Newspaper Page Text
H Keep Iton Hand! E¥
Corgg and colds may seize any DRI
N ¢ of the famil i LY
f) nyabadcdd:\u‘o:::v:m N
" much sickness and suffeing E@)
(- been saved by the prompt use B
Piso's Cure, !I'hm is nothing K
(9 lile it to break up eou‘.hn and colds, P
o\ ‘here is no bronchial or lung B
Fnuo that it will not velieve, IN
ree from tes or harmiul ine :
gredieats, Fibe for child rea,
/ At all druggists’, 25 cta, ‘
/ i - by by
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WAIOG /sz \\" R "_‘ 5
AJToweR Co. Boston USA. "
iLA N i ‘_,:l,‘3‘-'(-"
The man who can be cheerful in
the fact of reverses must wear the
smile that won't come off.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
It’s liguid—pleasant to take—acts iminedi
ately. Try it, 10c., 25¢c, and 50c. at drug
Lessons from the Past.
The Chinese were building their
great wall.
“This will prevent unjust indiscrim
fnation,” they said. “It will keep
every thing out.”
‘Thereby, too, they saved the tron
bl¢ and expense of having to revise
the taniff every few years.—Chicago
A Domestic Eye Remedy
Oomtpoundod by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Laws.
Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug
gists for Murine Eye Remedy. Try Murine.
Man seldom realizes how many
sneres there are for the unwary un
til it is published in the papers that
he has been left a bunch of money.
4 0 One “Bromo Quinine”
h'hat hnLntivo Bromo Quinine. Look
the ligmtureuof E. W. Grove. Used the
_awoddomtob re a Cold in One Day. 250.
Better to be a has-been tham never
to &ave been.
Talk about grit, what’s the matter
with the sands of time?
Many Children Are Sickly.
er Grav's Sweet Powders for Children,
used by Mother Gray, a nurse in Children’s
¥ome, New York, cure Summer Complaint
Feverishnass, Headache, Btomach Treubles,
Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At
all Druggists’, 26c. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
The word to the ‘wise is one hears
so much about should come from the
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens thegums, reduces inflamma
tion.allays pain. cures wind colic. 25¢ a bottle
Lucky thing that face powder is
not explosive, for if it were more
sparking couples would be blown up.
; The Favorite,
"~ Millions of suffering eyes have
found in Dr. Mitchell’s famous salve
a real biessing. Reject the offer of
any dealer to sell a drug for your
eye. Dr. Mitchell’'s Eye Salve is a
gimple, healthy remedy to be applied
to the lids. It cures without entering
the eye. Sold everywhere. Price 25c.
A remarkable piece of work was
recently shown at a German exhibi
tion in the shape of a well-executed
landscape made of colonies of differ
ent colored bacteria thriving in gela
tin and meat extract.
Lucas COUNTY, ! i
FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firm ¢t ¥.J. CHENEY &
Co., doing business 1n tho City of ‘Loledo
County and State aforesaxd, and that said
tirm will pay thesum of 02 HUNDRED DOL
-I.ARS for each and every case of CATARRH
that canigt be eured b/ the use of HALL'S
Swo) § & |ii¥ne and subscribed 1n my
reserAJi Ll day of Lecember, A. ~
: } Notary Public,
Jatarrh Cureistakenint.crnally,and
tly on the blood and mvicous sur
the system. NSend for testimonials,
O . ! CreNEY & Co., Laoledo, O,
T all Druggsts, 75¢. .
S 4all’s Famfiy Pills for constipation,
{ thers usually marry young.”
. at’'s the only game of
s heacher is permitted to
S rille Courier-Journal,
ey — e o . T TTR e e
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' Western Drama, =~ ~ -
Tee Haney, advertising manager
for the Midland Rallroad, 'was onre
manager of a theatrical company
playing “My Wife's Fat Uncle,” One
day the company struck Falls City,
Neb. At each performance about five
supers were needed. Among the sup
ers secured at Fallg City was a young
fellow who had been working on a
rallroad construction gang. He told
all his friends that day that he was
to appear with the company that
night. When the curtaln went up
half a dozen young men who knew
him were in the front row. The
young super persisted in whispering
to these friends over the footlights.
The stage maunager was very much
worried over the actiong of the super,
but could not come out before the
footlights and call him down. At one
place in the play, when the super
wag right up near the footlights, one
of his friends, in a loud ‘whisper,
“How you gettin’ along as an act
or, Bill?””
“Fine,” was the reply in a hoar%e
“Goin’ to be with the show reg’lar?”
asked the youth in the audience.
“Don’t know yet,” replied the sup
er, after he had taken a big chew of
tobacen out of his mouth. “I ain't
saw the foreman of the company
about it vet.”—Denver Post.
To Cure Ring Worms and Skin
Varnville, S. C., July 17, 1908.
Mr. J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga.
Dear Sir:~My wife used your Tetterine
for Ringworm, also uses it in her family
for all kind of skin diseases, and she
thinks it a good medicine. There is no
Respectfully, L. R. Dowling.
Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Ground Itch, Itching Plles, la
fant’s Sore Head, Pimples, Bofls, Rough
Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching
Sores, Dandruff. Cankered Scalp, Bun
fons, Corns, Chilblains and every form:of
Skin Disease. Tettérine boc;. Tetterine
Soap 26c. Your druggist, or by mail from
the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co.,
Savannah, Ga.
How can a friend in need be any
help to one?
Singers and Speakers use Brown’s
Bronchial Troches for Hoarseness and
Throat Troubles. They give instant relief.
In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed frée,
John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.
Lightning struck the store es Ho:-
ace Swan at Georgetowan, Del., and
when Swan recovered from the shock
he found one of his ears had beeu
scorched until it was brown.
Stiff neck! Doesn’t amount to much,
but mighty disagreeable. You’ve no idea
how quickly a little Hamling "Wizand, €
will Lddricate the cords and make you
corxfortable again.
Many a chap who is called a dare
devil would be classed as mighty
small potatoes by his Satanic Maj
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Address the Gaifield Tea Co. as above
when writing for free samples of Garfield
Tea, the true remedy for constipation.
Bury all grave thoughts.
Every Reader Will Concede the Truth
of This Statement.
One who suffers with backache or
any form of kidney trouble wants a
prompt relief, and as I continued tak
ing them the pains in my back disap
peared and the kidneys were restored
to normal condition.”
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Dictionaries seldom pPronounce
words; it is a general case of dodge,
because the lexicographers are mnot
sure of their ground. Nearly every
person you meet pronounces oleomar
garine, that famous artificial butter,
with the “ga’” soft, as “ger.”” The em
phasig in general is correctly placad
upon the “mar.” I said to a butter
man who sells about a million pounds
a year of genuine stuff: “What do
you call this artificial produ:t?” He
replied, “Butterine.” ‘No; I mean its
equivalent, oleomargarine?” “Oh,
don’t try to trap me. I call it the
same as all dealers do—’oleo.”” “Don’t
you use the full word?’ ' “Never;
leave that to the dictionaries.” Yet
we know that the “ga” in “margaros’
is hard.—New York Press.
cure, not merely tem
porary benefit. Rev.
Maxwell S. Rowland,
of Toms River, N. J.,
makes a statement in
this connection that
is worth attention.
Says he: “I was sud
denly taken with an
attack of kidney
trouble, had severe
pains in my back
and loins and was
generally run down.
Doectors were not
helping me, so I be
gan using Doan’s
They brought me
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RS WG e readd 3 RRAE PR
This Book Sent Free
tire cost. If you have some hay down all ready to go in, it is worth
something to have a telephone with which to call on Neighbor Smith ¢“for a lift” before the storm breaks.
The Rural Telephone pays for itself each year and we have brought the'initial cost within the
reach of every farmer. Present prices are especially favorable and thousands of Farmers’ Mutual Coms
panies are now organizing so as to build their lines this Spring. Write us to-day. .
l" g
1/( =~
:rlfi;v “';"1
£By .g;i’;fi/
[ ';u! 1
This Lady Says
¢T am your fziend,”’ writes Miss W. M. Wiesman,
of Dorsey, 111., “‘and send you my thanks, for what
Cardui has done for me. My health was bad for two
years. I suffered dreadful pain in my left side and
headache and faimting spells every month. Since I
have used Cardui, I am on the road to Wellville and
I cannot say.enough in favor of Cardui.”’ |
This famous medicine grows more popular eve;y_'
year, and when you have tried it, you will under-.
, stand why its sales are constantly increasing.
SINAL Bo Y l o
‘G H 148
It Will Help You
Cardui is a good medicine—for women. It does
the work. It is pleasant and harmless to take and
seems to go to the sick spot and coax J""x* o
it back to health, Sy
Headache, backache, sideache,— /
hundreds of other symptoms of fe- F
male trouble—have all been driven ”f | i
‘away by the use of Cardui. Try it. )|1
Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye, You
can dye any garment without ripping apart. Write for free booklet—How to bye, Bleach and AMix Colors. MONROE LRUG CO., Quincy, lllinois.
%fl/éy %zflwz €44 %//{ye
MACON, GA., Prepares and Places Students. .
Best Faculty, Methods and Influence. Our students are recognized as thoroughly compe
tent and good]poeltlom are assured our graduates. Tone of school in diaci}aline and morals
endorsed by clergy of Macon as beigg clean and wholesome. Send for eatalogue No. 2,
The woman who holds her own is
the one who knows how to hold her
tongue. .
S s B
Plles Cured in 6 to 14 Days.
Pszo Ointment is guaranteed to cure any
raseof Itchin ,Bliug?BleedmgorProtmdmg
Piles in 6 to lfi days or money refunded. 500
Resentment has to be killed before
one can have complete contentment.
Hick's CAPUDINE is the best remedy—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. It’s
liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25¢. and
60c., at drug stores.
