The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 26, 1898, Image 1

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EIGHTH year MF" Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel Yell C I W!* II I —— Z7 Ru ,al i» the highest grade powder keown. Actual tests show it goe.oae- Uird further than any other broad. <AL r@j &akiHo POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL BAKINA CO., NEW YOHK. JHE BRIDGES CASE THE TRIAL RESUMED THIS MORNING. MP. PENNY ON STAND Entire iay has Been Spent in His Examination. At 8:30 this morning, quite a crowd had gathered ia the superi or court room to witness the re opening ”f court and to the re sutnpt'ou ol the trial of the famous Bridges case. The defendant was present and wire the same confident smile that played over his face most of the day yesteiday. His counsel were there, too, and Were like their client, eager for the fray. Hon. R A. Dmny, the ex-m lin ker of of the board of county school trustees or commissioners, the shrewd witness who had engaged city c.mrt Judge George Harris to prosecute the case, was put b .ok on the witness stand. The trial began and all the forenoon drew tedious y along in the examination of Mr. Denny by the state. Much of the evidence that was admitted upon the former trial went out in this trial of thn casejn account of th a rulings of the supreme court, Mr Denny, in giving in his evi denci often in erj acted heresay evidence which was as often ruled out by tue court .[Judge Branham, for the defense, asked that the witness he cautioned against this mule ol putting objectionable matter before the jury in this manner. Ine spa-ring at times between conn el and also between the at torneys lr the defense and the witness was animated and while as aruiethe condduct of the case WK' n liet, there was never a lack o! inter st, both in the bar and the audience. !h,s afternoon Mr. Denny was hothe s'ami again, and at the ' ur of g ling to press is undergo mg cross examination with the 1,1 ..I his ordeal not yet in sight Consumption : Will SCOTT’S EMULSION < ! !: cure consumption ? Yes and < ? i Will it cure every case ? < 11 o. hat cases will it cure * iJ en ? I hose in their earlier ; i s t a ges, especially in young * i People. We make no exag- 9 i. Boated claims, but we have B I positive evidence that the ' ! I early use of ” ! i Emulsion I I I . ( ( Cod-liver oil with Hypo- I ! Phosphites of Lime and Soda ! i •** t!f se cases results in a ' positive cure to a large num- S advanced cases, how- ! acure is impossi- THE HUSTLER OF ROME. GUNS BOOM AS THE BATTL-SHIP MAINE STEAMS INTO THE HARBOUR OF HAVAKNA Other War Vi fsels Movina Towards Cuban Shores. Havana, Jan. 26.—The battle ship Maine arrived here at 11 o’clock yesterday. Consul General Lee immediate ly wired the news to Washington. The entrance of Main into Ra vanna was marked by a most impressive ceremony, prescribed by the the United States nava regulations .nd in accordance with the international code ol courtesy, involving the explosion of 42 blank car ridges in sa ute to the colors of Spain and the United S ati s. After steaming past frowning Moiro Castle, where the channel is narrow, the American battle ship with the Spanish royal ensign at the foremost top fired a re sounding salute of 21 guns just before she reach* d her anchorage in the inner harbour. Then the Maine opened fire with her big saluting guns about a mile outside of Moiro Custle, as she approched the harbour. Ihe deafening conuonade was returned by a similar discharge ol 21 big guns from the battery of Morro, the noise attracting nearly the tntire population cf Hayann ty lhe warter’s edge. Then a« 30011 as the Maine swung surely at anchor Captain Sigsbee and his aids went ashore in a small boat and paid the cus tomary cal's en the Spanish offi cials and Consul General Lee, which visits were re ur ied abroa i the M nine. FORTIFICATION WORK Key W«Bt Fla., Jan. 26.—A g v rnment carrier pigeon return ed this morning with a message i roni Admiral Sicard to the com mandant here, btating: “Squadron manoeuvering be tween Tortugas and Northwest eights. ” The torpedo boats Dupont aud ’orter, in this harbor, are acting as dispatch b<» (a. The former carried important dispatches in cipher to the Admircl ast night. Sue made the trip to Tortugas, 70 miles away, tn three jours and 40 minutes. The Maine sailed for Cuba early this morning. The Dupont and Porter are kept conveniently un der stream, so they can leave at any monunt- Intent excitemant exists here. Add ti< n il men were put on the fortification work bore last night, and ev*yything is being rushed night and day. QUIET IN HAVANA. Washington. J»n. 26—At the Cub'net meeting today Secretary Sherman stated that everything was quiet in Havana. HURRYING TO CUBA. Other War Vessels Being Moved Toward Key West. Washing'on, Jan. 26 —Notwith- standing the pacific assurances of the authorities the naval vessels are apparently being hurried to ward Cuba. The gunboat Castice left Montevideo for Rio Janeiro this mo'ning, and the torpad >- boat Winslow left Newport for Key West. The majori'y of my stock is be l ing sodd off at about half price, Hadn't you better ROME GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 26 1898. M COMfIS WINS. SUCCEEDS GORMAN AS MARY LAND SENATOR. RESULT LONG IN DOUBT Dem* crat had Full Party Vote on 1 art Ballot. Annapolis, Md, Jan. 26, —Judge Lewis E. McComas was yesterday elected Uniied States senator to succe-d KrthurP. Gorman. lhe ballot upon which he was elected, the first of the day, ’be eighth since