The Hustler of Rome. (Rome, Ga.) 1891-1898, February 01, 1898, Image 3

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FITZGERALD cO C KEb°PONSNT. WRITES UP THE CRACKER When H® Sends News Across Mason & Dixon’s. Fitzgerald, Ga., Jan 29 Ch Robinson Circus, of Cincinnati, made a “killing” here last Novem ber. Its manager had skipped the colony, but whm a committee in vited the circus it came undei pro tost. The morning of the show every seat and the entire standing room w ns sold before 11 o’clock. For the evening the shew was sold out before the afternoon performance ended. Hundreds could not get in- Hde so a street parade was given for their bene fit. Ihe show bills are on the billboards yet. good as new, and the co onists point to them with pride. That day people came to Fitz gerald “from forty miles about” and went home laden with store goods. Some of the storekeepers took in as much as S4OO apiece that day. It is a musical city. The first public ins'itution was the “Mili tary Band,” which plays at the auctions and plays in the band stand daily Ninety-five per cent of the people have a musical in strument at home. There is a col lege of music aid a dozen music t. acheis m the colony. A border drama will be given in the opera-house next w -ek . Mus icales ars given weekly. Tl e colonist have much sport with the “crackers” Ask a “crack er” how far it is to a place and he will tell you “Quite a b t” or “10 miles,” or “a hundred feet.” tie has absolutely up idea of distance Jlis favorite measure of distance is “two looks and a low ” Thai means as far as you can see, as far as you can see beyond that, and as far slid beyond as you can In ar a cow low. New blood is needed among the crackers. At a jury trial recently th» Court directed as many of the 24 talesmen as were blood rela tions of the plaintiff to stand up Nineteen stood up. The crackers dread hypnotism. The) believe it a strange power possessed by Yankees.To illustrate fins, f lurltfi Dt Lung entered a saloon and toid the cracker bar- Itiab-r lie was g< ing to hypnotiz' him “Please don’t,Mr. De Lang” the fellow pleaded. De Lang made a dab at him with his hand and the fellov believing he was in De Lang s pow. r set up free drinks, stood on his bond, ate sa - dust and d d rioicuious things till the spec tators were tired < f laughing, ana De Lung “resteipd h m to hit pornial condition,” 1 here is a public libiary. 1 here is fine hunting. Quail, dy r rabbits and squirrels abound. Getting the njuii is the sport ol Ml. 1 litre is no free delivery. When Jhi inril comes in scores line uj hi flout of the Postoffice. O’teii Ifr ! line is half a block I jng ana H'li d there every wrigghng >nt< office door for two h juts at a time,—T. C. Shotwell,—inCinc n Uati Post. IN OLDEN TIMES People overlooked the importune* M permanently beneficial effects were, d with transient R'tion, but now that it is general ly known .that Syrup of Figs wil' peimanontly overcome habit ua constipation, well-informed peo plewill not buy other laxatives, ®hi(’h act for a time, But finally injure the system. W'^y Kl ’- r ‘<ns r > VOlir ,YKXI> \CTiVt '• or la lies to travel f>r es on Monthlv t l \ B n^ fc,, ? heJ house 1,1 N rth « ’ a -v'> and expenses. Position steady ''me. Knc ose sols-ad trcs.od, s.aoipc > Mica J rifC M'uiulM Co.ii_.ny, U >,.t. it W I Ic.HT \NI> F ITHFUI m.hi “ r ladies to travel f.»r respon- Motitl H * es iabli>»h< d h< u*€ in Georgia huf * and expenses Position tea 1/ . *uv<-’ e ’ h "‘ 8,,| '1-»ddr irseil stanipei j r ril * U 1 Coin. .any. Dept. K. ' |,,V|! p'> v P.rmv tiv ihk 1 < l»o >k ..r two hundred pjf a cu.a oyne of „j* iha.i®, V' . BETSY HAMILTON WILL GIVE ONE OF HER MATCHLESS READINGS AT COURT HOUSE TONIGHT F» r