The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 21, 1897, Image 1

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I Y£AR I a • m I I ’ H ' * ■ *• :o d pure, v •/ ' .me and delklou*- j? ' I * ** ’”• ■ < ■ II •-•'sn I i .* i» '■ ’I"? •■■ JS ’ . I I •,, NFW YORK. I CIl MOALLIB- I C • A BARI'AR I J 3 FRItNuS fc A . Him Tn Re- I .er Tkal.„ I Gui G»~ ■ V ", wh > is sheriff u I who was r-<- I. ! or the murder of , : a\- ti ■ a street fight ■ . with two of hie B rs iu that trial ■ i.’Jfmieu amoung B \ 8. Green and Dr. B. ; -(umJing on a ■ • _ d in fzien.lly B. ,1.1.. n Sheriff Mc- •.■..■ naked up B ! rr i i t gan 'cursing B ii .med at the 8... i.u. vmg a pistol B -' it the attack B . Aii by McAI- B v v stro g man B \v s on the B - -i seveiely in B’ tn n knocked B ..I would proba- B : :.1 s; verely had B 1 sip iratiug B ; ■ - severely but B> U’o ■ :i , ir>-d. B m■>s t p m - B ‘tin- coir,munitv ■ tly had si v B v.'ieut B are i.itlue.itin B - supposed that B bottom of the H l ' B ill.R LIFE.' H, With Sick B mn<; B - . Dec. 21. —A B special to B .'it is definitely B persons. Mr B| \e, were burn- B Hotel Dakotali B owe was .abed |B . i! when frond- B| Ve idle sin v. if h Al. ” B I ata I ■ iG.IULSION ■ i ? Yes and | •>'< every case? H -s will it cure M ; i their earlier © y in young ® n "'he no exag- ® • but we have ■,.'' e '■‘■de that the | ■ vision | K ; r 1 with Hypo ' me and Soda K x results in a & H.' j,. '' a Jarge num- < V . , r ced cases, how- t - ■ . ‘-own remedy l ‘ix»n to pro- | Bi ® Jrogghtfc «'• .■ ~t e "’ is ts, New York. C' Ml THE j USTLER OF ROME. Smoke X a LfißOtp LEADERS Hl' GAGE BILL, AMERI- < AN I- EDERation OPPOSE. iJLiOIIhCETHESTANDARD Iho ! UIE3 IT AN Open Ei-e ,n T T(( Rj.iiim Greenba; k Cukhen. y NashvillA, Tenn,, Dec. 21 The Amcricuu F. deration ->f Lr _ bor :oday took up the resolulion p. m r.-fi- nee to the fr«- coinage of j -i < r1 ai Ki to 1, and a suLsti'nte upon thf G ige bill was adopt.i-d as f.iilows ; ii -I'.v-'d. r.iai we dec are our selves as po itivdy opposed to the i i u financial oil! rncently intro duced in Gongress by the seorefa t ry of the treasury. It is ■». measure > it a lopted as a law will only all the more firmly rivet the gold standard on the people of the coun . trv and perpetuate its disastrous j tl et in every form. ‘‘R solved, That we pronounce the Gage bill an undisguised effort to retire our greenback currency and all government paper money with a view to substitution of na , tional b ink notes in their stead, i-iud t ms fusteu the national bank syst'-m fi t ypars upon the Ameri -8 i can u ■ ire.” A r-sc uton calling for the re mov : ./federation headquarters rom Washington was reported 1 uidavorab v and the repor adopt y ed. '1 he convention decided to in crer.s > the per capita ti x 2 cen’r 5 and th i chan je go's in’o effect ! Feb 1 1898. An am ndtnent to the constitu tion inquiring officers hereafter to be ei ed onehe.. last day .of a 3 in -1 vent io:i was adopted. The convention will complete ill business tomorrow and ad joiirn. A resolution relative to legisla t’cii -’ii the postal savirgs banks i-y it. in was laid before the con ; ven’, in by the committee or. res oL.!': u- The resolution endorses ' tn. >.i I pending before Congress i avorn _i the embellishment of p->.- al savings banks, with the clau-’■ relative to the national ' bank- -tiicken out. The rest of it was i.doptad. A r solution expressing appro val of the national movement for the purification of primary elec tions was adopted. Hi s i utions were adopt’d that tin effort be made to organize fire men, hat special instructions for the organization of journeymen \ bankers and their local unions b • , issued. That efforts be made to v orgu' .i tho brick masons who an v y t unorganized. At the afternoon sesH >n the St. i 1 oiii convention and I’.esident Gomper’s action in reg nd to it continued to be discuss d. KILLED HIS BROTH Ed. ; An Oi.d Gri ose Is Saio To Have Been The Cal.-e Da-.villo Ky. Dec. 21—John t ALtott of Powers a small town hi I - Casev County this afternoon shot, | and hilled his brother Claude in a: light growing out .