The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 19, 1897, Image 1

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SEVENTH year I I ■ muk.h the food pure. ■ Ro, “ « lioksome und delicious- r | ! l* GP ji 11 I j F0«i8 I ’ Absolutely Puro ■ P* 1 IN r * POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ■ I - "" " »■■■— U I'm robbers I BY TWO MASKED MEN. 81(031 BAT-LE ENSUED Faiiiek And Sons Make Brave .stkcgolks With Desperadoes. Uttie Rojk, Ark., Dec. 18 Near Clinton , in Van Buren coun ts, nn aged farmer named Patter go;! lived on Cu'pepper mountain. With him lived his wue and two s> ns, one of whom was married nod hid a small family. While the entire honseho d were paled at the supper table two men v aring masks and heavily armed mld-iily sprang into the dining r urn, in.d leveling their weapons at the l.eid- of the assembled fanily, commanded them to re m u.11] v et. wus he apparent intention of tl ■ men to rob the house, but one of them bewail firing into the p ople as they sit at the table. Ore Ini let from a winchester Mnick <dd tn in Patterson square- I in the mouth. The wounded ini sprang from the table and du ted into an adjoining room h r his pistol He there encoun t red one of the r >bb r and a hand t - hind struggle was commenced. The other robber was soon in the fray and as quick y joined by Pat tergcn’s brother and two sms. Shooting immediately began on both side®, the old in . n emptying his rev >lver and the sons defend ing tlvm-flver «s best they could . Uli n the robbers hid exhausted Uieir arnu.ia iin they resorted In their knives and begun slashing fight left. Old man Patter io’i. already terribly wounded Im.n he r lie ball, was finished *'ith the knife, his throat being nil from e ir to ear. dis brother was knocked sense ’s to the floor after being slashed • h knives an! the throats of >o 'b the (young married son ‘i d his wife were cut by the rob ' rs. Die othi r son was shot I'fotigh the left arm and the ight arm was shattered. lhe room in which the gtrug ■'oi'urred presented a grewsome ?‘dac e The wails and ceiling 'ire pierced by bullets, windows '"I furniture was dem dished, hi'd stains were upon the walls ml hlooj stood in pools up n ho 11 )l)r 1 Well Children ■>at arc not very robust need a ■truing, building and fat-forming *°d something to be used for two r three months in the fall—that 'ey may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION f Ccxl-Liver Oil with Hypophos des of Lime and Soda supplies vactly what they want. They ii h * ve » grow strong and be ell all winter on this splendid food >n,c * Nearly all of them become Cr Y fond of it. For adults who are not very strong, a /Jy'Y coursc treatment with 'fab.' ijl the Emulsion for a couple °f months in the fall will ,’"V put them through the I l winter in first-class con (. dition. Ask your doctor about this. «‘«df..h , “ gH BOTT’S Emulsion. Stt that tht are on the wrapper. All druggists; yx. and Si 00. s -OTT A. BOWNE, Chemists, New York. _THE HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke ULTIM4TUM GIVEN SHERMAN BY CUBAN REPUBLIC. UNLESS INDEPENDENCE General Rivera II AB Not Been Freed. Washington, Dec. 18—The Times «ays it can stale as a fact that the Cuban Republic ha, lodged an ultimatum with Sec retary Sherman declaring the is land government will accept no sort of intervention which does not contemp ate indepen dence. One day this week Gonzalees De Ques .de, who has been made Otiarge d’Affaires of the Cuban Republic, and Ricardo Diaz Alibi rli, Secetary Shsrmam and had a Icng talk with him. A statement was made to the Times that theee gentlemen were received it their • fbcial capacity. RIVERIA NOT FREED. Havana. Dec. 18.—Develop ments of 'he few days show that General Rius Riveria, who was a prisoner for several months in Cabana fortress, has not been freed by royal paruon, as was repoited, but merely transferred to a prison in Spain, where he will be held until his case is dis posed of., Fan Du’s Hard Taik. Havana, Dec. 18.