The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 25, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year ' I rTfioMliOhehiahest b-king powder The Ro* I tests vhow it Qoesone- %""d further than any ‘'tho' 10. H RHGPffI _ I POWDER Absolutely Pure bov*l MKiwn roworn co., new vobk. fifOVES LOST bi ilding with over ico In mates. FIRE AT MIDNIGHT STAItWVa BURNED AWAY People Appear at Windows and Plead fur Help Spoane, A is., Jan. 25,—At jmuliugfit the is destroying the Great Eastern block, on Riverside avenue, The stairway is burned away nnd people i i the building are a’ the windows crying tor help. It is feared there wi'l be ’oes of life The building is a six story |jii|k and the upper floors are us ed for light housekeeping. II is now feared that fifty or more p rsons have perished in the awiul furnace. Tne upper fluors twie occupied by seventy-five or tne hundred roomers, and it is not 111 night that in re than tweity lire have beed rescued. Mrs Dales, of Nebraska, lea ped from a window to the s’one pave me;.i and wm taken to the hospit al. She will die. Her daughter and son-in-law were saved. Great crowds in the street are frantic with excitem mt. Several thrilling rescues were made. One man Cutne dow uz u rope with his liabe in his arms, and Ins wife fol lowed. 1 he huilliiig ig owned by Louis Lev inky, of San Francisco, I cost $225,000, and is insured for tiOt'Mi. ihe first floor and base ■nent were occupud by John W Lialiam, with a large stock of sta tiunary. The 11 ■. urns are beyond die control of u ie firemen, and will “lend to adjoining buildings . Jt’t Received, —We have just received and offer the trade 50 "Mes of e X tr tt fine Virginia cab- ßo 300 bushels of finest , h Potatoes, also 50 bushels ai,c J Lind p.cktd New York white ea,is -W e also have in stock a mrri-ls fancy apples and fresh I’P-y "t stick and mixed candies a “t close tigurs. Chidsey & Gc j y t ’" ■ ■ a» wa MM KaMI Worn Gut? ft i i | { t?<° y ° u com '- to the close of I » De/]? 0 ™ exhausted? <> L" , continue day after I Pe^P y w eek after week? 1 Iha * J S you arc evcn to ° ex- * £ e ' toSle€p * Thcnso ™- | I tS/% wrong> All thesc I ' s “HeHn? d f Cate tHat yoU arC ! J haticr ! om nervous ex- w J feeding 0 ’ y° Ur nerves need | richi 4. and yow biood | s Emulsion | * «uMver Oil, with Hypo- I j » n b Jtes of Lime and Soda, S just the remedies to K 1 t “ se wants. The cod- ® °“ gives the needed ’ the blood, * THE HUSTLER OF ROME. Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel Yell C i—i■ . a • . BRIDGES CASE ITIIK EX COUNTY SCHOOL COMMISSIONER. IS ON TRIAL AGAIN Err hi i Four Men Were Summ n fH) As Jl Ri RB. The Budges trial in the Super ior court is the chief topic oj conversation among the people of the city. Seldom two Romans mret that the subject is not raised by one and engaged in by both. In the counting room, in the office, the store, the worksh< p oi on the street, everything is talk ing the “Bridges case’’ And s> for as the Hustler Os Rome reporters can learn there is a most mateiial change in public opinion n> b< half of the defen dant. This cha ge is largely attribu ted to the developments in the Superior court room, yesterday afternoon when Judge Branham, for the defense, forced the hand of the state under order of the court, compelled City Court Judge George Harris to give the names of tLe parties who retained him to assist in the prosecution As published in yesterday af ternoon’s Hustler Os Rome he proceedings at times were most dramatic al l lhe time de cidedly bf-osational. The defence after securing the names of four of tho retainers of Judge George Harris and learn ing that one of these was Deputy Sheriff Redmond and »hat a part of the Jury was su n moused by him said jurors were oljccted to. This in cessitated the drawing of other Jurors and at a late hour last ii gbt the Sheriff's office had deputies hustling all over Floyd county to get the jurors drawn in te the city by 8.30 this m irning One of the Jiircres thus sum moos <1 liv d 22 mi'es out, beyond Everett Springs, w ile others lived nearly ns far in a different direct ion. 1) puty Sher If John 11. Foster got into Silver < reek with his buggy He and his team were swept down stream by the torrent that last nigh's rain storm had put into the creek. They had a narrow escape. Ocher officers in obeying the orders of th“ court had equally aS pen'ous ad ventur.H . But Sheriff McConnell and bis deputies known so much word as r ail and at an early hour this morning the sec tion of the following jury was finished : W A Cato, meat market. C R Camp, carpenter. John II I lice, Justice of Peace and farmer. Lee Collins, farmer. W A Hampton bailiff and farmer. Parks K < Heft blacksmith (Lavender.) Alex Smith fanner. 'A J Giles furnu r. T S Washington farmer. joe Stanley horse trader. j H Buri es farmer A j Fi'e Justice of Peace and f rmer. This jury was selected from the 84jurors that had been summons ed. Then the case was put upon trial. In opening for the prosecu tion Judge George Harris began a lengthy review or defense of his connection with the case. He was promptly notified by his Honor, Judge Harns was not upon trial, and that he must confine himself to the case that the jury had qualified for and been selected to ■try. Tais called for a rejoinder from Judge Henry that he, George ROME GEORGIA, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 25 1898. dience that was in a'tendance. The first witness put on the stand was Hon. R. A . Denny the member of the county school I ' onrd, who on yestercay retained j.; . dge George Harris, after Judge Branham began to insist upon knowing who the parties were retaining the city court Judge. • Mr. Denny, however was only put on the stand to identify cer tain papers and books connected with the Bridges administration of the office of county school com missioner. Upon cross exami nation Mr. Denny admitted that the board knew but precious