The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 03, 1897, Image 1

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vE NTH year JF Smoke Xtra Good — I * ' —— I®'’"TTikM the »<><•<! P‘‘f c > ? :' "~ I fei Uy I i FOW3EH £L*oluttiy Fur© ■ rcvm baking rc votn co., nfw yoml IShi crime : «:G.?O HEM) UNDERTAKES TO SLA Y A FA MILY. [IE# MOTHER AND BABE L ’■ '>'» And Carving The Head of Tite House, i'. mi'iigliun, A’a , Dec 2 —Ao [ ; mn’s store, in Hale county, i, miles north o' Greensboro, ji Sm'ii v, a wealthy tarmsr, t! called from his door last ■ htbva negro, said to be Bill ; ,p, « 0 v orked ab <ut the pl ce. ‘t> negro said he wanted some s > to aid in the capture of a j i?e horse. IVnen about 100 yards from the (jse, the ueg o’s said to have Jibed Mr. Singley and cut his Iroatw'th a knife. The negro II broke into the house and ;-I Mrs. Singley and the boy 1 hug their throats, almost sev . their heads. He then opsu -1 a drawer and stole S7OO, after ■ h he lied. Aid was summoned m Greenspcro Doctors were ; ion? those responded, but Sin -1 /.< wife and the toy were both B>d. Dogs was earned to the -ne and every attempt to run Im negro down was made. Singley wis found to be badly ured, but was able to til’ the liy and giv tiie name of his «ilant. ‘Jr at excrement exists in the :tr>nof the country where the netoik place, and if the Jncgro discovered he will be dealt • bseverely. The entire woods ■said to he filled with men b guns bunting for tbe accused jW, and a telegram from eensboro today stated that the ide would not be satisfied un ‘ tbe negro was caught. He lS >n Greensboro yestereay and Bseen by Ihe negro with the ae y which he carried home •* f ß. bingUy has four brothers *1 bhe has a sister at West d, two miles from the city, Übif afternoon members of A’uily went down to Greens ‘ 0 render ail Resistance in '-buig the murderer if possib'e, the bodies. - rra 01 Tq_ Worn Out? r.?? come to the close of I | 1 ' j, '* continue day after < > p,a Po^t week after week? I I a PS you are even too ex- '’ | cd to sleep.. Then some- < >, .hinf ? jy ron ?‘ All these JI I S(i ,n dicate that you are < r.'uJ' n? nervous ex- « ’ecd; *° n ’ y°° r nerves need f din ? your blood en- v ;> Aosoh'*/ Vtr with Hypo- ! > -onXn “ ° f Lime and Soda, | ic e t th ,Ust th® remedies to <’> vet nT Wants - The cod- $ >i». n J? ?‘ v es the needed £ CnHches the blood, * nd ,he h v ; ? give them tone ] j t sure Y° u get ; i 1 tmukioiu I > Sc °TT , * d ? Bgi ” S: **■ ,nd 5, O °- ' OWNEI ChemU|ji New Yort o THE HUSTLER < F ROME. A FIKE GHOST RUNG IN ON THIS RED HAND ED MURDER HIS SWEETHEART HELP A Cruel And Inhuman Son Was This Man. Waterloo, lowa, Dec. 8 - Wil liain K-rn has made a confsaeion implicating his sweetheart, Deli lah Eales in the murder of Jerome Kern and has confessed to being her willing dupe and accomplice, He Bays be loved her. He had no particular enmity against bis father, save that bis father objected to Miss Faies, They had no disagreement, and lived in harmony beneath the same roof. It was the strength of hie fascination for the woman who tempted him, hewever, that she unfolded to him the details of a plot to slay both his parents, take posessicn of their little property and get married he consented to ass'st in the slaughter A plot was ’aid up to lure Jero me Kern into the timber and then make away with him. The mur der cf the mother was to be ac comp'ifihed at a latsr date. On the morning of the murder she elder Kern was induced to leave tbe bouse. Miss Faies lay in wa't for him and after engage mg the unsuspecting man in con versation fimd the falal shot. According to young Kern’s con ifession, tbe two then saturated the clothing of the dead man witq oil set fire ‘o th<m, the object being to conceal the manner in which he died. He alleges that the . oil can and revolver were buried by the Faies woman in the woods. Kern was made to confess through the work of detectives who induced a young man to haunt him in the guise of the ghost of the murdered father. The ghost worked on the young man’s ne r ves to such an extent that he finally weakened. DRANK POISONED MILK. Family Os Four Made Deathly Sick And All May Die Nashville, Tenn. Dec. 3—Jesse Begley with his wife and two chil dren, were poisoued by milk at their home, near Dover,in Stewart county, and none of them are ex pected te recover. TO FACE CRIME. Two Men ArrebTed In West V iß ginia Returned To Kentucky. Morehead, Ky. Dec .3.