The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 08, 1897, Image 2

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THE HUSTLER OF HOME Evening Except Saturday, Sun day and Weekly. LEE BYRD, Manager. PHILG. BYRD, Editor. Otto*. Wilkerson Block, Third Avenue. * r LIST OF SUBSCRIPTION Dally and Sunday, per year ¥ Bunday, per year SI.OO Weekly (Thk RombCoimkh) pei year 60 BY CARRIER IN CITY AND BUBUI.BH. UaJ.y and Bunday, JBcent" l* r > Remit by bank draft. exfTan, money order or registered lettsr. Add rats THE HUSTLER OF ROME, Rome, Ga. xrad at the Poet office as it yoond class matter AVrertleiug rataa and sample copies lor th ‘ J asking. BUSINESS OFFICE PHONE 85 -rr-M y .1. * The printer wh ) seta the pace is the one who will get there. The trouble with a good many newspaper readers is that they wwntto edit the editor. “A fly in the ointment of the apothecary” is suggested a striking design for a modern art poster. A New York printer offer* to print 10,000 circulars for SI.OO. His address is known to the sheriff. Ths vitality of a community may be measured by the support which it givea to the local news paper. J - =? A- sign painted on a country barn is a sure sign that the adver tiser, is ou the wrong track for hasipesa. - An editdt sometimes imagines that he has fooled his readers when in reality nobody is fooled bu' himself. r—tr ■•is™" A newspaper without adver’ise ments is of as little use in a com mnnity as a business man without busimsg, Chicago is be have a reform mag azine called New Time. It is hoped that it will be neither too fast or too clow. :.j» “it 7 ■ A New York concern is offering a “glove fitting” corset in exchange tor advertising space —a bare-faced attempt topinch publishers. —r —y ——.y- - . JM newspaper publishers pres- pleading poverty. Public patronage is usually bestowed un op successful men — not on profes sional mendicants. The Chelsea (Mass ) Gazette is is sent one year free to every bride in tha» city who forwards her ad dress to the office. The Gazette is a friend to everybody in trouble. Sunlight is the name of a relig ious weekly started recently in a Western town. By its aid paid-in advance subscribers can “read their title clear to mansions in the ■We live in a country of which the principal scourage is stomach trouble. It is more wide-spread than any other disease, and very nearly, more dangerous. One thing that makes it so that it is so little understood. it would be more easily cured, less universal than it is pow So, those who wish to be cured, Take Shaker Digestive Cordial,be cause itfgoes to the root of the trouble as ~o other medicine does. The pure, harmless, curative befba and plants, of which it is composed, are render it so certain, apdjat the same time, so gentle a cur*. It helps and strengthens the stomach, purifies and tones up the At druggists, price’lOc tn SI,OO per bottle “Selects/’Don’t leave that dis i agreeable taste in youi mouth ' TrjToue and see. Scrofula Infests the blood of humanity. It appears in varied forms, but is forced to yield to Hood’s Sarsaparilla, which purifies and vitalizes the blood and cures all such diseases. Read this: “In September, 1894,1 made a misßtep and Injured my ankle. Very soon atterwaxds, A Sore two inches across formed and In walking to favor it I sprained my ankle. The sore becatnc worse; I could not put my boot •n and I thought I should have to give up at every step. I could not get any relief aßtf had to atop work. I read of a cure of aafaalkx case by Hood’s Ha.nawuvilla and concluded to try it Before I had taken all of two bottles the sore had healed and the swelling had gone down. My Foot fs now well and I have been greatly bene fited otherwise. I have increased In weight and am in better health. I cannot say enough in praise of Hood’s Sarsapa rilla.” Mrs. H. Blake, So. Berwick . Me. This and other