The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 24, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH yeah jr "7 Bova |the highest grade baking powder Tbe Roy . tua | tests show it goes one k°W*"d Urther than any other brnnd. Rjßi kovdj J F- 'Hg poj2 POWDER Absolutely Pure snvAi sAKisa rowers new vo*<-____ THeToCLE NEWS. A Ship Wri:< k —An electric car dashed into a ya I ler dog this morn* jug and the bark went to pieces on the 8-a of chert on 13 oad street. Cave Spring C ontei t.—The parties t > th Cave Spri g munic ipal chi 'si .. re hard at work in Tax Ass ■sjor'r office, looking up records bearing up n the cases. Light .artij.lei y.— lhe naan with a powerful telescope, has hit the town and the curious sons ot men, by paying a nick e, can now gaze thn ugh the big gun pointing to the sky and Bee the spots on the sun. Was Water Bound —Mrs. W- P. McLead and her Ltile daughter Gracie, have arrived home from a three weeks visit to Mrs. Me hsud’s b.sU.t at Ozark, Ark, Mrs. McLeod was water bound near Me aphis aid was delayed about Hire? days c„ the home trip. A PaisfulOperati jn. Yester day Dr. L.ndsay t JohiiSon and Dr. Hayt perfoiined a successful though most painful operation removing fron the left breast of Mrs. W. piece of dead bone Inm.between two ribs. The dead-hone had caused the tornha tion of a small tumor and had be- Cuino exceedingly painful aL-’g trouble ono to die p tient. Tae op ration required two hours work In was nijst success!..l aud Mrs. Gi.inin w’ll, li r paysicians say, lO'j.i rceov' . limi the effects of the malady and tfie shock suffeted in die li nijval. A “.-'ll jckin '■ Death.—l n an- U"Uir ing the death of “Bcutt” Grace, upon thm (.cession, 1 know •nygrounds. 1 say this because Upon three loriner occasions, act ing upon h !• say information, I *fute and th Hustler of Rome ptdd;-h<(l ti eS' ns-ot bituary no tices ul the famous Fourth ward Jidifc r cur birddog Tho raging hvwr, the hind wheel cf a guano ’ kocner and the W! d shot of an anu'eur sportsin n all fai ed to , 'il S olt but when ht disputed Hie light in way o f |UI electric p l r e. cm , Broad -treet, opposite laik Bu Iding this morning. h .ek ltl g”d.i ;l h. His ~, naih' ' 'Vi ,!■ put on a dray and M,, BilJ Gruce f had ui uiiihd away and given de- M-M bin i | WelF” Children n L Ot I Y. ery r °bust need a food "’ and fat-forming ttr t c 1 ' to be used for two lhev months , in the fall-that y ay not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S emulsion Pkfadl'l" 0,1 7', Hypophos «ac«y «,|b? C ,L n,J 8041 •“Eplia will tL hat the ? wan t. They *ell all £ row stron Z and be >, n/c iv"'Y °? splendid food if ' n 11 For adults who |i . not very strong, a L With Rkwt-iTjtP 1 f Emulsion for a couple ■TjF of months in the fall will mi|H nem through the IXL 'I winter in fjrst-d.i con- THE HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel Yell € RflGlliG FLOODS SWALLOW UP HUMAN LIFE AND DESTROY VALUABLE PROPchIY The “Father of Waters” G< e out on a Rampage. Evansville, Ind., January 24. Rivermou reaching port tod <y say last night’s storm was the worst on the river in Twenty years, yet no serious loss is reported to steam craft. A houseboat, occudied by Geo. Akin and his two young daughters, just above the city was swamped duriug the night and the occupant took refuge in a large skiff. The boat was-anchored to a free near the bank, but the land around it was ovsrfiowed for a half mile in all directionss. When the uufor unities took refuge in the the skill' the darkness aud the storm evidently bewildered them, for they never reached the shore. Tod iy their skill was found floating near their swamped home ha f filled with water and three 'occupants dead in the bottom of the litt'e craft. They died from exposure. TWO LIVES LOST. Hgh Waters Caused Railroad Bridge To give Way Suddenly. L misville. Ji i. 21 The high stag >of water in the Ohio was responsible for a railroad accident in New Albany at an early hour thio morning, which resulted in the death of two men and the in juring