The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 20, 1897, Image 1

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I 1 ' ■M ■ ■ I 9H ?’ •' ■ ■ !■ I. PT |l I;m-u..KC-', ffw Yonx. I r ’ '»>■ 1 .’F’WW'’ T Itil/rf ANTICS ■ <F PRINCETON: ■ ppiMHED? SENIORS, B P JF 93 HAZIIYK M ; i v AY) i.e Os lligi 9| Standing. BSn —— ————— 9 ■ v Do. 20. —Three 9j - jah's vere suspended 9 ; Bi.ti.'y L day for hazing, Th’s 9,. ':•■ '"iH. >it '■ -i) "fa Jong series 9 / -i-ten undergraduates ■ n i ii.ty. Eight “sophs’ ■ l - :i..u: from the cam pm Hr \?: ■ S> ptember and put Hh i ’ .‘.hat th y called H" N-xr day all the H•'■ . ;c tii’d in the hazing ■ v ■ - i - d o lore the faculty ■ 8 ip- o’ The faculty ■ t l ' Hii 1 g Lu* reprimand the It ■ A■. iid r (t the s >phofnore ■ (Tt- /'.-pott -d features of the ■l. >•■■:• a; i.i. bad escaped the nn ■ I ' .-ulhoritii s and thus I 1 "■ -uan I j-.ct of dislike I V lue stud •!.’s. Parlies of uuder ■ gi-i.a.d’i . matter what, class, h ii".' A’d’ mark it a point, when till -a "good time,” to caki Dpitll li'.tll. L ' I)- men who have been Ausp ; a call upon him. liissaid tn y. w>re preparing for a A' ' 'i ’j, at any rate Proctors "no ns'. < r t j them, believed so sial the jvas at once taken up l y the iacuity . I ■ !■(' i)’nd d s-niors are men Oi ! 4'i >laiiding in their class. • 11 >' >f the senior class feel I" 11 ui considerably, following, it 9 i's, wiihm three days th* Btl ) iiof the fticu'ty jn rebuking L Jiss or wrecking the gytnna fiT’l. ■am Pus: ents. Before buy •n? Chris'mas or other presents Cl 1 011 ■> ■ K. Willi inis >n. Mr '■ ili ain-on never had a mora el stock than the <me he I- 1 '- mi 'he market this season ,ll ‘d ih il is saying much for J . b i liamson has away of al r"'_' “ading the procession. Worn Out? < o y° u comc to the close of ; [ ft J? Cua Yfhoroughlyexhausted? O * yoes this continue day after <! |p' - . r P f S£ week after week? h * ’hapr, you are even too ex- w * laus ted to sleep. Then some- s > f "jng is wrong. All these 3 ji ; "gs indicate that you are V « , n ? from nervous ex- v ? baustion. Your nerves need ?[ a ceding and your blood en- < 1 £ Aching. E S i ' | Rott’s Emulsion <> 5 of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- ! ! J Phosphites of Lime and Soda, ] [ 1 r <'-aains just the remedies to ’ ' I v et these wants. The cod- <» fe o f °«‘ g ‘ vcs ncf ded j' yj -length, enriches the blood, <' * 1 V th S ncrvcs > and the hy g give them tone £ V Ail dniggtas; 50c. and *1 ■°°* ' T BOWNE, Chemists, New York. ' m THEHUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke FLEETS MOVING GERMANY ANO lIbSSIASEEM I'o UNOEIISI'ANI), EfIGLANO liOf PLEASED With tiik Outloi i< A . IT LonMh IXTilh EasF. ■London, Doe. 20-The corres pondent of the Pimes Kt Peking, says China approves of the Rus sian fleet win d ing st Port Arthur being pr-rsuad d that this action is taken in the interest of China »nd necessitated by the German ; occupation of Kiuo-Chau. A dispa’cb to the 'l imes from bhang ria says lhe occupation of Port Arthur by Russia cannot fail to provoke popular indignation in 1 Japan, where public opinion is »1- ready excited ov. r the Kiao-Chau affair. According to a dispatch to the , Daiiy Mail fr rn Shanghia the high ollicials of the Chinese court have advised the emperor in view of further comp icati ms, tej remove the court to Nanking, the South ern capi'a’. The dispatch says it is reported there that overtures have b-en made to England to ex i ercise protection over the Yang- Tse vubey and the West river and tha 1 numerous rumors are current regarding the activity of the Brit ish rquadrou in Chinese waters. The limes, commenting editori ally this morning on the situation in China, says; “Instead of the kaiser’s maibd j fist U' 1 have Russia's velvet glove, but the gra j p is n>t less vigorous ind unyielding. Great Britain ought now c- ur eously invite Chi na to extend the same pri .’ileges to .'he British fl *et at Chausan.” Telegiams from all the conti nental capitals show that Russia’s step ai Port Arthur is regarded as equal to a permanent occupation and a rep'y to Germany's action. A we 1-informed St. Petersburg C'lrrcsp mdent says there was no ■jgr itn nt I, t veen Ruesia and iGarmany and the latter simply Ifiarn-d Ru siu when the occupa tion of Kia )-Chau was already de cided upo-.