Newspaper Page Text
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Mr. Morris Levy of laz'ehurst
visited friends at Eastman Sun
#My. Morris Freedman ofSavan.
nah will ‘work with' Mr. 8, B
Freedman of this place.
Mr. J.2A. Smith, of Ocllla, brother
st Dr, J. W. Smith of this place, is
here for a few days, the guest of the
Another car load of half-ripeba-.
panas arrived intown Saturday
Half the population sick Sun~
Mrs, Mattie Girtman spent
several days last week at Gulf
with her sister, Mrcs. L. Yawn,
who resides at that place.
Rev. W. I. Patrick, who Has
been spending some time: with
the family of his son, Mr. W. T,
Patrick, returned Tuésday to his
home in ILnigma, near Tifton. -
Mr. W. C, Lyun, formly a citizen of
»this place but now residing in Ocilla,
has been in Hazlehurst for several
days. Hels representiog a loan as
sociation. He will be here until atier
Lois, the littledanghter of Col.
and Mrs. P. L. Smith, while play
ing with a number of children
on Thursday last, accidently fell
in « deep ditch, and broke her
right arm above the elbow. -
My. S. B, Freedman has been
in Lumber City during the week
carrying on a big special sale at
his store in that town. Between
pow and the first of next month
lLie comtemplates moving his fam
ily Lere. p
The editor and his three little
boys have been placed und:ir
obligations to Mr. i'rank Hinson,
or some one else connected witli
the Cash Grocery Co., for a nice
bunch of bonwaoas, found in
their room on Monday last.
Mrs. I. A. Dennis, wife of En
gneer lim Dennis who was kill
e ol bis engine just this side of
unver City a couple of weelts
azo, was in Huazlenurst a few
days ago and tited suit in’ the
Clerk’s office against the South
ern railroad for something over
$26,000.00 '
Miss Hope Jordan,stenograph
er and general office assistant,
for King & Sellers for the past
year, resigned her position'and
accepted ou eoruary Ist, & posi
tion with the Clerk ol tne dupe
rior Court Jeff Davis County, for
the alternoons and is doing a
good business in the line ot job
work in the mornings. |
~ Mr. R. 8. Ellis, one of our
nearby farmers, has five acres of
promising wheat. Since the har
vest of twenty four and a half
bushels irom one and three
fourths acres, on which he soweu
one bushel and three pecks lasi
year, Mr. Elis has been eating
good homemaude biscuit and gra
ham bread.
There are parents in Hazle
hurst who are going to be hu
wiliated und woruisd by having
to pay a heavy tine unposed up
om their cuildren for the offence
of eating peanuts, candy, and
other eaiables, talking and other
wise disturbing religious services
atthe churches. Parents, this has
been borne with to the limit.
Save your boys and girls’ name
from beéing presented o the
Grand Jury.
Mr. E. M. Taylor has moved
his stock of general merch
andise from Baxley to this placg,
d is offering some rare bargains
pecially in shoes and harness.
has someé of the test brands
shoes that are damaged the
ast bit that he is selling at a
real sacrifice. He has an ad.
n this issue. Read it, and when
ever you need anythinyg in his
ine go in and examine his goods
nd price them, and you will be
ore than apt to make a pur
hase before leaving his store.
Prof. R, §. Roddenberry paid Tle
ews office a short but very pleasaut
11 Weunesday morning luste
Mr. George Curry made &busiuess,J
frip. ut Lastmau last Monday.
Thursday night from 'Wfi“ ~
where he had been to bring Frank
Hall back., He came by way of
Douglas, and placed Hall in the
jail at that place. L
It ia said that Hall put up a
good tight when he was captured
anl finally succeeded in get:
ting awny. But he didn't run far
before & bullet struck him in the
thigh, which stopped his speed
right short, He says that ' the
whole town was after him, and
thaf there was at least a hundred
shots fifed at him while he was
tlying to make his escape.
~ Superior Court convenes here
on next Monday, consequently he
will not have to wait very long
’until ho knows his fate,
No VW hiskey Ads. Run in
This Paper.
On Sunday morning last we
received quite a number of busi
ness letters along with our paper
male, and: among our letters was
one from a big whiskey concern
in Kentucky, wanting to adver
sise their liquor through The
News. They made us a splendid
offer to run their ad. for six
months, payable at the end of
each month. The price was ex
ceptionally good
After reading the proposition
over carefully, and giving the
matter a momentor two’s thought
we dashed the letter in the fire,
and said: No, vo, if we can’t
make a living in Hazlehurst with
out ageepting whiskey ads., we
will thrcwup the sponge. No
‘whiskey ads. goes into '%he Ha
zlehurgt News, 89 long as S. A.
Fackler has tne management of
the paper in his hands. :
Wé don’t propose to advocate
anything that deprives women
land children from tae mnecessas
ries of life,and whiskey dogs this.
He Was So Scared Until he
| Left Town, -
They were talking together in
a low tone of voice, and beth
looked frightered. ,
“Yes, I recondey gwine, to 'rest
ebery nivger in dis_town ’bout
dat robbin bis’ness?”