the Benefit of the Daugh ters of The Confederacy. All who have had the rare plea-ure of hearing Betsy Ham I - ton or reading her publish d sketches, will learn with delight that this gifted Southern woman and writer has promised to give one of her inimitable character portrayals tomg it for the benefit of the Daughters of the Confeder acy at the court hou-e. Os Betsy Hamilton’s writings, Robt. J. Burdette, himself a hu morist of national fame, says : “I consider them quite the best things of the kind that have been printed,” and Bishop Fitzgerald says: “I had the pleasure of at tending one of Betsy Hamilton’s entertainments and scarcely ever had a more delightful evening. L Q t her have the right of way. She will make people happier and bet ter.” Tonight Mrs. Moore (Betsy Hamilton) promises us her b st and most amu ing pieces, one or more of wh h will be presented in costume. In addition to the character scotches, lovers of fie music will note with pleasure tha' the pro gram includes four musical gems, one a violin solo by Miss Printup. while the three numbers from Wagner to be rendered by some of '•ur most talented vo-.a'ists, were those received with greatest ap plause and enthusiasm on the oc casion of the ncent Wagner even ing at. Shorter College, when th< delightful program was arranger and presen’ed under the direction f that gifted musician, Miss Dust man, who wil also be in charge .onight of the musical part of the program which is, in full, as fol lows' Chorus, Spintrng Wheel from “Flying Dutchmm” Wagner disses Ross, Brown. A ken, Judd 8. B. Duggan Camp, Reynolds Logan, Curroll Duggan. Recitation Betsy Hamiitoi Klsa’b Dre-a -i from Lohengrin Wagner Miss Iwiyn Duggat Reci'atiop Petsy Hamilton Violin Soly Mi-s Alida Printup R-citation Betsy Hamilton Saritone i.nd Bass Du.-t, from “Thv Flying Dntcl irau” Wagner Messrs. C. A. Thompson and II irace King. Recitation Be'sy Hamilton Actnis-itm. 2b cents . BALLOTING FOR SENATOR Caucus In Tenn..j-ice, Unable To Make N m nj.ti n N.ishviF, Tenn . F b. 1. —Th lemocrat ic < gis'atix c c HJJUS again eld a dreary and monotonous (pssion last night and ballotted eev mteeu times withcut getting near >r tbe nnniinaticn of a cand date or Uniti d States t < put' r then vhen the caucus adjourned last Friday night. No change in tl.e balloting of -pecial importance were made and the 1 it ballot taken, the 114. h r 'suited ; McMillin, 36. Turley. 27. T ylor, 2Y. The c ucus adj urmd Until to tight. Tbe belief that the deadlock i.ot be broken is widespread, al though th" demand of thp entire prees of the state for definite act ion is urgent. McMillin’s highest vote last night was 37 COLORED MAN. Dropped From Uist Op L’kcgln- Day Banquet Speaker). Colnnibus, O. Jun. Bl —On ac . ; unt of opposition from colored leop'e, Chas. A Cottrel, of Toledo 1 ms been dropped from the-list of Speaker* of the Lincoln-Day ban- Xd by tie Ohio Republican AlxCot trel is Deputy Reci sd- COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEI THIS M iRNINtI ROUTINE BUSINESS A Few Small Bills Were Or dered Paid. Rome, Ga. Jan. 31. 1898—Board f Education of Floyd county met at the C unity School Commis siunees office, Presihent A. B. S. Moseley in the chair.”' Piesent A. B. S. Moseley, S. J. Whatley, C. P. Morton, and I. D. Gillard, Minutes of last meeeting read and and approved. The following bills were ordered paid:— J. Sam Veal .50 H. A. Smith .95 RomeJJ Tribune .75 Rome Daily Commercial $1 50 Ou Motion of Mr. Whatley, Mr 1. D. Gillard, with the as sistance of the School Commis sioner, was instructed to take such action with reference to reg ister as his discretion indicates On motion it was unanimous ly decid'd that the school term ol six and one half months for 1898 shall be taught at such time or times as best suit the communi ties and teachers. Ou motion it was ordered that the Chairman be instructed tc approve the' requisition of the County School Commissioner for 4-fi quar’er when the same has approved bv the auditor of the Board, Mr R. A. Denny. Ou motion Board of Education adjourned. J. D Gwaltney. Secty. Approved, A. B. S. Moseley President. