The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 27, 1897, Image 1

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Kventh year i ki ' , k - ■**>«*•«» <■ BBSS -•' .. ‘ ■ •■•'.#•• i ■ ■• Ifli i afli /bJ nl > *? ' |||B| ' 1?lr ” 1 MONS fl- ■ WV| VANIA fl c .lIDEREI). B® ON FIND OF A SON !■ x i; : -n To Pay A \- Visit. fl hrd.una I’-' 27. —Milton ~: u.v! . :■ . w;f. were shot to |fld ,i'. at H|-,.’ .ia:-k- Hivii'e nine . Hath, some i 1 ■''■ -:n) is. Th ir H 9 o’clock i t’ Harry, h iiise and I 6! |,|j-• •.- ■ ■ -' mas call jr ■>' .>s, ,ou?4 of |Hth . >spf rous 1 BHfar ’ i:ii ty it) which . h- iv- ’■.<•-! 'o entef j he found th*» ", |M (1 : •••<! hi? •v. ay f mit t t<i oh ph- , M t ■.,■„.% ! • - i ti- I■ ■ to a Horrible | :iiet n’lt: Ou . ii.iir. near t (ip. |, Ills. ■ ’ """ I u?" entire y blown I A . H ■'■* '' r •' ■t" - ’ ; !'■ at remain- H*d; ■! ■•!!•'> ii.i!. uini , ghastly hole in the s,<|<> i >4 ‘ Ins Ivnad told H th- til" e.s tmmi.T t h : s side ■ lay a (i<ei!'h barreb e] -h *gun, the H injpl- III: lit i! d< aih. B Ali tip wa s,e<-i ligand ar ides ■of iuri it are :n the mein were! B fpii i'Kii w: h I, (ii.d mid on the B C'l'tia! v ,1 c- z d dent ill B w,|t "lib" Id. d a p. ( P,. of thp B murder. ! « "nan’s .kiill,. F>r a B 1| '"- , ' 1 ’" -as a suspicion of B sni'ti", i;,.' ;p- tha facts in -the B ta> “ l --I I th’ murder theory ■ si ,-p gi) I T ’ !p ' was killed with lyrdr I in '“id with buck-shot. I •‘ ’•'''l' ■ i-; i.rks of powder on I i iug m Inch it is said I 11 • tn imposs-Lle to ' I de hi on e mmiUed I V There is ns>tojug I “I th.) crith* was I ' ■ l''ii l :d.'r as ia Neal’s!' If' 1 ' ‘ •en-doHar bill, ami a 1 I J ’ 1 k r 1,1 • 1 lay on the lop j 01a cr ' “ I'- J .J 1 ’ rt y th y have a c’u< ! >1- a w.llatonce be (|(,P,r' “ice down the tnur- ' I | p uny_ II Who would prescribe only wnics and bitters for a weak, $ Puny child ? Its muscles and $ s arc s o thoroughly ex- & “ a «sted that they cannot be | !<4 ‘u PCd into activi ty, The « I d . nctd * food ; a blood- W 1 * it < 5 nerve-strengthening & : a «d muscle-building food. | Emulsion ! UV 5 f Oil ,S aII ° f tlliS ’ l th l v have a tonic in $ hy / ophos pHites of lime * and soda to act with the food. $ ♦t * ! n and children $ . CJ’C is no remedy superior S I «.*’*? U ‘ C ' anJ V \ i PtoanWCM $ 1 and comfort to th?nu Be sure f ;; you SCOTT’S Emulsion. | I] ‘ «<!».. 00, .11 druggists. W Rb, J ” C)W NE, CbemiAt, New York. THE_HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke A GOLD RING —— _— NOl HI£RE lOEOln; l SEI) jy 1 iWLUERGEHt TRIAL. CHARGE OF BRIBERY Against One <t- r , j ri . 0Bf) V HO SAT IN THE 1 !; ; flt./.i.. C hTcggo, D ... 27.—Am.thei plain gold rii g wtil ln lhe Luetjult case Like tlia oh • in possession us the Stat y it h.-o. the .letters L. L. engraved in R (ll) .j the stamp “18 ..’’ Attorney Hannon ins the ring, but what use h i mbo-ia to make ol it m Ueiei.di.ig Lu.lg.-n he re fuses to say. Two v;.lnes»eß have been .ocate i, u ho, it is expected, will identify beyond diublthe two State’s rings luund in the vat as those worn by Mn. Louisa Luet gert. 'l he witnesses are :Frank Hen gel and Gustav D dlo f . They will swear that they saw the rings on Mrs, Leutgen’s linger tt few days bet >re May 1. They wi 1 lurtln r swear that Mrs. Luetgert tai ed to them about herself, and that they were afforded an opportunity to exam ine the rings closely (rough to see the ini ials “L. L ” upon the heavier band. i A detective has been em| loyed , < in tracing the authorship of a | letter now in the hands of State’s j' Attorney De een. which charges I that a juror in the last trial was ’ given SSOO f w r an acquittal vote. < The writer of the le.t r is a wom an, and she has given inioru ation 1 which has convince 1 Demen that < he has ago id case ag linst o eof f the old Luetg r jur. is. I .—_ . ... _ J ' 'J?*' ! Oitd BtfUSB 1 d O.M aNAN I) N: NE CHI LDREN 1 BURNED. ' I i (BHifl CUiS REPORTED I ■ Pe pi.e Wh > Had A '‘Warm” t Timk On Christmas. London, D c 2< —A Airs. Jar via ami bar nine chi d hj, thi" ■ youngest, a baby. e burn-.'u t > death at 5 o’e’iek tin.