wh.eli to supply b s customers after orders are first secure 1. ® on '-b’y P' .flt as.ured over all ex " s •(.(,],! s ,|..,|‘ i (icationa. etc. ■ F. E. VaiL. T J-a! 1) N.issa«i St*, iStW York. gCorn ■* a vigorous feeder and re ■>Onds\\cll to liberal fertiliza ■on - On corn lands the yield ■leases and the soil improves ■ properly treated with fcr ■'^ rs staining- not under ■ actual I Potash. trial of this plan costs but ■o'- ’ s sure to lead to ■5 ble culture - tni on’th?’?~ tt, , e resu ' ts of its use by actual ox /l S ' /i ir , nis * n ,he United States —is tmv fdn "\ We P ubl 'sl> and will gladly Um ' nier America who will write fur it. ■ GERMAN KALI WORKS, ■ 93 Nassau St.. New Ydxlu LASHED WITH THORNS Three Women Almost Kill A Nude Man. HIS FLESH IN SHREDS A Paducah Negro Tortured by Eraged Negro Women. Whip ped With Blackberry Briers. Paducah, Ky„ June 7. —Three negro women, enraged at John Parkinson, colored, attacked him in the outskirts of the city. After beating Parkinson with bricks and stamping his face they bound him hand and foot, stripped him and lashed the writhing, praying vic tim’s body with blackberry briers until the flesh was cut to pieces and the blood-covereu ma'i became insensible from the fearful torture. He was badly hurt, but finally es caped, application for letters OF DISMISSION, Georgia, Floyd County . Whereas, Carrie Mae H«l ley adminifetratix of John H . li uley, deceased, represents to the court in her petition duly filed, thut. she has administered John H. Hen ley’s estate. This is to cite all persons concerted, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said admir.istratix should not be diecha r ged from her administration mid receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August 1897. This May 3rd 1897. ‘ John P. Davis, VLoI S2O SAVED Bnd y° n KCtthe eauL es t running and the strongest wheel / /\ T he hand / / \ some ’97 model and / / H | its many special / / 111 ’ features make this < A 1)1 * be most attractive *¥ wheel on the mar- ket. Catalogue free. Guy S. Cothran, Agt, Rome, Ga. s lt° FREE. GOLD I ighteen prizes, aggregating $l5O. A Bona Fide Oiler, We give nothing but ca h lor | ptizes. Who can form the'greatest number of l words from tne letters iu WASHIN'. IONS? You cau make 15 or more words, Do not use any letter more times than it appears in die word. Anything that is a legitimate worn will be allowed. The publisher will yay $50,00 io '.be person able to make the largest list of words in rhe word WASHINGTONS, $25,00 for second largest SIO.OO for each of the next three largest lists, $5.00 to each of the next 9 largest lists Don’t you think yo'i could be one of tim e? You will enjov the making ot your list, why not try for tlie first prize? The above rewards are given for the purpose of extracting atten tion to our woman's paper, Every number is complete, no continued stories, etc. It U necces sn v for vou to enter the contest, to s< nd ?r> cents (money order, silver or stamps) for a subscription with your jist of words, an • ev ery person semnug the 25 ceuts and a list ot 15 words or more is guaranteed an extra p-r - ent by return mail (in addition to the papei] o. a solid silver stick orscarfpin. bainia'iOT guaranteed in every case or money rcnimled. i.ists should be sent at once, and not later i ban Aug 15, The names and addresses ot succee dut contest’ll swill be printed in Sept, is.ue, pub lish.-'! hept 1. 1 'nr publication is new: 'llns oiler is made to introuiree it. we refer you to auv mere itile a ency for our Standing Mak your list now. Address, Hill Pubbshingto a.iouE, Brooklyn. N. Y. I.i writin ; mention papar, 'PAftKER’B SAIR BALSAM i":v ' n and tea' . I'ea the halt. •? ,'<*' ■ ' ’ ‘ -oriotce a luxuriant growth. f. ' . ~'over Faile to Restore G-ay to its Youthful Co or. > . .... iJiCurwi «calp-liieaies a hair faUia#. 'y? sO,andil.,oar I>ni b gut« ( HINDERCORNS? The only r ire Cun- lor Corns. Stops all peiu. hn«nn>« ron> tat u> the td. Mates walking eaay. fcu. at .'•jrjet., ar-jeUJ-' ,^*JES3 r *.*L» PILLS. NEW DISCOVERY., NEVER FAILS. - A new, reliable and sate relief tor sup . -ft pretend,excessive, scanty or painful men a'C”. etration. Now used by over 80, ® m-nlh.y. .Invigorates tliesj organs. Beware of Imftatfons. Nairr F*! «» yy paper. 82- per bon. or trlal *!' 1 I L J sealed in plain wrapper. . B e" <l , 4< \y f etsmpsforpartlculara. Heldbj I I_ DraHlit. Address: PEFfER a."*- ALSOCIATKML Chicago. LU. To round off a nood dinner smoke a Select. ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING. JUNE 7. 1897 CREELMAN, CORRESPONDENT, Talks of Cuoan War and the Methods of the Spanish- Asserts That America Has the Right to Mix in the Affair. *1 • BY THOMAS W. STEEP. • » Cuban Correspondent Scripps-Mcßae League. Cleveland, 0., Jun? 5.