The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 28, 1898, Image 2

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Bz'P Eiß’" wn>..t BHt .Votl.A’, ■ . 1' I-: i And f| K. I !c, fl.ird Avenue. , ASCRIPTION * Ljtkikr) pel year V' 'Y AND BUBUI BS. I lOoeutH per wee', ' draft. "X| egietneii fit .st V/ LER OF ROY E, Rome, <. ra . Ice as s >c ml class n.,ii sample co, lester Hi HVf* asking. K TICE l> HONE .<> | TICKET ■f ; gentlemen an ■j. lv«8 as candidates ■# e luuncilmen fur th" ■Mv |K */« 'YOR. BL ~ Seay . Sldarmen. B. McArver. ■T Ü B. Hamilton, ■ t Hayue . a . Iter Harris. ■ ail J. Reese. ■ ( ' B pe warships now K* t |dse waters should ■ < Bf- ■f i iard does Hanna ; )r ent of this nation, Mfr. ;rat Uand'cr ••th" y proved to lie the |B ,H , the Moses of the ’gets the best tins said t<> be an im pul| it of the Oixon. Jf 1 ' o’her cities a in the way of set |Hhil affairs. ■l^' a P ,! al was not cap other lie is added of Spanish fake ■ J Hbi Ktp evident that Geor- K| ernor will not mine Hjj Trot—nor from a ■Leper.— Summerville ■ i( p will sustain the of the state and B { i cruel Spaniards, ■jjton see the Spaniards If ■' d ■ ■>*nited States cm sei> ■jhor Cuba, limy a ill the Daunt'e-- ■ ricley will lean back ■ e lid admi’e Ins Cuban Herald. A happy E— mother is the ■ ’% happiest being ■ ■•r'Sc A 3,7 ,n lIIIS '■'• Illi. 3k' T° hold in her K‘l'/ anns t! ”' dear ■Wa little life ~ a P arl ~f I,er ve, v Bv' x /lim °' vn life— nest K ’’ng, tnistir r KFfl an< l depend, j; ■ $5E’, on her protediv.g ■A' love, is the est. most sacred re- i sponsibility of a vw>- B ' \ man’s e.xistanc B’?} • \ Hut many a woman ■*' st • approaching the time ■ , of motherhood ft el I (. lost dee; ,'y its duties and ■ rials. She is burdened ■ f -ith a sense of anxietv and »* treasonable foreboding. If ' 1 ‘his state of mind is nn- vs? ivorable both to the an;— rother and the child. iS /r lother may insure herself dtCjtast fear of danger or exces f’l, se of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite ,r lfVnK the period of expect m., •' -escription ” makes the OR.' >soiutely safe and compar . la 1i | ndurance to the organisn in motherhood, and V}> o the nerve centres, it strong and cheerful. It $8 itive power It promotes .A itiient and provides con jTy.aird energy for the child isitive - < ific lor all dis- P lint organism, devised lo specialist in this !|Hf practi. • , x |Kd sale ■ lor wl 1 w 1 I<-><l ■ rest •* ’’iv.’U S Senator A. 8. Slay is credited with trying'o fling ufl on dußig non, and is already put down in Cund'er column. There is not one v. stigate of truth in any such stat ment. Senator Clay is for dnßigrVon for governor first, last tnd alt the time and a thousand ■tat iug guns manned by the At lanta Constitution could no change the Junior senator from Georgia -Ameri.u i Times-Re corder., This spirited editorial appeared in the Times Recorder on the morning of the 26th, and at noon on the same day Mr. dußignon said to the Constitution he would not enter the race and Steve Clay telegraphed that Candler was the man of his choice. The United Slates is not I beating Great Britain in the man* ' iffactive of Incom Hive engines for South American and ihe far eastern trade, but are actually going into the heart of England ami securing orders in competi tion with the English engine bail deri. A New York firm has just secured a contract for supplying thirty two locomotives for the I Central Under ground railway of I London, And the governor did attend the bull fight after all, for he says so —and he did ittend the bull fight on Sunday for he said so. Now what are you ancient fence-riders and stump buggers going to do about it? Toadies—oh, Aunt Jo in imah I When you find a farmer or busi ness man who lies awake nights i worrying about the government, | you may just smoke it in your pipethat that fellow’s creditors will do the lying awake act in a few montus. —Calhoun Times. A complete biography of the Prince of Wales is about to appear. Now let Anthony Comstock the head and front of the American 1 society for the prevention of v ; ce, 5 do his duty by the reading public j j -- — j of this nation. - Miss Mary Fuller, who ly came rather prominent a tew years age as the first woman to climb Mt. Tacoma, has been appointed Harbor Mistrejßof Fort of Taco ma. Wa sh. Miss Margaret 1. i.g, sscmd daughter of Secretary Leng, has just passed a brilliiaiV examina tion and matriculated in the med ical department of J din Hopkins University. And it now looks like your Un cle Allen Candler for Governor with a triumphant Democratic majority of 100,030 votes in Octo ber state election.