The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 27, 1898, Image 1

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Ie’GHTH year HT Smoke Xtra Good And Rebel Yell C" f* ..X h.qhest <)■•« J« P<»* d ‘ ,r I ’k*" o ’'* f»(»sh<>« it ooesone- further lh«n-"X otb * br * Mt |oV j ra - fjwber Absolutely Pure royal M«i*n pnworw PURELV PERSONAL Mrs. Lnieude; is visi i>g >u lAnniston. Squire Lem Early, of Coosa, |wus here today. Mavor Sim King w.*s in At lliijtu las' i igM. {Judge I n niore Johnson, of Eto | was, is ti tlif- city today. I Squire Cii roHmmond. of Ar mucliee was in th- city today. I Col. I. E. Shumate, the distin guished Dalton attorney, was here today. Capt J. J Seay, R me's next (mayor, was out again today after n paiu'ul illness. i Miss Will N H Lavender will heave for a visit to friends in Ifctluia Saturday, Hon, W. J. Neel is in Cave (Springs today employed in the (heulid mm ieipol election contest, i Miss Prince, after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs. C. B 1 [Wilburn, will return to Americus 1 Ibuturduy. If you feel weak dull and dis- ( CGUtuged you will find a bottle ol ( Hoods Sarsaparilla will do you ! w-i derfui good. ! Misses Na ini and Janie Morton | pt near Subligna, spent last week in Rune the guests of Mrs. J. A. ; Bale.—S utnmerville N jws. i Cui, M. B. Eubanks has been inluve Spring lor a couple ct days engaged m the the trial of the uiuiiicip il election contest. Nj Hei ioi ks Court. —So qui et h ve.h.eii the “sinner” element that the Ye-vices of a Recorder wasn-'-t needed at police head quarters tod iy. Ihe In-irence Paid. —The btlls Peter David Ros- ® r have re eiv.d $3,000 iroin the kiyal Arcuiiun, the full amount kid in that older by the deceased Purge packages sweet peae, ha.-tnt ts-tns and other fresh Hower adjust received at Lloyd’s and (ll) h 5: package. Plant some. B *“' p-as right away, if you want tsr ly bloom i Now every one can afford to P ai <t sweet peas, f>r yon.can get I ' nai)| nioth packages at Lloyd’s I or ‘iC including the new mixed J i'A A so, fresh garden seeds l2 IHI ~ |J| ~j l ist. re-wived. U as Good dL^ 5 . and we scU it much trudf i? < IS a s * aterr >ent sometimes Eir.ll 7 tEe d , r , U^ist whcn that th j ! ca P for. This shows e druggists themselves regard Scott’s EftsoSsson Ph£ d 'p Oil w j th c Hypophos skndarrl* j e , an <i Soda as the ksifpe t ’ purchaser who kcaX t pr , oCUrc the 44 standard" uraold * ' ,? nows ‘t has been of ■ insta 1 DC , ‘t» should not for one £_ 4it thio of taking the risk of BR/; uSl '\some untried prepa - ( BBtMk r? 3 i he substitution THE HUSTLER OF ROME. A NEW ROOMER MARK HANNA BOARDS AT THD WHITE BOUSE. IS CLOSE 10 MCKINLEY Mark And Mack Have Relati ons Through No Kin. Washington. J in. 27. —There is to be a new lodger at the WLi'e House, a distinguished roomer who is tired of the ciowds at the hotels and goes to live with the President’s family for the sake of quiet. This distinguished gimsf is Sen- Senator Marcus Hanna of Ohio. The exceptional ai d distin guished honor of being invited in to the President’s family is not be 'i o ntly appreciated. Indeed, it is pointed cut in Washington that the honor d >i.e to the Senator from Ohio > one rarely 7 before paid tc am: n in private life not a Federal appointee or a relative of the Presidents family. Mr. Hanna, . f course, is neither If ho were a Federal appointee, holding confidential relations with the President vhich requires fre quent and intimate consultation between tie two, il would be pei ecJy natural for the Presi dent to wish to have him within reach. J av’ng made Mr. McKinley President, and feeling a proprie tary interest in him and all the perqtiis.t’s of the office, the Senator doubtless feels that if anybidv has a right to male himse f at home in the White House, he