-Deputy Marshall G. E. Day, of this place, passed through here today en route to Owingsville with two of the men charged with robbing Sleseer’s store there last week. Day caught them in West Virginia.and says they made a confession and produced a lot of clothing. armor plant. Plans New Ready For Submission To Congress. Washington, Dec. 3.—The Ar mor Factory Board has completed its work and delivered to Secretary Long «ts plans and specification for a plant to make 6000 tons of armor annually The cost of such a plant at’least $3,500,000 Congress ,11 probably regat d the whole sceeme as t >0 extravagant. nearly sufffocatfd Home For Aged And Infirm Col ored Women Destroyed. Chicago De0.3,-F.n destroy ed the home of aged am in colored women on Indiana avenue ‘‘'several of the almost helplese iuina e8 were nearly sulTocated by smoke before rescued by the p lice. ROME GEORGIA, FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 3 1897 THE CONVICTS legislative committee 4FORMULATED A BILL. RFORMS INCORPORATED \\ ill he Reported and Acted on AT ONCR. This morning’s Constitution says; 1 he new convict b.ll, which was adopted by the committee of eleven at a late hour last night and which die houss is pledged to pass, will pr. ve today one of the biggest surprises ever sprung upon the Georgia legislature. It incor porates every feature that the house ordered it to incorporate when it answered tbe Brannen catechism and adopted the Bran nen resolution, but it goes much further than that, and includes maty of the reform features of the Hall bill with none of the ob jectionable provisions which made that measure unpopular when it was first i itroduced. The new bill is by no means a re-enactmant of the old lease. It provides for the hiring out of con victs for short terms, but so hedg es the system about with stafe control that every convict camp is to be a little penitentiary by itself, absolutely owned and man aged by the state. It provides for a central peni tentiary for the women and the o’d men and a reformatory for the boys. It makes it necessary to equip stockades with separate Cr>Us lor each able-bodied convict, and di rects a separate employment, so far as possible, of the white and blacks It gives the state the right to in spect misdemeanor convicts and to remove them from county au thorities wheneuer the law is being violated. COMMITTEE PROMPT TO MEET. By answering the remaining questions of the Brannen catechism yesterday the house decided that the penitentiary department un der the new system should con sist of three com missionere, to be elected by tbe people as other state officers are now elected. The only disagreement among the members as to the letter clause, a number hold'iig that the governor should have the right to appoint. As was predicted in The Constitirion yesterday morning, hovaver, the majority did not take this view of the case, In compliance with the Brannen resolution Speaker Jenkins ap pointed the following committee, one from each eongressional dis trict to draw up a bill on the plan outlined. », The committee met last night at the capital and completed the b.ll! They aggreed to make the terms of the commissioners six years, but disputed for some time as to the amount of salary the majority finally fixing it at {2,000. The bill will be ready tor presentation tomorrow morning. WITH THE REGULARITY’ OF A CLOCK. Cheney’s Expectorant will in variably cure a desperate cough and case of the lungs. I have used it in my family for many years and can say it never fails to prove ts worth. It will always get you right- C ' Tueter ' Blood poison A SPECIAtT «’] . :-v j’UlSflN r-t.' K-l L*- ->l.s<lry.- v.-Ir.TV-fr.. - u - 'ii.' U'.Af -r '3 r - ■ •VJ.'a -TYa- V’if 1 t-urrclertoc pr'.n Icon* rr> t!