The Rome tribune. (Rome, Ga.) 1???-190?, January 25, 1900, Image 1

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PART ONE. PAGES I To 8 ESTABLISHED 1887. M’ENERY SPEAKS ON THE RACE QUESTION Louisiana Senator Opposes the Resolution In troduced By Pritchard and Says Unless the Negro Vote is Restricted There Will Be Trouble NO SOCIAL EQUALITY SAYS RACE QUESTION IS MOST SERIOUS OF DAY. TELLS OF DAYS .OF HEGRO DOMINATION The Bestowal of Political Powers Upon the Impersonal Mass Could Not Be Justified Anyway. Washington, Jan. 23 —Mr. MoEnery (Dem., La.) delivered a speech in the senate todav on the resolution of Mr. Pritchard (Rep., N. C.) relating to the proposed amendment to the constitu tion of North Carolina. He said the race question was one of the most seri ous that had ever confronted the na tion, and added: “So far the best intellects of the south have endeavored to find some remedy to make the south prosperous, notwith standing 1 the presence of a vast number ot ignorant blacks; to make he social position clear and defined in the separa tion of the races and to place her on a political basis that will insure stability to her institutions; make the ballot box the sacred depository of the liberties of the people, instead of the charnel house, when under negro domination they were assassinated; to prevent them by means of the ballot and superior numbers from again getting control of the state and inaugurating the era of terrorism and corruption which prevailed under this government from 1868 to 1877. “The recollection of that period is like a heliborn dream, and one Is al most unnerved at the mention. It is the darkest and most shameful period in the history of the human race. The won der now is that by force it was not sooner terminated by an outraged peo ple. “Annul the legislation of Louisiana, which has for its sole object advance ment of both races, the progress of the state socially, politically and industri ally, and inaugurate again negro domi nation in that state, the tragic period of 1876 will be re-enacted. No Social Equality. •"There never has been any disposi tion on the part of the people of Louis iana to deprive the negro of any of his political or civil rights. There has been aad will continue to be determination, fixed and unalterable, to deny him so oial privileges on equality with the whites, to prohibit him from aspiring to an equality in social life which na ture forbids.” Mr. McEnery said the suffrage article in the Louisiana constitution was ap proved by all citizens of the state. * ’From the day that the negro was disfranchised, ” said Mr. McEenery, “and negro domination prevailed in the state until 1876, when it was over thrown, there was an era of corruption, vice any tyranny, not equalled in ages.” He reviewed this situation and then ■poke of the beneficial results of white supremacy He said the regula tion of the o aft rage in Louisiana did not affect the negro a one, but a large num ber cf persons wno had emigrated to New Orleans since the civil war. It was a dangerous power, unreasoning and without intelligence, and had to be controlled. He declared tnat the be stowal of political powers upon the im personal mass could not ba justified. The exclusion of that mass was not a violation of any representative law. With reference to the proposed amend ment to the constitution of North Caro lina he said it did not exclude the negro from voting. “He has the right, in common with the white people,” said he, “on the condition alike applicable to both races that he can read and write, or that he own a certain amount of real and per sonal property. He is deprived of no right of suffrage by the conferring of it wtvxm. olass. ” He maintained that the right to vote *Kuld be conferred only by a state and ♦here was no restriction upon the state ic persons it might admit to the elec torate. He then said: “There is nothing in the text of the suffrage clause quoted to show that there is any denial or abridgment of the right to vote on account of race, color or previous condition. The state being the sole judge of the qualifications of electors, can discriminate among the illiterate as to electoral capacity. “The opportunities for the south are those of the nation. Let her alone and her possibilities for the future can only be conjectured. They are limitless. - “The rapid industrial progress of the THE ROME TRIBUNE. DOUBLE TRAGEDY IN MACON. Negro R -slsts Arrest and la a Fight That Follows Two Fall. Macon. Jan. 28.