The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, January 31, 1898, Image 3

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I GRIND JURY I presentments. I To the Hon. W. M. Henry. ■ j udge of superior court of ■ Floyd county, Ga. ■ We'have carefully inspected I (1,0 court house and find th. I ,1 (Storing in b»<i condition and ■ Hable to fall in P |M « 9 , " m ° sl I any limo, same caused by enky ■ roof- We recommend that the ■ S anie be put in good condition ■ We also find some of the doois ■ in need of repair, especially with new locks. H COUNTY JAIL. ■ \fter a careful inspection of K I the Jail we find everything neat- I lv kept and think jailer doing ■ everything in his power to make ■ the prisoners comfortable. We B find 25 prisoners as follows : I I Males, I white, 17 colored, fe- I ,»,1e.3 white, lco ored. We ■ think SSO or $75 could be well ■ spent for cots, as it would be a B great saving in the way of bed- B ding We recommend that the B inside of the jail be white wash- Bl ed being at present badly H smoked. We further recom- B | mend that the door entering the B jail office from south porch be B| taken out and placed on the ■ west side of office and the win- ■ dow from that side be put in B| fiont where the door now is. ■ We recommend a chimney be B| placed to the servant house. H aLMS house. We find that the former grand jury made a detail statement of Bl all the affairs connected with B| the alms house and as it has been B| only six months since that re- S| port we think it unneccessary to B| g’> into details. We endorse their ■ I recommendation. We think Mr. ■ I Landrum makes a good superin- ■ I tendent. The right man in the M right place. We found the pro- ■ I ducts of the farm as follows : ■ Corn 2.50 bushels, fodder 2000 K | bundles, sorghum 75 gallons, oats 75 bushels, potatoes 30 1 I bushels, turnips 50 bushels. B We also find on hand : ■ | l’g r:i y mare mare, value, SBO.OO '! cows and calves, value, $50.00 0 head of stock hogs value $25.00 FARMING TOOLS. ),■ ' “ lu'fse wagon, value, $25.00 . ■ 1 liorseiin bad shape) value $3.00 hay rake, value, $3.00 1 dhk harrow, value, $5.00 ■m2 2 horse turning plows, $7.00 f° un d 30 other small Fining tnols. W Inmates, white, 21 ; colored, discharged, 1; died, 7. HI We thoroughly examined the of the inmates and found clean and recently white- and in good condition. telld^B' 1 ' 1 11 » Ol l-EACE AM) NOTARIES ■ W ■ have carefully examined following books and find correct in the main. We 2et^B 11!l ,d some httJe irregularities in __ few of them such as neglect to date their cases and sign their judgements. In ap , [^■l )l ' (, viiig their books we have t, ' ie ' r a,t( mtion to these = Mare as follows. T. C. Hamp p - & J. P. 1453 dist., IHI J . p . 1453 dist., Ea, | y’ J - P-855 dist., 2K- .: Harden, N. P. &J. p. ® 1St ’’ W - P - 'Prout JP. h^B'/d I’’ 1 ’’ E N- Harrison, N P. sH2: v 829 .» di ?” E - p - Treada - P 919 dist, ilrris ’ P - 919 dist.. sßr'l \' U '! ISOI ' ,N - P - 1 948“ dist,, H\V I J P 1048 dist., « H V i* ! 7 lor ’ P 924 dist. Kist 'i V} e ’ N p &J. P 924 ‘ Hdiu ’r ’ A ‘ Powers » J- P. 1562 tB c’ I!l " ck . N - !’■ * x I /’'-uist,, Join, N. Ilow s ■»»' I ? ~,at - (I. W. Ros- 7 J T P - 923 dist, A. I). . \ Bn Pi’ J J; 1120 dist., John h Bohn ?’ u ’ P - 1,20 dist., I ’ p’ plncl '. N. p. & J p 2 Bp. 92:> 1S ] t- .’ W ’ N -Selman, N.’ H 15ip Watters, J. 5 B>'v' W - P- Mnntgom dist.. W.B. , ? B l ' X. Pi ' 4 ' 1 • 1178 dist., ■ e '-» J’ P 1516 dist , B» C IT le '? J . P 1057(11,1.1 i N - l> - &L P -38 p - a ''ADB Ami \—■— tent'on of Cemmissieners to the railroad crossings at Silver Creek near Lindale on the Southern R. R., and C. R. & C. R. R. and aek the Board to compel the two rail road companies to fill in the space between the tracks on a level with ihe tracks of the railroad as we consider it one cf the most danger ous crossings in the county. We find the road <a* is not enforced and as a consequence the roads are generally in a bad order. The district road