The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, June 11, 1897, Image 1

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THE HUSTLER OF ROME. SEVENTH year Poval makes ,he * o< ’d P urc ’ wholesome am! delicious rbi &OV/Le IO: *AkiHO swam Absolutely Pure POYAI raking powder co., NEW YORK. CENTRAL ARRIVALS The arrivals at the Central are: II Levy, Knoxville. A E Nix, Buchanan. J E Tin lor. Rob E R.nedv. I’e’cni Hixon, A E Keys. David E Grilfiith, (hattano/iga, Guss Castelie, Brook? Cline, Atlnii tn. C !’ Jb-rton, R E Guy, Capt. A3 S Moseley and wife, Citv. T BAll’onl. B’l ininirhum, J II Jones I, uisville. IT M S'onn, I) W Mor gan, Atlanta, II II Walton, Aligns la. SUMMER SCHOOL Y. M. C. A- KNOXVILLE, TENN. RE- DUCED RATES VIA SOUTHERN RAIL WAY. For tl e < ecus.on of the meeting of the Sunni -t School of the Y. M. C. A., at’Knoxville ami return at rate of one lire for the round trip; tickets will be sold June 16th to pjth inclusive, good to return until June 30'h, 159.7. Cal! on any agent of the S uithern Railway f<i information. Woman's Diseases Are as peculiar as unavoidable, and cannot be discuss ed or treated as we do those to which the entire human family are subject. Menstruation sus- ' tains such import ant relations to her *<• health, that when* Suppressed, Irregu lar or Painful, she soon becomes languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s T7 | most noted remale physicians 1 of the South, Regulator sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. It restores health and strength to the suffering woman. “Mo have for the past thirty years handled Bradfield’s Female Regulator, both at whole s»le and retail, and in no instance has it failed to give satisfaction. We sell more of it than all other similar remedies combined.’*' Lamar, Rankin & Lamar, Atlanta, Macon and Albany, Ga. Tut 3»AOFitLO Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. Sold by all Druggists at SI.DO per Bettie. Cascarets stimulate liver, kid ne J’ s and bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. 10c. A 41ft4 4 S‘nonr« Gonorrhoea X*****\ flu 'tj •”« from A| inv \ W't rinnry organs nrrcNtedl /wfljY J ’ v ’•'Hill H I V|i«lv < npMlleto, V ,UUI 7 »iihout inconvenic tire. The Armitage Mlg, Co, Ri hmond Va. '.m givey u employment that will pay yon big wages. None but honest, sober aid Indus >• mis men wanted as tills is logttlmare mis Utss. W rim at (Hum fir pe’Simaletle . J. JJP <- , • .11' ... Key n 'li*. I V ‘ e • ib ,> ' l ’’’ ! 1 bou’.e w. .b- I» p V > .1■: I" .< nt ... .■.... ■ jcc '.hi l. m<>-* Ih 1 Is. ten weens and tlicji stopped. Th old "’liable Yankee Blade. Id pages « ekly‘ m e dwith su.rtes u| tun, love, and thrilling tali sos adventure. Send lilcts. in stamps for w eeks tiial to Yankee Blade. Brooks, M.‘. ' MOB CAPTURED FREIGHT TRAIN Was Bent on Lur.chinn a CouDie of Negros GOVERNOR SENOS TROOPS And Orders Sheriff to Protect the Negroes at Any Cost. Crowd 1 ut off and Walk ed Back. Montgomery, Ala , June 11.— Governor Johnston received a tele gram this morning from Sheiiff Fulglnim, of Huntsville, stating that a mob of 2(>o men captured a freight train at Decature last night aim started to Huntsville to lynch the two Decatur negroes, Lewis Moore and Claude Neville, who are charged wish criminal assault upon Nellie Lawton, a white gi” of 13. The train was sidetracked at Greenbrier. at any cost, Governor Johnston this merning ordered the Huntsville Militia Company, under arms to report to the Sheriff, and to protect the two prisoners at any cost. Two thous and rounds of ammunition were ordered sent from Birmingham on a train at noon today. The Governor has just telegraph ed to the Colonol commanding the Second Regiment and ordered him to hold one of the Birmingham companies in readiness for march ing ata moment's notice. The Governor has promised all the troops nec-'ssary. Beauty is Wealth- Beauty is as essential to a wo man as any other quality, with beauty of form and feature comes beauty of mind and character. Physical beauty is a rounded form, Ihe brightly tinted cheek, the vivacious eye, a certain ease and grace of manner, which indi cates a, superabundance of physi cal strength Very few women poi-sess these qualities, but very manv more might possess them who do not. If you feel that you a'e losing vitality, losing vitality, losing your beauty, losing your strength, if vou feel that your face whtch once was plump and rosy is becomming thin and sal low, that wrinkles (which are the terror to all pretty women) are beginning to appear, take our ad vice and *rv that greatest of dis coveries, the “Massage Face Cup” which is the only means known to science to convey..rt a thin and sallow expression into a plump and rosy face. It will trans