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY. “Mystic Curt;” for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the sys tem is remarkable and mysteri ous It removes at once the cause uid the disease immediately dis— ippears. The first d se greatly leuefits. 75 cents. Sold by Curry Arrington Co., Druggists, Rome, jft. ARGENTINA AND CHILI. No Danger Os A War Between Them This Year. Loudon, Jan 31. The V..lpar so correspondent of the Times ■ays. “Senor Moreuoa, the Argen ine boundary expert, wh se sud leu departure fcr Buenos Ayres caused alarming rumors and a oanic on the Santiago and Val piriso maket assures, nje thst no d fflculties have arisen between Argentina nod Chi i while opin ions lead me to believe that there s no dot.ger of war this year. NASAL CATARRH Cheney’s Expectorant has nc qual. A few drops have given re lief to my child when threatened vith croup. By snuffing it through the note,! recommend it for nasal catarrh. Rev. B. F. Adams, Covington, Ga. HEARING WAS AFFE BE D “I was troubled with catarrh foi five years and my hearing was af fected so that 1 was n ally dea n one ear The first bottle of Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me good and I continued taking it until 1 was well. 1 have no symptoms cf catarrh and my hearing is all right.” E. A. Willoughby, Mari etta, Ga. Hoods Pills are the >nly pi Is to .ake. with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Gent'e, reliable, sure. The Rome Drug Co . also bad a line of wach chums, cuf buttons, «p?ctacls, lamps >md vises, which I tin now ckzing out at about half Hurry up Cash. Ev erybody. All the time 1 Frank Wright, Farmacist, ol I ’ Norton corner, cppjsit Masonic Temp’e. Beware of Imitations luj : qp Wmsfersfi/re 1 I I *I , JOHN D’INCAN-8 BONS, AGtNTA, NEW YORK. j 1 CityMarslial sales ■ for Pebraary 18 SB, GEORGIA, Floyd County: I Will bo sold before the court house door in the city of Rome > Floyd county Georgia on the first > Tuesday in February 1898 be > tween the legal hours of sale the* i following described property,towit One lot with improvements thereon in the Third ward of the city of Rome Floyd county Geor gia and all machinery of any kind and character and appliances for making ice and ginning cot'on thereon, saia lot fronting on Sec ond avenue 130 feet more or less and running back 80 feet more or ess. Bounded on the Northeast by Second avenue and on the South west by the O’Neill M ’f’g Co being same premesis occupied by the j cotton gin and ice factory plant now run by S D Camn. L-vied on under a tax fira issu< d by the Wa ter Commissioners of Rome Ga., ; against said lot and improvements and machinery fer tax due said! city of Pome fo| water rent for ihe year rs 1897. Sai 1 property being assessed by city assessors as the property of Mrs. Mary lowers and against S. D Camp, person 'u possession. J B. Sim p. iiiRE, Marshal. Rftiimy. Con lensed Schedule in Eflect January 16, 189 S. STATIONS. • fi) N-> I I No 8 Lv Cbattanooua s'Viiami 0 10pm ri ixippi Ar Dalton .. I t-.23.mi Jwpin 12 loam Ar Rome ||o.liarn R.-Jlpm Mirim Ar Atlanta ' I lo.ooilll J.. ; »nn n o'am Lv Atlanta I, »•Mn.r>’’<>3 pni s.2ilam Ar Macon '■ 7. input l O.xtm 8 10-. rm Ar Jesupl 5.46atn 2.38 pm Ar Everett I (1.25 am 3 25pm ’ Ar Jacksonville ... ... 8 loam 9 .’s]>m 7vjc-sup 11 olam 6..iopm \r J.r.