—1 had a talk with James Creelman this mornieg on the Cuban question. As a newspaper correspondent, Mr. Cieelman has been a careful student of the situation and backs his verdict up with a thorough knowledge of international affairs. His judgment is that the method of war which Spain employs iu lerdeavoring to subjugate the Cu ' bans is enough to justify the in terference of the civilized people who are geographically nearest Cuba. Mr. Creelman said: “The con ditions define a purely diplomatic and just policy. In the first place, the United States cannot reasona bly expect from Spain an indem nity to cover the amount of claims filed with the State department by American merchants who have sustained losses in Cuba. AMERICAN CLAIMS. “These claims aggregate $25,- 000,000 already. The revolution I has cut off a regular channel of commerce to the United States. Spam has amply shown that she will not soon be able to restore the i commerce . So much for the com mercial aspect of the right to in terfere. ‘ The condition of rebellion in a WON’T DIE SAYS DR M’CALL THE PHY SIC’AN Os Bud Hill, Who Was Shot by Lester Corley. Dr. McCall stated to a Hustler of Rome man this morning that Bud Hili, who was shot by Lester Cor’ey, is in a fairway to recover. MET. DID THE COMMISSIONERS THIS MORNING It Was Their Regular Monthly Meeting. Dr. Nixon Was There. — The Commissioners of Roads and Revenue held their regular monthly meeting today. Dr. W. C. Nixon is well enough to attend the Commissioners meet ing today. He has been quite sick for a long time. , JL'T! ! PROBATED Was Mrs. Jane Bowie’s Will to • Day. The will of the late Mrs. Jane Bowie was probated before Ordma ry Davis this morning. The witnesses to the will were Coi. T. W. Alexander of this city; Mr. M. Pentecost, of Gadsden; and Mr. James Bone, of Augusta. The witnesses to the codocil were Col. Alexander, Hon. C. M. Harper and Hon, W. H. Ennis, The Epworth League will give a lawn party Wednesday evening in | the Fourth ward.; j land in proximity to our own ne cessitates an increased force of coast patroling. Thia is a cost to our government which ia prolong ed just so long as the Spaniards try and fail to atop the rebellion. “Another expense by no means a small one is incurred by the ne cessity of a large force of secret police on the coast, and the prose cuting of fillibusterors from our shore. This is a treaty obliga tion ao long as this government assumes its present attitude. SPANISH fizzle. “The solitary confinement of American citizens taken as prison ers longer than the time stipulated in our treaties with Spain has sub stantiated another ground for in tervention with a view of stopping it.” Mr. Creelman has perhaps'as deep an insight into the attrocities perpetrated by Spanish soldiers as any cor-espondent within the ■Spanish lines. His knowledge of these does not differ with general impression. On the whole Mr. Creelman’s views wou'd substantiate the popular wish that the United States should quick'y put a stop on the Spanish fizzle in Cuba. ELECTED SUNDAY SCHOOL OFFICE RS YESTERDAY The First Baptist Sunday School Officers All Re-Elected. The First Baptist Church Sun day School held theis annual mnet ing for election of officers yester day. The following were elected : Chas. E. Woodruff, Snperinted ant; W. J. Neel, Assistant. M. F. Govan, Treasurer. Ed Proctor, Secratary. HARROW TEETH Laporte, Ind., June 7.—C. A. Henderson, 22, of Akron, was kill ed last night by being thrown from an unruly horse. He fell upon a spike-tooth hariow. The spikes en tered his body and force was neces sary to remove him from the ma chine. “BACCHANTE'’ New York, June 7.—“ The Bac chante,” Frederick MacConnies statue, which prudish Boston re fused, was yesterday accepted by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and will at once be placed in the center of the bronze-room. A REVIVAL Dr. Irwin preached to nearly five hundred peop'e at the Howell warehouse on East First St., last night. Mrs. Irwin, has charge of the singing which is unusually fine. MRS. WILBURN’S RECEPTION Mrs. C. B. Wilburn will enter tain the Misses Princa, next Wed nesday evening -June the 9th. CUBAN LEAGUE ISSUKAPPERL A Ringing Letter From Pres ident Ethan Allen. PRESSING NEED OF CUBA Is For Money. Cuban Gold Bonds Are OfferedForSale Help a People as We Were Helped New York, June 7. To the people of the United States: The Cuban League of the United States appeals to the American people for a fund which will assure the independence of Cuba. Two hundred and twenty-five thousand victims of Spain, despoil ed of their homes, naked, sick and n prison, ara starving almost within sight of our shores. Twenty thousand Cubans have already perished from hunger, and thirty thousand have died from disease, largely the result