Commissioners are relying too much on the chain gang. We also call the attention of the proper authorities to the bad condition of Broad street in city from Sixth avenue to city limits at Norih Rome., We also call attention to the second c’ass road in Texas Valley district on the O’Bryan farm at the creek and the approaches of the bridge being too narrow. SPECIAL REPORT ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS Realizing the great, importance of the educational question, we have appointed a special commit tee on public schools and ask that further grand juries do the same in order that we may improve up on the present system We are glad to note the common school system has taken deep hold of the think ing mind and has come to stay . Th,* great question is how we are to give the county children a pri mary education . We call the at tention of the County Board of Education to the fact that we have beard a great deal as to the high price paid I r school books. We find that tn my of the books used in both city and county schools are sold at far above their real value, th°re to us to be something wrong somewhere in the price of school books, we have been unable to find out exactly where it is or who is at fault. We call the attention of the Board of Education it is their duty to investigate and find some rem edy if possible. We are satisfied fr?m our in ve-tigation that the present books or others as go. d and useful works could be sold at a much lower price than now charged. We rec ommend that the eehool Board set aside the stun of SSOO 00 to be known as a book fund to buy school books at wholesale, that the books be put in charge of county school commissioner and that he he instructed to sell them to any 'me in th e coui.ty at exact cost for spot cas h. We call attention of county Board ol Educa'io , to the employ ment of teachers by salary instead of per diem plan and if in their •pinion it is tn ire practicable and better, to adopt same. We have elected on the county Board of E lucation, W J. Griffin, to fill place of re iring member, R A. Det i>v, Alex White in place of retiring number A. B. S. Moseley, uisi John W. Salmon in place of retiring member S. J. Whatley. KECORDS CLEI.K'S OEFICW. We have examined the records of the clerk’s offi-e and report that we find them all in splendid order, and by a system well adopted to serve the public con venience. Mr. Beysiegel ex plained all details to our entire satisfaction. We also examined the rewords of the ordinary’s office. Mr. Davis, the ordinary, explained all matters in detail. Everything seemed to us to be in perfwet shape. BOOKS OF BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS- We have examined the books of the board of commissioners of roads and revenuesand find them in order, inclp ling a complete statement wf ’expendituresand a voucher for money pki<l out and a stub book to correspond to same. We have examined the books of the sheriff’suffice ii| in order, and the item ized statement of public money correct in accordance to,vouchers attached, CHAIN GANG, After examing the different departments of the chain-gang i 4 the winter quarters in We find the three colored sick, but nothing serious. i We find three hogs, nineteen' shouts, four sows. Eight fine hogs have been killed for use. | We find twelve wagons and one dray, also harness for same, All in good repair. Our committee talked to sev eral prisoners of their fare and treatment. They all say that they have plenty to eat, never , punished unless they violate some well known rule. They speak of Superintendent Hackney as a splendid officer, and we feel that the county .could net have made a better selection for superin tendent. Superintendent Hackney says that the expease of 1897 was lit tle over $9,300. TAX RECEIVER. We find the books of tax re ceiver neatly and correctly kept, so far as time allowed us to ex amine same. COUNTY TREASURER. We find the books of county treasurer neatly and correctly ' kept and vouchers for