—James Harty But ler, a notorious negro from North Caro lina, was shot to dearh here yesterday, but not until he had killed Armistead Smith, an inoffensive old negro who was standing near, and seriously wounded D. Felman and John Reid, both the latter yrhite. During the disturbance some ten or 12 pistol shots were fired in the open street and the affair created great ex citement. Butler was wanted for an attempted assault on a negro woman, and when approached by officers began to shoot, with the result above stated. The shooting occurred on Fourth street, nearly in front of the union pas senger station, and the fa -t that more blood was not shed is regarded as a miracle. SHILOH PARK BOARD MEETS. Work to B<> Done by the Commission This Year Mapped Oil'. Chattanooga, Jan. 28—The Shiloh National Military park commission held a meeting at the Read House here to day, those present being Colonel Cor nelius Cadle of Cincinnati, Major J. H. Ashcraft of Paducah, Ky., Hon. Josiah Patterson of Mempnis, Major D. W. Reed of Chicago and Albert Thompson, the chief engineer. The meeting was for the pnrpose of mapping out the work to ue done this year, and the engineer received instruc tions to push the work of marking ths battle lines and camps with iron tablets. The commission has already spent 1150,000 on the battlefield and it is ex pected that it will be ready for dedica tion in two years. Luiub''ruii-n In Jacksonville. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 23.—Two i hundred Indiana lumbermen, represent- , ing the Retail Lumber Dealers' associa tion of that state, arrived here thia morning. After breakfast they went , to St. Augustine, returning this after noon. Tomorrow the party will enjoy . an elaborate program prepared for them by the board of trade. Fire at Winterville G». ’ I Winterville, Ga., Jan 23. Tha most disastrous fire Winterville has evei had occurred at 4 a.m., entirely destroy ing McAlpin’s dry goods store, Dr. F. W. Coil’s drug store and O. C. Feagin’s grocery store. Loss between fB,OOO and 110,000, with no insurance. The fire is supposed to be the work of an in cendiary. Connecticut Banks Failed. Thompsonville, Conn., Jan. 23.—Ths doors of the private bankinghouse of R. 1 D. and R. E. Spencer of thi- place wers 1 closed today. Simultaneously comet the information that the doors of the Robert E. Spencer bankinghouse of Hazardsville, Conn., were also closed, i The two banks are closely connected, i National Guardsmen Meet. Indianapolis, Jan. 23.—Representa tives of the National guard of every state in the Union are here in session for the purpose of preparing a bill to 1 be submitted to congress that will give the National guard of the United States a larger appropriation and greater recog nition by tne federal government. A Cali to Prohibitionists. Chicago, Jan. 28.—A call was issued today for the prohibition national con vention to nominate candidates for president and vice president. It will meet at the Coliseum, Chicago, Ills., at 10 o’clock a. m., on Wednesday, June 27, 1200. Alabumtao to V*t<kt Bbere. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 2ft.—W. BL Bingham of this plaos has received no tice of his appointment ae Heutenant tn the Canadian volunteer service, with orders to report at Ottawa ready to leave for South Africa. south 'X’Zt uhpossiore under negro cromT ination. Restore to the negro indis criminately the ballot and invest him i with power, and there will not only be a check to the progress of the south, but the advantage gained will be lost. “There can be no admixture of the races. This is a law of nature. They must work out their destinies on paral lel lines, which cannot come together. The Anglo-Saxon blood will always be the superior. We are making the ne gro’s condition better every day. We regulate the suffrage because he is ig norant and at present the majority of the negro race has no electoral capacity. "The question raised in the resolu tion offered by the senator from North Carolina is a judicial one. Congress has the power, but it has not the righr to declare any law or constitution pre vislonal of apy state unconstitutional.” I WEEKLY EDITION ROME, GEORGIA. THURSDAY JANUARY L 5 1900 SUBMITTED Reports in the Case of Matthews. Quay Prep soiled to Senate MAJORITY i OPPOSED FIVE MEMBERS AGAINST GIVING HIM A SEAT. I • ’IODB ABE FOB TBE PENHSYLJ ANR.S i i I I . Five Members in Objection Say Gov - f ernor Had no Right to Appoi’ I ’ After Failure of Legislate Washington, Jan. 28 —Th ' i‘.s ’ of the committee on privilege., CJ ec- ’ tiona in the case of M. S. Quay, who claims a seat in the United States sen ate on the strength of an appointment ' from ths governor of Pennsylvania : were presented in the senate today. i The majority report, opposing the seat- 1 ing of Mr. Quay, was signed by Sena tors Caffery, Pettus, Turley, Harris and Burrows, the last named the only Re- i publican signing it. The minority re- 1 Sort bears the signatures of Senators loar, Chandler, Pritchard and Mc- Comas, ail Republicans, and advocates giving the seat to Mr. Quay. The majority report first reviews the circumstances under which Mr. Quay’s failure of tiie Pennsylvania legislature to elect a sen a: or. It then says: “Atter a vacancy in the office of United States senators occurs or comes to pass, if the next legislature does not j fill it, it continues to exist It is the same vacancy, not a new one. Now < the state executive is given power to make temporary appointments m case of a vacancy, not as long as it continues to exist, but only until the next meet ing of the