the eoi test began, resulted in bis gettii g 63 vot* s to 4 for Alexander Sha>w, of Laltimore, the only other republican who remained in the race. Senator Gorman got 47 votes, the full democratic strength in both houses. The break to McComas came as the result cf the night’s caucus, at which fifty thee members were in the attendance, and at which Judge McCommas was practically unanimously Dominated. Ten republican delegates from Baltimore city and Senator Wes cott, of Kent county, however refused to take any part in the caucus or to consider themse'ves bound by it, and up to the hour of noon, when the ballot was re sumed, no one not in their coun sels knew' how they meant to vote, but it was centrally thought they would stick to Shaw to the end, thereby creating a deadlock . It was therefore with the most intense interest that the balloting was watched, and weer. the name of Senator Wescott was reached and he, after a brief speech, changed his vote from Shaw to McCommas, everyone knew the end was near and the cheering was tremendous, Speaker Shaefer was th- next of the recaltricants to come into line. Then one by ore five of his associates in the “bolt” against the rule of the majority followed his example Ex-Congressman Findlay’s only remaining support er did likewise, and the votes stood 62 for McCommas to 4 for Shaw. Then delegate Jacobi changed his vote, but four ethers, Messrs Quast, Baldwin, Short and Dela cour, all of Baltimore city, stuck to the Baltimore city candidate to the last, and w-nt down with flying colon. Four hundred thousand tons of fertilizers, costing $10,000,000, were used Ist year j u Georgia to raise a cotton crop th it brought only $25,000,000.— Griffin News SYk° p jl* G s ENJOYS Both tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who TAILOR GAINS COL. NELLY THOMASON’S HUSBAN QUITS M’MILLAN AND GOES TO “OUR BOB” Eighty Fifth Ballot And no Change in Dead Lock Nashvi'le, Tenn., Jan. 26.—The democratic caucus took nine'een ballots for senator last night with the resalt that McMillan lost one, Turley lost too sad Taylor gaimd three, the e'ghty filth ballot stand ing. McMinn 37 Turley 27 Taylor 21, The Turley and Taylor men voted to adjourn. The night)? attempt to create a stampede to Taylor was made by representative Thompson, who some months ago married Colonel Nellie Ely. He has been voting for McMillin but tonight attempted to break the dead lock by leaving ihe lead ing for th’ hindmost candidate. The democratic members Monday night decided that they wonid be present and not voting yesterday except three members of each branch, who were to vote for the three democratic candidates. It was feared, however, that as this plan would result in Sanford re ceiving a majority of the votes cast in each branch, a contest might follow, so a new plan was suggested and carried out. The democratic members of the house as their name were called voted for the dem icratic members proceeding in the roll call, except those who placed the three demo cratic candidates in nomination who of course, voted their nomi neess. Ihe democratic senators, how ever. were too virtuous to vote for J -v v Zvl some prominent man in his sena torial district. The result was that E. J. Sanford, republican, of Knoxville received the solid repub lican vote of 37, Senator Turely received 0, including two democrats and three populists McMillin 2. Ta} lor 2 while there were 83 scattering among as many defferent men. Eight cf the eighteen legislative days of the extra session have pas sed and none of the byeii ess for which the se&dou was called has yet been comidered. The senator ial deadlock has swamped all the important business demanding legislative attention. The senate passed a bill giving merchants credit for money paid as cigars and fruit stand privilege taxes and concurred in a resolu tion proving for a memorial reso lution to tile la’e Senator Harris. In the house resolutions were introduced by Thompson of Mar shall, callhg on congress to sub mit constiutional amendment 4, making tenure of otfloe of federal judges not more than eight years providing that sumprome and other judges be elected by the people that their [ower be limited so as to prevent interference in col lection of slate taxei. IN CL DEN TIMES People over qoked th* importance of permanently bei.eicial eff.-cts and were satisfied wifi transient action, but now that i is general ly known that Syrup >f Figs v ill permanently overcone habitual constipation, well-iutirmed peo ple will r.qt buy othc laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injuie the system. Just Received. —\b have just received and offer th trade 50 crates of extra fine Vrginia cab bage, also 300 busha of finest Irish Potatoes, also 50 bushels FJ.KANEq HAVE THODSAJ OF IAIGJIIMI j BAR GA fl ill *’S Sfe. '• We anticipated th£ and more, we made tions against six cent while our buyer wa.w| bought our entire ns Winter stock on th? ||| t ook work, it took rr time and it took a m how. That we have/* succeeded in prepa. trie exigencies of Hie the conditions that n people, we most cord * you to call and sea > We know that we cal rily convince you, ? We flatter ourselv have already built a) d ble reputation for h; ! l the very best grade 1 !. We are here to .grow TI city and we propose ‘ erysale add to the r; Lh || boast. As to the more cl * fashionable patterns' || stylish goods, we prij* i'K' thu w ehavethemo. 1 , , H selected stock eve’ this market. ‘Goon: ||| feast to the artistick j I that wear like iron a l t J ia y fravar | 1 1 IF K I * ™ ><l