every cent I paid out and same audited by Foster Harper to January 1, 1898. ’ TAX COLLECTOR. f We have examined books in the office of tax collector and find j same neatly kept and accurately as far as the time allowed us f«r £ the examination. Our tax collector, Mr. Sanford, < has adopted a system of book- ‘ keeping in his office as has been recommended by the former . c grand jury, simplifying the books ( so that all money received and paid out can be readily seen and t and records of all transactions made in his office. Settlement with board of county c commissioners, as required by law, has been complied with and j full settlement made to first Mon- £ day in January, 1898, by sworn statement and same corresponds [ with books. i IN CONCLUSION We tender our thanks to his Honor W. M Henry and to all the officers of the Court and Coun ty for the kindness and witnesses shown our body—and especially to our Bailiff W. Homer Davis, for the information of the public we reccommend that these pre sentments be published in Rome Tribune, Hustler of Rome, Daily Commercial, Rome Georgian and Weekly Argue and that a sum of $5 be paid to each. We reccam- 1 mend that Jurors and Bailiffs be paid Two Dollars pei day for their services. Respectfully submitted Wm. A. Wrig ht Foremam. Wm F Moore A M Bobo H P Childers Chas D Wood W N Horton Sol Everett J N Howell P M Story Jr W.L. Gordon T WOsburn. D B Hamilton Jr S P Rhinehart G A Fleetwood T B Broach John H Moore W H Ball J F Ruswell W P Hunt. G W Williamsjn J N Whitehead E T McGhee. _ IN OLDEN TIMES People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is general ly known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual constipation, well-informed peo ple will not buy other laxatives, which act for a.time, but finally injure the system. WANTED— TRUST WORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for res >on sible, esiatdßhed house In N rth Georgia Monthly $66.00 and expenses. Position steady Reference. Enclose self-addressed, stampe 1 nvelop. The Dominion Company, Dipt. K hicago. WANTED— UPRIGHT AND FAITHFUL gentlemen or ladies to travel for respon sible. esiablished house in Georgia. Monthly $65,09 and expenses. Position steady Reference. Enclose seld-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. K Chicago. Newspaper adv. rtising in thk usit ED STAL'iS. A book of two hundred pages containing a catalogue of about Six thousand newspapers, being all that are credited by the American Newspaper directory (December edi tion for 1»9?) W ll U having regular issues of 1,- 000 copies or more. Also separate State maps of each and every State of tlje Ameiican Union,n wiing those towns only in which there are issiiß'l i ew papers having more than 1,000 circulation. This book (issued Docember 15* b 1807) wil bo sent, postage paid, to any address, on receipt ol one dollar. Address the Geo. P. Rowell Advertising Co, 10 Sprnoe St New York i j Beware of Imitations yQcestershire (/} ’fyuc*' | M ......,w» Man. ... >*. City Marshal sales for February 18 98, GEORGIA, Floyd County: Will be sold before the court house door in the city of Rome Floyd county Georgia on the first Tuesday in February 1898 be tween the legal hours of sale the following described property,towit One lot with improvements thereon in the Third ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Geor gia and all machinery of any kind and character and appliances for making ice and ginning cot’on thereon, said lot fronting on Sec ond avenue 130 feet more or less and running back 80 feet more or ess. Bounded on the Northeast by Second avenue and on the South west by the O’Neill M’f’g Co. being same pretnesis occupied by the cotton gin and ice factory plant now run by S D Camp. Levied on under a tax fira issu< d by the Wa ter Commissioners of Rome Ga., against said lot and improvements and machinery for tax due said city of Rome for water rent for the year rs 1897. Said property being assessed by city assessors as the property of Mrs. Mary lowers and against S. D. Camp, person in possession. J B. Shr pshire. Marshal. XM RftlLWfty. Coni'enaeil Schedule In VflTect Janunry Itt, 1898, STATIONS. I No. 10 No 14 [ No. 8 tv Chattanooga 8 GOam 6 lupin 10.00 pm Ar Dalton 9.23 am 7 2upm 12 10am Ar Rome 10.40 am 8 21pm 1.40 am Ar Atlanta I.loam 10 40pm s.oJam Lv Atlanta 4 20pm 10 55pm 5.20 am Ar Maoon 7. Ittim, 105 am 810 am Ar Jesup . 