** an old giudge. J* I’b’-y were sons of J F- Alstott 1? one i f oldest business men and | m- s mil leiitial citizens of the i’ : eouniy. John is “ ' IUUI of ,ld! ” 5 ige an 1 has a family while the h brother he k'lled was u d o - 1 ? both were addicted to ourisioiia' » drinking bn; looked upon genirally " ,ii quii t citizens. Ihe aged pai ► n ■ ? ,re prostrated with grief “Ver th< affarL John Inm-eH up- L frhe oa nrtinlrrs J* n'.'i. : a.:M.-»;Xo»<';7?VX r 7 'iyy' 5 SEXUALLY JAL TY Whli b in •be K««ry <>» »•«’*’, h .H-midu -if men ' Mth.'l.mmy “ns’.bytO’ yf * 0 « mbe ni<’n'«i ‘urtv' ’,... nnd ia un»i cave i by our A4 a gieal Trea trn n t nM S whow:-bt<.e mo here, .r w« ’ , ( ,|>. ww . "■ no free prescript-ou«, free cere. |( cv ,.,y ( »' j nave "o'o>capl’»l B ".‘* *U v ,i,,uar yon ruf "JJ-' » ca-. tr- -t « r r !' f ” n trVnl bunk »’» beW' 1 1 1 J; tee may be <lepome<l .lu » X fnll p ,rtleiinr* ---IL. TUESDAY EVENING. DEGE IV? <’£7 21 1897 V ’AS HARVE'i JOHNSONS RED HOf IH’LNI NC'ATkON, iOF THEC/ flO STIER •‘LnoK.sq G:.\ji " EniTou Most AfHIXIH.Y IIaMH.I- I>. Brom the (’"n'tituiion’s’■eport ol the ( )'NeilG-Su in trii.l before the Atlu d i l< corder, The Hust Oi reproduces the’ fol- • towing thrilli g passages; l ' 1 hen i aims Mr. Harvey John- I son s speech, Whei, the c tsses wers first’call 'd, it was noticed that Mr. StHn lad bowed to Mr Johnson and he sulutati n had been neknow 1 - with a stiff bow, but one that wts edged perfectly po ite.. . When t'r. Colville ccmciu led his r marks he said : “Mr. Johnson will make the concluding remarks. ■‘Can 1 ten minutes?” ask 'd Mr. Johnson of the court. ‘Go on’’ replied the recorder “you can have a 1 ! the time vou wish .” “I wish to say a few words about the paper whien thia man S'eiu conducts and I wish to say (t in ihe presence of die man him self” said Mr. Johnson taking from his pocket a paper. I> l wfth to ask the court if a convict, a iar, a s’jundr 1 nn la mi-hrer can b smirch the c racer of an honorabh man and go uirchas tis-’d?” Mr. Stein pale and made a in >tion as if gomg to ’ard Mr Johns' n, but Dectec ivt Dave Lhoiiey was by Lis side ,_t,q hold him and he merelv si'd. “I ask ihe protection of the cour.” The recorder nodded to Mr. Johnson tc go ou, and he relum ed his fierce denunciation. “I ask if such a creature a rogue, whose picture is in Maddox & Rucker’s bank and in the , ro gues’gallery, if a forger, a liar and a dirty brute is to be allowed to defame the character of pure women, evm the bride at the mar riage altar and resurrect Atlanta’s honored deed to attack their chaiaeters, and'ye r no man be permitted to slap Lis face? I baie the proof that be is a convict and a murder r ai d a villain, a dirty brute who i-f entitb.d to no re spect of decent people. He pub lishes his vi e sheet I>r the pur pose ot villilymg all those wh» will not pay him H> 1.” All tin) while Stein was ] a'e as death and he was tr Sibling with suppressed rage and excitement. Decteotive Looney stood clcee by his side. Time ai’d again as Mr. Johnson was speaking Stein cried out. - “1 bat is a lie a tissue of lies ,“I mu persormlly responsible for everything I say;” replied Mr. .Johnsm, “and you.can see m e whenever you wish.l em unarmed, but will take care of myself.” “ rhat is a enward v dodge you r resorting to now ” said Mr. dfein,’‘for you wish to stay my ! hand on the p'eu that you are unarm u but 1 w.JI see you yes even to bell The recorder sai I, while ho might believe the at ack upon Mr S ein by M ’. 0 Ne.ll was jus tifiable Ir in » peisoual standpoint yet m the e ? eof the law Mr. O’Neill was gultyof disoiderly conduct and he won d have to en ter a fine of $lO- Just b fore the rec rd-r passed s thence upon Mr. O’Neill Mr Stein said. “J hopeyour hon >r will make ai y fine you may with to impose merely nnninual. I b-li’Vi both myself and Mr. O’Nmll will agree to this,” n “I have no plea L r m icy, quickly replied Mi. O’N- ’I. “I wish the eas'' demd d strictly upon a 1- gal ba-iis. . UUr () Neil! d >es not wish to Replaced upon an ‘ eqmv f oling . ood And Rebel / PENSION FRAUDS ) NEW YORK / SI N TELLS A STARTLING STORY. i FIKE Wlf OWS, CHEATS, fhiii'is Orphans and Deshiiters, !