-arraiinM !iniCf , YM- -cctarffe if wo fail to cure. Ifyou L '.vc met .lllrv Edple rota-h, .v>J b(H 1- T-hes M ■nTns>! . t .nisl’-4tcl:esinr=Out‘: fno.. r Colored - V ' ' ( leers ■ “ n P** p ~ i-. Hoi” or ItYvu'sf. f.?l hi. s»Jnara-itce loewc. Ivooollclr olvtl- e-sse- »‘«1 4-hnllCi»-o th. world . -r ’ <?xnC>tci:rc. This Cl er.-e » ««n * 1 hßHklll of the most c-’Unent i-iiyd y_.svtl L-00 000 cupiul UoiMt our ut.-ondi. • • . ntv THE WOOLY WEST ONE MAN AND IIIS GUN LAYS OUT 2 BPOTHERS. BLOODY ARKANSAS FIGHT An Entire Community Wrought L’p To Fever Pitch. Nashville, Ark., Dec. 3.—De tails of a terrible .street duel at Horatio, In which one man wfb killed ou'iight and ansther fatally wouudt d,reached here today. Tbe dead man is Dr. Smith, a prominent practing physician ot that place, and the man thought to l»e fatally wounded is J. J. Smith, a prominent business nan of Horatio and a brother of tbe dead doctor. The killing was done by W . W. Mill wee, also of Horatio one of the wealthiest men in the town, aud a man noted for hie fearless and bravery. The tragedy was ’the culmina tion of a feud of long standing, and owing to the prominence of tbe parties, it is believed that the feud wdl be continued by some of their numerous friend and adher ents, and that mce blood wilf be shed before the aflair is settled. Miliwee and Dr. Smith were mortal enemies, and the bad threat ened to kill each at sight. Frierds for a time prevented a meeting : between the two men, as they felt certain that guns would be used, but they were not prepared for the feat ul trigedy which occured. Millwee and Dr, Smith met ’u f;ont of the Locke hotel, Dr. Smitvv was just emerging fiom tbe hotel as M.l'wee w»s crossing tbe street, coming in that direction. Both men quicklj drew their wea pons and opened fir# ahnpst si multaneously. Several shots were exchanged. Smith receiving a wound in the left, arm at Millwee’s first shot, He continued the battle ■however, and only gave up the contest when he sank to the ground dead with a bullet through i his heart. I J . J. Smith came to his broth 'er’s assistance just as the fatal bullet fired and drew his pistol en Millwee. Hie weapon snapped, however, and Miilwee, turning hie atten tion to the brother sent a bullet crashing into his head. That en ded the battle for the time, but there is much excitement over the terrible affair. J. J. Smith will die. Seriff McConnell went down to Cave Spring this morning. It May Be Murdir. —In an altercation in Rone Co'ton fac tory section of tho city last night a young man named Cox struck on the head and fractured the skull of a youth nam'd Morrow. The victim was carried to the Em »rg-n --cy hospital and at 2 o’clock this afternoon Drs, Garlington, Harbin and Will Johnson performed an operation of trephining. The wound is over the left eye an 1 was inflicted by a large rock. E day Hires ,<r V Root beer I stands be- I SLeT fe tressing es- •' '|>l. i V sects of the heat. ‘ W HIRES ■? Rootbeer | - cools the blood, ■» tones the stom- v | '“t ach, invigorates W| the body, fully lb 4-' r satisfies the thirst. N. \\ 71 A delicious,spark- u’ ii”g. temperance • drink of the high- z !I j est medicinal value, n , I I Mads onlr bv X Il TheCbbjlw R. H»rw O , PhJla. ft? Hi A paekajr- mat— J rwßom* \ I 1- And ftebel Y ell Cigars FJ.KANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO HARGAIN * We anticipated the Fall Trade and .more, we made our calcula tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, . bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took time and it took a man who knew how. That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies of the times and the conditions that now face the people, we most cordially invite you to call and see for yjarsjlf * We know that we can satisfacto- s rily convince you, iWe flatter ourselves tnat we have already built an unassaila ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation ’we • s boast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goads, we pride ourselves thi: w 111/ jya jnc ?t j3rrsail/ 8 selected stock ever brought to this market, Gooas, that are a 8 feast to the artisticeye andgoods that wear like iron and yet are a joy f revar 1 =- —. , F J. KANE& CO 10 CENT 3 AWEEK