The othier one replied :
“flit sho does look dat way, by
de way da hab bin pickin’ ‘'em
dis week, sence dey ‘cotch’d
[rank Hall, I knos ope t'ing, I
Wus/10-miles outer decounptry de
nite'dey dun all dat stealin, an’
kin prove er yaller-by, but,
‘1 can’t help bat bzin’ scart to
save my lifewhen eber 1 sees 'em
takin’ er nigger to jail. I t'inks,
my time nex.”’ :
~ The first speaker said:
“} waen’t in de s%ealin* but I
sho’ dil git one good square
drink ob hiciker outen oae ob de
oottles dat was stoleny but I
didn’t kno’ at de time dat hitwas
stolen licker.” |
The other replied. |
“Yif dat's de fact, you'd better
pull yo' freight dis overry instep,
for dey will sho’ git you.” |
At this juncture the oae that
had had adram of the stolen|
whiskey, said: “*Jobn, I's lef’ dis}
town rite now. Go by de_ house,
an’ tell de old ’oman dat I moub‘
write to her some time.” |
And he pulled out.
Don’t Rumn
The risk of losing your rights bv not having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record.
“Every Deed Conveying Land™ -
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Recotd may b:
malz a< any timz but sach dezd 10525 its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”=-=Section 35; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies: on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgagor
resides at time of executien.”-Section 27, 26
I wiil reirecord at half price any deed
recorded in the old counties. o,
_ Yours for protection, :
}Looatad at Hazl|ehurst, Ga,, at the
~ Close of Businegs Feb, 6 , 1909.
Loans and di5c0unt5.........03,221,76
COVIIEIRENE. .. c2isancasecsrees SNO
Banking House .... ........ 0,000,00
iFurniture and Fixtures...... 1,977.96
;gther Real Estate .... ....... 3,300,00
ue from Banks and Bank
' * ers in the 5tate......... 3,511.32
Due from Banks and Bank
ers in other 5tate5.,,..... 1,947.34
Curroneye cco.. ot ihiceescesss 4,026,00
Bs i tastvhrariestsnves NNOEE
Silyér, nickels and pennies... 675.54
checks and cash u?m5........ 3517.04
L Total,. coooenres 0. . 883,207.76
CapitghStpgk paid in........ 30,000.00
Undivided profits, less current -
‘expenses and taxes paid.. 1,839.79
Individual deposits subject to
Time certificate5..............19,326.55
‘(ashier's check5.e............ 108.99
Total,....coooones . €85,207,7 C
Jell pavis County
Before me came Geo. F. Armstrong,
cashier of The Citizens Bank, who be
ing duly sworn,says ‘that the above and
foregoing statement is a true condi
tion of said Bank, as shown by the
books of file in said Bank.
Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this 16*h day of February, 1909.
o Notary Publie.
Statement of 1t Condition of
. T HE—
Located at Hazlehurst, Ga, at
The Close of Business
February 5, 1909.
Loans and di5e0unt5.........31,522.74
BRI .. o: o 5 avisescise . SRS
Banking H0u5e.............. 4,835.36
Furniture and Fixtures...... 1,445.69
pus from Banks and Bankers
iothe State...ocoocc...o.. 1,732.06
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other 5tate5......ce.... 9,901.30
CULLENCY ... veeeeessseenasess 1,831,00
G?‘q Chisissses BEastsasragßaves 120-0(’
Silver, Nickles and Pennies... 198.26
Total *...ooevens.. 847,833,562
('apital Stock Paid in...... .15,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Cur
rent expenses and taxes
B - ike
Duc $0 Banks and Bankers -
Inthinae........ ic.oonn 669. 11
Individual Deposits Subject :
£0 ChEGK ...ooovnenees s +30,061.53
Tyme Certificates ..........:" 1.959.65
cashier’s Chocks. ..........o: * 143,12
80ta1.......00ni . s DT NES
Jest Davis County §
Before me came T« R. Knight, Cash
ier of Bank of Hazlehurst, who being
duly sworn, says that the above and
foregoing statement is a‘true condition
of said Bank, as shown by the books
of file in said Bank. G e
- ; T¢ R. KNIGHT,
Sworn to and subseribed before me,
this 15th day of February 1909.
13, 7. WILLIAMS,
N. P. Ex. OB.d. P;
Just So.
“I wish you would use your influ
ence to get Jinx to attend our poker
party this evening.” | i
“Jinx! Yhy, he's the poorest poker
player you ever saw!”
“I know it.”"—Houston Post,
' WITH YOU ' |
You always want the best
and newest styles in Dress
Goods, don’t you? Well,
we have them. \Wealways
keep this class of goods,
and our store is where
you can be suited both in
price and in quality of goods,
' We keep nothing in gtogk but
Hig-Clgss Goods.
There ié no ‘s};oddy stuff in our store.
Qur line of Lac_lfes and Gents
Are simply lovely, Nothing like them
: this side of Atlanta.
_—Shoes, Shoes. ==
& W | :
We can fit, any foot, from
an infants up.
Send your little ones around to our Store
and let us fit them up in a nice pair of
We also take orders for Taylor Made
Clothing, Drop in and inspect
our beautiful line of samples and
| let us take your measure for a suit.
| Yours to please,
A Few words with
| have gone into business again ofi
Middleton Street. My stock is not as
largeas itwas,butl expectto increase
i+ from tinie to time. I Can sell you
goods just as cheap as you can, buy
them elsewhere in town, and maybe
somethings a little cheaper. Come
and seeme, | would greatly appre
ciate your trade.
i ‘W. R. Lord
Meet me at :
: (Reaf Citizens Bank,)
And join me in a lunch.
Everything good to eat
served therz. |
9 .
erybodys .
) agazme
will tell you something ‘you
may not know about Farming,
Fires;. Pédrl Fishing, Pills,
Woman’s Invasion, Flying-
Machines, and Actors,
Itwill give you lots of good short'
stories and beautiful pictuces.
You'll like it. Get viie to-gday.