The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 09, 1897, Image 1

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seventh year ... 4 IHB Ir 11 rXln J .-the lued pure, ** wholesome and delidouM. | I A®® B I *» * ?’ 'lk I iao i i M i Z. x«'i- -’/ Pur® • ik IR)Ti1 R)Ti . rownm co., nfw york. "creek HA’ BECOME A [RIVAL OF THE KLONDIKE. SWALIi-GS MABE RUSH Ciatjh PAx )ut Over A Thous and Doi i.ars A Day. Sai Francisco, Dec. 9.—News of a nia r vb<>us sirike that in rich ness is “aid to exceed the Klon dike is brought down to Alaska by K, A. Smith, formly of Col orado. This o'd miner came into Seat tle on the steamer Farallon, hav ii.g spent 17 years in Alaska. Smith say> Dawson City w: s in a vl.irl < f excitement when the first n pert was brought in of a rich strike on Deg Creek . This stream is 50 miles up the river from Daw son. The first claims was located by Chubby Petterson, of Peoria, 111. He stuck bedrock at -even feet and his first clean-up showed nearly SBC'O. Other claims were immediately located and when Smith Dft fi"e had reported bed rock and were panning out from SBOO to SI2OO a day. A stampede rrsn’ted. Hundreds "fclaims were locate 1. M-n who had been nearly famished from want of fcd summ ned up r - ihw<'i| ceurase and strength to reach Dig Creek DUMPED WITH THE COAL. Extraordinary And Almost latai.I atai. Accident At Reading. Ib'iding Die.9.—Howard Kutz, a bjy . i if; nu q with an ex’raordi ■T'ry iiccident to-day. He was play n the top of a car loaded w ith c " :| i 'Rich was standing or. a trus- II' 1 ut the chutes of Rungen & Uackig. Suddenly the coal iu the tir "as •‘dumped’’ aid with it ""'it young Kutz to the bottom of the dump. U r groans attracted the atten tion of the men engaged in unload the ears and ha was rescued ■di'r some hard shoveling. When ""Hit he was unconscious and al li.OHt suffneated. • . [ 1 Children | S Who would prescribe only * | tonics and bitters for a weak, y? £ puny child ? Its muscles and $ | nerves are so thoroughly ex- & » nausted that they cannot be g J "whipped into activity. The j! j c needs food ; a blood- j ’ A ma king, nerve-strengthening 1 > | a.nd muscle-building food. | Scott’s Emulsion :! | s i > of Cod-Liver Oil Is all of this, $ ii *nd you still have a tonic in S h ‘he hypophosphites of lime | t And soda to act with the food, ! or and delicate children ! ‘here is no remedy superior & ; to it in the world. It means i i STowth, strength, plumpness * an d comfort to them. Be sure S' You get SCOTT’S Emulsion. | soc. and |i.oo, all druggist*. »- S f° TT 4 BOW *E, Chtrnbu. York. 1 1 he HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke THE CONVICTS A NOTE OF 93 TO 70 THE BILL PASSED.’ “ SIO,OOO APPROPRIATED With*,Which to Buy and Equip a Farm. Atlanta, Ga. , Dec. 9,—(Spe cial.) After several days of wran gling in which numerous sections ot convict bil.s have been adopted and numbers of bil s afterwards rejected, the house this morning finallyjmssed the special Com mitlee’s bill. Three sessions of the be use were held yesterday and last night and the bill ibat passed today was put in shape at a late hour last night. The bill provides torn Peniten tiary Commission of three mem bers and {these are to be paid "a salary of $2,000 per year| each These Commission.'rs are to re ceive the convicts from the lessees when the present lease expires’in April of 1899, [and then lease the able-bodied men for a term of five years. The bill further provides for the employment of juveniles, females, decrepid and aged convicts on a State farm and appropriates the magnifTmient sum of SIO,OOO for the purpose buying and equipping said farm. WOOD ALCOHOL KILLS 3. Poisonous Stuff Acts Quickly On Those Who Drank It. Exeter. N. H. Dec. 9.—Throe persons, Mrs. Annie Fitzsimmons Edwin W. Quinby and his wife, were poisoned by drinking wood alcohol last night, Mrs. Fitz simmons and Mrs. Quinby rre dead, and Mr. Quinby is dying at tlm hospital to which be was taken. The victims are all poor. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EX CURSION RATES. On December 22, 23, 24, 25, also December 20-31, 1897, January 1, 1898. th ■■ Si uthern Railway will ell H diday Excursion Tickets at very low rates, with extreme limit returning January 4, 1898. STUDENTS OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Upon presentation of Ceitificatee 4i?ned by the Superintendents. Principals or Presideu’s thereof, tickets will be sold December 16, ta 25, 1897. with extreme limit returning January, 4 1898. For tickets and full information, jail on or write to J. N. Harrison. C T. A. No. 11 Armsrong Building. YEAR'S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the ap praisers appointed to set apart and ass gn a year’s support to Mrs. Georgia M. George, the widow of Junius A. George, deceased, have filed their award and unless good and sufficient came is shown the same will bo made the judgement of the court of the January term, lH9Bof the Court of Ordinary. This Dec. Sth 1897. John P Davis, Ordinary. YEAR’S SUPPORT. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. To all whom it may concern. Notice is hereby given that the appraisers appointed t» set apart and assign a year’s support to LaFayette F.and Huger E. George, minor children of Junius A. George deceased, have filed their award and vr.kss good and sufficient cause is shown the same will be made the juogem nt of tb e <court at the January ter,n ’ .’ R the Court of Ordinary .Tm ? De. 8 1897- J«hu P. Ordinary. ROME GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 9 1897 Xtra Good And Rebel Yell Cigars DURRANTTOSWINC the supreme court swept HOPES AWAY. • BOTH PLEAS OVERRULED The Murderers Will Now Pay The Penalty. * San Frans'sco, Cal , Dec. 8— Late yesterday afternoon the su premo court dispelled the last hope of W. T. Durrant, the mur derer of Blanche Lamont and Min nie Williams, by {disposing in a summary manner of bis two ap. 'peals Ina written opinion fr mi the pen of Chief Justice Beatty, which is concurred in by all butete of his associates, the court affirms l'be judgment of Judge 1 alors ,’in 'remanding the prisoners t< be: Quentin until the date set for his execution, but he cites the sen fencing of Durrant to be hanged on November 11th and remainde the case to the superior court with instructions to proceed ac cording to law. As tha remst titur was ordered issued forthwith and the court holds that execution can only be stayed now by the is suance of a eertifeate of probable cause it only remains toresentence the condemned murderer, which will probably be done tommor ! row. Justice Garroutte alone dissent jed from this opinion, main taining [that Durrant’s ap peals should have been distn iss ed as the time required by law for their per r ection had been allowed to lapse. The action of the San Fransisco supreme court yesterday put at naught the efforts that have been made by the alleged widow ot Blanther, known as Arthur D. forbes in Atlanta while he was I Manager of the Southern Purchas- [ ing Agency in that city. When B anther suicided it is said a a written confession was found, showing that be was the murderer of the girls, ano that Durrent was innocent. Since then the woman who claim* to have been the wife of blanther has made every possi ble effort to secure the ropening of the Durrant case, but the su preme court has decided to pay but little attention to the numer ous letters and telegram which have emanated from the woman . O BRINE UNDER ARREST. Spent Last Night In A Cell n Washington D iunk. Washington, Dec.9—Lieutenant M . J , O’Brine, late of McPherson barracks, was arrested and locked up in No. 1 station here last night on the charge of intoxication, lie had about SSO He will be released when sober. Lieutenant O’Brine left Atlanta Monday for the east, where he was to make bis debut upon the lecture platform. The story of his resig nation from the army and his de termination to I cture upon recent oriental history is still fresh in the public mind. Lieutenant O’Brien’s first lecture was prob ably delivered to his cell mates last night in Washington and no on in his audience left while the lecture was being given. Consti tution. , KILLED FATHER-IN-LAW. . Will Fitzgerald Slays Jeff Lanahan At Rally Hill Tenn. Nashville Tenn. December 9 This morning at Rally Hill, in Murray county, Mill Fitzgerald B hot and killed his father-in-law, Jeff Lanahan, with a shotgun and then shot him six times with a pistol. The villags where the killing occurred is an out of the way place and particulars have uot been received/ CONFESSES flit DELILAH TELLSS WHY SIH L.