-ksonvtlle ; . . l.oopm lit Isnm Lv Everett .... . ».55amj 3.3 'pin Vr Brunswick ' LL __. No. 8 carries Pullm an Sleeping Car Cliatta lo -ga to Atlanta. N *. 19 carries ’’till man Union Sleeping Car Jhattan oga to Atlanta X. 11 carries I'.iuui t i Draivln • Room Buffet sleeping Car < n .tt-ii .-> :.i to 1.t.-ltsonville and \tl 1.1t.X to It: 1.-lsiv .'k STATIONS No 7 No. 9; No 11 7\~Atlan'.a 750 am 22 pm ">tarn Ir Rome 10 15am I l >p;u 737 am \r Dalton 11.35 am S.Mp.n 8. ts im ,r Chattanooga .... I Ottprn 7 2oj i 3 lam ,v C uittanoo .-a .... . 7..50pm !0 OJam u It-.irgiTi I I I’l>m i. 130 am 5.01 pm IrLouiM Ila 7_27atn ?.3i>pn> \ < ii.■. . ■ 1 l2< am 7 3 .|im ,v c.-afa:i -a . ,I23pm I I Is.ini 125 pm Vr Nashville. |i>.sspin|_ti l'.>ui»i (>.sspm No 7 carrie Pullman Sleeping Car Atlanta o Cbattano gn. No » ca.t os Pullman Union Nl.—pine Car Atlanta to < i.i -innati ami Pullman Sleeping ui'o2'll to Louisville No. 13 uit-rie- sleeping Car Atlanta o Cincinnati without x liatrie STATIONS. . No. 6. No. 12 j No. 15. TTChritlati o.i. ... bto-.-tm t 10am (>.2opm \r Knoxville 1 lopi.u. j iDam #.sopn; \r Morri t wn J-lipm l> 3o ~i 1,1.5: pm \rHot Springs.] 11 1& m 12 . \r Asheville 1' I l'>pm, I.3vam vr Salisbury I. .. .I I! 10pm. li.eOan- .r Greensboro...- ■ ■ 9.s?ptn B.f.oant tr iialeigh 710 am ll.t>air u Norfolk J !•••■.... lit Wa hmgt >n..„... . .. I (5.43am' 9.27pu \r N< 1 Y0rk,,.,...!12.4fpn>; &2wir No 12 carrie- Pul'ma 1 Sleeping Car Chatta looga to N w 5' .r'a via A-iievillc and Sal soury to ill hniond. -arri vtng Hk l.tpoud (t.OOa.m No lit is solid tr ii-i C idtlano >.'a to Norfolk. y:.-i I'u'.'.ml Sleeping Cui ( battp;..u..-a tc iil’ieh without cbaiire Close <>■ .incctlonr j, at Norfolk with 1 amers for Bal im re s'e ■ York an I B >'ion. Pullma 1 S’- -ping Car aiii.bu y to X -w Ymll Via Winhi-ii'».o:i. STATHDM N 18 NO 5 I .v Chatt i ■ o ui \r Knoxville. " I' 1 " 115 im At rris'. wn ... . 'l'DHiim 2.11 pm \r Bristol i :■ it ; ■ 1 >j.n> \r Wiisiiin -ton It : fin 711 am A. New York ■ •■’■•m 1.2- pm No. fi. carries Pullm n -tenpin .- Car < hatta ‘ ncoea t > Wnshingt n and Cbattan oga to Ne* \ k without ch 'tig--. Xo 10 carries Puiiman Sleeping <'->r Cbatta ao ga to Kn xvi'.ie a-; I Knuxvtbe loHri tol. s t ATI s No. 1.3 I Lv Rome ... iOam Ar Ann'ston 100 pm Ar Birmingham lO.oopm Ar Selma I”” [ Ar Merisian 0.50 pm Ar New Orleans •'.« ■■■’l---- -•-• 8.. t .‘am I Ar Jack ' "" Ar Vicksburg 11.35 am A’ ■ ■ - - i l "’ tNo i.<'i?No.'»r _|LNo._l« IINoJfl! "21:1pm .3 (Com Lv Rome ;ir lit I.'-. ■ 9.30-im ti K'pm 7.lsptn Ar Gad den ;,|| 8.35 am 7,1..ain tJ.3tl.ini 7 3 qiin Ar At'anla lvlsam, 7 o.lam ’ + Daily except Sunday I Sunday only. F S.GANNON 3<iv p Ac m Washington. DC ' J M CULP. Tint Mgr .Wa hington. It C W A TURK. G P A Washington D C. C A. BENSCOTER a.g.p. a ..Chtutaiooga T«u» 1 50 YEARS' EX P E RIE NC E k Trade Marks I ' Designs r Copyrights 4c. Anyone sending n sketch and description may aulckly ascertain rur opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Coniniunica tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents, Patents taken through Munn A Co, receive vpreial notice, without charge, in the I SHEW m FCHEBBIBYIB9B GEORGIA FLOYD COUNTY A ill be sold before ilp> c.otiif house dcor in the city of Rome, Floyd Co. Ga. between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tii 'nl y in February 1898, the following described property to wit: One bay horse mule name “Mike” rbout 7 years old, one bin horse inu'e name “Pete” nb ul 10 years old, one bay horse mult n iuoe “Dave” about 10 years old one mouse colored mare mul n,.me “Mio” about 7 years o'd levied upon by virtue* of a mort i gage fifa issued from Floyd Cilj Court in saver of R. I). VaitDyk * vs T. C. Ayer, agent, as the prop erty of the defendant. Alto nt. the same time ami place. 