ot two others. A part of the New Albany Belt and Te.miiigl railroad, a part of the A.r-Lina system, akirts the ri' bank on a steel trustle , aty fi-ei high. Toe water had encroached upon the structure and so softened the one of the pillars that the stone base became unsteady. A freight train had just reached the f ot of Pearl street, when the stee 1 . support g ive way, causing lhe large spin above it to become suddet ly depressed. The locomotive topped over the side of the trestle and fell into the river. As it fell it broke from the adjoining car and the rest of tin train was left Standing on the tresLe. Conductor Jdm Burke, of New Albany, an 1 Brakeman Harry Miller, of LouisX.'lo, who were riding t'n the locomotive, were killed Engineer II irry Murphy, cf Howard Pink Ind. and Fire man Charles Hoan, of Louisville, were inj red but n<>! seriously. RISES AT CINCINNATI. River Fr >nt People Are Moving Their Goods To Safety. Ciucinnali, Jan 24. —All busin ess men whose cellars wculd be in unda'.eu at li tvfive feet of water or eta low r stage, are busy to day n moving their wares cut of danger. The Ohio river at 7 o’clock yes terday evening leached forty-nine aud nine-tenths feet, a rise of five and four-tenths feet since 6 ociock last night. It. become stationary at that stage. News from Portsmouth, Q.jie that for twelve hours up to G o’clock last night the river ros» seven feet and was still rising at the same rate. This flood has about 120 miles to travel to Cincinnati All the West Virginia points re port rising floods. The same story comes from tributai ies in Pennsyl- I vania and Ohio. TLie makes it sure that the maximun here will |be uof. lees than fifty thpee fee*, and ui the eame time give# ground for apprehension of a great Hood at fifty five with a possible stage ROME GEORGIA, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 24 1898. boats from passing under the bridgis. The streams below Cincin nati are all pouring in tneir floods which will hold the water here at very t.ear the present stage till ‘he .ise from Porthsmouch reaches • re < ml swell it to fifty five sett. MISSISSIPPI RISING. Towns A long The Pivfr Are Ap- PREHENIIVE Os Fi.OcDS. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 24.—The Mississippi river from Cairo to New Orleans is rising rapidly, and there is enough water in s ght to send it above the danger line from Cairo to Viekebure. The water rose a foM here today and in four days it wi 1 probably be above the danger line. At Caiio the danger has been passed, with a further heavy flood coming down the Ohio, Cumber land and Tennessee, Two crevasses in ti e level s in the Mississippi delta are not yet completed, and it will not be possible to fill them within ter days The situation is regarded as ex tremely grave, end unless there ie a general freeze throughout the north Mississippi and Ohio valleys a repetition of last year’s flood is look for, althrough the damage will not be so great owing to the fact of its being early in the year and the water will probably sub side be fore time for planting. CHIDSEY-GRAHAM. A Quiet H< me Wedding This Af ternoon. At 3 30 o’clock this afte r noon at the home of the bride Miss Nathalie C. Graham and Mr. Gee. S. Chidsey will be united in mar riage. The ceremony will be pronoun ced by Lr. C B. Hudgins, Rector of St. Peters, and the happy cou ple will be at home to their friends at Mrs. M. A. Wingfield’s, (the Billy Wright residence) in the Fourth ward. Miss Nathalie C. Graham, the fair bride, is the accompl'shed daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Graham, of “Cloverdale,” 54 miles out, on the riv er road. She has a host of friends in this city who will welcome her here. Mr. George S. Chidsey, the hip py groom, is the popular exassis tant postmaster, now a successful broker of this city. Every one who knosw Gecrge S. Chidsey es teems him. And all join in wishing for him and bis fair bride u long and happy voyage on the sea of matrimony. Wwl ONE ENJOYS Both tho method and results