Newspaper Page Text
There will be gmachingmt the
t church Sunday. Every
¥ invited. i .
Last Monday wag county court
day, and the docket was) cleared
of several cases,
™ We appreciate ‘‘X-Ray’s’ new
&itoms from Graham this week.
pe they will come regular in
the future, il
" ‘Marshal Webb, with the assis
tance of several hands, has been
doing some good work on Rail
road street, near the depot.
~ The north bound passenger
train that formerly arrived here
o 1:15 P, M, arrives now at l:ol P,
M,, fourteen minutes earlier.
¥ Mr. Geo. Best has commenced
taking stock and when: he gets
&rough, he'will have something
t 0 say through The News to the
public. ‘- -
Lost—One white pig marked
gwallow fork in‘ome ear and
swallow fork and under bit in
the other éar. Finder please
notify A. J. Williams. 3-
It is rumored that Capt. Touch
ton would move his family to
Douglas soon. Hazlehurst would
regret, very much, to lose Capt.
'.ll‘ouchton and “his estimable fam- 1
. We extend thanks to Mr. Hen
-I%y Harrison for a delicious bot
tle of ginger ale, which was pre
gsented to us on Monday last. It
was of his ewn manufacture and
‘Yva's yery fme. '..
Pat Bra¥nan, who has been at
tending she Agricultural college,
at Douglas, is home now, t{ying
to recover from a bad case of
chills and fever that he contrated
while attending school,
Mr. Geo. Best is back home a
gain from his trip to South. Car
olina to visit relatives. He spent
several days in the old Palmetto
State and reports having had a
most delightful time while a
We still have burglars in our
town. On. Tuesday night last
one tried to enter the Day Light
Store py prizing a window up,
but fajled in thig a.ttempg. He
was probably frightened “away
by some one passing.
F'Mr.W. E. Kendall, of Taxas, is
in the city. Mr. Kendall is a
religious worker, and has been
in part of the Holy Lands. His
Simplified Plan of Bible study
is highly recommended by the
leading churches of the United
¥We unintentionally left out
several personals last week, and
among the bunch was Dr. Good
man of Atlanta. who came down
during the holidays and spenta
day or two with his brother-in
law, Dr. J. W. Smith, of this
Mr. carl Spivey, of Jesup,
spent a few day’s in Hazlehurst
recently. He is now employed
by the Jesup Manufacturing co.,
and a day or two prior to coming
up here had mashed his left
hand some way, which incapaci
tated him from work for several
days. He returned to Jesup on
Sunday last to resume his duties,
as his hand had much improved.
Now is your chance to secure
a first-class, agricultural paper
one year for nothing. Just.sub
geribe for the Hazlehurst News
for orie year—and plank down
the dollar when your name is put
upon opr subscription book~-and
we will} see that the Southern
Agriculturist is sent to your ad
dress o'&'le year free. This is one
of the\,best agricultural and
stock p&rers Fublished. This
propositioyy will only hold good
,for a short}while.
" Two fdather beds. For fur
ther pargticnlaps. apply to
. ~ J. W. MoBLEY.
R ”TW‘W?”@ b
The thred prisonkrs in our
county Jail herec made their es
cape on Sunday night last about
9 o’clock, but they were all Jand
ed back in their accustomed cells
soon after leaving the jail.
Jones, the negro who was con
victed a few weeks ago for burg
lary and received a sentence, of
one year on 'the chain.gang, had
’zotten hold of a key-hole .saw
someway and sawed a hole in the
floor of his cell sufficent for him
to crawl through. Then' he as
gisted carry miller, the negro wo
man who is confined there charg:
ed with murdering another ne
gro woman on Christmas night
out at Gulf. Then, he helped
John Henry, another negro man
get out. These two absolutely
refused to leave. They left the
}ail all right enough, but went to
udge Williams’ home ;and noti
fied him what had occurred, and
had him to phone for Sheriff El
lis. The Sheriff was soon on
hand and he and the night Mar
shal seon had Jones landed back
in jail. They found him at Ida
Hall’s house under the bed. His
wife was staying with this Hall
woman, and of course, this was
the first place he made for after
leaving the jail, and the officers
knew this, hence théy captured
him without much trouble.
Jones’ attorney has applied for
anew trial for “him, and this is
why.he hasn’t; been sent to the
chain-gang. i
The Pig Weighed 538 Lbs,
Mr. T. H. Weatherly seems
to be a very successful stock-rai
ser as well as a prince merchant.
He had a one year old pig killed
the other day that weighed 538
lbs. gross, It was the Red Jer
sey breed. - -
The funny part about it, was,
Mr. A.J. Herrington our obliging
clerk of the Superior Gourt, had
to set up the cigars to séveral
friends. It capie about this' way.
