The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 05, 1897, Image 1

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SEVENTH year I R<O«I the food pure, g v»•i»ole.“*»ui€ and doliUou«. | I !' «' '~ ' ! m It | 11. . I i I Al ao.'uiely Pure I 1 ■ (ROY.',' BAKING TO'GO., NEW YORK. ■ -V - - •’-*-■’»s I IffiH WEST ' I WINTiiY BLASTS AND MAN- I THING SNOWS; I BLIZAR9 FROM NORTH I Minni'ioto, lowa, Nebraska And I K \n-ias All Suffer. I Minneapolis, Minn. Dec. 4.—A I regular blizzard is raging in the ■ northwest. ■ Cedar Rapids, lowa, reports ■ eight inches of enow and a sus- H p<neion of street car traffic. H Jhs Moines. L>wa, Dec. 4—lt ■ has been snowing here thirty six ■ I,mis without interrnytion. The H fails has been between six and H svi u in.dn's. Street car and rail ■ rad trallic it is much interfered ■ wih by .irifts. There are no] H i s it ndicatn ns of a cessation' ■ ■ or the st arm. ■ Sim x Cit v. lowa, Dec. 4—A M f""t of mio"’ ha°’fa! len here. ■ Omaha.. Net'., Dec. 4.—Snow M has fallen ui Nebraska continonsly H. fir t.vmVy-four-hau’s, and in ■ *up parts of the state it contin ■ ■ At G.naha the falls amounts tn H al'iut eight inches, and in the M smith* in part, of the State it is M nr. h ll‘-:.v:er. M I! •' hi iw is general in we-rern H 1 'a : 5: ..1 s mth Dakota. 'l’he H ' : '.i i. -D.pp'ii the gathering ‘ ■ r.i with fully a li th of Nt- H I'- •'* i s g e irn crop yet in the H ti-il.Th niov incut of trains i |B T itly h iinp- re.i. ■ KAX.'AS AN'fi HER first' BB "iie-.i-i r Will Be Matkbial |H ed By The Fai l j I T'ira, Kis., Dec. 4. —The -r >vv <>t the season fell <IV r L ■ <- last night, extend- H *' - v r entire State. ■ '| v was of greet benefit 1 " ,:i " h'at I i central Kansa- i EH mtn the winter this EH fcl ■' i'et.'-r conditon in ten Bi ■ •'•'•’•■'"A FALLS TWO DAYS. ■ S ‘ IIX 'hty. la.. Dec, 4.—’! he ,lsl -e 'a s'orni in years has HM '' I'agiog nru fir fort-eight ■ tiniirs, 11 Consumption | 9 > i SCOTT'S EMULSION J Curc ccrsum ption ? Yes and < J EH j ‘1 i f < are every case ? >. v/hat cases will it cure ’[ s then? Those in their earlier g 9 r sta g-es, especially in young ® ».• v i Wt make no exag- | H| '''■'“’■■rd ciain's, but we have >! j positive evidence that the V.’ I a tarly use of v ■ Emulsions ' W A ——-ITBIIB—IMa ■ ; J Cod livcr oil with Hypo- 1 H A os plutea of Lune and Soda l ■ j n Jtse cases results in a g 9 * VC CUrC to a l Ar 8 c num- - *; p r^ 1 "' v ' ! '‘ cre a cure is impossi- v 9 i P‘ IS Wc U-known remedy A’ X1 ° U re *ied upon to pro- h 1 Surpr ‘ s ‘ n £iy* - l SIT r '° C Jn ' *” dru ‘B i » t »- TlLf- ‘ * hUWNE ' Ch * witt *, New York. '? THE HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke i TIMELY TOPICS, BY SPEC- ■ ] lAL CORRESPONDENT. IHE COill/ICT MUDDLF t . ••— — ———— j A Si methi ng A bout Prominent Politicians. Atlanta, Ga. , Doc. 4.—(Spec ial Correspondence. —The impor ’jtantduty developing upon this L gislatare of making some dis-' position of the State's convicts may not be so nc«rly completed as might e> cm. tin h pula ore is undoubtedly jin favor of some arrangement I whereby the humane treatment of the convicts wi I be insured, and whereby the women and children may be given such treatment as is deserved. It is doubtful how ever, whether a bill appropriating ’ SIOO,OOO, for securing these con ditions will ever become a law. As stated in these colunns. the plan is to purchas" five thousand acms of land uj on which to estab lish a furin to be operated by the . women and boys. Already the opinion is being expressed that five thousand acres of land is more than would ba necessary to pur chase. The*super-vision of the convicts by a commission composed of ! three members will very probably 1 meet the approval of the people of ! the State. The net inc’ease in the ] cost of super-vising tha convict system of the State l y the estab lishment of this commission will i.ot greatly exceed the present cost. Whereas, the work to be t 'ione, and the interest of the State to be cared for will be largely increas ed . Whatever bill the House may agree upon will not, if one judges by the fate of the numerous previ ous ones, be sure of passage by the Senate It may be said in this <• nine ition that the present Senate has verv thop ughly illustrated the ! fact Hint it has a head of its own, nnditreeins to merit the title N-oi f. rred upon it by a