wffieq Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently ybt promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tlie only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it io all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists, A’lV reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro sure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALirORNIA F/C SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tOUISVILU, KT. VORK, N.Y. NASAL CATARRH Cheney’s Expectorant has no tqual. A few drops have g ; ven re* lief to my child when threatened. SUPERIOR COURT JUKIES QUALIFIED AND CRIMINAL DOCK El’ THE ORDER OF THE DAY AlWoidhuf To Maily Out. The BridgesCa e Today has been quite a busy one in the Superior courtroom. At 10 o’clock court wis organized and Judge Henry opened up th - docket and began grind ing on jail cases. “But before the business, council on both sides in Alj P. Wondruff seduction case sta'ed in open cou t that Mr. Wood'uff had decided upon repairing the wrong that he had done and under the law had made bond for the support and toaintainance of mother and child and that on tomorrow he aud Mis- Anna Tedder, the young lady in the case, would be nuuiried. , t In the Ordinary l A Jifice the H UeTLER of Rome found that Judge Davis had fixed the bond required in the cases h os this na ture at SIOOO. The bend is gilt edge. Judge Davis has also issued a marriage liscense for the parties, it is un derstood that the weddihg will oocur at the h ime of the brides parents at Lindale tomorrow. Mr. Woodruff was under a sen tence of eight years to the peni tentiary but pending a new trial was out under a heavy bond. Both parties are of good families and their mauy friends rejoice over the happy solution of the u -fortu nate condition of affairs. The juries r or the ,-eek -were made up from the following list. TRAVERSE JURY Linton Sparks L M White Parks Kellet R B Reeves J H Carnes C R Rugglea W D McCullough J F Spenc* W A Shores II C Ruse F T Fultoi G V Pass A L Ritch Tom Talley Jess Mann S R Ellis E J Millican II L Johnson W J Giles Ruffian Arp A N Nelson W C Loyd J H Rice Geo Pullen J J Whitehead J W Copelam’ E Whittle 1’ C Wheat i» W Warren A I Fite W J Warnock T J Helm Hy Powers C A Lloyd Willard Rush W A Allen talib jury I D Freeman J Sam Veal W P Culberson J g Thompson J W Reese I J Berry Waller Fincher B H Miller D H Hampton M J Hum W C Hammond R M Mag e E L Boswortn J g Pollock W P Buchanan D R Mil'er E B Penning'on J II Burns C L Brumbelow J W Ahqtadner H J Bradshaw Seaborn Harm H M Hutchins H M Penny P S Washington J D Hanks Peter YoungbloouA M Nixon S D Cornwall W II Finch WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, Or ought to know, is that health and even life itself depends upon the condition of tho blood Feed ing as it does ail the < rgans of the body it must be rich and pure i i order to give prop< r nouiiahment. Hood’s Sarsuparfl’a makes th blood pure, rich and nourishing, aud in this way strengthens the nerves, creates an appetite, tones the stomach aud builds up the health. Hood's Sarsaparilla wards Ju.-t Received. —We have just received and offer lhe trade 50 crates of fine Virginia cab bage, also 300 bushels of fluest Irish Potatoes, also 50 busheit. fancy hand picked New York white beans. We also have in slock a F J.K ANE ( have THOUSAF OF I BARGj i ~ w We an d .-n * tions ag \ while oU-t h- - bought — t — Winter * “ ok WO i; * timoan dLm y. how, TfcS » «iopm iii oopm ; A' I ’ . t 7.20 pm 12.10 am | Wf succeedtesie l 10.55 pm A2oam . . the exigencies U-Amc the conditions that n people, we most cor you to call and saa 1 We know that we ce: rily convince you, ' We.flatter ourselv have already built ej j ble reputation for h ' | the very best gra&T'' I We are here to gross' JI cityand we propose • erysale add to the r || * boast, || As to the more cl ’ j fashionable patterns' stylish goads, wa pri * the w ehavethemc. '' selected stock eveffl || this market, 'Gooas feast to the artistid’ej that wear like iron ai | I) y fravar | '