Messrs. Herrington, Weatherly,
John Hinsox;l', Jesse Granger,
and Mounroe Hinson, got to guess
ing at the weight of the hog be
fore it was slaughtered, and the
rule was, thé one who came far
thest from the actual weight
of this Red Jersey shoat had to
treat to the -cigars, and our clerk
lost .out.
' Capt. Touchton Improv
A few days ago, just after the
G. & F. passenger train had left
the depot at Madison bound for
Hazlehurst, Capt. Touchton, the
popular conductor on this train,
happened to quite & painful acci
dent which has laid him up for
several days. While passing a
water-tank he had his head out
of a car window and was struck
onthe side of it by an iron rod at
tached to the tank, making an
ugly hole in his head. 1
_ Weare glad to state that he is
improving very fast, and will
soon be able to go back on his
reguler run again, |
~ For Sale, Or Rent, '
A nice, six-room house and
out-buildings, with six or eight
acres under fence, for sale or
rent. It is situated between a
quatey and a half mile from
the- business centey Ha
zlehurst, Splendid place for a
truck farm, and to raies poultry
Isnam O’QUINN,
{ Haz]ehurst.
; All those who hgve turpentine
cups in charge belonging to J. L.
‘Herrington, are earnestly re
quested to meet at the still be
tween this date and the middle
of Janurary, for the purpose of
making new contracts for 1909.
i . L. C, URsERY,
This Jan. 5th1909. Manager.
There is no trouble to secure a
home in Hazlehurst. J, T. R.
Rowland has some lovely lots
for sale on the installment plan.
He only wants a little down and
just a little the first of eachs
month until the lot is paid fg
And this is just the eaiestyg
in the world to secure a
2 ¢
' Regulat meeting of City Goun:
}ell met Jani sth, 1909. and called
;to,,by Mayor J. C. Bennett. Alder
‘men present J. A. Cromartie, J. #,
fifld‘l’. To ‘o Wefitbel'ly ' Wo .
‘Hinson, Robert Harrison, 0, W.
| .
" Minutes of last meeting read
and adopted. Motion carried that
‘the account of Mr. G. D, Wilson
be paid. Motion carried that the
time be extended to tt}e committe
check up the Books till next Tues
day night. Motion carried that
the account of W, W, Bennett be
paid, Motion carried that :Mr.
J.:J. Fragier be allowed to use
the plowof said city that is at
his placeiuntil city needs it and
to return it in good repair. Mo
tion carried that the Ditch on
East side of Southern Railway be
left to the Street; Committee to
have it opened up. .
Motion carried that 8.8. Wil
cox and others en note of T H.
Ableton pay $40.00 and cost an
said note to be paid inside of 10
days. Motion earried that all
parties agked to be relieve%of be
ing double tax be relieved by tax;
collector of said city-
Motion that the following Offi
cers reports be approved.
H E. DeFoor, Clerk’s report
from Dec. Ist, 1908, to Jan. sth
Dec. 1, balance bus. taxes, $87.59
Dee. 1, to bal. School taxs, 38.75
Dec. 1, to bal. Advalorum
taxes, ° o 48,49
Jan. 5. Cellected since bus.
texes, - rire 2800
Jan, 5. col, since Advalorum
tax, & 727.89
Jan. 5.7 col. since School
tax, o 577.51
: 1,508,27
By commission on $28,00
at 2§¢, R 70
By Treas. Receipts, 1,371,50
By Receipt on ‘Bank of
Hazlehurst note, 108.00
By Bal. on hand, 28.07
The Busjness tax were cl- -
lected frcm—
Dec. 19. John Manson ped
dling 2 days, - 2.00
Dec. 19 P. Granger & Som: =
fire works, © 2,80
Dec. 19. J. J. Frazier &
Son fire work, 2.50
Dec. 19. People’s Drug
Store fire works 2.50
Dec, 19. City Pharmacy
fire works 2.50
Deg. 24. Pedu George ped
dling 1 da.g, 1.00
Jan. 4. Green Robinson
ey, - - . ... 5,00
Jan. 5. Jack Cooper -Dray, 5,00
Dec. 31. R. C. Chaney, 1 ;
. Barber chair, ‘. 5.00
Eugene Williams, Treag- -
urer report from Dec. Ist
1908 to Jan. 5, 1909,
General funds bal. on hand
Dec. Ist, : 16.54
Rec’d H. E. DeFoor, T. C.