legislature, which is then re quired to fill the vacancy. This clearly means that the paramount intention to have the legislature choose the sena tors is to prevail, and that, whenever the legislature has had an opportunity to fill the vacancy, either before or after It occurs, the executive has do power to appoint. I “And when we take the phrase *if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the leg isia are of any state,’ if we concede that the general word ‘otherwise’ is not qua tfied nor limited by the specific ‘resignation* and that it includes vacan cies which are caused by efflux of time and which can be foreseen, as well as vacancies which are caused by a casu alty or the happenings of an unexpected event and which cannot be foreseen, still it must be construed and defined with reference to the balance of the phrase so as to give effect to all its parts; and it thus results that the va- | cancy, no matter how it is produced, mufet happen, take place, or begin during a recess of the legislature; and this of itself would be decisive against * Mr. Quay’s claims. ’’ The minority report takes the oppo- ' site view. Quoting section 3, article 1 of the constitution, the minority says that the failure of the governor to call the legislature together to elect a sena tor does not act to deprive the governor of the power of appointment. FARMERS IN MASSMEETING. Resolve Not to Pay On r Ten Per Cent More For Fertilisers. Gkebnwood, S. 0., Jan. 28—The farmers of Greenwood, in massmeeting, t have decided not to buy fertilizers for more than a 10 per cent advance over last year’s prices, and have called on all other farmers in the state to meet on the first Monday in February and take similar action. The following resolu tions were adopted: “Whereas, the prices of fertilizers are being advanced arbitrarily through the influence of a trust and to an extent not justified by commercial conditions, “Resolved, 1. That we, the farmers of Greenwood county, S. C., hereby ap peal to the farmers of the state and the cotton states tu hold massmeetings at tneir respective courthouses on the first Monday in February, and that they pledge themselves not to purchase ferti lizers at an advance exceeding 10 per cent over last year’s prices. “2. That we regard 10 per cent ad vance in prices of fertilizers as much as the conditions justify, and we advise farmers not to purchase any fertilizers at more than 10 per cent advance over last year’s prices. ” Lumber l>e«*i«rs in session. Kansas City, Jan. 23.—N&iriy i.oou dealers from Missouri, Kansas and Ok lahoma territory attended the opening session today of the Order of Hoo Hoos, or the twelfth annual convention of ths ■Missouri and Kansas Association oi Lumbermen. Thursday the delegates will take a trip to New Orleans and 1 visit the nvureas mills of I>anlslana. | j DISCUSSED I Enormous Crowds Hear Opening Debate in Roberts Case. TAYLER IS FOR EXCLUSION GALLERIES WERE CROWDED TO UTMOST BY THE CURIOUS. ROBERTS ATTRACTED IMDCH ATTENTION , Many Ladies on Hand to Hear the Debate on Utah Member--Wont Vote Thursday. Washington, Jan. 23 Enormous crowds were present today to witness the opening of the debate in the Rob erts case. Fully three-fourths of the spectator i were women. They occu pied the reserved gallery tier and their bright gowns illumined the gloom of the cavernous recess about the spacious hall. The diplomatic gallery alone was a yawning chasm. Mr. Roberts was in the seat which he has been occupying, on the extreme right of the hall, half an hour before noon, and every neck was craned to Batch a glimpse of him. He appeared sonscious of the attention he was at- and after , <>▼«» Sowu - benina the railing which divides the floor from the looby. He was at tired modestly in a long frock coat with a dark tie. Nearly every member was in his seat when Mr. Tayler ot Ohio, chairman of the special committee which investi gated the case, arose from behind a desk stacked high with legal authori ties and manuscript and called up the case. Mr. Tayler asked that the agree ment made between the majority and minority of the committee for a vote on the case at 4:30 p. in. on Thursday be ratified by tue house. Mr. Lacy of lowa objected unless it be understood that a substitute resolu tion which he desired to offer should also bs considered pending. I To this Mr. Tayler objected. He also objected to having Mr. Laoy’s proposi tion read, although appealed to by Mr. Bailey of Texas and Mr. Richardson of Tennessee. This proposition, as it sub sequently developed, was for the expul sion of Mr. Roberts without swearing him in. The majority resolutions to exclude him and the majority resolutions to per mit him to be sworn in and then ex pelled were laid before the house and without any agreement as to a vote Mr. Tayler of Ohio opened in support of the majority resolutions. AddrcM by Tayler. i After a somewhat elaborate review of the case, in which he cited supreme court decisions on polygamy and quoted the constitutional provisions, Mr. Tay ler said: “Much is said