member of ■ the House. “That of a committee of r vision.” While there are occa ionally some incidents that might seem to . give evidence to the contrary, there [is no doubt but that tne pres ] ent session of the legisliture has • witnessed close and conscientious work cn tne part of most of its members. They have apparently g me into the consideration of some of the large ques'ions submitted *o them Iwiih the decided determination to act conservatively and to the best interest of the State. Appro’na tion bills have felt the blight cf tl.e displeasure of both blanches. the school b ok question, Another important qu-stion which the Legislature has under consideration is the School Book i question of the State uniformity . | The School Book Commission | did not reccommend State unifor- I mity.but advised a continuance of the present system of County unifo'-mity, submitting in support of their reccommendation a report which even s >me of the strongest advocates of state uniformity have declared to be n very thorough and excellent treatise upon this subject. Two or th e P bills providing for State uniformity have been intro duced in the House, the first bill being introduced by the populist member from Forsyth Co. AN INTERESTING RACE. The race for the ofli: oof Com missioner of Agricultu'e as already developed into a contest and effort. The three candidates are. the present JCommissioner of Agriculture, Hon. R- T Nesbitt, Hon.O. B. Stevens, who is a i - ~r tho S< nate frmn Daw ini niher of tlie mo , son district, and Hon- M • vin, who is a Member of th House from Kiehinund Co Mr. Nesbit Has, o, course. HOME GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 5 18-07 Xtra Good And Rebel A ell MCE FOR LOVE. JOCKEY KILLED TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE, FAHIYWOU BR.DE His Employer's Daughter, Papa Says Must Wait. San Francisco, Dec. 4.—Jockey Eddy Jones rode a race for love on the opening day of the race track across lire bay. He fell in love with the daughter of Dr. R iwell. who owns ‘-’atsuma. The girl ac cepted bis proposal, but h< r father objected. Finally he said if Jones would ride Satsuma to victory he would be put or. the basis of a preferred suitor. Jones won, but ihe doctor told him he must now wait a reasonable time before claiming his bride. CHRISTMAS GOODS AND OTHER THINGS Messrs. Chidsey & Seay, the wide-awake wholesale commission merchants will offer the retail trade tomorrow morning: 100 Bunches fancy Bananas. 100 Boxes Louden Laye r Raisins 1 Ton mixed nuts. Extra. 20 B xes Fancy Figs, 25 Bbh Apples. New York. 40 Bbls Fancy Onions 300 Bu Michigan Irish Patutoes TO ARRIVE TOMORROW. 100 Buckets candy, Christmas Mixtures. strong friends tl r nghout tl • State who aie already at work for him, while Mr. Steven- has, so it is said, effected a thorough organization of hia forces in every County of the State. While noth ing much is being asid as to what Mr. Calvin is doing in the affairs of his campaign, it is not doubted but that hv is laying some strong wires. Mr. Calvin has beer a member of the House for several years, and has hem prominently identified with much Agricultural legislation as well as important legislator upon other subjects during that time. The possibility of >he entry of Hon A. I). Candler into the race lor Governor has attaracted the attention of nuiiurous-geutle men to the Office of Secretary of State, and Hon. Mark Hardin who has heen Clerk of the House of Representatives, for a long while, is regarded as a probable candidate for this Office. Hon. Wm Clifton, “he Democratic war horse of the marshes, and whois incidentally the pompous and popular Secretary of ihe Sen ate, is undoubtedly considerable attention to the situation . It will ba remembered that he was a candidate for this position in 1892. Hon, Phil Cook a mem ber of the Senate, and who is the son of the late Secretary of State is also regarded as a possible candidate. If Hon. J. M. Terrell enters the race for Governor, there will like wise be a contest for the office of Attorney General. Sen ator Battle of Columbus has been prominently mentioned in connection with this Oilice, as hss Mr. Harry Dunwoody of Brunswick, and Hon. John M Aiken, a prominent attorney of Carters v i lie. WITH THE REGULARITY OF A CLOCK. Cheney’s Expectorant will in variably cure a desperate cough and case of