- The N tvoe Vremya pretends chat Japan has no cause for com plaint “since China is only giving the same shelter to Russian ships as Japan hid hitherto so kindly afforded. ” This view is not held in Berlin, where the papers are already talk ing of the possibility of 1 rince ! Henry having to shake his mailed l fist at Japan, that is suppos- d to I be secretly backed up by England. Some ot the Berlin papers express anxiety, but most ot them wel come the news from Bort Aithu. as justifying the G rinm position at Kiao-Chau, if not ai actual evi dence that Russia and Geimany ; are acting together. Curiously | enough Emperor William visited ; the Russian a übassador on F ri day night on his return from Ku 1, ostensibly to congratulate him on the natal day of the Emperor, Nicholas. The visit lasted an hour. There is no doubt now that the emperor and the ambassador dis cussed C iinese ad iiis The Paris p qie.'s, without pre | t , ending to be deceived by Russia s Hnnocenl explanation’, are p eased , ! with the action of the ally o j Erance. The turd- n of Viennese com mint is “what will England do. The British lEet now in Chinese waters consists of one ironclad . nine cruisers and eighteen smaller men-of-war. The Standard, The Daily lele graph and otner London papers strongly urge tlyr goviinme i prolect Englund’s unrests in iChi na . _ —■ I , i Duke Black, of I Handsome I’uk« ’ , W..bingtO" I). V k : u hkt.ol old fnen lsm I 2Jr. Black will return I ingtJu about JauU'iry ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20 1897 —““ ——- • • • ’ •v ■ - | sZ 4 Xlra Good And Rebel 1 LONG WEBOK HIREE OCEAN VEHICKLES MAY BE L9ST. MANY LIVES 01 BOARD Ocean- Mysteries And Disabjerb —Peium ps. Now York. Dec. 20. —Appiehen siou is felt in shipping circles that the American fishing schooner Mikado Ins foundered at sea and i j that h- i crew of 15 m, n have all J been lost. Ihe Mikado, under commaid of Captain Hickman, sailed from i the G-and Banks on Oct. 16 fm Halifax, ahd no tidings of her have I been received, though more , than two mombs have elapsed She had a full ca-go of fish on i board. Another vessel whose long ab . ence at sea is causing considerable uneasiness in shipping circles is the four-mastered British bark Crighenend, which sailed from Philadelphia on May 3 for Hioga, Japan, and from which no news has been received since early in June. The Craighen had a full cargo of oil on board 20 men. She is not at her destination. Another serious disaster at sea, involving the destruction of a large vessel, the of which is a mystery, and which may also mean the loss of her entire crew, has been reported to the Maritime Exchange by the captain of the fishing schooner Masconomo, When cruising 40 miles south of Sable Island a few days ago the Masconomo fell in with an im mense quinityof wreckage, includ ing the spars and superstzu&ture of a vessel ofl irgi d n msions ENGINE’S FATAL LEAP. Fireman Killed And Engineer Dashed Tur ou mr Gab Window. St. Louis, Dec. 20 . —While piloting a heavy freight train up the merchants’ bridge incline to day, an engine of the Terminal Rai'road Association jumped the tri ck and plunged to tl e ground below. Fireman Al Pensing-r was in stantly kdled Engineer J. 11, Mc- Culloch was dashed head first through the cab window and bad ly injured and W 11. Cobb, yard agent ot the easts de yards of the terminal, had several r>l>s broken, hi addition to receiving other in juries. Pensimer was crushed into an unrecognizable mass under the engine. STOLE TRaY OF DIAMONDS Two Men Work An Old Scheme On A Charleston Jewler. Charleston, S. 0. Dec, 20 . Two strangers in Allen’s jewelry store here yesterday asked to be shown some diamonds. A tray of stones valued at S3,(XX) was placed on the counter and while the clerk was busy elsewhere one of the men shipped away with the diamonds. Theyjwsre confederates and 'it was their scheme to decoy the clerk to another part of the store and then steal the stones. Their plans fworked beautifully and not a single trace has been left the police on which to work. The stealing was kept by the police until i ll 1 1 1x • TOR fI’ED FOR MONTHS. “I was tortured for nine months with nettle rash. I round no relief until I began taking Hood’s s tr saparilla. The first few bottle re lieved me and 1 continued i<s use untdl was cured. I am now in better health than for years and mv skin is soft and white, “Mrs. Lucy Bi glow, Bushnef, Florida. Hood’s Pills are'he only pills „ take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla Alldrugists 25i, OLDMFF.CIR I WILL CELEBRATE HER GOTH ANNIVERSARY PRIDE OF THE BAPTIST Os Georcia For Three |Sgbe Years. M con Ga., Dec. 20.