about the moral side of this question. Doubtless it has such a side, and if that were the only consid eration before us the house might take the same action it will take. But I do not here and now, in the face of the. great fundamental fact of disobedience to the law, plus audacious defiance of it, care to assert the moral ground. “Mr. Speaker, I do not hesitate to submit this proposition to the candid judgment of this house and before the bar of history. I am profoundly con vinced that it is right and that history will so declare it; tne house can no more safely part with this power than it can part with any other power it possesses. This touches its very vitality. If it loses it, it is in certain conceivable in stances absolutely without power. ••But we are told that it is a power that may be abused. What power does the house possess that it has not at some time abused? What branch of the gov ernment is it that having power has not at some time abused it? What man, what body of men, clothed with a little brief authority, has been free from an unwise abuse of that authority? And shall they therefore be shorn of power? ( “It is a mighty question. It is a question of governmental life; it is not , to be lightly dealt with or inconsider atelv answered. , ••The case of Roberts sinks into insig nificance in its presence. I should as- ( sert, what I here assert, with precisely the same solemnity, if the right of ex- ! pulsion after admission was absolutely clear. If we do not exclude this man, we strike down one of the most vital and necessary powers that belong to a great legislative body. Let not such a thing be done. If it is not, we may be ( sure that never again, while the spirit of civilization dominates this republic, will any defiant violator of law under color of religion or any other claim, whether polygamist or murderer, knock for admission at the door of the Ameri- , can congress. ” ( He Favors Exclusion. j Mr. Tayler was emphatic in hisMJPr* 1 RUMOR OF ANOTHER DISASTER TO BRITISH Reports Current on Berlin Bourse and London Stock Exchange That Buller Has Again Been Defeated and That 1700 Men Were Captured. BOERS UNDER A HOT FIRE. Fourteen Killed and Twenty Wounded on the Drnk'-nsb T«t Ridge. Boer Camp, Upper Tugcia River, Jan. 19 —The British now occupy three positions along the Tugeia river. Their naval guns have n firing steel pointed armor pia. cin .• . ■> Reports bvn r r ft. :vi.-d that 3,000 cav alry were n'rm.>;iu to outflank n» along the -herg riltre, a stroti" patrol was sent to reconnoiter. Mistak ing the signals, tue scours and patrol proceeded to a kopje from whence a ter rific rifle and Maxim gun lire sudd oilr opened. The Boers lo*t 14 men kiLed and 20 wounded. The Bntisa loss was probably in-igtnficant. The bombardm mir of rhe Boer ne-'t tious from Swar-’zkqpf was resumed yesterday, chi-fl/ from a bw-jrv brought across th- river On the after noon the cannonading became exceed ingly brisk un i rn ter < over thereof the infantry advanced in tnree lines to a second row of J-tie konies which they occupied at nightfall, Ijut later they re tired to their old position. During the night a score of shells were fired by the British and a balloon was sent up to spy our, the Boer posi tion. The naval guns resumed the bombardment this morning from a new point, bur without results. ’RcDICTS A EOER VICTORY. U'-yiiis <• <j ta a XV 141 11 Doubled Her Army. New York, Jan. 23.—The Brussels correspondent of The World obtained the following statement from Dr. Leyds, the Transvaal envoy extraordinary in Europe, before he left for Paris yester day on his diplomatic mission: “In view of the new and critical phase into which the war is now entering, I send to the people of America a few words on the subject of any eventual proposals in regard to the suspension oi hostilities, a desire for which appears to be gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. “I am as confident as ever of the ulti mate triumph of our cause. A tempo rary success of the British arms would merely have the effect of infusing fresh vigor into our men and strengthening their determination to hold out at what ever cost. “While the actual fighting strength of both forces is only now about equal, England might even double her army now in South Africa without crushing our powers of resistance.” Americans Take Santa Cruz. Manila, Jan. 23. The American! have occupied Santa Cruz on Laguna de Bay, Laguna province. It was re ported many insurgents were concen trated, but the town was found de serted. The military regulation requit ing the streets to be cleared of native! at 8:30 p. m. has been changed to 1(1 o’clock. Clark- For Senator Nlorgan. Mobilb, Jan. 28.