~ Advalorym tax, 695.6
Rec’d.H. E. DeFoor, T.C. "~ -
Business tax, 114.89
Rec’d Marshall J. M. Webb
fipes, .. 17.00
: 844.04
PaidjVouchers, 130.73
Loan, . 2N 64.90
Balance on hand, ~ 648.41
: 844,04
St. Funds, Bal, on hand ;
~ Dec. Ist, 101.30
Rec'd J. M, Webb, 1.00
- 102.80
Vouchers paid, 83.00
Bal. on hand, 19.30
Schools funds, Bal.on hand
. Dec. Ist 13.81
Ree,d H. E DeFoor T. C.” 561.00
By State, - 296,
Borrowed General funds 64.90
Paid teachers, 512.50 865,71
By Bal. on hand, 853.21 ’
Total on hand, 8651‘1, :
General funds, 648.41
Street funds, 19.30
School funds. 353.21 .
1) ' 1020.92
] H . Webb Marghal report
om Dgc. Ist 1908. to Jan. .
. 1909,
ec. 1. Bal. on hand flnes, 4.00
ec. 1. Sgeot tax, 1.00
Dec, 1. Collected fines e
SVREN" LA v e denn
<+ Qalvin Malgy, 5.00
Dec, 1. Oollooh%flnu I
Geo. McClove, 1.00
Deg. 1. Collected fines
i, Albert Smith, 1.00
Dec. 1. Collected fines
Juno Dent, i 8.00
G ——
; 18.00°
Treasures Recpts, 1800 |
~ Motion carried that Maxv{or-i
‘matke a nqte to the Bank of Ha
zlehurst for $500.00 and that the:
treasure pay what mopey he had
qn hand on the old note after the
accoupts that have been approv
ed is p&idn' ' '
. Motion that the following
claims be paid: 4
124, J. M. Swain, 3days on
streat ditch and digging 4
stumps, : " 4.50
125. gv W. Bennett, pro
fessional services, / 65.00
126, Dept. Marshal, Henry
Harr'gon, . 17,60
128. Dept, Marshal, N. '/
Granger, | 17.50
180. Dept. Marshal, E.B. .
Girtman, ; 8.48
127, marshal J. M. Webb, 87.85
129. W, R, Lord, hauling ‘
14 loadsclay and 2 loads ‘
trash, ‘ 3.70
131. Albert Smith 8 days ;
on "Sts. ! 3.00
132. Hazlehurst E. L. Co. |
light 2 globes 1 socket, 40.00
133. City Pharmacy to ser- :
um, : 10.50
134, W, T. Patrick, hall
rent Dec. 15t 1908, to Feb.
1. 1909, 6.00
135. Will Sweat to 9loads +
trash at 20cts, 1.80
136. Hazlehurst News pub
lishing proceeding Dec. 6.94
187. The Frazier DeFoor
Lbr, Go. to Libr. 4.42
188. J. E. Curry, Survey
ing, ' 2.00
139. J. J. Frazier 10 nights
council meetings at $2.00,” 20.00
140. Calvin Maloy ditching, 11.00
141.* Calvin Maloy ditching, 24,00
142 Henry Hicks clean. *
ing closat 5 weeks, 10.00
143. Dr. R. H. Green ser
vices as arbitrator, - B
144. W. H. Pace, for land
Ist st. : - 15.00
145. H, E. DeFoor, Clerk
services. - 28,52
146. G. D. Wilson, to 26
days hauling St. at $2.00
per day 1907. 52,00
147. J. A. Cromartie 10
nights 0. M. 868 Lbs. 24.05
148. J. A. Cromartie 5 days 3
2 horse team 7 days 1
horse team, 17.00
149. J. A. Cromartie cord
of stove wood school
house, 3,00
150. W. F. Hinson 7 nights
council, v 14.00
151. H. coek amt. Due op,
. © 195.07
152. J. C. Bennett attend
ing council meeting 8
nights, 16.00
153. T. H. Weatherly at
‘tending councll meeting
is nights 16.00
154. O. W. clark attend- _ }
’i'ng council meeting 6 ‘
nights, 12.00
155. Dr. R. M. Montgom
ery attending council
'meetifig 6 nights, 12.00
| Total, 651.53
Motion carried to extend the
time of Issuing fi-fias till the 2¢
of Jan. 1909.
Motion carried toadjourn.
J. C. BENNETT, Mayor, ¢
H, E. DEFooOR, Clerk.
J.T R. Rowland has some
beautiful town lotsfor sale cheap.
He will give you all the time you
want to pay for them in, If you
want ground enough in Hazle
hurst to build you a home on,
now is your chance. See Row
~ Notice.