—4 SLEW FALKS. - KERNS SON, HER LOVER Corroberates Thk Fenpationai “ .Confession of The Girl. ) 1 Waverly. Ta. J Dm. 9—Mist Delilah Fales has confessed hei ehare in the tragic death “of Jer ome Km n. The matj was fount dead in a lonely wood on the 23d of last August and the young woman now confesses ah’’ fired tin bullets that kill, d him. Shewa, indicated V day, and it is eaic her alleged accomplice before th, fact, a son of the victim, will be ini cted tomorrow. .'list Fules charges that when she wfis a mere child of thirteen years the elder Kern betrayed her. and that ever alter he harassed her with his attentions. More than that, he sought by blacken ing her reputation she states to keep others from paying court to to her. Twice before she became attached to the murdeied man’s son she had been in a fairway to become hapily married but as many times had Jerome Kern, poisoned her lovers against her. At iast when by the same meth od he sought to prevent hie son from marrying her the pent up hatred of years vented itself "in the commission of the crime. She said; ‘‘l killed Irin with premedi tation and deliberation. I prayed God to give me strength to do it with all the earnestness I could command as I have prayed Hiu: for forgiveness. I have suffered pa ngs* of c nscience. On the contrary a restful calm seemed to come into my life from the mo ment I knew tie was dead. 1 nev er slept so well as I did that night after I fired those fatal shots.” Miss. F Jes’a confession starts by telling of the love afidir of herself and youug Kerr and of the father. They discussed the ques ion of putting him out cf the way and they agr.ed that that would be the best way out Jof the diffi cnlty, One day elder Kern suggested to the young woman that she meet him She saw here opportu ni'y that she had been waiting for and she assented making an appointment for the following morning in the woods near her home. They met and he assisted her to alight from her vehicle. Says her confession : “He was on hie knees before tne. I saw my chance to kill him. I had the revolver just inside my coat, which was buttoned up As l-.e was kneeling ’here 1 pulled the revo ver out and shot him quickly in the chest. He whirl, d round on his knees a little ways as he fell forward I shot him in the right side of his back. I don't know whe'her his clothes caught fire or not.l hunied awav.” > Then follows a detail of the plotting of the two to lay the crime at ihe door of John Lew.s a foi iner lover of I) dilah s. ’I hey even paepared a letter purporting to have been written by the de ceased on the day of his murder and which was left whore it would be readily found as it was a few days ag) This letter said that if harm came to Kern, Lewis must be held responsible, Wi liam Kern’s confession cor rob >rates that of Miss Fales in almost every derail. TORfUED FOR MONTHS. ‘‘l was tortured for nine months with nettle rash. I tound no relief until I began taking Hood’s sar saparilla. The first few bottle re lieved me and I continued its use unt’l I was cured. I am now in better healtbj than for years and mv skin is soft and white, “Mr*. Lucy Biglow, Busiinef, Florida. Hood’s Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsiparilla Alldr ignis 2oj, FJ.KANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDS* OF BARGAINS TO BARGAIN ’i'"' We anticipated the Fall Trade 2s? and more, we made our calcula ble tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took ' time and it took a man who know how. That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies cf the times and the conditions that now face the h'S people, we most cordially invite * you to call and see for yourself We know that we can satisfacto- bNs rily convince you. tWe flatter ourselves rnat we . have already built an unassaila ble ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. b£ We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation we bH* boast, As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand bfc stylish goods, we pride ourselves thi: w>i i / j-. is n 3 js.-rjjtl/ selected stock ever brought to * this market, Gooas. that are a feast to the artistic eye andgoods that wear like iron and yet are a joyfre/jr | F J. KANE & CO 10 CENTS AWEE