form a face with plain or homely features into an expressicn of grace and beauty, I nysioiogy teaches us that if would be strong we must exercise the muscles which need the developing. Exercise causes the blood to rush to that part of the body called into ac tion, the muscle is fed and streng thened by the fresh blood and will therefore develop. The Massage Cup will do for Iho face, when proper’ applied, by contracting and relaxing the mus cles, what exercise will do for the other parts ot the body. .... If yon would have a pinkish complexion, if y <)U would like a faCH plump nnd rosy, if you would like to remove that “horrid wrin kle send Gue Dolar to us and we mail von the great “massage face Cup,” with full directions tor its use. Remember you can huve your money back it you say so. Agents Wanted Address J. C. Lem.y <fc Co. 35 Breadway, N.Y. NOTICE. c ßl viu j. Midotokotu-ufj W.n. M.McDuWeil | t< recloacainortgan:>* . t A and W’ l JET-- Witaess the Hon, " ■ «*• ' . rl Uw2nd d»y of April 1 • 1,1 yv e Beyriegei <-lk, Superior Court Floyd County G a ’ V Hll n ROME GEORGIA. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 11, 1897 HIRAM ORR’S SKULL WAS FRACTURED Fell Off a Crowded Negro Excur sion Train at Lyerly Today. Was on the Platform and Tumbled Off On His Head While the Train Was Making a Curve. Hiram Orr, a negro lad about 18 years of age, sustained a frac tured skull and damaged shoulder this morning. When the negro excursion pulled out for Chickamauga there was not sufficient room in the coaches for all. Orr, with several others, was | compelled to stand on a platform • at the rear of a coach. I When the train was rounding a' curve near Lyerly be lost his bd- ELECTRIC CAR COLUMN Dr. Henry Reynolds, left this merning for the country where he w ill spend several weeks. John H. Hawkins, of Hermitage was in the city today on business. Mr. Will Wood, has returned from a pleasant trip Nashville. Miss Grace Harper,) left yester day for her home in Cave Spring. Master Dean Hoskinson, is visit- ( itig relatives in Abnistofl. Mrs. C. B. Hudgins, and little children, left today to visit.rela tives in Kentucky for tome time. Dr. D. T. McCall, and little sons spent the day fishing in Texas Val ley, yes'erday. Mr. J. D. Riggs, of Celina, yes terday. Mr. A- C. Moss, went to Lin dale, on business this morning. Mr. Jim McColla, will go to Birm ingham, eomorrow on business. Mr W. Grimm and wife, have returned from a pleasant visit to fr.ends in Cartersville. CHEAP RATES 10 NASHVILLE ACCOUNT THE TENNESSEE CENTEN- NI.aL AND INTERNATIONAL EX- POSITION : NASHVILLE, TENN MAY TO OCTOBER 30, 1897. For tne above occasion the Western & Atlantic R. R. and Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lou is Ry., will sell Iround trip tick ets from all stations to Nashville, Tenn., at very low rtates. $5.10 Romejo Nashville, Tenn., and return tickets on sale daily from April 27th till October 30th, limited Seven (7) days. $7.55 Rome to Nashville, Tenn, and return, tickets on side daily from April 29th till October 30th united fifteen (15) days. $10.20 Rome to Na?hville. Tenn and return, tickets on sale April 28th till October 15th limited No vember 9th 1897. For special rates for students and their teachers, Millitary Com panies and uniformed brass x>ands and File Companies travelirg in bodies of twenty-live or more on solid ticket, call or write. C. K. Ayer, P. &T. A. Rome, Ga. C . E.-Harman, G. P. A. Atlanta, Ga. Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever mad *. 1 Wanted young men : Only eijilit week, re- I quired to learn barter trade th roughly do uateti. Write for catalogue mailed free. M ler« Barber College. Fourth and Central Ave . Cincinnati. Ohio. anco and tumbled to the ground. His skull was fractured over the left eye and Lis right shoulder badly damaged. The 11 < ’clock down passenger took him aboard and brought him to the city. Drs. Garlmgtou and Lindsay Johnsui attended turn I and pronounce the injuries very i serious. ! Orr lives out in Timbuctoo, > near North Rome. He works for 1 Bosworth & Vandiver. MY NEIGHBOR TOLD ME About Hood’s Sarsaparilla and I advised me to try it—This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood’s Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend that Hood’s Sarsapa r illa cures; that it gives strength, health vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicine. Hood’s Pills act easily and promptly od the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. FREE GOLD 1 Eighteen prizes, aggregating $l5O. A Bona Fide Offer, We give nothing but cash for ptizes. Who can form the greatest number of words from the letters in WASHINGTONS? You can make 15 or more words, Do not use any letter more times than it