little about Mr. Bridges bond. Assistant Solicitor General Har per Hamilton was then put on the stand to testify as to certain pa pers that were that were e'olen from the Solicitor General's jffice during the.former trial, Mr. Hamilton upon the cross ad mi’ted that hecouid i.ot be posi tive abcut any thing connect'd with the said papers . Mr. Denny was then called to the s'and but as it only needed 10 minutes for the noon hour re cess was taken until this afternoon. THIS AFTERNOON. At 3.30 this afternoon Mr. Denny was on the stand, having been put on at 2 o’clock. He was being examined by the solicitor general and bis evidence was about the the same as given in by him oi. the former trial. Several passengers at arms were engaged in by council during the afternoon, with now and then a tiust and parry bet ween council for defense and the shrewd attorney witness. The case now looks as if it tn ty be long drawn out, there being a host of witnessi es arrayed on both sides and spit lid legal latent to fight every inch of territory. NASAL CATARRH Cheney’s Expectorant has no equal. A few drops have g'ven re lief to my child when threatened with croup. By snuffing it through the nose,l recommend it for nasal | catarrh. Rev, B. F. Adams, Covington, Ga. RISES AT ~ CIN GINN A TI. Cincinnati, Jan. 24. — All busin ess men whose cellars wculd be in undated at fiftvfive feet of water or at a lower stage, are busy to day removing their wares cut of danger. The Ohio river at 7 o’clock yes terday evening reached forty-nine and nine-tenths feet, a rise of five and four-tenths feet since 6 oclock last night. Ic become stationary at that stage. News from Portsmouth, O.,is that for twelve hours up to 6 o’clock last night the river rose seven feet and was still rising at the same ra’e. This flood has about 120 miles to travel to Cincinnati OIVIS ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced. pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- ■ists. POSITION KNOWN BAILEY DENIES A S i DRY PRINTED IN NEW YORK TFLLSWHITE’S ELECTION The Eminent Trxan Discusses the Chicago Platform. Washington, Jan. 25--One of the silliest of all stories that have been written about the election of Senator White as chairman of the democratic congressional com.nit tee and the contest which resulted in his election «as one in a Nev York paper which said that it was Croker's hand that sbaptd the elec tion and that Bailey was acting in' conjunction with him. The same stoiy dec'ared tha Senator White was not a silver man. a palpable misstatement of a well-known fact, and capped the climax I y declaring that Bailey was net in favor of the Chicago platform. Today the story was called to Mr. Bailey’s attention.Tn commenting on it he said: “ r The story is absurd on the face of it, because it ddclares that I have always been opposed to the Chicago platform, while as a mat ter of fact, I was one of the first, if not the very first man in this country to give an unqualified in dorsement to that document and to declare that it was sound as a whole and sound in every part. “The man who manufactured the story must have known that it was a pure invention. lie must Lave known that so far fi >m Sen ator White’s election been dictated by Richard Croker and his friends, that the votes-of Sen. ator Murphy, of New York, and of Senator Smith, of New Jersey, were both cast against Senator l vVhite. “The first suggestion of Senator i White as chairman of the com mittee came from Judge Maddox, of Georgia, an ardent fne silver man and an uncompromising Ir'end of the Chicago platform. The next gentleman who talked with me on the subject was Mr, Clayton, of Alabama, whomade the minority repoit from the com mittee on organization in the Chi cago convention, upon which Sen ator Daniel was made the tempo rary chairman of that body instead of Senator Hili. “This county does not need to be told that men like Maddox ano Clayton do not betray the. demo cratic organization, and it is wi th in the knowledge of everybody who has taken any trouble to in vestigate the matter, that the committee at its very first session adopted the Chicago plat form as the basis of the campaign which it was organized to conduct. “Our position is now, as it al ways has been, that we want the gold men to come back into the party, but if they come h ick at a'l, they must c ime With the dis tinct understanding that they are expected hereafter to supp >rt the nominees of the party and that we have no compromise whatever to offer them ou the platform. “With this understanding ev erybody is invited to join us, and nobody is wanted toj >in us except upon this understanding. » - TF 1 WHAT EVERYBODY KNOWS, Or ought to know, is that health and even life itself depends upon the condition of the blood. Feed ing as it does, all the organs of the body it must be rich and pure in order to give proper nourishment. Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure, rich and nourishing, and in this way strengthens the nerves, creates an appetite, tones the stomach and builds up the health . Hood's. Sarsaparilla wards F J.K ANE £ HAVE I THOUS AN or BAIGAIMS 'I I BARGA ''l ' X if We anticipated the** and.Tiore, we made c tions against six c?at while our buyer was bought our entire aev Winter stock on tha- jl took work, it took me time and it took a ma; J how. That we have? jqr succeeded in prepari;, the exigencies of’he the conditions that nd people, we most cordij you to call and see f ’ . We know that we can: . 1 rily convince you, j We flatter ourselve’. ’ have already built ar 1 * R ble reputation for i | the very best grades.) p We are here to grow j city and we propose t \ . erysale add to the re|l| boast < s Sfc As to the more chi, II 1 fashionable patterns, stylish goods, we prid thi: w ehavethemosu selected stock ever- ! - this market, ’Gooas.q feast to lhe artistie'ey, ' that wear like iron an| ! | > / fre/er | 'A* ’’ ‘ - * I 5 ICi