—Wednes day. the 22ud instant, will mark the sixtieth anniveisary of Mercer University with appropriate exer cises. In addition to the anniversaiy exercises at the college the. Bap tist denomination throughout ihe state will ccmmemonite the oca sion by contribu'ions to the sup port of the insii ution which hat Iso long been the pride of the church in Georgia. This movement was inaugurated by pr. H. R. bunard the financial aigont of the institution who has sAnt out the following appeal t Baptists throughout the stat'" Some t ; me since lent out a circular to all Bap ‘st pastors, calling attention to ,he 22nd of December as the sii.Meth anniver sary of Mercer Uuiv-rrity. With a brother’s fellowsb'p for breth ren ai.d as modestly as I could, I suggested prayer se «ic» on that date in the interest of Mer cer University, to bo engaged by a ll the churches. I venture to renew the sugges tion. The time is opportune, it falls on Wednesday. I he afternoon or evening of which ay there is the usual prayer se'vice in most churches. The service need not be confined to a c “legation in the meeting house, biit jt can be cariied into the fi.mily and clos et. I shall go to my own church on the day named and with brethren and sister assembled ask the di vine blessing on the Mercer Uni versity for the future, and will not forget to teturn thanks for a ser vice at His hands tor sixty years, without suspension at any time not even during the war between the state. We are believers in prayer, surely we would find in the future somewhere, may be m the near future, blessings needed, if in the concert the state over, we availed ourselves of the suggestion oppor tunity and privilege. vVill the reader of this do what can be done to make the movement named a success. In brotherly love. H R. Bernard. SHOT BOTH LIKE SAVAGES. The Shooting Os Ruiz And Akan gueren Confirmed. Washington, Dec. 20—The fol lowiLg cable advices were received at the Spai ish legation today. Havana, Dec. 20 —Absolutely trustworthy reports permit us to affirm that Ruiz was shot with Arangueran Friday by order of Alexander Rodrignez. After sjveral letters exchanged between Ruiz and Arangueren. Ruiz left Havana on Monday to meet Aranguren, not upon official mission and only as a friend. It is not known how Rodriguez arrived, but the fact is that the leader order the shooting of both “The ferocity of such act and proceeding indicates Letter than an' thing the faith in autonomy the insurgents being obliged to resort to terror to proven t the disbandoning of their forces. Such is the general indication, and public opinion unanimously quali fies such act of savages as unwor thy.” WITH THE REGULARITY OF A CLOCK. Cheney’s Expectorant will in variably cure a desperate cough and case of the lungs. I have used it in my family for many years andean say it never fails to prove ts worth. It will always get you iright. C. Tudwr. F J.K ANE & CO HAVE THOUSANDS OF BABGAIHS TO BARGAIN We anticipated the Fall Trade and more, we made our calcula tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took j time and it took a man who knew -how, That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies of the times and the conditions that now face the people, we most cordially invite you to call and see for yjurself We know that we can satisfacto rily convince you, * iWe flatter ourselves tnat we have already built an unassaila ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation we boast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves thit wju/r.umU svrjy:!/ selected stock ever brought to this market, Gooas, that are a feast to the artistic eye andgoods that wear like iron and yet are a joy frever s * F J. KANE & CO Yell Cigars 10 CENTS AWEEK