Hazlehurst news. (Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Ga.) 190?-19??, March 11, 1909, Image 1
~+Vol. Z. No 11 Going at Actual = COST. i, ‘We& are compelled to make r;bom for a large stock of Grain and Heavy Groceries that will arrive soon, con sequently we are selling Dressers, Bedsteads, ~ Washstands, Ete. AT FIRST COST. = We are aiso beiii;vxf : Ladies e Girl Cloaks - . At Cost Price. o Now is your charce to save big moit ey on buying Furniture. Come and see us and- get our prices before. buying elsewhere. ; | H. COOK & SON, A Big Show is Coming 4T FREEDMAN'S STORE. v ‘eL.5: S - : ‘ =+ That is sométhing different thdt only Freednian is..capablé of furnish ing,; that interest any oné in rjaZleh‘!hrst and vicinity thdt aitratté anybody of tasté to Freedriian’s Store like childreh on a cjrcus grotind,sto se€ the Great Tetit efected and keep them bewildered. And, after the Main Show wait inanaxiety for the Concert;. - , - * S vy Mr, S, B. Frele_:dnian:isfi int the flar’kets ndw.:w-fiefe he will fémaxfl a Weék dr two i&;eéi‘, and tfie.b‘ié Show of : A e '\' : . "} p \ ; R . : »3 e . f - G N - Dry Goods; Cloking; Shoes Fte: ’:’;~ 4 %":\ . Py i I ‘” v : g » \:‘ 8 - ‘FGoo A% -:;' he prontisés is déveloping liour};"r Every Express did Logal freigiit from the 'lflort{hernk and Eastern Bffi;?etsfi prig“gih'g' ctates; %@tSes‘ filndb{rery‘ éofiééivafiié kind bf backfi;ge that - holds a lot of bargains f’ot 35' ou in the. -‘nc'wgsf énd lfif@ét styles of gob?és for you all. :You %g in'viié;d to visit this is%ore dax‘,l_y and sec the mttf'éstmfi dcvefopm”ept, You w&i Re ifiyited later to ths Mair Evefit. Ini the mean tifiiz we are glearing thé shoW grousids ’of all ‘the @intéjfé‘gyods. and the méere staterent; that ¥ REED@-._AN don’t caéry thein over means that we sell them at verdy low prices, | i 7" el 3k L N eyl 00 e _ g YOURS FOR BARGAINS}, ... . £ : )Gl i ;,. " R "w"‘:u,fi. \ & ‘& '{_* "‘é"; ¥ T A Ut iy e Ty e o @ RGBS EIEATE RN A R - SRR e R T A IR el YAAAINY HAZLEHURST NEWS. Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, March 11, 1909 Want to save Big Money on buying SHOES and HARNESS? Certainly yoii do. Well, my Store is the ; place where you can do it have a big line of Shoes § i AND : Harness in stocl;: that must be sold at some price. Besides, [ can fit you up in a good Suit of . CLOTHES at small figures. : 4 I also keep DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, GRO QERIES, HARD WARE, Ete, ‘ Come and sée me, exam ine and price my goods, and you are sure to buy what you want in my store. Y o E. '. TAYLOR. _' . Hazleburst, G 2 ' OLFSON'S Hazlehurst Leading )Ty | ‘ s 8 s g'r Popular-Price Store. + I beg to announce to my friends and pai;rons thag, the most up to date £ ~==SPRING GOODS~=— is coming'in in great varisties, carefully selected by my people who are in the same line of business in New York City, and who has the experience in this line for over 20 years, and with the assistanceof Mrs. Wolfson, who is also at present in New York City, I am in a position this Spring to please iy customers more than ever be fore. I have noold gocds to get rid of, as my goods never get old—and its proof is, that I have more than doubled the business in the past six. months, and my patrons are’of the best people in this community. %; d s opring Goods, of: the most up-to-date Style and Fa;bi*ics, and always at the very lowest prices, you will find at | ~ Wolfson’s | Popular Price Store, Hazlehurst, - - G®®rgia. EVERYTHING IS RIGHT IN THIS STORE. . SI.OO Per Year.