—Cedartown Standard. ■ —— ■ 1 Suppose VV. Y. Atkinson, Gov ernor, did see a bull fight on Sun day—cant he repent and yet be saved? Oh you dear sweet breath ed toadies, all is not yet lost! Mark, the creator, will not risk Bill, his creature, out of his sight, Mark judges the job by himself and knows theres no dependence to be put in the animal. Speaker Hut Jenkin i had a phys ician to examine him to see if he was physically able to boa candi date for Governor. That is a new idea.—Marietta Journal. The Parisian chamber of dep uties has become a neck tie par ty. Over a hundred ties were swept up in the debris—after a recent arginment Hon, W illiam J. Bryan was a a witness to prove the good ch .r --acter o! the defendant in the Dra per murder trial at Jacksonville, 111., last weeki That whisper of the name of Mayor Van VVyck as the man for 1900 hasn’t stirred up many i echoes beyond the confines of | Tammany. I j i.i i When it comes to a diplomatic < shifting of front up, n compulsion i Senor Dupuy de Lome seems to f He a lightning change arMstic of [ r.rc ability. c •- s - Ihe majori'y of my stock is be- c I’OU Tt D FARI’GRAPHS Tim 1 uliet girl, like btr age, is always a pose. - . The see side is <v rything to the I man blind in one eye. No mun ever atn mpeto flutter th*’ woman be truly loves. Ih - watch maker s Ils w.'chts and the jailor wab bee cells. Bacon says that “reading naa ketli a full man. ” bo does eating bacon. The man who marries f< r wealth is a garni ir in boarding louse full ; ,8. II must bi very painful for the jailor who has a lot of felons on his bands The needle always Las an ey out fi r busintss and scld< m fair to carry its point. The man who boots a d< g and the woman who slier ea Inn tire not always cobblers. It is said that link cut’s are much worn by the traveling com panions of the sheriff. St. Louis boasts of the champi on lazy man. He went to work and was too lazy to stop. It is said th«t Indians never kiss each other Judging firm thosi wehuvesfrn we don t blame them . When the fund mother creates a solar d Isturba ice with her slipper the naughty offspring sees stars. Women n eld-in mean the pleas an thi ige they say to other wom en or ti<z unpleasant things they say to men. —Chicaga News. bion Fleming G. dußignon has • never authorized any newspaper ) any individual to state that he , would not be a candidate for gov ernor. The Timcs-R reorder makes this statement with a fu'l knowl. i edge of tha faits, should Mr. du . Bignon decline to enter the race The Times-Recorder wi 1 know it, i for the dis'ing’jishe 1 gentleman from Chatham has no stronger j advocate than The Times-Recorder so put it down lußigaon is in the race f or governor until The ‘ Times Record >t tells you he is not.--Americus Times-Rocmder. The above fiery editorial ap- I peared in Mrs. Myricks “warm” ’ paper on the morning of the day that Mr. diß goon refused to I run. But t tn, perhaps the wires were crossed. 3 A Bin Cut In Oran es. —We have just secured 10 b xes of nice California Oranges at a bargain and shall run them off quickly at - Lsc per dozen. They are not quite • as sweet as F orida’s but are really ; healthier and better for table use . and for making ambrozia and for ! the children’s luncheon. Better order a good supply, as they are good keepers and you will not have this opportunity again soon. Lloyd & Co, Rome on Her List.— . Miss Min nie Cleghorn left last thursday for Layfayette, Ala.. where she wi 1 be bridesmaid at the wedding us her college friend, Miss Myrtie Schuessler of that place. Miss Cleghorn will be absent five or six weeks and will visit friends in El berton, Atlanta and Rome before returning . Sum mi rville New. NASAL CATARRH Cheney’s Expectorant has no equal. A few drops have given re lief to my child when threatened with croup. By snuffing it through the nose,l recommend it for nasa catarrh. Rev, B. F. Adams, Covington. Gi. WE no longer supply our seeds to dealers to ’ sell again. At the same time, any- t one who has bought our seeds of their local dealer during either 1896 or 1897 will * be sent our Manual of “ Everything for the tiarden” for 1898 Kopp provided they ' apply by letter I ALL ani j give th * ;1 name of the local merchant from whom 1 lhey bought. To all others, this magnifi cent Manual, every copy of which costs us I 30 cents to place in your hands, will be sent free on receipt of 10ce::ts (stamps) to cover 1 postage. Nothing like this Alanual has ‘ e i e i^ een seen liere ° r abroad ; it is a book of 200 pages, contains 500 engravings of seeds and plants, rnostly new, and these are c supplemented by 6 full size colored plates of the best novelties of the season, finally SF gJI 1.1 JRTinN SCROFULA It is Foul Blood’s Advertise ment But !t is Soon Cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Yer Bi-ofuiif anything, nwy be cat d the adv. r'tenrat of foul blood. It i • t:a> icourg <. the world —offensive, pat iful, debilitating, utubborn an J well nigh unendurable. Outv.: rd applications do not cure, they only drive .lie difficulty to new quarters. Emollients may palliate, they cannot abolish the evil. There is but one sure way out, and that la to eliminate the taint from the blood. There is one remedy that can effect this, and it Is the only one that, so far es we know, has almost invariably succeeded — even where the system has been poisoned by long years of taint, and the ravages to be repaired c.r? tremendous. That remedy is Ilood’s Sarsaparilla. Read this: “ My daughter was afflicted with im pure blood. Thoro wero running sores ..11 over h r body and they caused her nv h eafTering. V/e tried medicines that wero recommended as blood purfflers, but could not see t hat they did any good, .v friend told ma about Hood’s Sar .apr ills end I 1 . ,;an giving the girlthismcd . The ■ mlt v. '-. she was per fectly cured r.fter taking a few bottles. ho hr.i La I no rymy-toms cf scrofula .... ■ .in ■ that time.” Marietta M. MirH, H. uth Middieboro, Meso. Sai sa’ S,,’ pSSifdtl j 3 0,0 I ps'. -I.i f.ictthe One True Blood I’uritier. liiTid upon H<.ion's; take no subst.lute. <MOBSTER ODDI" UNCLE SAM PURCHASES 10,- (00,000 POUNDS OF SMOKELESS POWDER Extra Men Put on And Will Work Day And Night. Wilmington, DM., Jan 24.—1 t become? known here this after noon that the famous powder firm of Dupont De Nem rous, whose works are located on the Brandy wine, near 'his city, today received an cider from Secretary of tin Navy Long, calling foiJlo,ooo,ooo pounds of smokeless powder. The Duponts have for more than a year been supylying the Government with powder, but to day’s older is the biggest ever so >t to it. The powder mills have been very busy recently, f.nd in view of today’s order an extra force was put to work last night. The greatest secrecy is main tained by the officers of the pow der company concerning the ord >r and they decline to discuss it. With the improved ai d enlarged facilties of the big Dupont mills, and order, though immense, can be filled in a very few weeks. The news of the receipt cf the ord- r by the Dunonts caused a big fluray in local financial circles, in view of the departure of the battleship Maine for Cuba. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Cure” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures ii. 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysteri ous. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately dis appears. The first- dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curry Arrington Co., Druggists, Rome, Ga. Mr. dußignon says that he is not prepared to announee his can didacy for governor. This,” says the Albany Herald, “will be a great disappointment to wiregrass Georgia if he fails to make the race.” —Savannah Press. You are wrong (here, Mr. Sav annah Press. TJie Albany Herald has said no such thing. It was some other Herald —perhap ur esteemed Waycross contem porary. The Albany Herald has said ana sticks to it, that this is not a good time for Mr. dußignon to run for governor. We have said this, too in al! kindnejs to dußig non, for we not only esteem him as a man of character and ability, but like him personally.—Albany Herald, ASSASSIN COMMITS SUICIDE Bispo. Who Killed General Bit ..." €>’rt, Dies in* Prison’. APPll.t '1 LETTERS' CK DE MISSION. GEORGIA I'l V!' <’ I'NTY. When Mis. Helen A. Nevin Administratrix <'f M. A. N vin 'deceit 1, who WlB administrator |of James F. Shanklin, d-cca.-ed, I rt .qr<‘'"i ’ tot he court in her . pe’ition duly fil'd, that s .(• h s adini » f d JamesF. Shank in • I estate. This is to cite all persons cm ceri ed, kindred and creditors, tn show cause if any they can !v by the estate of said adminis trator should not be discharged from his administration ami re ceive litters \f dismission on the first M- 1 d y in March, lS9B.This Dec 6 1E97. John P. Davis, Ordinary. APPLICATION FOR 11/ITERS OF DIEMISSION. GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY. I Whereas Th mas ILds vib ick I execu or oi John ilohsf nb ick, de ceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed th t he has administered John Holsenback s estate. This is to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his executorship and receive letturs of dismission , on the first Monday in April 1898. ■ I This Jan. 3rd 1898 John P. Davis, Ordinary. | ... r-L..'