The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, December 28, 1897, Image 1

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; ./.AH L t ■ 1 fIH fc.- ’ r |||J| * I ' A ■ ■ . I ‘ ■ ‘ ■ BhH I ,„l ■l ■ ■' Lw Yor.’t. I IN MIL Sli ~~— ; o\l I’LAJNTOF ■ . ■ ;.! ER'S WIFE Ib CH- &T PRISON I ■k, T T -niHf Heart As He ■ fcTAXDj Behind Cell Door n TBE. B>ni, Ala., Dec. 28 Ij:,■- .1 y ,-t. -rday ev-mng ■j:. j] ■ , 'I, mini’ foreman, th: '■ - : ht y ars was arres ■ p ci; - /it of Mrs. Pom I i!:n?, «i. ■ "i 'a prominent sal ■c\ /q .r. of ’list place, who in ■'Prnioi tii 1 police ! hat while she I and her tHu/ii it wer- going home ■ aloiit l!w. 11 followed them ■ for scr.v-(li.-tsnce and acted in a I w:y that frighten*- <1 them . I An hour or two after Howell ■ hid been jailed, Collins went to I the prison and asked to be allow led : j see him. Ths request was grained, O.i approaching the Cell Collins pull.d a pisb l and shot Howell tlir ugh the heart. C .Ilins was at oneetak a into custody and sent li re to iiii; county j il. Collin- claims that he killed Hwel! to prof. ct his wife and d&ughter aud that he is glad he did i‘. REFI BED 10 'I KS UP. ManSeveiu.y W iMn.i) His Wifi And Kills Himsetf. Bethohen, Pa., Dec. 28. George A. Morast, aged fifty-six ■ l&st mgn; shot his wife, Annie, and then blew out his bruins, The w man mil r< cwer IlHCoiipl. were German*, and Cin.e here from Colorado a year a ’" .'bs Morast conducted a d' SHiuk i £ school They quarrel »'i aid sej mated a week ago, and ' l,sl iiigl.l ha called to attempt a J*' l com ion, She ordered him ' r 111 ■u . ( am] the shooting occur; d. •'.urn-’ is i . a j ( j | lavo belonged , ' ‘-'t'-: family of wes*ern farmers. ' ll! - pound Glye. rino soap u ii Uary Ist. The price is M ;• R > n • Ph v n > General Debility and Loss of Flesh 'J Emulsion has been the Dto-it t r£!nc<^ v for nearly a ' j' a century. Physicians suit'l. obtain re- lrom ]° ni they cannot get y. ■ Z other flesh-forming food, ti-f « C V c man y other prepara <o£Xt ie mafket that pret£nd ®cory*4t EMULSION fe’*J’ c r M to perform ft. r;ac? I ' f ‘L |, y c gian Cod-liver Oil 1% Li n/,4 dc M tfu J cream > skill_ Faites of f' With Hypophos- Ltme and Soda, which / /p} arc suc h valuable tonics, / flakes this preparation an /A'J * deal onc and checks the JO tendency, and the 1 f /icnt almost immediate • ( I |y commences to put on and gain a strength fe su V h,ch Sur prises them. Seen,., th. SCOTT x dru ßK<s*». y ‘OWNE. Ch.mists, New York. ™E±IUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke THE LONS r/EIAY _ . OF THE ARRIVAL OF THE GREAT TROPHY, MAKE TH SOROS SICK 1 HEGi:.’i;aiAN.ScoitK was a Wuirn Recohd Beater. At lan Lu, Ou., De. 28. The Hilton trophy, won by the rifle men of Savanr.fih at the seventh annual shoot r f the New Jersey RtfL.mrn Association, last sum mer at bea Girt, which has been expected in Atlant 1 for some tiuif,-, has not beei: received in the city. In a letter from the adjutant general Captain Oscar Brown, re ceivt d several days avo, it was ata’ed that tha trophy was shipped on the JBth of this month. This letter contained the key and ba? been in the possession of Captain Brown since then. Captain Biown has made a number of inquiries a: tne office of the Sjuthern Express Company, but they know nothing of it. No evidence has yet been pro duced bv the assignee that the tro phy has been shipped <. r even sent to the office of the Adams Express Company, as the letter from Wash ton states. • The agents of the express com pany in Atlanta say they are posi tive that the parcel has neve, been placed in their office in Wasb. ington, and if it had a waybill w< uld have been received in Atlan ts, which is not be case. Captain Brown made specia investigation at the office of the express c mpany yesterday and with the aid of Agent Montgomery, of the company, examined every thing in the office and found that ibe trophy was not there. ‘ The parcel has not been deliv red to the Washington office,’" said Mr. Mon'g iraery, “and we are positive that it has not left that city. “If die package had been lost A'ith us we w uld have had the .vuybill and ;h) assignor in Wash ii glon c<'uld show a receipt from 'he company tnat he placed it in the office.” Oap’ain Brown agreed with Mr. Montgomery and said that he be lieved so ne oversight had occurred and that the triphy had not been sent. The letter to Captain Brown stab s that the adjutant iu Wash ington was advised that the tr. ph) had been shipped. The reason foi this is not known. The trophv was v n last summer by the Favanmil iflcmen and they were entitled to it at that time but the sending of it to the winners has been uu >.ccountably delayed for severs! months. It is bolteved that tho present r ouble brought ah ut by the car .e-siiess of the nil men of the Die • net of Cohimbia, who won it in 18!