10 acres of land off of the North side of lot No. 87 in the 23rd Dis trict and 3rd Seel ion Floyd Coun ty Georgia, in possession of de tenda U. Levied on by virtue of a fifa issued from the justice court of thh 919th District 4 M n favor of R. H. Copeland t 't-s'’■■r< e vt- Torn Stephenson a« • :<e i> perty of the daieiid.ii.t. L»vy mi e by D. B. Bryan, L. C. Also a’ the same time and place, that part of what is knew as the Muck O'Bryan place, sold by said deceased tc J D O'Bryan as dt sc’il.-ed in bonds for titles, towit That tract of land lying in tin sth Dist and 4th Section of said I county, all of lot No 267 that lies jn West side of the Rome road and 3 acres more or less of lot No 266, bought from E P Floyd, and half of lot No 273 on West side of said lot except 4 acres including dwel ling on same, the old mountain roa<i 19 be the line on the East side, and the land line on the North side o t the four acres the land to run two acres each way from tbe above me.itiontd lines ol the 4 acres, all of said lot and par s of lots lying and being in the sth Dist and 4th Sec Floyd county Ga. Levied on by virtue of a fif'a issued from Floyd city court in favor of Agnes Landrum, et al, bearers and heirs at law of M M Landrum deceased vs J D O'Bryan as the property of the defendant. Also at the same time and place one 20 horse power portable engine on vvheeis, made by Frick Co. Also one upright packing cotton pres made by Liddell O')., one sixty-saw Gul ett cotton gin with feeder and '■ondonser.als ) one main line shafi 80 feet long 2 7-16 diameter witl 8 hangers or supports with four oi more pulleys on saint, also one arge planer and matcher bought >f Fulton Miller, also 1 No 1 •ircular saw mill made by G. W vVheeland with 52 inch saw sci ■ amalso 1 16 inch diameter •orn grinding mill, also 1 Wheel itid lath machine made by G- W ‘Vheeland. This being all of prop iescribed in mortgage that ecu 1 >e found. Levied upon by virtue >f a mortgage fifaj issued from Floyd Superior Court in favor of e<». D. Selden vs D. G. Hunt, is the property of tne defendant. S rid property can be seen and will be ddiver- dat the farm of D. (L Hunt about 6 miles from Rome Ga. on Oostanaula river. Also at the same time and place, ill farming rods and implements of every kind <m lot of land No. 19 in 23d dist and 3 1 sec. of Floyd county, Ga , sad lot ©obtaining 160 acres more or lees, consisting of 1 cultivator and btalk chopper combined, I clod masher, 1 10-disc la row, 1 Avery sulky plow, 1 Empire wheat drill, 1 Lindsey lislnbutor, 3 right hand Oliver hilled plows 2 horse, 1 l-horse •ullivator, two cotton planters,! ’orn planter, 1 old harrow, 1 hay Redder, 4 old Towers’ plow stocks. 1 lot old plow and scrapes. 1 hay ‘ trass P. K. Dederick in .ke, about '0 bogs more or less. Lavied oi> >y v r ur of m >rtage ti a issued com Fioyd city court in avor of las L. Hight transferee v a D.G --111 ,r. as the property f the de endant Also at the ' I mI p act ix acres of I' l ’’ * ' r ° ti> i mt.-d about a u.i e f'«>m lh; citA| • f R ».ue. U»a., ami 1 1 ing a pa rt o. j land lot N>• '23-5 tho Two.ity i nir 1 district a.d third sect'ou of fioyd county, i . ki )V ias -he Mrs Dora R. Hiddl home ! the deed ct of Robert D . Harvey Ith to. Mrs Derail. Hicell and in lb’ the d ed of Robt. D. Ilarvy ass trustee fo r Lis wife and/children to Mrs. Dora R. Hidell , which cf’ two deeds ire of record in the • H t cli-rk’s ofii.-e of F’oyd superior f court in Book E. E. o f deeds, , page (109, 610, 611 and 612, said j . 