Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, February 18, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. f. No 8 » o L — ’Gomg at Actual = COST. N We are Eonipelled to make room for a large stock of Grain and Heavy Groceries that will arrive soon, con sequently we are selling | Dressers, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ete. AT FIRST COST. i el We ‘;'are ais;o #eliin; Ladies w Girl Cloaks ; At Cost Price. Now is your chance to savé-big mon ey on buying Furniture, Come and See us and get our prices before buying elsewhere. ~ H.COOK & SON, oa e \ WW, e s\e e W G u ’.p}:‘.'*so £ B % I P A Wi L T et S GRR ST v B g T 88 -:;}:&1‘ e A :'2’\ o, W ARMEE ot By % ‘;,;z? .o L, et e e A g e iAW b e R *ol s g‘-h PRIt S DI S s O S FEE T SR P W R o o e, dede Segeieitred X % R i S e BB KN N 3 i, A, eO+ R g ASO o ‘}#’3 Rk N P R R o G & SRR SN e E;!'":'::,-" 5 ?"-"E:'-‘ ""{-E.":;?'gg? ". pod ol '5’.":;,25:5::.;- AR s R . &%?“ff"f 7 R Aty i S v 3231555‘3:\;'{'-’?-fi:i:i:izizi" e:, S f O gt ¢ Sy D ¢ :i'/ e'io RS ¢ § $F eS, &R e S { : iy R € S e § SRS . ) SRR R Ny % 1;1;1;‘.:1.(‘/:; ?).':.;2;2:5‘;:;:.’.‘. Ro A % R N A VR : i, ~Z'Z'Z;I;S SRI S -‘; e 4 g s S RO R 3% 9 T R e g ARG S N Y c»:-:‘:f‘?::zf-'-;. ge TR Y e .:;./{ »‘2_/ R S et W <§fz-?.’- SR S 'of GG R e Cp g £ 3«.\' RN ; Clliton . #ECIRS ¥ P Tl 7' SR _Y Al b/ PR .. 2 v o D RS 5y AR AP BT YL B . D 5 AN | S R -:?'&"" (R PR S 7 WK R ‘Corvaugyr 907 ~ y @ $ s sa, 2 Y .pm a/ AR = ey 3 ,’;,é‘a‘_‘ = > (I = . &Y s \‘_ SR S R <, F== 4 =S, | =3 ey S = I A 2o SRS Ry a 3 b a 5 X CER =S SN e S SR e T 3 xR et e = g 8 e’ G HAZLEHURST NEWS. Theg Globe; . Our Store ls gfiock full of all kinds of goo‘ds,.JeXcept'_Gfiigrocei‘ies-, ahd we fvvant to make room for Sfir mammoth étoék of iépring and éulfim"erfioods that fias began to arrive. If its bargéi‘h‘é:you want in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHdES, Etc. Come and see us You’ll éavé big money by trading at our std;'e: e . THE GLOBE; . S. B. FREEDMAN, Proprietor Hazlehurst. Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, Feb, 18, 1909 DO YOU Want to save Big Money on buying SHOES i and HARNESS? Certainly you do. Well, my Store is the. place where you can do it, I have a big line of Shoes AND : Harness in stock that must be sdld| at some price. DBesides, I can fit you up in a good Suit of o CLOTHES at small figures. I also kqu DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GRO CERIES, HARD WARE, Ete, Come apd sée me, exam ine and price my goods, and you are sure'to buy what you want in my store. : E. I'l. TAYLOR. | : Hazlehurst, Ga, Boys Come Over And We'll Show You Something. Gov, Brown is to visit Hazle hurst. Hazlehurst? Liet me see; where is that town?—Broxton Journal, Come, gentlemen. Now, look at thelatest mapof Georgia, and you will see that Hazlehurst is the couniy cite of Jeff Daves county, one of the best agricul tural counties in the state. _ltis on-the main line of two railroads, has two un-to-date sub stantial banks, a first-class hotel, three church edifices, well at tended each Sunday, afirst-class school with six teachers, a large ‘wholesale grocery and grain es tablishment, manv brick business houses, saw mill and novelty works, two ginneries, one grist mill, and one of the largest and best oil mills in Georgia, bottling works, electric, light plant, etc,; and our citizens are going to take a vote on bonding the -city next month for the purpose of putting in a sysiem of water works and to erect & large school buijlding. : Now, say, boys take a day off and pay our city a visit. We will guarantee you a good time. We will take you out to the ‘‘Zoo,” or will furnish you with tickets to the opera, just as you like. Come over and see our city, and you will then havesomething to talg and write about fer many months afterwards. . Harrell-Griffin, . On last Stinday at the home of Mr. John Griffin Mr. M. Har rell and Miss Elma Griffin were happily united in matrimony, Rev. W..J. Googe, preforming theceremony. . . The groom is a popular young man, and the bride is:one of jour most charming young ladies. They both have many friends o & Y / ', %‘}/J\\ W&\\ e W NE %//,/;\\Y',flfg 75 CINA, ol O Q™ (| N, |\ A\, ls kA ill \| ( K\@ , \Q‘\ s SI.OO Per Year \fho wish them success through life. ¢ r After dinner they left for their future home,; about seven miles south of Hazlehurst, Among those who attended the wedding were Miss Mosey Har rell and Mr. E. L. Harrell. _ SUBSCRIBER. » Was in a 2 Dying Condition, Mrs. Dr. J. ‘M, Christain, and Mrs. A.J. Wilcox, returned home Saturday morning last from Milledgeville, where the% had ‘been to visit Miss Emma Wilcox, ‘whois there in the asylum, They report that Miss Wilcox was in a dying condition when they left there. -At Mrs. Wilcox’s death she left a sufficient amount of money to have this unfornuate young lady cared for,and her brothers and sisters thought the asylum. the best place for her, consequently they sent her there where she has had the very besf of treatment since. 3 Since the above was written and putin type Miss Wilcox died; and - her remains arrived here Tuesday morning for burial, Smith Construction COMPANY & Builders and Contractors We want your work. see us ber fore you close your trade. We will gladly furnish you estimate on any kind of buildi\gs Brick and Cement Buildings a Speciaity C 0 Smith, | ' HAZLEHURST, GA, WL Smith, BARTOW FLA.