*6 and are now loath ti gi' e it up- Those who have it in <ha r gc m Washington have be'ii eommui 1- catedwith. When it arrives in Atlanta it will be placed on ex hibition in the adjutant’s office at the Capitol, where the military men of Atlanta can see it. *roni here it will be sent to Savannah to the winners, _ The trophy is valued at UOOO and has been shot far since !><■ • reams from every state m t le i-n 10h have contested for it and it 1 now considered one of tne on s valuable trophies in exhtenw. 1 hcoi. madeby iheLifl’.uienofbav- that has ever been nmii , !,1074 i WI THTBBmOMBITYOFA CLOCK. Chewy’. Expecieraut «'*l ’•>- vari.Wy cure u desperate coup of Un lungs. lb»ve « „ ih .„y .'“•‘YJ"; a „ dc .„ 11 Wl " right- -t-- — GE GRGIA, TUESDAY EVENING, •- - 1 Xtra t<i< i And Rebel Yell Cigars STWTIIW • —■ - I niE DOOM I HAT HaS OVER. taken cfbans. HELP NEEDED AT ONCE ■"tM lea.Ns Cali 11> IT-. N -f,, p ANE i’llr IK Ne.OIIH iu Washington, Dec. 28—Tho most prof-.mine 1 dintress pr< vails among many th ”:-'i,ids of people in Cuba St-’.rvation not on’y im pends, lutitis an actual fact. Ihe president has been informed of the sac’s from sources whoss credibility cannot be doubted. Hs has gone to the L ng'h of big con stitutional power in calling the state of affaire to the attention of the American pe pie. The state department has used all of i f g authori’y to miliy- te the conditions there and the letter to the public sent out by Secretary Sherman the day before Christmas pointed out the wa y to further a’leviate the miserable condition of the reconcentrados Today the sum of $5,000 was re ceived by Assistant w ecretary Day from certain charitably disposed peop’e whose names are not dis closed and this sum be remitted yb telegraph early tomorn w morning to Consul General L°e for dis bursement among the more press ing cases. It is he ped by the de partment of state£that the Amer ican people will come to ' the re lief and that promptly, by sub scriptions of money clothing and supplies of various kinds. The newspapers are expected to lend a generous aid in carrying forward -his m venaent. The machinery for distribution has been provided by the state de partment and Consul General Lee has undertaken, with the aid of the American consular officers in Cuba, to give personal attention to the allevia'ion of distress by the distribution of the gifts of the American people One line of steamers plying be ween New York and Havana—the Ward line—it is said has under •aked to forward any contributi ds of goods to General Lee at Havana and it is believed that the Amer ican railroads will do their pait by carrying the goods to the sea board. The Spanish authorities' have consented to romit all duties on relief supplies so forwarded . Ihe state department directs that they be sent direct tc Consul General Lee either m« ney by draft orcheck, or goods. Consul Genera! Lee tonight cabled the state de partment just what is wanting at this juncture and his list is as follows: Summer clothing, second-hand or otherwise principally for women and children, medicines for fever, including a large proportion of quinine, bard bread, c rn meal bacon rice lard potatoes beans peas salt fish principally cod fi.