1 . - .in | deeds bearing date the 25’h of . Novemb r, 1884. That p< rlion of , said property, howev- r. which is d"Bciibed in the deed of Dora R. Il c Hidell to Hannah J< nao, dated March 1 I, 1889, which deed is re , corifd in the clerk’s office °^L O Floyd superior court ia book N. N. of deeds, pages 220 and 221, is hereby excepted, said excepted portion being the house and lot carved out. the above levi-d prop- on erty fronting on flail street, now pj owned by Mis. Eugene V. Slaton, 'f Levied on by vir u- of a flfa isssed R t from the Floyd city court in favor D, of Mrs Lu-y F. 0 >x. transfirret) vs W. 11. Hidell an I D -ra R. Hidell. as the pr>p*rtv of <1 den I ant in fifa. Also at the same time and p!ac u . all the stock of whi-dcus in the store house < f Joe Robinson si - uated on br<'ad street , city of fl 'ine, G i . consisting of 160 bat tles whisky mor*- or lees, 50 gal- W lons whisky more dr less is Imrrels, one • iOCc 2 beer coolers, 2 set bar fixtures, 3 show cams, 2 bar counters, one -Jar , l i S PP ] ■i.iglH surn-y, one liay lu-rse name nail ‘Mackr” L'vieduhon bv virtue 6 1C J cen t a Ufa issued from F.oyl City j<j c finirt in favor of Bryant Van tree div. r vs Jo- R (bins >n as the prop- I mty ot the defendant. °f - sect Also at th- -'u e time and p’ace SU p lot of land No 77 io the-4th dis- °f t trict and 4th S'-cdon of Floyd Old county Ga., and being the proper- will ty described in said fifa. Levied s j- a t upon bv virtue of a fifa issued from Floyd Superior Coart in favor of K. W. Berryhill vs Jas. A. Frazier as the property of the de fendant. -nr Also at the same Hine and plac Q an undivided one-eight interest m and to the following real estate towit; Al! that tract or parcel if land situated, lying and being in the city of Rome Ga , formerly DeSoto, and in the country of Fioyd, known as the Landrum lot, fronting on Ros-c street 89 an ; runs back 146 feet and 7 inches v to a cow house below Hip garden, orming a parallelogrem. Levied upon l>y virtue of a fifa issued from the Justice Court of thi )19th district G M,. in favor of 1. K. Jamison v- Henry Thompson is the property of the defendant. - s Levy made by Byars L C . Also at the same time and plac C individed one eighth interest i nid to the following real mwitall tha’tract or parcel of ? and situated lying and being in dty of Rome Ga. formerly Desota . nd in the County of Fioyd known | is the Lanham lot, fronting on Ross St. 89 feet and runs back 146 feet and 7 inches to a cow 1 muse below th • garden forming a larallel ■gram. Levied upon by virtue of a fita issued from the justice court of the 919 Dist.G.M. ppi n favor fb J. K. Jamison vs a lenry Thompson as the property > f the Daft, levy made by W. M 3yars L C. jfiL/ Also at the same time and plac j.,. ill that track & pa cal of land n uted lying and being in 23rd dist. '6 A 3rd section Floyd County Ga & being part of Lot 193 contain- -B. ng 5 acres m ore or less adjoining ho property of L. M. Johnson on ’ lha North, Abraham Hume on th<- [ East, E I Wacister on the sou h . \V. A Rhuiy form illy ■& now ‘fl fames Wrigh on the west, the .* property lev.d upon by violin o' i fifa issued from the Justice Court - if tne 919 dist G- M. in tavor o 2. E Paschatt vs. H. E- S>rrwetf E Ina Sorwelt as tha propi-ty cift t the the defendants. Levy made bj| D. B. Bryan L. C. J Aiso at the same time and place four and 7-101) acres in the South ;ast corn, roi lot No 335 and 32 uid 3J-100 acres in the South b .vest corner of lot No 336 and 71 uid 75 100 acres m the Northern 1 ai t .d lot No 345, all in one bodi n H e 23. J District and 3rd Sec- I . ion o F. ’yd Ciunty described Jehu-: Begimiiog at a point where he South line oi lot No 335 inter - i.-cts the E ot Etowah er, 1X -4| chains t o the ► J Southeast coriibr of said lot, tlß'iic- 9 chairs.