—1 n Olarke county the convention delegates were T6X Morgan and 38)$' for Johnston. Legis lative nominees were instructed for Morgan. Clarke's vote for governor was prorated as follows: Stallings, 52; Samford,. Tomlinson, tlons that exclusion was m trarmony with precedents; expulsion in violation of it. He amplified the three grounds for Mr. Roberts’exclusion, first, because of his violation of the Edmunds act; second, because he was living in open, flagrant and notorious violation of the statutes of the congress he seeks to en ter, and third, because his election was a violation of the compact by which Utah was admitted into the Union. There were no demonstrations during Mr. Tayler’s speech, but at the conclus ion he was vigorously applauded. Mr. Littlefield of Mi-souri, on behalf of the minority of the committee, then arose in support of the minority’s plan of seating and then expelling Mr. Rob erts. It was Mr. Littlefield's first appear ance in the house as a speaker and in the vigor of his remarks he attracted close attention. He declared that there was no divi sion over keeping Roberts out of con gress. The only question was as to keep ing him out in an orderly and regular manner. If the laws and constitution were overridden now, then the way would be open to override them next year by excluding a member because he was an adulterer or the representative of a trust. Mr. Roberts followed with intense interest the points brought out by Mr. Littlefield. After reviewing the fa mous Wilkes case before the British house of commons, Mr. Littlefield de clared that the majority in the Rob erts case were “resorting to the same rnfamonsdnstrumsut of outrage and op position.” f i Start 5 The New Year Hight, f | Subscribe for the TH- I bitne, Only 10 Cents per J Week. FRIGE FIVE CENTS. |NO DENIAL OR CONFIRMATION BOER GUN SMASHED QUARTERS OF WHITE AND HUNTER. i FATE OF IVO GEKEfIALS UKKNOWS Accurate Shot From “Long Tom’* May Have Killed Officers-Anxiety in London is Much Greater. Head Boer Laager, Ladysmith, Jan. 22.—The quarters of Generals White and Hunter were smashed this morning by a shot from “Long Tom ” It is not known whether any of the oc cupants of the building were killed. NO REPORT FROM BULLER. Absence of N< ws increases the Anxiety lu London. Loxnnv. .Tan 23 nf n—. I ot yesterdays movements north ot the Tugela river is occasioning some addi tional anxiety, but General Buller is in gaged in a big operation, which will Jake considerable time to work out. Even the slight advance of General Warren’s forces, after two day’s fight ing, does not appear to have yielded an important advantage to the British, as the captured kopjes were evidently only held as advance posts in order to delay the progress of the British troops and enable the Boers to complete their en trencements and to mount guns on the position on which they have elected to make a stand. It is remarked that the Boers thus far have used little artillery, from which it is judged that their guns are already mounted on tactical positions from which the British will have to dislodge the republicans before reaching Lady smith. There is no confirmation of the report that Lord Dundonala had entered Lady smith and none is expected. Experts opine that the Boers would only be too glad to let him in unopposed. The indignation and disgust expressed at the blunders and incapacity of the yeomanry staff, to whom is aocribable the rank failure threatening to over whelm the movement started yrith such a fanfare of trumpets, are increasing daily. Those who were able to carry the scheme to success have been met at every point with red tape and all kinds of obstacles and slights by the inner circle of titled incapables, resulting in scores of good men withdrawing from participation in the plans. In the case of South Bedfordshire yeo manry a whole company of selected men have disbanded m disgust. The dispatches posted in the war office up to 3 o’clock this afternoon, though dated Spearman's Camp today, contain nothing but reports of casual ties There is nothing here to confirm the report on the Berlin boerse of the defeat of General Buller, or the rumor on the Stock Exchange of this city of the cap ture of two British battalions by the Boers. The fact that General Baller was heard from this morning, when he sent lists of casualties to the British troops, seems to disprove these stories. HAY TO RECOGNIZE WHITE. Kruger Will Have a Representative at Wasbingtou City. Washington, Jan. 23.—Montague White will be received as the consular and diplomatic representative of the South African republic. The state department has formally determined upon such action. White has been given intimation of this intention. When he gets properly executed creden« tials he will present them to Secretary Hay and enter upon his official career. The precedent for receiving Mr. White is found in the case of the United States consular and diplomatic agent at Cairo, Egvpt, the only analo gous case. Although Egypt is under Turkish suzerainty, and the United States has a minister at Constantinople, a consular and diplomatic agent is ac credited to Egypt. Alb g Lynrller on Trial. ' Gainfsville, Ga., Jan. 23.—Tom Bryson, charged with being implicated in the lynching of Si Smith in the Hall county jail last July, is on trial here. • When nis case is disposed of three al leged accomplices will be arraigned.