5.46 am 2.88 pm Ar Everett 6264 m 8.25 pm Ar Jacksonville 8.40 am 9.25 pm Lv Jesup 10 01am 71.56 pm Ar Jacksonville _ . I.oopm 10 16pm Lv Everett .. .. 6.55 am 1.30 pm Ar Brunswick 7.55 am 4.30 pm No. 8 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Atlanta. Nj. 10 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Atlanta. No. 14 carries Pullman Drawing Room Bullet Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Jacksonville and Atlanta to Brunswick stations No 7 : No. 9 |~I?o. 13 Lv Atlanta 750 am I 2.20 p m! 5.30 am Ar Rome 10 15am 145 pm 737 am Ar Dalton :. 11.30 am 5.54pnil 8.38 am Ar Chattanooga I.oopm| .7.20 pm 9.50 am Lv Chattanooga 750 pm 10.00 am Ar Burgin | 4.15 pm Ar Lexington. 4.30 am; 5.00 pm Ar Louisville. 727 am 730 pm Ar Ciiu-i'inati „ . 720 um 7.3"pii, Lv Chattanooga 1.25 pm 1.15 am I %pm Ar Nashville . 6.55 pm 6 40um 6 55pm No 7 currle Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to ChaUano ga. No 9 carries Pullman Union Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati and Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Louisville No. 13 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta to Cincinnati without change. stations. No. 6. i No. 12 . No. 16. Lv Chattanooga lO.OOamj 410 am 6 20pm Ar Knoxville I 15pm; B.o.>am 9.50 pm Ar Morrist wn 2.44 pm 9.50 am 10.55 pm Ar Hol Springs 111.46 am 12.23 am Ar Asheville I 1.15 pm 1.39 am Ar Salisbury I 6 40pm 6 00am Ar Greensboro 1 9.52 pm 8.50 am Ar Raleigh 710 am 11.45 am Ar Norfolk I 5.25 pm Ar Wa hington.... . I 6.42 am 9.25 pm Ar New York ... 12 43pm 6.23 am No 12 carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to New York via Asheville and Sal isbury to Richmond, arriving Richmond 6.00a.m No. lu is solid train Chattanooga to Norfolk, with Pullman Sleeping Car Chattanooga to Raleigh without change Close connections made at Norfolk with -learners for Baltimore. New York and Boston. Pullman Sleeping Car Salisbury to New York via Washington. STATIONS. No. 16 No. 6 Lv Chatt uiooga 6.20 pm 10.00 am Ar Knoxville 9.30 pm 1.15 am Ar Morristjwn [2 01am 2.44 pm Ar Bristol 5.00 am 5.15 pm Ar Washington 11.25 pm, 7.40 am Ar New York 6 25am 1.20 pm No. 6. carries Pullman Sleeping Car Chatta nooga to Washinrt m and Chattan oja to New York without change. No 16 carries Pullman Sleeping Cur Chattn no iga to Knoxville and K noxvtllejlo Hr! tol. STATIONS. _r ■ Sa M Lv Rome liifam Ar Anniston LOOpm Ar Birmingham 10.00 pm Ar Selma 5.35 pm Ar Meridian 9.50 pm Ar New Orleans B.3Ua;ij Ar Jaelfson. • “■ i.4suui Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am A r Shreveport....... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 7.20 pm ♦ No. 15 i jNo. 9 I ifflo. IS ||No l i 2.15 pm 5 00pm Lv Rome .. ar'id. 00am 9.30 am 6.00 pm 1 7.15 pm Ar Gad den. ar; 6 35am. 7.15 am 6.30 pm 730 pm Ar Atlanta )v| 6 15an[| ? QOan] ♦ Daily except Sunday f Sunday only F S. GANNON. 3dv 8 & 0 m Washington. Op. J M. CULP Trat Mgr . Wa hington. D C. W A TURK. G P A . Washington, D C. C A. BENSCHOTER, a G.P.a .Chattanooga, — f .T-Tg-eff-1.... . —— 60 YEARS* EX p E RIE NC 6 Tn *J r M *»<•'> Anyone spndljuc " sketch *i lions strictly confidential. Han lent free. Oldoat agency for up re (| )e Patents taken through M> tprelal notice, without rtara difft reii' SBEBIFFS SALBS ftt FlffllllH 1898 GEORGIA FLOYP COUNTY, 'A ill be sold before the court house dcor in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February 1898, the following described property to wit: One bay horse mule name ‘‘Mike” about 7 years old, one bay h irse mule name “Pete’’ ab ut 10 years old, one bay horse