- inorni g in a four-room cottage eccupi'd by the Jarvie and two other iamides, in Dixie-street, I’othnal Green, | L ndon The family occupi-d the ( upper floor. By a str. nge coincidence, Mr. , Jarvis, the wonnni’s bus ’and, who ( had been stiff, ring from consu mp- f t’on, died in the work l.vtise in (irmary without having Learn el ] the disaster. 1 M.s. Jarvis earned a scant 1a • i ( hind by making no ti’hboves, and her rooms were fi ho with inlLnn rnable material. CHILDREN LEE f Gbace Nelson Burni d I D« * TH - Her Sister Badia Scoi eni'D Franklin, I’a , Dec. 2(i —a and /Annie Nelson, whose pii. nh' , live irnar here, were hit in , their homo last evt-ning. The former fe'l int° ' fi-o and her clothing was igmtei . She was burned to death. In trying to save the I’ l ' 0 b 1 Annie it i # believed she cannot r cuv 1. ! -——- ——“ & WITH THE REGULAR' . A 0. A CLOCK. Che. ey’s Expectorant will m- ( variably cure a desp-ia’ 1 | and case of the lungs I nave u.-i j it in my iundly for many years, I and c m say it never !oL ."1 , t 8 wirth- It will aLvaysgit y» a . , C. Tucker- r ’K hl - until January Ist- 1,10 |,riG only lOoeuts. R“” Ihorrnv y- ROME GEORGIA, Extra UNLUCKV NUMBER CHEVES R()R “OLD LADY" BONE OF sl,Booi ANO BHOKi HER HrART Shid a Sue Tor.n ov ;i> Robbeuy. Atlanta, (la , Dec. 27 . —Sneak thievas robbad Mrs. J . M. oetter ; own in police end s as “Old Lady Bone,’’ list Friday night and in getting away with ov r $1 30) H1 ca sh. Ihe detectives have been lot king for the offenders -iaee that time, but their search bar been futile. Phe thieves evidently knew that the of’i ;ers would be put on then track at once and ii is certain th t they are net in the city. Ihe o I lady was eiinost heart broken over her loss It represent ed her savings of a number of fears, and she was only waiting until she saved a little more, when she intended settling in some place where she was not known and live the remainder of her days in peace. She t' Id the officers at the bar racks of the rubbery with the tears streaming down her face and was only comforted when she v-a promised that strenuous efforts would be made to apprehend the thievi s. She reported two boys well-known to the police as the offenders. The police and the detective forces have been searching the city for these two boys, but their efforts nave proved in vain, the boys having evidently left the city immediately after the robbery had been committed. Mis Bone said that the money was olaced by her as it was earned in a trunk which she kept in her room. She had over SI,BOO in cash j n it—ss6 in gold and lhe remain der in ten-dollar bills. She had also a number of valuable articles) in the trunk, including a gold watch, a set of table knives and forks, these having silver handles mlaid with pea-1, and a number of gold and silver trinkets. A complete inventory of these articles was furnished to the de tective department and it was by them that they hoped to appre hend the guilty parties. A close watcii has Leen kept over the pawnsh- ps ai d the papers of • neighboring citi-s have teen read, while the police departments have been t o 'tied cf the robbery and asked to arrest lhe two boys. Subsequent events, however, proved the th'<-v>s as qui A-w tied , as the detectives. Theifunk was . found yesterday afternoon it) the a ley running from Courtland to ive" streets near Decatur. I 1 had been burken open and allot the money stolen, but the silver ware and trinkets were undisturb ed. ii’i The thieves were probably out hands and knew that they could be traced by the st den articles, bin with money it would b- more diffic It. The trunk was taken to Mrs. B J»e and she was overjoyed at recovering the g>ods. but she nas 'old that it is not likely she will ever again hear of the immej or the thieves TJR fHE ) FDll MONTHS “1 was tortured f r nine months with nettle rash. I found no rebel until T began taking Hood’s s<r sapu ilia The first few bottle re |iev dmi and I continued Us use, Ulll .l 1 was cured. I am now in better health than for years and iny skin b soft and white “Mr< LUCY Biglow, Dosmnef, Florida. Hood’s Pit' s are the only pills otake with Hood’s Sarsaparilla Alidrugists 25n No citv on earth has s finer po ll e fmeeoran tbler chi.f than lathis proud hltlec.tyof Rome.? Good Arid Rebel Yell Cigars KOT TpS IN' 1H y. OLD TC WNS 0F TH K OR EN F AO. 7 