similar cures prove .hat Hood’s Sarsaparilia Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, fit. Prepared only by C. I. Hood * Co., Ixjwell, Maes. - A . t3 the best family cathartic Hood S- • HIS and liver st 1 - iiarX 'isc- A Western editor who recently joined a press association states that the enitiation fee was $1 and the irrigation fee $5. Massachusetts members of the craft should be thankful that they live in a region whese inhabitants are compara tively free from drouth . Lucien Dufay, a Parisian j-ur nalist, who has undertaken to walk around the world, was in Chicago recently . Tin scribes of the windy city are unanimous in declaring that Lucien needs a shave and a hair-cut. Sound Money, the personal organ of J. S. has suspended pub lication. Coxey liked its music, but he was tiled of raising wind to blow the organ. CHOICE OF ROUTES TO THE EAST. The Southern Railway affords choice of two routes, with conven ient schedules and quick time, out of Rome to A’ashington, New York and the East. The morning train leaving Rome at 9:00 a m and ar riving Atlanta 11:40 a in connects with the Washington and South western vestibule limited, carry ing elegant Pullman sleeping cars, which leaves Atlanta 12:00 noons, and arrives Washington 6:42 a m and Few York 12:49 p m. The afternoon train leaves Rom° 5:35 p m arrives Atlanta 8:05 p m connecting with U' S Fast Mail, carrying handsome Pullman sleep ing cars Atlanta to New York, leaving Atlanta 11,50 p m arrives Washington 9,40 p m New York 6,20 a in. Train No 27 leaving Rome at 4,10 p m makes close connection at Cleveland, Tenn., with the Chattanooga and Norfolk limited, which leaves Cleveland 7,19 p in arrives Knoxville 9,50 p m arrives Hot Springs 12,23 a m arrives Asheville 1,39 a m and at Norfolk 5,25 p m where close connection is made with boats for Washing ton, Baltimore, New York and Boston. This train also makes close connection at Greensboro with U. S. Fast Mail, carrying Pullman sleeping cars Greensboro, 'N. C. to New York, via Washing ton. Tram No 14 leaving Rome at 5,35 p in also carries Pullman sleeping cars Rome to Jacksonville without change, and from Atlanta to Brunswick, affording excellent service to Brunswick, St. Simons and Cumberland Islands. For information, call on T. C. Smith, P. &T. Agent, Rome, Ga. For a realy enjoyable smoke you must try a “ select. ” Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever mads. IN JAIL IS ED OLBY WHO SKIPPED HIS BOND Was Brought From Carroll ’ County Yesterday. Yesterday Deputy Sheriff Jim Johnson brought Ed Olby up from Carroll county and lodged him in jail. Olby stole several Georgia razor hacks and did not wish to answer the charge, so skipped his bond. I I I li i ’ 4 endures by taking , oper care of her wo manly-self. No woman can long retain her general health whe neglects the health of the organs that constitute her womanhood. She may suffer only locally for a time. Eventually the nerves are ruined by the constant wear and tear of pain. They cease to impart the necessary nervous activity to the various organs of the body. A general and serious break down follows. A wonderful medicine for weak, nervous women, who through local troubles are threatened with a general break down is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It acts directly on the delicate organs that are dis tinctly feminine. It restores them to vigor and health. It allays inflammation and soothes pain. It gives the tortured nerves a rest and permits them to resume their natural function of directing a healthy ac tivity of all the It prepares a wo man for wifehood and motherhood. It makes baby’s advent easy and almost pain less and insures the child’s health. It is the best woman’s medicine and more than 90,000 women have said so over their signa tures. Druggists sell it. “ I cannot say too much for Dr. Pierce's Favor ite Prescription,” writes Miss Clara Baird, of Bridgeport, Montgomery Co., Pa. ” I feel it my duty to say to all women who may be suffering from any weakness or disease of the distinctly feminine organism that it is the best medicine on earth for them to use. I cannot praise it too highly for the good it did me. If any one doubts this give them my name and address.” Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a sure, safe, speedy and permanent cure for con stipation. They never gripe. One is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. RfllLh. rosuensed Schedule In Itffeet May S, 1897. ’ Stations. No. 10 No. 14 No F Lv Chattanooga 6 JOarn iilipm lilttpm Ar Dalton 751 am *Uptnl2.llans Ar Rome 9.60 am I 35pm 1.45a os Ar Atlanta 11 40nm 8.04 pm 800 am Lv Atlanta 4.10 pm 8 80pm &.Mam Ar Macon T 0 pm 11.10 pm 8 10am Ar Jesup <<oam (.41pm Ar Everett 4.25 am SiOpia Ar Jacksonville * 10ap > *-80pm Lv Jssup 9 ioam THam Ar .Jacksonville 100 pm 4SC pm Lv Everett 6. lOam liopm Ar Brunswick . 4 80am kNrpm Na S carries Pullman sleeping tar Chatla nooga to Atlanta. Na lOcarnea Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. No. It carries Pullman Drawing Room Buf fet Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick. stations No. 13 No t ] Me. F tv AtTan ta 7. odam 4 <X>pm lO OOpm Ar Roma 10.35 am 8 35pm LOOam Ar Dalton 11 45am 7.39 pm t3oam Ar Chattanooga 100 pm o.ooam 818 am Lv Chattanooga 0 10pm 8.30 am Ar Lexington 4 65am 800 pm Ar Louisville 800 am B.l>pm Ar Cincinnati 7,40 am T Lv Chattanooga . 1.30 pm 8.16 am Ar Nashville 700 pm .. ..... 1.35 pm No. iToarrTes Pullman Drawing Room Fuf fet Sleeping Car Atlanta to NaahvlUe. Na 0 Carries Pullman Union Bleeping Car Atlanta to Louisville and Pullman Bleeping car Chattanooga to Cincinnati. Nt> 7 carries Pullman Sleeping C»r Atlanta to l hattauooga and from Chattanooga te Cin cinnati. stations. No .8 No. tlUcii Lv Chattanooga 8 30am 405 am i'iSpm Ar Knoxville 1169 am 806 am 840 pm Ar Morristown 110 pm 9.80 am 10.64 pix Ar Hot Springs 8 18pm 11.46 am 1223 am Ar Asheville 4 Upm 115 pm 189 am Ar Salisbury 6 40pm 409 am Ar Greensboro 9 52pm 8 60am Ar Raleigh 719 am 1146 am Ar Norfolk , 8 20pm Ar Washington Mtiam 4"pm Ar New York 12 48pm 6.23 am No. 14 carries Pullman Sleeping oar C&atta nooga to New York via AehevlUe. end Salisbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 4.00 a. m. No. 14 Is solid train Chattanooga te Norfolk with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Norfolk without change. Close connection made at Norfolk with steamers for Balti more. New York and Boston. Pullman Sleep ing Car Salisbury to New Y’ork via Washington stations. NqTT Lv Chattanooga 8 10pm 8 30am Ar Knoxville ; 9 50pm 11.69 am Ar Morristown 12 !9am I 10pm Ar Bristol 4 10am 4 06pm Ar Washington 11 26pm 7.36 am Ar New fork .......... I 'o.2sam* 1.20 pm Na 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chaltn □ooea to Washing ton and CUallanuoga to New York without change. Na 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Ch a tin nooga to Knoxville and Knoxville to Bristol STATjpNS. No. if Lv rtome 6.16 am Ar Anniston 11.14 am Ar Birmingham 10.10 pm Ar Selma 4.06 pm Ar Meridian ;.............. i Olpm Ar New Orleans 11 20am Ar Jackson .... ~... &4&am Ar Vicksburg 11.36 am Ar Shreveport T.Mlptn ♦Wa llflNa 9 I tNa~i6 |Wo, H 21<>pm 4.50 pm Lv Rome... ar 885 am 85da« 6.44 pm 7. llprn! Ar 600 am 8 Mam _6.lopm 725 pm: Ar Attalla. 830 am Attain t Dally except Sunday. f Sunday only. ” W. H- GREEN, Gen. Supt. Wushfnglon, D. O, J M CULP. Traf Mgr Washington. D. G W A TURK, G P A Washington, D G C. A. BENSCOTFR a n r a. Cbnltanoogn. TMna MOtl: Train No. I will not be operated be tween Morristown and Asheville until June 16. 