mule name “Dave” about 10 years old, one mouse colored mare mule name “Min” about 7 years old levied upon by virtue of a mort gage fl fa issued from Floyd City Court in saver of R. D. Van Dyke vs T. C. Ayer, agent, as the prop erty of the defendant. Also at the same time and place, 10 acres of land off of the North side of lot No. 87 in the 23rd Dis trict and 3rd Section Floyd Coun ty Georgia, in possession of de fendant. Levied ou by virtue of a fifa issued from the justice court of thh 919th District G M in favor of R. H. Copeland t arsfer<e vs Tom Stephenson as th.' property of the defendai.t. L <vy ma le by D. B. Bryan, L. C. Also at the same time and place, that part of what is known in the Mack O'Bryan place, sold by said deceased to J D O’Bryan as de scribed in bonds for titles, towit That tract of land lying in the sth Dist and 4th Section of said county, all of lot No 267 that lies on West side of the Rome road and 3 acres more or less of lot No 266, bought from E P Floyd, and half of lot No 273 on West side of said lot except 4 acres including dwel ling on same, the old mountain road tj be the line on the East side, and the land line on the North side oi the four acres the land to run two acres each way from the above mentioned lines of the 4 acres, all of said lot and parts of lots lying and being in the sth Dist and 4th Sec Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from Floyd city court in favor of Agnes Landrum, et al, bearers and heirs at law of M M Landrum deceased vs J D O’Bryan as the property of the defendant. Also at the .same time and place one 20 horse power portable engine on wheels, made by Frick Co. Also one upright packing cotton press made by Liddell O')., one sixty-saw Gullettoottongin with feeder and condenser,als > one main line shaft 80 feet long, 2 7-16 diameter with 8 hangers or supports with four or more pulleys on same, also one large planerand matcher bought of Fulton Miller, also 1 No 1 circular saw mill made by G. W. Wheeland with 52 inch saw for sann, also 1 16 inch diameter corn grinding mill, also 1 Wheel atid lath machine made by G- W. Wheeland. This being all of prop described in mortgage that could be found. Levied upon by virtue of a mortgage fifaj; issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of eo. D. Selden vs D. G. Hunt, as the property of the defendant. Said property can be seen and will be delivered at the farm of D. G.Hunt about 6 miles from Rome Ga. on Oostanaula river. Also at the same time and place, all farming tools and implements of every kind ou lot of land No. 49 in 23d dist and 8d sec. of Floyd county, Ga , sa»d lot containing 160 acres more or lees, consisting of 1 cultivator and stalk chopper combined, I elod maeher, 1 10-disc harrow, 1 j\very sulky plow, 1 Empire wheat drill, 1 Lindsey distributor, 3 right hand Oliver chilled plows 2 horse, 1 l-horse cultivator, two cotton planters, 1 corn planter, 1 old harrow, 1 hay Judder, 4 old Towers’ plow stocks. 1 lot old plow and scrapes. 1 hay press R. K. Dederick m ike, about 10 hogs more or less. Levied on by vir ur of mortage fifa issued from Floyd city court iu favor of Jas L. Hight transferee vs D . G • Hunt as the property of the de fendant. Also at th' tiiT9 ind p'aci six acres ot land tn jtc or b s s. sit uated abo’i'.n mi'e fit iu the oitA ° Nh'l I'iltsa part oi » r -. in the 1 wen tv the deed cf of Robert D. Harvey to Mrs. Dora R. Hid ell t*i>d in the deed of Robt, D- Harvy as trustee for his wife and children to Mrs. Dora R. Hidell, which two deeds ire of record in the clerk’s office of Floyd superior ; court in Book E. K. of deeds, page 609, 610, 611 and 612, said | deeds bearing date the 25th of . November, 1884. That portion of r said property, however, which is described in the deed of Dora R. i Hidell to Hannah J. nas, dated March 14, 1889, which deed is re > corded in the clerk’s office of . Floyd superior court in book N. N. of deeds, pages 220 and 221, is hereby excepted. said excepted portion being the house and lot carved out the above levi 1 d prop erty fronting on Hall street, now owned by Mrs. Eugene V. Slaton. Levied on by virtue of a fifa isssed from the Floyd city court in favor of Mrs Lucy F. Cox. transferee vs W. H. Hidell and D ra R. Hidell. as the pr >pertv of defend ant in fifa, Also at the same time and place. all the stock cf whiaki' S in th< store house of Joo Robinson si'- uated on broad street, city of Rome, Ga , consisting of 100 bot tles whisky tnor» nr less, 50 gal lons whisky more or less is barrels 2 beer coolors, 2 set bar fixtures. 