Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, February 25, 1909, Image 1

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» Vol.Z.No 9. Going at Actual = W,é aii'e Egmpelled to makagooni for a large stock of Grain and Heavy Groceries that will arrive soon, con __Bequently we are selling Dressers, Bedsteads, Washstands, Ete. AT FIRST COST. | .We are aiso s’gllini | Ladies m Girl Cloaks 47 At Cost Price. Now is.your chance to save big mon see us and get our prices before: buying elsewhere. H. COOK & SON, ,‘ f-' ® @ 7 & ? _ / Special Bargains for [larch. Bgfore i will s;ta;ft Af‘i(:')r thé Northern I‘iarketivfifl offer all my DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, Etc., AT A GREAT REDUCTION i REAT REDUCTION, As | am overstocked and need room for my Spring Goods: 59 I ,;afii ébmpelled to Sacrifice iny goods o the mercy of the pitblic to unload the shelves. ; igh’ % £ s s : . a 4 2 . (¥ g g L e o i ) b I go come and visit my Store, it will pay yousto doit. In t‘he'bxgn Bargains we are offefin@«- 54 inch Broadcloth in all colors, former ~ priceé SI.OO to $1,30; March price 88¢ 44 inth Brilliantine, hever has been sold for iless than Zscts per yard: March ,priceoply .. - o- = 39d A big I§ne ofy Suitings, | worth up to 22«3 per; yark, Marth bar@aiu‘, price, nly 10ct$ per Vard.” - J A big line 6f solil colors Linen, worth iip tb 25¢cts a yards) March price 124 oq'}y‘ Padamad m‘y Voils, ass the newest colo‘fs HAZLEHURST NEWS. Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgis, Thursday, Feb, 25, 1909 ¥ s A 1 - . pr Pl :\ « YOURS FOR BARGAINS; . . . ; .‘_ D% § ot ‘3 4 3000 Q ~:,o’. .ol _ 'Y vl 9"" \ . _‘ b TN 2 4 . TP L ¥ - g B o . &S . 2 e eBe4T IS R ghagd Paduiidl | Warit to save Big Money ~ on buying SHOES 3 and HARNESS? Certainly you do. Well, my Store is the place where you ecan do it, have a big line of Shoes AND Harness in stock that must be Qold at some price. Besides, I can fit you up in a good Suit of : CLOTHES at small figures, I also keep DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GRO CERIES, HARD- Come aind sée me, exam ine ‘and' s~'+%4By goods. and you'are sure to buy what you want in my store. B L. TAYLOR. Hazlehurst, Ga at S:}our own prices. G ’A big 16t of ready-to-wear Hats at sl '_ most yotir owh price. Ouf liné of méjis and bdys uits atre fard | t 6 be inatched any¥hereiat the prices we offer, The matter of saving from _¢2.soito s.'isoo on a Suit} is of real e o i aop e e ’leled By A Passangef ‘ - Train While going'out to his work on Monday morning last, section foreman A.B. Forrester came across a negro lying across the track of the G. & F. R. R. about three and a half miles from Ha' zlohurst with.both legs cub off and one eye knocked out. Mr. Forrester had the darkey put upon his lever car and brought to town and placed in the Sani tarium: Drs.' Hall and Girtman did everything within their pow er to relieve.theiiegro’s suffering which must have been intense He died Monday afternoon, be tween 1 and 2 o'clock: He was run over Sunday night about 9:00 o’clock by the pas senger train from Madison, and lay on the track until he was dis covered Monday morning. A whiskey bottlé was lying near him, with a'!few drops of liquor in it, when he was discov ered. : He went by the name of Ike Tompkins, and had been working git}k{l tlt%e steel gang on the G. & The old saying, that ‘it takes a ro2ue to catch a rogue” was demonstrated a few days ago in Atlanta when they arrested a sus pectand put him in the cell with a crook. The fellow told the crook all about safe blowing, and im plicated three others, who were afterwards put in jail Sonow the officers of that city think they have the gang of safe-blowers hehind the bars that have been operating in that city so long' A-';'?-' gl .: \ ‘.‘v - Notice. The law says that all legal prin ting must be paid for in advance, and in the futare the Hazlehurst News will strictly adhere to this rule. PUBLISHER. importafice to You., Yol will find it will pay you to test what we say 5 SHOES. '!-.: RIS Yae Res All the $1.50 Shods for Mafch bargaid pric $1.19; $2.00 Shoes $1.39: $3.00 hoes in all ' leathiers, at $1.98 daly: $3,50 and s4.oo.s,hoes for . ;pfi far baih price $2.9§, .Al th Ckifiten and , missés shoés phost’ ac \ir own - prices; G e SI.OO Per, Year! | Farm Far Sale : I offer my farm for sale, which: is 2 miles from Hazlehurst on the: Baxley and Mcßae "road. 476 acres, 80 in cultivation and under. good fence, 2 mnew dwelling houses, one tenant house, large barn, good out buildings. I will sell cheap for cash. Aovply to - Mrs. 8. E. McKowN. - vl ® i Smith Construction - COMPANY Builders and Contractors We want youx"'wOrk. see us be fore you close your trade. We will gladly furnish you estimate on any kind of buildiags Brl’ék ll‘l'd Cement Buildings & Speclalty 3 .. C 0 BSmith, ¥ 2L.301%31), GN W L Smith, : BARTOW, FLA. ' eyfi DM;\. i dgazine FOR JANUARY will tell you something you' may not know about Farming, Fires, Pearl Fishing, Pills, ‘Woman’s Invasion, Flying. Machines, and Actors, 1 b will giveyou lots of goodfioq r stories and beautiful pictures, You’'ll like it. Get one to-day. LOOE FOR THE PATCHWORK COVER _ PILES £ sers e racane