1897. A HOUSEHOLD NECCESSITY Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonder fu| medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positive y on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire eysteui, dispel colds, cure headache, fe. ver, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. U. today; 10, 25, 60 oentr.dold audjguarauleed U/ourc by all druggists llnf 11F* A* SMI lance in prepar 11 <ll HI V ing the system for the D change which it iVCqUII Lj undergoes at this season of the year. Ihe sluggish, impure condition of the blood causes general dis order, resulting in a lack of energy, loss of appetite, and general debility. A few bot tles of S, S. S., Swift's Specific will remove all impurities, tone up the system, and im part new life to the fagged-out energies. It is nature's own remedy, being made from roots and herbs from the for ests. S. S. S. is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, hence it is the best tonic for building up and strengthening the system. Insist on S. s. s. Tliere U Nothing Half as Good! / The wise doctor when he is called in to attend a pain - tortured v, oman, knows that she could avoid the ag ony that she gvF VIAAV- nr«x. BAPTISF YOUNG PEOPLE’S UNION OF AMERICA, CHAT TANOOGA, TENN. RE DUCED RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. For the occasion of the Seventh Annual Convention of the Baptist Young People's Union of America, Chattanooga, Tenn., July 15th -18, 1897, the Southern Railway will sell tickets to Chattanooga, Tenn., and return at rate of one fare for ne fare for the round-trip. Tick et-4 will be sold July 13th, 14th and 25th 1897, gnod to return until July 21st, 1897. Limits may bo extended to Au gust 15th, 1897, if tickets t re fli posited with agent Chattamor before July 19th. pall on any agent of the Sou ern Railway for informatfc’ . SUMMER SCHOOL Y. M.C.A KNOXVILLE, TENN. RE : DUCED RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAIL ; WAY. For the occasion of the meeting ; of the Sumtrer School of the Y. ‘ M. C. A., at Knoxville and return i at rate of one fare for the round- I trip; tickets will be sold June 16th ! to 19tb inclusive, good to return 1 until June 80<h, 1897. Call on any ' agent of the Southern Rai’way so information. [ ! HO W’S THIS W offer One Hundred Follars I Reward for any case of Catarah ! that can not be cured by Hall's ! Catarrh Cure. E.J. CHENEY & i CO., Prop#., Toledo, O. ; We the undersigned, have known 1 F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, [ and believe him perfectly honora ble in all businesstransaction and • financially able to carry out any ■ obligations made by the firm. > West & Truax, Wholesale Drug ; gists, Toledo.O. } Walding. Kinnao & Marvin [ Wholesale Druggists. Toledo,Ohio. 1 Hall'e Catarrh Cure is taken in r teruaHy* acting directly upon the ■ blood and mucous surfaces >' e the • syatem. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold i by alJDauggisU.Testimono ils free i Hall’s Family Pills are the bes ; ' NOTICE. J Calvin J. Middlekoff Ptlf. J In Floyd Bui>erior . V 4. (Court No. 23July 3 Deiila A. McDowell and i .erm 1897 Petition j Wu*- ** McDowell Delta. ' and rule nl-si to i | foreclose a mortgage i The defendants Leila A. McDowell and wil liam M. McDowell are hereby commanded to be > and appear at the next term of Floyd Superior Court to answer the above named petition. Witness the Hon, W. M. Henry Judge of said court the 2nd day of April 1897. i W. K. Beysiege; elk, Superior Court Floy i County Ga WE D.) NOT WANT BOYS OR LOAFERS write, but men of ability. $390, to *SOO per month Salary Commission, State and general mtnagers. RaCINE FIRE ENGINE Co., RAC IXGWII. ' ‘ Wanted~An Idea 2253 ProMct your Meea; they may bring you wt»Uh. Write JOHN WXDPkRBVRN a Patent attor ■eye Wesblnaton, D. C.. for their •I.BUO priae offM Wx ofiWohuadred InvenUona wanted. TO ST. SIMONS WILL THE MOUNTAIN CITY AND RAINBOW Fire Companies Go, on June sth. No. 4 May Also Go The M< nntHin City and Rain bow Fire Com pa i lies have decided to go to St. Simons on June sth. Ng. 4 from the Fifth Ward will hold a meeting tonight to decide whether or not they will go. These annual excursions are gala events lor the fire lads. A SINGING Messrs. Perry and Showalter, of Dalton, gave a singing to a large crowd al the 3d Methodist last night. They are fine musicians and al ways please those who hear then?. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE 'A estern & Atlantic R, R. trains for z-tluuta leave Rome 6 a m 7 :35 a m 4:25 p m arriviug Atlanta 8 ;4C a m 10:35 a m 7 .30 p ni returning leave Atlanta at 8:15 a m 4:20 p in 5:35 p m arrive Rome 11 .25 a rn 7:35 p m 8 :30 p m. For Dalton, Chattanooga and Nashville trains leave Rome 7 :35 a m 4:25 p m. Effective May 16th. C. K. Ayer, P. & T. A. C O N V E N I E N T SCH EDU LES SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLE. The Southern Railway m con nection with the Queen and Cre scent Route, operates daily, a through Pullman Union Sleeping car between Rome, Lexington and Louisville, leaving Rome 6.35 p m, Lexington 5:05 a in arrive Louisville 8 :00 a m. Thi® train also carries Pullman Union Sleeping car Chattanooga U Cincinnati, 7:40 a m. Close connection at either Louisville or Cincinnati, for Chicago and Northwest points, and at Cincinnati for Detroit, Cleveland. Buffalo, Pittsburg and the North. T C. Smith P. &T. A .Rome. Ga Pianos, firms, Bicycles FOR SALE OR RENT— With purchasing privileges. We want youi trade, and te get it we are willing to work for it, or make any reasonable con cessions to get it. We are heie to stay—we are your neighbors and comply with all re quire ment 8 as vs same. We have bought heavily from the manufactoiy and have the goods to sell, and are ready to com pare prices with any market on our line. We also have a large supply of machine needles for all ma chines. Small musical in strument strings, etc. Rent first class bicyles and run ai. up-to date repair shop. Can do any thing to a bike. : : : : E. E. Forbes S. P. DAVIS, Manager. No 327, Broad St. ROME, PERFECT MANHOOD ■ The world admires the perfect nan! N't courage, dignity orm-isrular development a'nne. but that anbUo and wonderful .‘urce *-nuwu as SEXUAL VITALITY which lathe glory of manhood—the pride of both old aud young, but there are thoußouds of-mm ruffermg the mental tortures of a weakrtiffl Manhood* shattered nerves, and failing wxial power who can be cured by out Magical T which may be taken at home under our direction* or we will pay B. R. fare and hotel bills for those who wish to come here. If we fall to cure. We have no free,free cure or C.O.D. fake. We u»ve 1250.00(1 capita) end guarantee to cure every case we treat or refund every dollar you pay us, or fee may be deposited In any bank to be paid ua When a cure Is effected. Write for full particu'ara MTATIC MXUICAI CO., ÜBsnha, Nob. To finish the day smoothly smoke a “Select/’ .i.» 'JO. * ilttlllh and I ways look after the health and’viJ.“I the organs distinctly feminine, the aim Sabbath day procession of niother| fU children that goes to the cemetery t 0 flowers on ma-tna’s grave ” would h Ut terially reduced in numbers. Too i 014 women bring a child into the world sacrifice of their own life. This sad t edy may be avoided by ativ women LT will resort to the right remedy. wuo The usual dangers of maternity w. u ished by the use of Dr. Pierce’s !