The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 15, 1897, Image 1

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SEVENTH year y" Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel r viid.Minic unil deU-lo*** I i ■ / I T . 1 - ' d I „ A. nuteiy .°uro y nCO., HEW YORK. p.MDtJS YOUNG F* A.M. IoPGE 1-1 EC'l ED OFEICifRS CRIHE ENSUING YEAR I; ’.a gei.y Attended Meeting I \'f Night. |0 . anati'a L » f 3ge of Free and pled Mason met last night ii the Tetnple and elect ,i matchhsH s'aff of ,ve far fbe ensuing year. I here is-, not a more vigorous ji g Lnclge of Masons in the ’leaf Georgia than Ootanaula 'i Ip, of this city, while its fame t tine work is not confined to i fadez n slates. fbs offic es elected last night r. \V. Underwood, \V. M. N Un'iis, S . W ; X. X. Mixon, J. W. J. J. Seay, Treas. C. B. Goetehius, Fee . • I n P. F Lumpkin, S. D 11. C. ILnper, J. D. t< 0 Co’o’b, 8 8. C R. Canjp, J 8. I'. E. Wood, Tyler, John W. Bale Chaplain. Every Indication point to next •ar becoming a red-1, ter year r the crack ,odg> of the stale, A sample of what Ouslan ula cm Ji w s vKiibi'ed l ist j i-ibtwhen Dr. J, F. Davis was II Mated into the intricate beau ns of the third degree. ■AIX R )BBE!IS CAP LURED. Will, b e Placed On Dual Their Lives hvlf City‘,N M.December 14 —| ' -I'argo Exprobi Company’s' officers and deputy I •1 States marshals have cap-i ' Ln eastern Ar zona five of j 'tin r..libers engaged in the. '""•l't"'l robbery of the South- I " 1 acififl s ‘‘Sunset Flyer.” at i ’ 1 les last Thursday night. I be brought to New j 'for trial. )he penalty for r bhery in this territory is lath . . | Weak | Lungs| you have couched and ' ! > Whed until the lining mem- $ an< of your throat and lungs i!l B ] ; ! Emulsion Cod-liver Oil will soothe, ! ! - r ‘'^•l ßn a nd probably cure, i ' e cod-liver oil feeds and < ! '‘cngthens the weakened tis- ' ! . I he glycerine soothes ! ' 1 heals them. The hypo- , Whites of linw and soda o | “"Part tone and vigor. Don’t ! !| ,">« criths. One Hi eof the Emulsion may do m i ° r j y°u now than ten 11 Oei On ’ Be sure y°° K I «« SCOTT’S Emulsion. | s«. and »,.00. BOWNE, Chemiita, N«w York. • ! ™E HUSTLER OF ROME. JOHN W. MADDOX democratic caucus plans party work WANT TORFCOGNIZE CUBA Bailey cf Texas. Took The Leah. Resolutions, Washington, Dae. 14.-The Caucus of democratic members of the house of representatives last i ight resuited in the sddoption of resolutions defining the party policy on the questions of Cuba, finance and bankruptcy. Out ol 125democratit members 101 were present despite the stormy weather. Representative Richard son, of Tennessee, was in the chair. Representative Bailey, of Texas took the initiative by presenting the following series of resolutions. “Resolved that it is the e sense of this caucus that the democratic nu mbers of the house of Repre sent fives ought to resist all efforts direct or indirect to retire the greenbacks and tn usury notes. Resolved, secend, That we are opposed to and will resist all at tempts to extend the priveleges of national backs, or to reduce the taxes which they now pay. Resolved, third, that we favor the early consideration and pass ing of the senate resolution recog nizing that a condition of war ex ists in the island of Cuba between the government of Spain and the Cuban people. “Resolved fourth, that we favor the early enactment of ? just and wise bankruptcy law. The first three features of the resolution*', on finance and Cuba were considered separately, the discussi.iii being vigorously and unanimously favorable. Mr. Bai ley made the main speech, urging that the democratic members should take tbuir positioners promptly against those financial movements n >w assuming formi dable ditnenei ns owing to the rec •nnendutions given to them by the preidesen |and secretary of the tre i«ury. He also spoke for a clear-cut position in favor the recognition of Cuban beligereicy, as embodied in the Morgan resolution which passed the senate during the extra gepgion. There was not a dissent ing v-'ice to Mr Bailey s proposi tions and the first three resolution were carried by ur.amnions vote the result being reciiVed