* 1s a man who has an eye out for
the main chance one-ideaed?
Southern Offices
Atlanta Kansas City
Cincinnati Portsmouth
Dallas Saint Louis
Indianapolis Savannah
Want a Tel ph s
ant a i eiepPiione
If you do you can get it. If you are anxious to get into closer
touch with your friends, with the family doctor, with the store, with the,
post ofiice, or with the cotton buyer, you can do it with a telephone:
at hand. If you want to make the farm a more livable place, if you
want to protect your home, you can do it by installing a telephone.
If you will cut out this advertisement, write your name and
address on the margin and mail it to=day to our nearest house,
we will send you at once a copy of our Free Bulletin No. 102 on
“How to Build Rural Telephore Lines™
This Bulletin explains clearly how a rural telephone system is built
and operated, and it also contains full information as to costs,
In a Farmer’s Mutual Company a few day’s labor and a cash
investment of about $25. per subscriber, will purchase all material
and build an absclutely standard system.
A Rural Telephone is an investment, not an expense. The
telephone which enables you to sell ten bales of cotton at 35 cent per
pound more than the traveling buyer offers you, has paid for its en-
The world’s oldeat and largest tele«
phone manufacturer. There are over
4,000,000 Western Electric Telephones
in use in the United States to-day,
. Rural Telephones a specialty |
When pleasure becomes a habit,
Ttch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford’a
Banitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists.
Man’s sphere is baseball.
e ——————————————————————
a bu.
Per Salzer’s catalog, page 129. [
Largest grewers of seed potatoes and early
voggubios in the world. &‘; catalog free; or,
send I@¢. in stamps'and receive catalog and
1000 kernels each of onions, carrots, celery,
radishes, 1800 lettuce, rutabaga, turnips,
160 pa.rsiey. 100 tomatoes, 100 melons, 1200
charming flower seeds, in all 10,000 kernels,
easily worth 31,00 of any man’s money. Or,
send 20c. and we add one package of Earliest
Peep O'Day Sweet Corn.
SALZER SEED CO., Bex A.C., La Crosse, Wis.
Northern and Western Offices
Boston Philadelphia
Chicago Pittsburg
Denver Saint Paul
Los Angeles Salt Lake City
New York San Francisco
Omaha Seattle
( ’ I\
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TR e
Most grateful and comforting is
a warm bath with Cuticura Soap
and gentle anointings with Cutie
cura. This pure, sweet, econom
ical treatment brings immediate
relief and refreshing sleep to skin
tortured and disfigured little ones
and rest to tired, fretted mothers.
For eczemas, rashes, itchings,
irritations and chafings, Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment are
worth their weight in gold.
/ Sold throughout the world. Dgpou: London, 27,
Charterhouse Bq.; Paris, 5, Rue de la Paix; Austrae
Mia, R. Towns & Co., SBydney; India, I}, K.‘ga{l.l.
Calcutta; China, Hong Kong Drug Co.; Japan,
Maruya, Ltd., Tokio; .Russia, Ferrein, Moscows
80. Africa, Lennon, Ltd,, Cape Town, etc.; U.8.A..
__?_(_)_t_t_e-x_-nprug & Chem._ _S:ip.. B-ole .P_rops..
i;‘ '2'-"*'“"4.3«;3.‘35-".“%3,\& A g
/ RN AN : ) 3 e gD
8200, . SHOES 5350 .
| BSRmiin WRAY R e A,
f 7 ..m.‘ -.‘s-’_";“_ ‘,‘Q 95 R' 2
| ‘\ /b 3 ’ .
! /. : ;’ i e ; /4 '
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@ VA A
| Rey i 4
| ’ R ;.‘ [ | /P
| e W /fi** y
e O\ elupn 34 7R
l ‘:_;:"\.-j’ J& 7 05“ .t'-“
@l BoYS Shoes 4
| % SI.OO 1053.00 g
l The Reason I Make and Sell More Men’s SB.OO
& $3.50 Shoes Than Any Other Manufacturer
is because I give the wearer the beneflt of the most
complete organization of trained experts and skilled
shoemakers in ths country.
- The seloction of the leathers for each part of the shoe,
and ev:r“yadat;u of the ml% in every department, is
lcoked rb{ the best shoemakers in the shoe industry.
If I could show you how carefully W. L. Donilu shoes
are made, you would then understand why thogcold their
thape, fit better, and wear longer than any other make.
My Method of Tanning theßoles makes them More
Flexible and Longer Wearing than any others.
Shoes for Every Member of the Family,
Men, Boys, Women, Misses and Chlldreng
For sale by shoe dealers everywhere.
cAUTIoN | None genuine without W, L. Douglas
s name and price stamped on bottoin.
Fast Color Eyelets Used Exclusively, Catalog mailed free,
W. L. DOUGLAS, 167 Spark St., Brockton, Mass.
AT R T SRt A A ]P . FRY e L ee i
If aflicted 9
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