•' Prescription. It acts directly and onl the important and delicate orvan, n. 01 ! bear the burdens of motherhood i makes them healthy and strong 11 and elastic. It does away with the ? U * comforts of the expectant penod, i nsi j£ the health of the newcomer, ni , its advent free from danger and almJa free from pain. Over 90,000 have telti fied to its virtues. Druggists who offer substitutes are untrustworthy. Mrs. William Vincent, of Sidnaw Hon.s. Co . Mich., (care Birgland’s Camp. Box Bi wrii. “ When I first began to take your ' Favorite ik scription,’ four years ago, I was sufferins local weakness and heart trouble at ttm» r could hardly endure the paiu in my side, low down, and had such a pain between i! e shoulders I could not sleep at night. Wa, jus’ tired in the morning as at night At timer {kJ! was a very sharp pain around my heart Whe I would stoop over there was a dull achina ila under the heart My head ached and ware*" liuually mjre to the touch. I took ten bottles as the 1 Favorite Prescription ’ and one bottle of th, ‘Golden Medical Discovery.’ I can most trulv say that as a result I never felt better in my nf,’ I was more like a young girl than » mother of. family. The i>ain all left me, so I knowthatyour medicines will do all that mydicine cando. 1 ’ A headache is a symptom of constipation Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellet* cure tion, promptly and permanently. They do not gripe. Druggists sell them. CHEAP RATES TO NASHVILLE ACCOUNT THE 'TENNESSEE CENTEN- NIAL AND INTERNATIONAL: EX POSITION : NASHVILLE,TENN MAY TO OCTOBER 30, 1897. For the above occasion the Western & Atlantic R. R fll |(j Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lou is Ry., will sell |round trip tick , ets from all stations to Nashville, Term., at very low rtates. $5.10 Rome'to Nashville, Tenn., ' and return tickets on safe daily i from April 27th till October 30th, ' limited seven (7) days, -t ' $7.55 Rome to Nashville, Tenn. ' and return, tickets on sale daily • from April 29th till October 30th imited fifteen (15) days. $10.20 Rome to Na?hville, Tenn and return, tickets on sale April 28th till October 15th limited No vember 9th 1897. For special rates for students and their tvachers, Millitary Com panies and uniformed Brass Bands and File Companies traveling in bodies of twenty-five or more oi» solid ticket, call or write. C. K. Ayer, P. &T. A. Rome, Ga. C. E.-Harman, G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. summer resorts. Many delightful summer resort are situated on and reached vis the Southern Railway. Whether one desires the seaside or the mountains, the fashionable,hotels or quiet country homes, they cub be reached via this magnificent highway of travel. Asheville, N.' C. ti Roan Moun tain, Tenn ~ and the mountain re sorts of East Tennessee mid West ern North Carolina—“ The Land of the Sky,“ Tate Springs, Tenn., Oliver Springs, Tenn., Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Lithia Springs, Ga., the various Virginia Sp’ings, also the seashore resorts are reach ed by tho Southern Railway on convenient schedules and at very low rates. The Southern Railway has is sued a handsome folder, entitled “Summer Homes and Resoits, descriptive of .nearly one thousand summer resort hotels and board ing houses, including information regarding rates for board at the different places and railroad ral® l to reach them. rite to C. A. Benscoter, A G. P. A., Southern Rail"' B / Chattanoor Tenn., for a copy 0 his folder.> ■ f Dv n’t Tobacco Spit and Bm° kß Your Life Away. If you want quit tobacco using e asilJ a fu) orever, be made well, strong. magn6 tlc ' of new hfe and vigor, take No-To-B»c, *' ie W ' der-worker that makes weak men str '’ n ()W | any gain ten pounds in ten days. Ov er * ' cured. Buy No-To Bac from your own drugg who will gi aianite a <uie. Booklet »nd mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy C<>' or New York, WANTEa—Reliable salesman to sell me* complete line of Lubricating Oils to <floU f_ B Sugar Planters, etc. Salary or G(M>dop|>ortunity for proper party, ttlan Refining Co., Clevela 1 d, Ohio • -.sadder sipk, *an that oft* ° r Phan. t hii d bereft of the loving care of a mother, if Wo men would but learn the vital importance o f tak >ng propt, ht. r a lth°L‘