— —'■■....1 NEW AP\ ERTIBEMENTS. • - ■ . < s"’"*! ’. ~BALSAM Li. _T : and biani:!,.. the hair. I • s a luxuriant growth. Ik.- . .. Fail sto Restore Gr.ay j :. dr to it 1 Yonthful Color. . .. Ip <' & hair iu.istg. _ ...•■■ie.ejat Druggist* 1 SEN! FREF to housekeepers-- LIEBIG COMPANY’S Extract of Beet COOK BOOK-- telling howto prepare many 1 delicate and delicious dishes. 3 Addss, Leibigra Co., P. <). B>x 2718. New York • ' Bottled Up! , Whether in the form of pill powdei or liquid, the doctor’s prescription foi j blood diseases is always the same— mercury or potash. These drugs bottle up the poison and dry it up in the • system, but they also dry up the marrow in the bones at the same time. The suppleness and elasticity of the joints give way to a stiffness, the rack ing pains of rheumatism. The form gradually bends, the bones ache, while decrepitude and helplessness prema turely take possession of the body, and it is but a short step to a pair o| crutches. Then comes falling o| the hair and decay of the bones, —a con. iition truly horrible. Contagious Blood IMFRrirDV? Poison—the curse of mankind—is the p. ' n * ost horrible of all , diseases, and has al ways baffled the ’ Elll jV. doctors. Their pot- ■ iiash and mercury K sis bottleupthepoison, .. ' ' ’ it it always breaks Rn' < ? orth again aUack ' mg some delicats U; - ... t v - . organ, frequently V A !i. Gthe mouth and fen Y‘> ! \ ’J throat, filling them ; * J ' I 1 with eating sores. -•' i ! <. I f . S.S.S., is the only 'AI I’- ir 11 known cure for this EJx? ~.,d disease. It is guar, anteed purely vege table, and one thousand dollars reward is offered for proof to the contrary. It never fails to cure Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, Cancer, or any other disease of th* blood. If you have a blood disease, take a remedy which will not injure you, Beware of mercury; don’t do violence to your system. Don’t get bottled up I Our books sent free to any address Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. * Womans Diseases Are as peculiar as m unavoidable, and cannot be discuss or treated as we do those to which the entire human \ family are subject, j\ - • Menstruation sus tains such import- 'V A ant relations to her ’aJO.E'' I Y'T'A health, that when A®/ I iR® 1 Suppressed,lrregu- \ ■ A lar or Painful, . I A she soon becomes • \ I j languid, nervous and irritable, the bloom leaves her cheek and very grave complica tions arise unless Regularity and Vigor are restored to these organs. Bradfield’s of one of the I Female PI -of the South, IvFP's iiYIP where trou b]cs of this sort prevail more extensively than in any other section, and has never failed to correct disordered Men struation. restores health and strength to rhe suffering woman. th' ,--r ? School Supplies. 4 w e nre pioneers in the school books ni.d S( .|, ply business and we are ah t right up-r Sw thin; that should bo kept by an up-to-date IJ ()I ? ii Will PAPFR IB "AU nILIIj No house 'n th St. te can serve y°u betUr when J sire to invent in a new covering for the dear old w-il] J «« ycur home. See our st >ck on hand and wnip'eg I H. A. SMITH, THF OLD RELIABLE BOOK STORE ... ..., s( New Drug Fin Having- bought out the F, JohmU Drug business, and added asp endid lii Dms, Patent Meli |-AND—;• * Druggists’ Sundries to the stock, are no n and soli share of trade, The iicV; firm own the prescl tion books of F. A. Johnsoi Co.; and are ready to refill I prescription wanted, Dr. Da who was connected with the firm, will be in charge of this partment, and give it psrsl attention. SAM M. LOWRY, formerly of Lowiy uros., in this ci'y, is manager of th* bu ; i«| to his old friends and farmer customers, as well as new, h J -| a hearty wi Icome to call. | Very truly, I 1 ? ome I- > li;i.riiiaoj| New Clark Building Broad -I 'JH ES ■"•2 -' _j -s. ’ ’ -’-hl H?.EiTT 7 71* 1 S -SSM < - ' ■ | S/VEi[ Tonic ■ I |! a positive cum c-/ I In DYo'oAIA-L- UHA • I I tiuiLLi) F ii'v cR. t y-’P, P M ' I jl CCNhiriinvile 5 I DtBiLIH. I I /I v j J |9 FKICEBOCfe. As jsJ i] AT ALL win K<-- (p .W J DRUGO’STS. /< VY ,< , ~7A .'-M/ 7 . I ( W / /; vi ■ 1 j] ’ 1 /' ?o ■ I II . Jp v'AAOO I { ■< cum .’:. f L:va.< pills W sls ’ 1 ‘ pc Illliousvcss c<nlp*ti • FilP’. ’■ I Suih.! ■ £ ... ’ I f ‘ J —’- _ a