This is to notify all parties
concerned that I have this day
sold outto John M. Byrd all of
my interest in the turpentine firm
known as Cromartie, Byrd & Co.
The new firm resuming all re
sponsibilities, This Dec. 15th
19281; . SHERARD BYRD.
Notice i
Fi. Fas. will be issued against
delinquent tax payers after the
20th inst, H. E, DEFOOR,
o City T.C,
.'® GgbantDots.
- IS ) e y A iy 2N
Dear Eprgom— * i
Being that we have started a
New Year, in asprosperous way,
we have come again,
* The many friends of Hztle Mar
gurett Bell are glad™to learn
she has recovered from the se
vere burn. she recieved some
time ago. : ;
A gloom’'of sadness was cast
over: our town Friday when the
new&of Mr, J. G, S. Paterson's
death renched us. He had been
a faishful citizen ofs our town for
‘many years yntil fnoving to Bax
ley some few years ago.
Miss Lee Douglas left Sunday
for Holton Dist. wnere she hag
accepted a position \ag teacher
for the kindqr-garten class.
v 1
Miss Lola Hall entertained a
few friends Friday night at A
Royal Love Rarty. Among those
present were Missis Annie Bell,
Bertie Cowart, - Lee Doufas,
Clyde Tippins, and others whom
the writer did not know, * " -
Miss Lucy Quinn was in town
Monday. :
Miss, Gertrude Varn was in
Hazlehurst Monday:
Several carriages containing
friends and relatives of Mr. Pat
terson escorted the sorpse from
Baxley to the Methodist ceme
tery here, where the remains of
our long loved friend were laid
to rest. ;
Seab Sellers, Jr. gave a genu
ine old time cundy pulling at his
newly located home Monday
night. Many friendg greatly en
joyed accasion. X-Ray.
A Wheat Hospital. g
“This wheat has been through the
hospital,” said a miller. “I can tell
by tle fine polish on the grains, Wheat
that has been through the hospital for
smut ‘disease comes out betfer than
well wheat.” ‘
The wheat grains, in truth, shone 8¢
that one could almost see one’s face in
them. ! .
*“You can see your face In them,
can't you?”’ sald the miller. “And no
‘wonder. They’ve been through drastic
treatment—drastic, Smut is a nasty,
Qisease, a kind of mold, that changes
the starch and glpten in wheat to &
black powder. When you see flour
full of black specks it is a sign that
some of the wheit was smutted. The
cure Is first to wash the wheat thox
oughly. Then you dry it. Then youw™
scour it, Then you dry it again
Finally you brush it, Wheat hospitals
—they are found in most grain ele
vators nowadays—have big machines
for washing, drying, scouring and
brushing the grain, and wheat on its
yery last legs comes out of those in
firmaries as spruce and blooming as a
football girl.”—Buffalo Express, . .
An Astrologer’s Letter. .
An astrologer’s letter to President
Van Buren forecasting the results of
his election in 1840 is in the ‘library
of congress and perhaps gives a crude
idea of some of the fallacies of, our
grandfathers. The following are some
extracts: “In this horoscope the as
'cendant directed to the semisquare of
Mars would be in operation about the
middle of the fourth year, October,)
1785, and might cause sickness, * * *
flux or hurt by wounds,” ete. * * *
“I have opened the horoscope for Gen
eral Harrison, which accords with the
chief events of his past life and which
if right he will not fill the office of
president during the next term even
if elected. And the danger I appre
hend to yourself is not from your pub
lic opponents, but from those on whom
you repose confldence.” fhose who
are superstitious may be inclined to
credit this star gazer with some meas
ure of wisdom, for Harrison, although
elected, died a month after his inaue
guration.—New York Post. Lk
AT e L W L L
Home Loving Montenegrins. ¥
Nowhere is loye of country more ine
tense than among the Montenegrins,
to whom exile is the greatest of pun
ishments, When W. J, Stillman was
there in the seventies all the free men
were away fighting, and he observed'
that when 8 messenger was wanted
the official took a man out of the priss
on and sent him off, with no fear that
he would not return. One such mes
gsenger was sgent to Cattaro, In Aus
trian territory, with a large sum of
monay for the bank, and he duly came
back. Another asked a Russian at
Cattaro to intercede with Prince Nich
olas for his release from prison. “But
you are not in prison,” sald the Rus
glan. “Oh,* said the man, “I have
only come down for a load of sking
for So-and-so, but I must go into pris
on again when I get back to Cettinje.”
One prison guard watched all the pris
oners when they sunned themselves
out of doors, and if he was called
away a' prisoner would take his m
and act as sentry for the tma, .. .- ,