• x un.Mi the Country’s Bo' nty N w Yohk. Dec. 21.—1a an ar ticle which occupies the whole irst pige of the Hun this morning tis staled that the nation is be ng robbed on a gigantic scale bv pension frauds. 1 lie rolls, it is stated, are padd< d ilnu st b yond bt li< f. There are note pensioners than survivors. Abusing 'he country’s bounty are ! deserters, fake widows and orphans and cheats and swindlers of all c!a ■rnmer t reports, that there are 1 i'27,100 survivors of the war now living, including widows. The total of pensioners on ac count of the War of the Rebellion is, according to the report of the Penoion Commissioner, 947,542, of which 62.869 are chi’dren and 27,- •>o9 are dependent fathers, moth ers, sisters or brothers. Deducting 5 these from the total there remain 1 854.114 survivors and widows drawing pensions, or 40,745 more ■ “survivors” and “widows” than - r there are actual survivors and 1 widows who under any circum -1 stances cou d legally draw pen sions . 1 The Sun puts the I lame on shys t r pension lawyers, reckless Isgis -1 ition and to swindl rs who turn 1 to the pension ss as one of f ring easy profit. -* I—At1 —At -- 1 AN ALASKA How There Came To Be Various Kinds Os PEopi.e. The Indian legends, with their mixture of superstition and poetry, are net uninteresting in connection with the s'ory of this great country One pertaining to the origin of . the native tribes is thus told. “A long time ago the earth sank be neath the water rose and coveted the highest places so that no man . could live. It rained so hard it was , as if the sea fell from the sky- All , was black, and it become so dark , that no man knew another. Then a few pee pie ran here and there and made a ratt of cedarlogs, but nothing could stand against Ihe jyhite waves, the r^ft was broken in two. Oa one part floated tho ( ' ancestors of the Thlinkits, on the I other the parents of all other na , lions . The waters tore them a: art, and they never saw each other 1 again. Now’ their children are all different, and do not understand ’ each other. —Joshephine L. Ban nister in Godey’s Magazine for January. WITH THE REGULARITY OF A CLOCK. i Cheuev’s Expectorant will in variably cure a desperate cough and case of the lungs. I have used it in my family for many years [ and c m say it never fails to prove ts worths. It will aLviys git you r right. C. Tucker. wi'ii this creature,” remarked Mr. Harvey Johnson. the recorder’s dfcission. I , In puesing sentence, Judge Cal . houn r aid . “I cannct look on this case from a sympathetic standplint. I have always held here that if a . n an calls another a liar, or says nything belighting his character and a fight results from the app'i i ation of such epithet, that the man who gives the insult , is the one in tault, because it is t>t human to take tamely this i kind of thing. I ain clear ou the law that Mr. O Nsill was guilty of disorderly conc'uctin the strik ing ai d it seems to me that he had plenty Jof prevosation was of such a cha’acter that I am constrained to fine him That is what the ’aw provides. I will giye Mr, I O’Neill sloand cost.” F J.K ANE & CO HAVE THOUSANDS Or BARGAINS TO EAR GAIN We anticipated the Fall Trade and more, we made our calcular tions against six cant cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took time and it took a man who knew how, That we have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies of the times and the conditions that now face the people, we most cordially invite you to call and see for yoarsalf B We know that we can satisfacto- rily convince you, iWe flatter ourselves rnat we have already built an unassaila ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. | We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation we It b °ast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves thi; w;i i / 3-1) n ) >’: 2vr 3}':l / selected stock ever brought to this market, Gooas, that are a feast to the artisticeye andgoods that wear like iron and yet?are a jay frever I F J. KANE & CO Yell Cigars! 10 CENTS AWEEK