is tho man. In point, of fact, when the stress of oflice seekers preyed heavily upon his nerves early in the history of the Mckinley administration he packed up and moved into the White House for refuge, He had a period of onjovable rest then and I e now goes buck for a sec ond trial. N> ■ thire'p s m-w and ever, more rerolute crowd of patronage hunter.' (L’ggii gS' uatvr Hanna’s heels—the production of the late Ohio campaign. Stna'or Forsakor is making it hard for Senator Hai iia to keep his promises, and rather then face his consti tuents with the confession that it is not easy to land them Sen ator Hanna is tiling to avoid them. Old Washingtons wi.o appreciate the singular exp' ptional honor paid Si'iiii’cr ILmi r cougiatulate b.m iq <1; beirg al le to lodge in the White I ouse when he tins of other more a ceetil L places. There are old heads here exper ienced in the lore of the \\ hit* House, and none of these cun re call a tinie when a mar. who had made a President went to the White House to live with him. Mr. Hanna’s is a gieat privilege. When his day’s work is over he can retire b hied th-» wal b of the Wniie 11 ou and j>y absolute rest nndqjiet. At night he can enj >y confident ial cha s the Presid-nt settling this question and that, and then r tiie to a night of dreams on the bed-ou which the j Prince of Wales slept when he 'visited Washington. It is a ' luxurious apartment oil the south side of the building, adjoining the library. The President sleeps in a roon on the opposite side cd the hall, one door further west. - ■ n: — WHAT EVERYBODY’ KNOWS. Or ought to know, is that health and even life itself depends upon the condition of the blood Feed ing aa it dues, ail the organs of the body it must be rich and pure in order to give proper nourishment. Hoodie Sarsaparilla makes the nourishing • ROf/L GEORGIA, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27 1898, IHF BRIDGES CASE Mr. DYNNY ON THE STAND UNTIL NEAR NOON. OTHERWPNESSESTODAY Much Inti-hp-t Manifested in The Trial. In the trial of the Bridges ctise wbich was resumed in the Superi or court at 8 :30 this morning, Mr. R. A Denny was put on the stand. At about 12 o’clo k Mr. Denny had finished his trying ordeal, having bet i on the stand for about two Tie cross examination was (piite i ig’tl. Much of the territory covered in the form r trial ol the case was eliminated, owing to the ru’ings of the Supreme court when that august bony o.deied a new t'ial in the now famous case. On the other hand,both on the direct and cross ex minatio’l some testimo ny was more fully drawn out than was done before. A disinterested attorney who heard Mr. D nny on both trials ventur d the opinion that Mr. Denny’s evidence was not nearly so damaging to tha defense on this trial as it was before. As er Mr. Denny left the stand the state put witnesses up and rushed the examination more rap fly. No time was lost by the cross examination either, and it looked much more like the trial might come to a close in the lapse of time; : At 3 ;30 this afternoon Mayor McWilliams, of East Rome, is cd ■ the stand testifying about schoo' scrip he had purchased. Some ten witnesses have been on the stand since Mr. Denny Airshed . The case will probably not be finished this week. A NEEDY FAMILY There is, in Rome, a family, consisting of a man, his wife, their ycung married (and deserted) daughter and her very young in fant. They are worthy people,who have been unfortunate, and are now in distress for clothes. Any article which charitably di-posed persons will send to St. Peter’s Rectory will be promptly forward ed to them, and gratefully receiv ed. Hon. W II Ennis, spent last night in Atlanta, this forenoon in Rome uni tonight is trying a case in Gadsdeu. He will return to Rome tomorrow m»ining. Capt. J. D. Kirkpatrict arrived home from Gadsden today. CyJlppffiGs ONU bnjoys Both the method and results when Syrup of I" igis is taken j it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver’ and Bowels,'cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 _ cent boules Ik -nil Icadimf-dMML. OUBIGNON WONT. ■ V*- /- SENATOR CLAY’ ANNd NCES FOR CANDLER ANO THERS’A WALKOVER ■ ■ ■ M.