3 show ca-es, 2 bar counters, cue ingle surrey, one bay horse name ‘Mank.” Levied uhon by virtu* fa fi a is-ued from Floyd City fimrt in favor of Bwuant Van div.-rvs Joe Robinson as the prop erty of the defendant. Also at the sarr e time and p’ace lot of laud No 77 in the 4th dis trict and 4th section of Floyd county Ga., and being the proper ty described in said fifa. Levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of K. W. Berryhill vs Jas. A. Frazier as the property of the de fendant . Also at the same time and plac° an undivided one-eight interest in and to the following real estate towit; All that tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the city of Rome Ga , formerly DeSoto, and in the country of Floyd, known as the Landrum lot, fronting ou Ross street 89 feet an ! runs back 146 feet and 7 inches to a cow house below th? garden, forming a parallelogrem. Levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of the 919th district G M,. in favor of J. K. Jamison vs Henry Thompson as the property of the defendant. Levy made by Byars L C . Also at the same time and place, undivided one eighth interest in and to the following real estate, towitall thattraot or parcel of land situated lying and being in city of Rome Ga. formerly Desota and in the County of Floyd known as the Lanham lot, fronting on Ross St. 89 feet and runs back 146 feet and 7 inches to a oow house below the garden forming e parallelogram. Levied upon by virtue of a fifa issued from the justice court of the 919 Dist.G.M. iu favor so J. K. Jamison vs Henry Thompson as- the property of the Deft, levy mide by W. M . Byars L. C. Also at the same time and place all that track & pa-cal of land si'uted lying and being in 23rd dist. & 3rd section Floyd County Ga. & being part of Lot 193 contain ing 5 acres more or less adjoining the property of L. M, Johnson on tha North, Abrahem Hume on the East, Ed Waoaster on the sou'h W. A. Rbudy fortnilly & l)Jtl James Wright on the west, the property levid upon by violin ol a fifa issued from the Justice Cour; of the 919 dist G.. M. in favor of 2. E Paschatt vs. H. E. S>rrwell E Ina Sorwell as the property o the the defendants. Levy made by D, B. Bryan L. C. Also at the same time and place four and 7-100 acres in the South - corner of lot No 835 and 32 and 30-IQQ acres in the South west corner of lot No 336 and 71 and 75-100 acres in the Northorn ’ irt of lot No 845, aD in one body :n the 93rd District and 3rd Sec tion of Floyd" ciunty described thus: Beginning at a point rher? the South !’• . I y tfw»' L/j 1 Ift 11 'ljl s | rkad i T| , |B| dej i chaim B along start— r land ’ Levi i. j 1 mgs . agai*~ r Met 5 | 3 of said w ’ acres in ' having Loonisi 1 to sect l< - 5 exf cuti 3 has bed ' c '“ rk ’ sl ' the pur, ' on by vi Floyd S , Ths. ’ I Reynold Deft. j u * w Weste 1 I Nashvil CHATTA NASHVP < PULLMAN P JAC. NAS THR* locel Sleep Cheap Ernie Excursion 1 For Maps, F< joy informal. , write or appl \ - B. WALKER, T icket Age ‘ Union I C. K. AYER, Ticket Age Ro<n< .OS. M. BROWh Traffic * oT KING’ ROYA[ GERM This plea delightful | exhilaratinr with all wh I est of all sexes, of all ( WHAT 1" Iwlll give you ‘ It will give you . It will stimulatt ■ It will restore y | It will put your It will purify yn w It will change ft will bring yoi ‘ MKW PACK DOS SOLD E MAN I fte Atlanta ' W KITB a < On a t I W day 1 j J? Root || H standfl 2 twceiM C and tl!a n tressV y. sects g iH 7? li#