—The patriot have bombarded and destroyed a part ot the seaport Santa Cruz del Sur Pu rlo. They were com pelled to retire upon the approach of a Sparish gunboat. The sit uation in Sautaga de Cuba Prov ince is desperate for lhe Span iards. Geiurai Pando has made no pn gu ss in three weeks. His 'ask has been more difficult by the landing of an expedition from the Ut.i ed Sta'eswith 2000 charges of cannon simulation and ■ >ver 200 dynamite shells for the pneumatic gm. NONC MBANTBSLAIN. The families that fled from Neiivitas to Puerto Principe on account of Laf'eore s reign of terror have met no less tearful state of things under the Spanish Governor Senor Vasallo. Laterre’s decree has been enforced in Neu. vitas bv the shotting of a woman and six men. all noncombataats. Weyler Was Marked. Madrid, Dec. 18.—The man found dead in a ditch near Sara gossa, with hands and feet tied as a woman, and who Weyler has confessed that be was tied and dressed in woman’s clothing by three members of a secret society because he had failed tojassassin ate General Weyler- Weyler says he was warned of the pot. HULL BOUND uNILTY Man Who Kilied Father Gets Life *Sinte.nce. Princeton, Ind’, Dec. 18.—Af ter eleven hours’ deliberation the jury in the Hull murder case to day returned a verdict declaring Samuel Hu 1, Jr. guilty of m « r ‘ der and sentenced bmi-te lite iai prisonment. . Yeung Hull killed his father in Wairiek county m lftßt ’ six perish inure. All Bit Two Os A Family Suc cumb To The Flames. Ottawa, Ont., Dec. 18.-The resident of Pstnck Leathy was burned early- this morning, and Leathy and 8™ of children, Thomas, Marie, Katie, and Patrick the oldest but nine years of age, P Leathy and a boy named Frank, aged five years, escaped- It in supposed that Leaihy drop ped n lighted match winch he was accustomed to carry around the I h oiise. ROME GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 19 1897 Atra Good And Rebel Yell Cigars TERRIBLE ROUTE march of the brigade down bara valley HEMMED IN BI NATIVES. Difficulties Almost Unsurmouni able, Enemy Relentless. London, Dec. 18.—Later de tails were Received today of the march of General Westinacott’s brigade down the Bara Valley and they indicate that the obstacles to .the retreat are more serious than supposed. A dispatch from the correspondent of the Reuter Tele gram Company at Mamani, dated December 14, says: “The troops had io march in a river bed, 600 yards wide, swelled from the melting snow and ice cold. Ou the right were sheer brush covered ranges.reaching up to the snow level, and on the left were cliffs, all the heights being occupied by natives. “The baggage train, the stretch er bearers, the over-loaded ammu nition p-nies, which became swamped in the stream, the hos pitals, with iin»s filled with stretchers and the crowds of camp followers were all mixed in inex tricable confusion, a struggling mass wading knee-deep in the freez ng water, urged onwaid by the knowledge that a relentless foe was in the rear.’' A Another account says. “There was fierce fighting at all hours of the day and night. The rearguard was continually harrassed and several times miraculously escap ed being separated from the main column and massacred. Tho troops behaved splendidly under almost unsurmour.table difficul ties and when attacked openly poured a withering fire into the natives who pressed forward al most to the bayonets’ points once before being repulsed with a lose of 400 men. The British loss also was heavy. RAGING FLAMES. » I Grand Fork, S. D., Lost A Mil lion Dollars. Grind Fork, S D. Decc. 18 Fire broke out at 4 30 this moan ing at Nash Bros wholesale groc ery st l re and in a half hour had gone inti the Hot' I ilakotah were nearly a thousand guests were housed. The “Lady in Black’- company escaped as did the peo ple in the hotel by fire escaped a ladder one foot wide running from the sixth flodr to the first. The departm. d rescued a large number and but for timely assist ance hundreds of persons would have been burned . Halt the peo pein the hotel vere almost pulled out of bed and then shown the on ly way of escape which was by the narrow iron ladder. The burned district is in the business portion of the lity and the blow is a most severe one. The loss will aggregVe $450 000 on stocks furniture etc. and S3OO 000 on buildings tottally destroy ed while other losses will prob ably reach SIOO 000 more. SCUFFLIED OVER SHOTGUN. Harris Got Possesion Os It And Ehot Snipes Anderson, S. C. Dec. 18. A shooting scrape occurned five miles south of this city last night in which Wil ian. Snipes, about eighteen years eld, was shot and killed by Feaster Harris. They bad been scuffling over a shotgun. Snipes retreated ten paces when Harris fired the load entering the right side and death followel in a few hours, Harris is in jdl. Both parties are negroes. If you want to cut off the cot | ton acreage, why get the consent and cooperation of the supply merchant and guano man. They hold the key to the situation. MADRID IWED ROYAL FAMILY ALARM El AND READY FOR FLIGHT. REVOLUTION IMPENDING Artillery Concealed In Thi Spanish Capital Thoroughfare! London, Dec. 18.