* For The “One Eyed” Plow Boy of Pi* eon Rcobt Atlrnta Jan. 27.—Hon. Flem ing G dußignon reached thi« cit> yesterday and registered at the Kimball hou»e, where he was im mediately surrounded by anxious ly iu'i'i ing fr e ids.’ He camo here from Richmond, where he has been cn profession il btisfneßs and spent part of the afternoon at the supreme ciurt, where he has several cases. Today he will argue the fire commissioners’ side of fa mous municipal fight in Savannah and it may he several (lavs before he will be able to leave fol h ; s home. When seen by a reporter and asked whether he had anything to say about the gubernatorial race, he replied. “Yes, I author’zeyou to make the so lowing statement. It is due those friends throughout th» state who have generous'y tender ed me their support for this high office that I public'y announce at this time that I will not be a can didate for governor.” Washington, Jan. 27.—Senator Clay will give bis active fuppor’ to Colonel Candler in tho gover norship race. N>w that Mr. Du- Bignon has made positive an nouncement teat he will not be a candidate, the senatbi - makes no concealment of what hie dose friends have known for sometime and that is that with dußignon out of it he would give Candler his hearty support and that al north Georgia will be at the back of the “one-eyed plowbcj of Pig eon Roost ” BRI! AIN AND RUSSIA The Squadrons Os Both Coun tries In Japanese Waters. Loudon, January 27—A dispatch to the Daily Mail from Nagasaki says: “Ths Biitish aid Russian are watching each othe ’s move ments'.When the British battleship Centurion.fiagsh pof the squadron left Nagasaki, Sunday, ehe was shadowed by the Russian gunboat Sivootch. “The Japanese fleet is still at Yokosuka, but is ex| acted to sail -hortly for Wei Hai Wei. No serious developments are looked for. ” The Daily Mail says this morn ing Japan intends to test whether Ta Lit n Manis to ue an open port or under Russian control. LIFE FOR A PAIR OF HORSES Cut To Pieces by a Train in 1 ry ing to Stop a Team . Sunbury, Pa. Jan 27 —ln at tempting to step a runaway team of horses today George SchrefiL r if Rockfel towns hip, aged 24 was s'ruck by a passenger train on the Northern Central Kai’road and instantly killed, hie body being scattered along the hack for h. If a mile. JueT Received. —We have just received and offer the trade 50 crates of extra fine Virginia cab bage, also 300 bushels of fine.-t Irish Potatoes, also 50 bushels fancy hand picked New York whi e beans We also have in s’oek a few barrels fancy app’es and fresh supply of stick and mixed candies lal at close figures. Chidsey it Seay. _ j I FJ.K ANE HAVE j THOUSAN Or BARGAINS II BARGA We anticipated the and .nore, we made c tions against six cant IB while our buyer was bought our entire ne< Winter stock on tha : t ook work, it took me 1 time and it took a ma < jfe how. That we have / succeeded in prepari the exigencies of the . the conditions that nc people, we most cordi you to call an! saa f, - We know that we can rily convince you, We flatter ourselve* have already built arj:| ble reputation for ha l l ft the very best grades' | We are here to grow , city and we propose t i ft erysale add to the rej L boast. > As to the more ch i 7 fashionable patterns, p stylish goods, wa pric C th it w ehavethemoi J |i selected stock ever ‘ this market, 'Gooasji ■ feast to the artisticevj 1 that wear like {ran aj| 1 I ) y fra/ar J 10