with hearty cheers. The fourth sea ture of the reso lutions declaring fora just and wise bankruptcy law met with some opposition but finally pre vailed by a large majority. On motiom of Mr Maddox of Georgia arrangements were made for the usual congressional com mittee to conduct the congression al campaign of 1898. The com mittee is to consist of one mem ber from each state, territory and District of Columbia, and nine senators to be chosen by the sen ate democratic caucus. The caucus adjourned a |9 o'clock having been in session just an hour, and having accomplished its results with practical unanim ity 1 - LYNCHED AT RENDVILLE 0. According To Reports Reach ing Zanesville. Zanesville, 0. Dec. 15.—-At Rendville, 0. last evening Tom Mitchell a colored miner murder ed Billy Perdue a white man. Perdue charged Mitehell nth un due intimacy with a near woman relative. The negro struck lerdue with a club and after beating out his brains shot his body full of holes. Mitchell was taken into custody and it is reported here this morning that he was lynch ed. Now is the time to see Lancaster for those Christmas PhoM, ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. DECEM ER 15 1897 mobile murder AN AGED WOMAN BRAINED AND ROB ED THE WORK OF A FIEND Perpetrated in the City of . Bile. Mobile, Ata,, Dec. lb.--This morning a little girl going to the store of Mr?. Margaret Hogan, corner jj Clay and Congress streets to make a small purchase, found the store open and the lamps burn ing, but no one attending. Going into tl e rear room, she discovered Mrs. Hogan lying on tne floor dead, with her hands tied behind her back and a piece of braid wrapped tightly around her throat. Giving the alaim, an investiga tion followed which showed that the place had been rebbed of mon ey and some of the goods. The robbers had probably forced 'tie woman, who was sixty-five years cf age, to give up her small hoard which she kept in her room back of the store. Then they ttran. gled her with the braid, but find ing her slow in dytug, brained her with some blunt instrument. From the facts that the lamps were still burning and the woman fully dressed, it is thought that th? murder occurred some time last night, perhaps at an early i Lour in the evening. No noise wa« heard at any time and there is i no clew to the identity of the mur -1 derers. -« ■ —i:, PRI IE OLD STUFF Cargo Os Whisky Sunk Forty Years Agi To Be Raised. Parkville, Mo. Dec. 15.—There is no longer any doubt that the cargo of the steamer Arabia which sank near here on August 9, 1895 has been reached. When the sand hog came up io-nighthe brought with him four w iol hats which he found just aft?r the hml was reached. The hull is buried in 34 L-et of sand. Mr. Gale Henson & Sons who jave fur >nished the money for the search left for Holt Mo., at-night. They will keep forces working night and day until they ascer tain what is on the boat Mr. Henson has tried several times to g3t a bill of lading of the contents but without success. The boat’s cargo is said to have been 180 barrels of whisky which by this time should be the prim est stuff on earth Old connois seurs are already smacking their lips in anticipation of being asked to sample the liquot. TORTUED FOR MONTHS. “I was tortured for nine months with nettle rash. I found no relief until I began taking Hood’s sar saparilla. The first few bottle re lieved mg and I continued its use until 1 was cured. I am now in better health than for years and mv skin is soft and white, “Mrs. Lucy Biglow, Bu.-jinef, Florida. Hood’s Pills are the only pills o take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla Alldrugists 253. HORSE REEL. And Street Collided in The Streets of St. Louis. St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 5.—A hose reel collided with a street car yes terday. Fireman John Sayers was fatally injured. A dozen passengers were more or le.