of cruel and inhuman methods of warfare. THE GREAT, THE PRESSING NEED OF CUBA IS FOR MONEY, For two years we have given her sympathy, enthusiasm and resolu tions. Hardly a hand has been raised in actual help. Let us now give her the practical aid for which she is perishing, Any help’, from our Gcvernor ment is problematic, and might not avail. With the material aid which we can give, Cuba will be free. Humanity, the love Jof liberty and the eels-interest of our people unite in this appeal. Will you not do your share ac cording to your ability? Ethan Alien, President Cubau League of United States. Let every friend of Cuba whe cannot give money, but can give time and effort to the cause, send me his address at once. ASSASSINATED A Fabmer of Tennessee Shot From Ambush. Knokvillb, Tenn., Jtiue 7. — William McCoy, a leading farmer of Anderson County, was shut this morning while driving along a highway by unknown persons, who were in ambush. No cause is known A BEAUTIFUL GIRL Barely Escapes a Life-Long Calamity . It happened in this way : The young daughter of Mrs. E. S. Gibson, Greelyville, South Caro lina, was slowly but surely be coming a hopeless invalid. Her mother became anxious and hag gard in her frantic efforts to save her daughter. None of her at tempts to find a cure seemed of any avail. As stated in her own words: “My daughter was taken sick some time ago and I tried many medicines iu vain. She was very weak, appetitite poor, bad condition. At last I hap pened to see one of your little books and wrote you. You recom mended Pe-ru na. I gave it to her and she has now completely recovered. I owe all that I am worth iu this world to you for sav ing my daughter’s life. I shall always keep a supply of your med l icines on hand. May you live long to help those suffering as my daughter was.” Pe-ru-na always cures such cases. Send for free book, writ ten for women only. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. A WIFE BEATER Charleu McKinneu was Ar rested Yesterdau BEAT HER WITH PLANK She is VeryT.ow. McKinney is in Jail. He is a Brakeman on The Yesterday morning Charley Mc- Kinney, a negro brakeman on the Southern Railway secured a volu minous quantity of “coflia varnish” with which he proceeded to deco* rate his bronchial passages in a style that would turn John L. Bullivun grum with envy. After partaking of a few big doses of Fauniu County Extra Dry, he decided to hunt his lair. Now eaid lair is in East Rome and the janitress in charge of it is McKinney’s wife. He became enraged at something his wife either did or did not say aud grabbed a plank. A chase fob lowed at a shoot the chutes pace. He proved tob fast for his spouse and landed several body blows with Fitz-like suddenness and Sul livan-like thud-uess. Deputy Sheriff Dallas Turner and Chief Shropshire were notified and went over th arrest him. He now languishes where all good wife beaters should languish ‘ —behind lhe bars. The woman is reported as very low today. EP WORTH LEAGUE , Mr. Bailey Gordon requested the Hustler of Roittf to state that there will be an important busi ness meeting of the Epworth* League, in the Fourth ward, io night. All members are requested to be present. - - - ----- - - ■ - If• •i. MISS THOMAS’ RECEPTION Miss Lillie Thomas will give her charming guest Miss Belle Harris, of Carrolron, a reception tomor row evening nt her home on East First St. ' u . GOOD LIGHTS Mr. Bishop, who has charge of overhauling the electric light sys tem, stated to a Hustler of Rome man that th? city will have good lights in the They have put in a new dynamo, and laid five miles of new wire. Entire new wire will b« laid on ” Broad Street. RELIEF IN SIXHIOURS. Distressing kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six by. the “New Great Syufh American Kidney Cure.’’This new remedy is a great surprise on account of 4( •its exceeding promptness in rwliev ing pain in the bladder, kidneys, back aud every part.of the urinary passages iu male or fcmals. It relievesretention of water in pass-, ing it almost immediately. If you,, want quick relief and curt) this 'is. your remedy. Sold by D-. W. Curry Drttggist Rome, Ga. Y ■ ... Americans are the most inven i tive people, on earthbflo thorn have - ’ been, issued nearly fiOO.OOO patents or more than one-third of all the patents' issued'ip. the J WQIJd discovery of modern? yaare* been of greater benefit tc mankind than Cbamberlam's tk)lic; Cholera aud Diarrfipqa Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain~ and~ ■ suffering. J. ,VV. Vaugfi; of Oakton. Kv., pays : “I Ijaive used Chamber ino's Colic, Chqlera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for several years, aud find it to be the best medicine I ever used for crampt in the stomach and bowels. For sale by all Drugisgts.”