appears in the word. Anything that is a legitimate word will be allowed. The publisher will pay $50,00 to the p r->on able to make the largest list of words in the word WASHINGTON’S, $25,00 for second largest SIO.OO for each of the next three largest lists, $5,110 to each of the next 9 largest lists Don’t you think you could be one of these? You will enjoy the making ot your list, why not try for the first prize? The above rewards are given for t lie purpose of rttraeting atten tion to our woman's paper. Every l umber is complete, no continued stories, etc. it is necces sary for yon to enter the contest, to s nd 25 cents (money cider, silver or stamps) for a subscription with your jist of words, and ev ery person senutng the 25 cents and a list of 15 words or more is guaranteed an extra pres ent by return mail (in addition to the paper] of a solid silver stick or scarf pin. batistaction guaranteed in every case or money refunded. Li.-ts should be sent at once, and not later than Aug, 15, The names and addresses of successful contestants will be printed in Sept, issue, pub lished Sept 1. 'hir publication is new: This i ffer is made to introduce it. we refer you to any mercantile agency for our standing Mak your list now. Address, Hill I’ublishingCo a ionK, Brooklyn. N. Y. la writing mention paper. MADE ME A MAN OAJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUKE yt oVe-rroM.v Diacasca— Failing Meo ory, Im potency, Sleeplessnosa etc., caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis cretions. They quickly and tturcly restore Lost Vitality in old or young, anr a man for study, business or marriage. * Jv. -- Prevent Insanity nnd Corsumntion if a T ren m time. Their use shows immediate improve 'u?ii! jffects a CURE where all other fail. In -i’-v .’jxia naving the genuine Ajax Tablets. They have Cvied thousand.-, and will cure you. We give a po» iri.e r.t 1 ' a >jv, -ititce to effect a cure IwfipTC * n Hachcaseor refund iha money. ioe vv V I Qiner or six pkges (full treatment! for $2.50. B.' mnil, in plain w. apper. upon receipt of price. ( ircula* &*• AJAX REMEDV CO., For Sale in Rome by D. \V. Curry and Jervis Ar Wrighl. DOUBLE T&XFS Tax Receiver R. L. Fester will will be at the court house from now until June 20 to receive the tax returns and urgently requests those who have not made their re turns for 1897 to do so at once, thus avoiding double tax- s as pre scribed bv law. Blood poison U.llNnlllliriW—MWr ® A SP£C!ALT.Y»“;.';?S tlarv JiLOO J I’OlsON permanently cureßln 15t035 days. You can be treated at home t' >r same price under same guaran ty. If you prefer to come here wewillcon tract to pay railroad fareandhotel bills,and nocharge.if we fail to cure. If you have taken mer cury, iodide potaeh, and still have aches and pains, MucossPatches in mouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Colored Spots, Ulcers on any partof the body, Hair or Eyebrows falling out, ii is this Secondary ISLOOD POISON we guarantee to euro. We solicit the most obsti nate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure. This disease has always baffled the skUl of the most eminent physi cians. 9500,000 capital behind our uncondi* tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on appllcßGon. Address COOK REMEDY CO„ Vol Masonic Temple CIUCAUO, AU» Jj A TENNESSEE COLLISION Two Fast Freights Crash To gether. ———————♦ . ».<■■■ MEN BURNED TO DEATH Is What Is Believed Happened to Three of the Crew. Two Known to Have Been Fatally Hurt. Bradford, Tenn., Juue 11.—A serious railroad wreck occurred here early today. Two Illinois freight trains going in opposite di rections crashed into each other near the depot. It is believed that at least three men were burn ed in the ruins of the trains. All of the trainmen Dave been account ed for. Ed Bense, engineer, and Jim Northcutt are fatally hurt. A BEAUTIFUL GIRL Barely Escapes a Life Long Calamity . It happened in this way: The young daughter of Mrs. E. S. Gibson, Greelyville, South Caro lina, was slowly but surely be coming a hopeless invalid. Her mother became anxious and hag gard in her frantic efforts to save her daughter. None of her at tempts to find a cure seemed of any avail. As stated in her own words: “My daughter was taken sick some time ago and I tried many medicines in vain. She was very weak, appetitite poor, bad condition. At last I hap pened to see one of your little books and wrote you. You recom manded Po-ru na. I gave it to her and she has now completely recovered. I owe al! that I am worth in this world to you for sav ing my daughter’s life. 1 shall always keep a supply of your med icines on hand. May you live long to help those suffering as my daughter was. ” Pe-ru-na always cures such cases. Send for