-h anj eann ,d goods especially condensed milk lor ihe starving children. Money will also be useful to secure nurses medicihes ard ioi many o her neces-nry purposes. vapors EXPLODE. One man Killed and two ake Fa tally Wounded. Chicago, 111, Deoomb -r 28,-Ad t .xplosiou in a storage vat of the dependent Brewery yeste.d .y , fln Jd the death of Theodore Louis I msne and Leon atd Schuller will also prrtably du were putting hard enamel on the va , w hich had a capacity of 1-W bar re ls. Winkofsky was holding an l.ght near the side o he vat . He accid. ntly struck it • . the iron. The bulb wm Titered Mid alcoholic vapors ‘ 1 m bv the enamel exploded, thro... Uyongh hole and instantly killed. d ~ r two men were, thrown rl " ° could not ba iescu< d uu- hn<i ,n A FLOS VETS I I CALL MEETING AT CCVR'R HOUSE TODAY. Gf.G i lZliiG FOR 18S8. L.v i;y Confederate to Attend Reunion. Quite b L.rge number of Coiift d cute \ term s pursuant to a call fur a called meeting met in tht city loom at the court house thi= morning . It was s ated that owing to the illness of his wife, Commander A. B. Monlg inery might not bt present and Capt. J. T. Moore as sumed the authority of lhe chair. Capt. Moore stated that the ob ject of the meeting was to formu late a plan and devise means by wl. ch every Confederate survivor in Floyd county could be induced and enabled to att< nd the Confed erate Ra-union in Atlanta next July. Upon motion of Secretary A . B. 8. Moseley, amended by Congress man John W, Maddox, it was de cided that Veterans Frank Quarles, Jr., and Bill Wyatt should be made a committee of enroll ment and be empowered to ap p. int all the assistance they should need in prosecuting their labors, both in the city and county in se curing the names of all survivors of the Lost Cause. This committee will have pre pared blank forms upon which will be inscribed the ns me of vet eran, when he enlisted, from what plaee, give name of company also name of regiment, and when and how mustered out of service. After these rolls have been com pleted then each serviver will be written requesting him to attend a reunion of veterans of Flovd coun ty, to be held in Rome. Then the effort will be made to secure the attendance of each and every sur vivor from Fioyd to attend the great reunion in Atlanta in July. These n Ils, when completed by the committee and adopted by the Floyd County Camp will be for warded to the S cretary of State and become a part of the archieves jf Georgia. At this morning's meeting much enthusiasm was apparent and more w kindled. Floyd is the Banner county of Georgia in many ways and her Veteran sons pro pose to make the Floyd Survivors the banner camp in the great At lanta line of march. The names of W. S. Gibbons, Green Lovelace, Co I. G 3 Ga., and \V. J- Doster, Co 1. 56 h Ga. were enrolled as members of the Floyd camp this morning. The call-meeting adjourned to lhe next regular camp muster, the 4th Saturday in January. HELPED LOVER ESCAPE. — ■—— Unique Scheme of Annik Ridgley to Free Joe Devine. Washington, Ind., Dec. 28 Annie Ridgley. a 16-year old girl, called at the county jail last night to talk to her lover, Joe Devine, who is charged with grand larceey. Sheriff'Bowman’s wife, who ad nittsd the girl, stepped into a room to get an envelop tor the prisoner, and during her brief ab sence Miss Ridjley turned the re volving door and allowed her loyer io escape. He is still at large. The girl was captured and is now confined in jail. BRAVE YOUNGMAN. Fried To Save A Young Lady But Both Were Drowned. Kingston, N.Y. Dec. skating on Walk Hi'l creek yes terday Miss Mary V, Van Barber aged 23, brok throu ;h the ice. Edwin McMicheal went to her rescue, crawling along the ice, which broke under him and he was precipitated into the water Both were drowned. F <J«I£ JklN E CO HAVE IlfiiTCl M MTnO T 9 ■■ ■ I ■’W ** |w ■■ JW . jKajl SML-Z7 JgL JHL Jl vfl OF BABGAXMu MRfeMrH* *4sW £ r -A b vM S W ; iW Jr w Si iWi We anticipated the Fall Trade and more, we made our calcula- ■ tions against six cent cotton, and, while our buyer was in market, >t; bought our entire new Fall and Winter stock on that basis. It time and it took a man who knew * ghow, That wo have generously succeeded in preparing to meet the exigencies Gf + he times and the conditions that now face the it people, we cordially invite you to call and see for yaars}!? We know that we can satisfacto rily convince you, B iWe flatter ourselves tnat we have already built an unassaila ble reputation for handling only the very best grades of staples. We are here to grow up with the city and we propose to make ev erysale add to the reputation we it boast. As to the more changeable or fashionable patterns, weavesand stylish goods, we pride ourselves th v: v 11/ ): 1 n ) 53)rr j all y selected stock ever brought to this market, Gooas, that are a feast to the artisticeye andgoods that wear like iron and yet>areja joy frever = ■J F J. KANE & CO 10 CENTS AWEEK