—According to the St. James Gazette private letters received here from Madrii say that General Weyler's recen tion there was most significant and that the Government is so alarmed by the menacing attitude of the populace that artillery ha> been stationed at concealer print* commanding.the main thorough fares. The gunners, however' cannot be relied upon 'The wildest rumors are cur rent say tho letters m question and the report are that pr para ti<»n are making for the fight of the members of the royal family to France „t the first sign of rev oution., PHILIPPINE LEADERS CAPITULATES. An extraordinary number of the Gazette, issued at Madrid to day publishes dispatches received from Manila, capital of the Phil ippine Islands, saying that the insurgent chief Aguinaldo has ordered all his followers to submit and that he and the entire in surgent government will be allow! ed to go to Hong Kong. ACCUSED OF THEFT. Said To Have Embezzled $16,000 Os A Relief Fund. Hivua, D'j. 18 —Tie Dlirio de la Marina publishes a letter accusing General Weyler of hav ,ng a n'ev.zled sl6 0) ) from a fund which was stirtel in this city for the relief of the families of a number of soldiers who perished as the nsult of a rail road accident at the Gumes station in March 1896. The money was held in deposit and the lank of Ccnimeice in 11 is city until October 30, when', General Weyler wi'hdrew it. j TORTUED FOR MONTHS. “I was tortured fur nine months with nettle rash. I found no relief until I began taking Hood’s str saparilla. The first few bottle re lieved me and I continued i's use unt'l 1 wss cured. I ain now in better health than for years and mv skin is soft and white, “Mrs. Lucy Biglow, Bushnef, Florida. Hood’s Pills are the only pills o take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla Alldiugists 25c, POPE BROWN. Favors Allen D. Candler For Governor. The inward significance of the declination of Hon. J Pope Brown to enter the race for govern is that he will throw his whole support and influence to Colonel Allen D. Cancler, according to rumor. Colonels Brown and Candler are great friends, personally and po litically, and the fact that they have been seen in conference to gether several times rec-m ly gives color to lhe story, which comes from a good source. Colonel Brown was seen by a Commercial reperter last night, and asked about the story but as a matter of course ho denied that he had entered into any compact to support any candidate. “But won’t you support Colonel Candler?” “I can’t say,” said Colonel, with that mystifying smile of bis. —Atlanta Commercial. It isn't any wonder that we were ali a bit puzzled as to who was the new President of Cuba when Gamez was playing a game with two of them on the board. FJ.KANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDS or BARGMimS TO BARGAIN It - _ It It We anticipated the Fall Trade and more, we made our calcula- |(t tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It It rook work, it took money, it took time and it took a man who knew how. That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies of the times and It the conditions that now face the • people, we most cordially invite you to call and see for years}!? * We know that we can satisfacto- It rily convince you, * iWe flatter ourselves mat we It have already built an unassaila- It ble reputation for handling only It the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev- It erysale add to the reputation we It boast. It As to the more changeable or It fashionable patterns, weavesand It stylish goods, we pride ourselves It thit wii i / i) m> jt jvrjjti/ It selected stock ever brought to It this market, Gooas, that are a It feast to the artistic eye andgoods It that wear like iron and yet are a It JO frever It __ ■ _ It It F J. KANE & CO 1 10 CENTS AWEEK