-s hurt by flying glass, WITH THE REGULARITY' OF A CLOCK Cheney’s Expectorant will in variably cure a despite cough and case of the lungs. I have used it in my family for many years andean say it never fails to prove ts worth. It will always get yon right. C - Tucker. BLUE FOR CUBA PANDO PUSHING GOMEZ. IN BURGENTFORCES ROUTED. SANGUILLY HAS YIfLDED The Insurgeant Leader Offers His Services To The Spanish. Havana, Dec. 15—The Spanish forces under the command of General Pando, in the province of Puerto Prancipe, have been push ing the insurgent leader General Maximo «omez so closely that hr was obliged with about 200 men of his escort to seek refuge in the woods and mountains of Lai Delicias. During the recentengagemeut at Caiman, on the south coast the in suiizeant leader Collazo was wound vd. Today ten armed insurgents surrendered there. During a skirmish on the Rivei Seco, near Guineas this province, the wellknown insurgeant leader Pitirre was killed, together with a lieutenant and two privates. The insurgent Colonel Antonio Lopez Perez surrendered several days ago in the province of Santa Clara. It is announced semi-officiallj that General Sanguilly, the insur gent leader, has written to Mar shal Blanco, offering him his ser vices unconditionally. Advices from Madrid indicate that Deputy Amblard will be en trusted with the task of making efforts with the Cuban Junta when he r a aches New York. He is said to have the Spanish Ministers that lie counted upon the adherence of General Saguilly to the new order of things, and if it is true that the latter has offered his service to the Captain General the influence of Amblar at Madrid will be greatly increased . lie is said to have al ready received considerable sums of money to meet his expenses and, it is further stated, ihe Re formists and Autonomist hero will not definitely complete their union until his returned to Havana. The Autonom.c Cabin* t for Cuba will not be formed until the Reformist and Autonomists unite in one party and it is said that Amblard on his arrival in New York will offer to Manuel Rafael Angulo a member of the Cuban Revolutionary Junta a portfolio in the new Autonomis Cabinet io order to induce him to return to Cuba. The commissioners sent by Gen eral Pando t'> different parts of the island with instrections to ne gotiate with the insurgents for ihoir acceptance of the autono mous fonn of g ven.ment pro posed by Spain have not returned m a single case. Gineral Arolas, according to a dispatch from Manzanillo prov ince of Santiago de Cuba, has accidentally wounded himself wi h a revolver but his condition is not serious. Some of the richest Spaniard s of Cuba have he'd futher meet ings here at Cienfnegos and Sagua to consider the advisability of sending a p 'tition to Pn sisent McKinley asking for the estab lishment cf a United Sta'es Pro tectorate over Cuba if within six months the Spanish Governm int’s plans for the pacification of the island give no results. New York Dec. 13. —At the Cu ban Junta headquarters and from other sources here it was learned that Sanguilly's loyalty to the Cuban cause had been under sus picion for some time and that hie reported action in offering his services to General Blanco no means a surprise. Delegate Thornes Estrada Palma however said that he could hardly believe that Sanguilly had capitu lated but that he did not attach much importance,to the report even if true. General Sanguilly was in New York until about a week ago. Prescriptions a specialty at the R me Pharmacy. FJ.KANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO BARGAIN We anticipated the Fall Trade and .71 ore, we made our calcula tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It w took work, it took money, it took time and it took a man who knew how. That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies of the times and the conditions that now face the people, we most cordially invite you to call and see for yoirsalf Weknowthatwe can satisfacto rily convince you, iWe flatter ourselves tnat we have already built an unassaila ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation we boast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves thi: W)1 l / 3t'l3 .715 33iT 33U/ selected stock ever brought to a this market, Gooas, that are a feast to the artistic eye andgoods that wear like iron and yet are a joyfri/ir t '— , ~“ s F J. KANE & CO Yell Cigars 10 CENTS AWEEK