free book, writ ten for women only. Address The Pe-ru-na Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Ohio. Two years agQ R. J. Warier, a druggist at Pleasant Brook, N. Y., bought a small supply of Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy. He sums up the result as follows : “At that time the goods were unknown in this section; today Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is a household word.” It is the same in hundreds if c Tin munities. Whereever the good qualities of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy become known the people will huve nothing elsej For by ahiggis WANTS-ONE CL A WORD One business man In every city (not already taken) for exclusive sale of manufactured goods. Applicant must furnish few hundred dollars cash capital to carry small .rtock of salable merchandise with which to supply his own customers after orders are first secure 1. $200.00 monthly profit assured over all ex penses. State references, qualifications, etc. F. E. VAIL, 136-140 Nassau St., New York. A 1 Ib-wm V.S.J'nmal r>f jJ - £ Prtt. w. H. Peeke, wh* W makes a epecialty o jl Kpilepsv, has without ■*4 ■ ■ doubt treated and cur- •■ ■ ed more caees than any w w livioß Physician; hla W ■ a ■ succesa is astonishing. I We have heard of easel * ' ot ao years’ standing uircita large bot tle o' • 1 solute cure, free to any sufferer* who t 7 . d their P. O. and Express address "> n o • one wi-hing a cure to addres* . ... 7 —KE, f, D.. 4 Cedar St.. Hew ■' hair balsam I k ' -set and beautifiet the hair. I wßSlar ■ i > rui.iGtca s luxuriant growth. I 4-Never Faile to Reatore Gray! .vm&M Hair to ita Youthful Color. I S'K'vr; As , dZwfl Cures acalp diteam-s & hair fallxnx. I 7* 5i <, and fl 00 at Dru|paU | HINDERCORNS. r l*he only »ire Cure tor Corns. Stops all pain. Ensures con> Loxl lu the Make* walking Ucta. at 10 CENTS A WEEK MIC FAVORS AUTONOMI The President’s Idea About Cuba’s Release. BELIEVES THAT~GOMEZ May Accept This and That Spain May Acquiesce. Must Bp Positive Home Rule for the Island. . New York, June 11.—A Wash ington special to the Heiald says: “Autonomy for Cuba, positive home rule for the island, is Presi dent McKinley’s plan for the set tlement of the vexing question. The President’s questions put to Mr. Calhoun all tend to indicate this »s his purpose. “The President asked if General Gomez and the patriots, who have declared that they would accept nothing but independence, would take autonomy, with local self— government and freedom from Spanish tavafion, and Mr. Cal houn replied that he believed the preponderance of the sentiment of the Cuban peop'e would compel General Gomez and the other lead ers of the patiiots to accept such a position. j “The belief is growing here that Spain would be willing to accept such a solution of the difficulty. Ihe rebellion in Cuba is costing Snain from $8,000,000 to $10,000,- 000 a month, and the Cuban debt is now $400,000,000. This constitu tes a great stumbling block to any plan of autonomy without unload ing debt. However this may be, the clear impression made by the President’s questions was that he would try to bring about home rule for Cuba.” Mrs. A. Inveen, residing at 72, Hent.y St., Alton, nl.,suffered with sciatic rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for it nearly the whole of this time, using various remedies lecom mended by friends, and was treat ed by the physicians, but received no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which effected a compete cure. This is published at her re quest, as she wants others simi larly aillicted to know what cured her. The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by all Druggist RELIEF IN SIX HOURS. Distressing kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the ’“New Great. South American Kidney Cure.” Thi.s new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in reliev ii g pain in the bladder, kidneys, bi ck and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relievesretention of water in pass ing it almost immediately. Ifyou want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by D. W. Curry Druggist Rome, Ga. / * Americans are the mestiuveu tive people on earth. To them have been issued nearly 600,000 patents or more than one-third of all the patents issued iu the world. No discovery of modern years has been of greater benefit tc mankind than Chamberlain’s Celic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, or has done more to relieve pain and suffering. J. W. Vaugn, ofOaktoh Ky., says: “I have used Chamber- Irin s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for several years, and find it to be the best medicine I ever used for crampu in the stomach and bowels. For sala by all Drugisgts