the lungs. I have used itinmytami'y for many years andean say it never fails to prove ts w irth - It will always get you right. C. Tucker. Assistant Keeper of the Peui teutiary.Jake Moore, arrived homo last night, accompanied by Chap lam Wright, of the legdlature. PANIC REIGNS . THE PALACE BEbIEGED BY ANXIOUS INQUIRERS. FALL OF PAPER MONEY Ano The Name Os Gomei Has Struck Terror, Havanna, Dec. 4—A panic has spread inHavana ovr the news of the great battle fought in Pinar del rio Province, and also of the rumors of the death in ranta Claia of General Pando ana the reports of many other Spanish reverses The paper money dropped 20 pcints between Wednsduy even ing ?nd noon ’yeserday, The . alarm increased yesterday b' the Government officially ac knowledging that an engagement had taken place near Sanct'i Spiritus between a patriot band of 200 men personally led by general Maximo Gomez the Loyalists having two killed and 8 wounded, Without giving any details the report added, “The column under command of G meral Pando also had an encounter with a email group cf patriots.” As soon as the report was out paper money dropped five pointe more, and it is now at a discount of 70 per cent. In view of the gravity cf the sit nation and the constant calls at the palace of business men eager to inquire about the news, another declaration was male that “the news spread abroad by the enemies of the Lib eral Cabinet and ihe autonomist policy. To this statement was addod an official report from General Beneral saying that, in the battle at Pinar del Rio, the patriots had over 100 killed. A fact that has intensified the panic is that the name of General G'mez, as the Cuban leadar in the encounter at Sancti Spiritus is published by the Spanish autacr i ties. The belief is current that Gen eral Pando was killed by Gomez, though as yet there is no con firmation of the rumor. The news has been confirmed that Guisa.'he. surburb of Bayamo, has boen des troyed by the patriots, which is another terrible Spanish defeat. A report was given ont last night that General Gomez’s forces have been dispersed by tlu column of General Pando.General Pando’s death is not confirmed at t e pal ace, The importance of the battle in Pinar dll R i agnuit Gme ral Ducasi is acknowledg' d, and the, financial panic continues. The Diario de la Marina energetically coudemnes the enemies of the Government in Havana as respon sible for the panic. BUTTON SAVED HIS LIFE. Builet Structfd Victim With out Harming Him, Bellefonte, Pi . Dec. 4. —While driving along the public road two miles east of this city today Mil ton Bickle aged 19 years was held up by two men and robbed of sls Bickle tried to escape but was halted by a bullet which struck him on the breast but which was warded off by a button. REVOLT SUPPRESSED. Constantinople, Dec. 4—Accord ing to advice from Turkish sources, the revolt of the Alban ians aga ; nst Turkish rule at Dia kova, Northeast of Scufaria, has been suppressed, and Riga Bey, the leader of the insurgents has been arrested Is in the City. —Hor.. J. B. Nevin, arrived home from Atlan ta yesterday noon and will remain over until tomorrow morning. C»pt. Nevin wears bis legislative honors gracefully and seems to be I enjoying most excellent health. I FJKANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDSi OF BARGAINS TO BARGAIN tuai .ar.TUL - "■»— BWe anticipated the Fall Trade and more* we made our calcula tfona against six cent cotton, and, 8 while our buyer was in market, 1 bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took J time and it took a man who kndw how. That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet : V the exigencies of the times and the conditions that now faca the people, we most cordially invite va you to call and see for yourself We know that we can satfsfacto rily convince you, iWe flatter ourselves mat we have already built an unassaila* ble reputation for handling only * the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the 7■; city and we propose to make ev- erysale add to the reputation 'we , 'x; boast, ■A As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves thi: w?iizj; is n 3 j jrraotly selected stock ever brought to this market, Gooas. that are a feast to the artistic eye and goods tiiat wear like iron and yet are a joy f revsr SI F J. KANE & CO .V 10 CENTS AWEEK Cigars