B.IITISH OiHIPS And A Li i> Hot I i.timaivm Ol in e m ha. L it.don, Dec. 27. —A specia from Shanghai says: “It is reported lliat seventeei Biitist warships are off Cbtmuipc Corea, southwest of i f Se- ul, sup port!; g the British- consuls, pro test, r«ally amounting to an ulti ma urn against the king’s practi ce ly yi Idiug the government ol Corea into ihe hands of the Russian mini ter. The protest is specially dir ct ed aauiiut the dismissal of Mc- Eeavy Bru vn, British adviser to the Corean customs in favor ol the Ru-sian nominee. The news has produced consternation at Seoul which is heightened by the knowledge that Japan has a fleet of thirty warships awaiting the result of the British represen tation, which Japtu fu ly sup ports. “Japan it irritated by the ar rival of Russian troops in Ccrea, and it is be ieved she will oppose tin m “According to advices from i’okio, Japan has off red to as sist the officers at Pekin in dril ling the Cninese army and to consent to a pos’pouement of the war indemm y. Many of the vic eroy’s and Pekin officials favor the proposal.” According to a dispatch to the Daily mail from shanghai it is reported there from reliable sources that a British force landed at Chemu'po uu Saturday and caus’ d the restrainuioiit. of Mc- Leavy Brown. The same dispatch refers to “a native rumor that the I nion Jack has been h -isted on an island in lhe mouth of the river Yang Tse Kiang.” Th i Pekin correspondent of The Times says. The g vernmeut refuses to place', the Likin under foreign control as security for the loan by the Hong Kong and Sbanghia bank, and as serts that unless the loan i* pro curable without this condition, irrangemeuts w.ll forthwith be made tor a Russian guaranteed 4 per cent loan of 10J.000 OOJ .aels, ■ to be issued at 93 net. “ lhe a curity would be the land tax , which would come in under ChiiK s-‘ adinmi.- trillion. China, in re urn, would give Russia monop Jy of the railroads and mines North ol lhe great Wall, oneu a port as a te minus of railway ( Frans Siberi an ) and would agree that a Rus sian siiouid succeed Sir Robert Hart as director of Chinese impe rial maritime customs. If these conditions ebould be permitted, British trade interests would sut ler severely. ” Tae Shaughla correspondent of the Times says: ■ “The sloop Phoenix sailed to day (Monday) under orders to join the Briti-h squadron. The secreta ry is reserved in regard to the lat ter’s movement, but gossip here suggests that its dtsiinat'uu is Ta L on Wan.” BOWER Y '1 ERROR Gave Police And Others A Ter rible Tussle New York D c. 27.—“ Dutch B irney” M‘yer, wh > for hilf a dozen years haa been known as | the “terror of the Bow.-ry,” com menced Christ mis Dly by a des p rate attempt to murder Dm Whitaker night wa'chman of the Dakota Hous where “Dutch Bar ney” lodged. Whitaker is in Gotiveneur Hospital dying fr- m a stab wound in the abdomen six inches lonv. It was the resu tof a drunked rew, in which “Dutch Birney” fought two policomeu and 16 o her m n in the hallways of the Dakota ! or almost an hour 'before be was subdued. EVENING, I)EC£Mt?ER 27 1897 I XKANE&CO HAVE THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS TO r' A BO Oai hHf Wml Ml W&ajjM VXw EBg&P ffiSS Mi H wSui .|A We anticipated the Fall Trade |.X and more, we made our calcula- tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, B bought our entire new Fall and B W inter stock on that basis. It took work, it took money, it took time and it took a man who knew B how. That we have generously B succeeded in preparing to meet B the exigencies of the times and B . the conditions that now face the people, we most cordially inv«te you to call and see for yoirsolf z We know that we can satisfacto- rily convince you, I-.( iWe flatter ourselves mat we have already built an unassailab le ble reputation for handling only I the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the | C city and we propose to make ev- erysale add to the reputation we boast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves thi: ms: 3vr );':!/ selected stock ever brought to this market, Goons, that are a B feast to the artisticeye andgoods that wear like iron and yeb are a joy frever I F J. KANE & CO 10 CENTS AWEEK