Newspaper Page Text
' m a svere Case of
v a 0 Tetter,
%&mm'-. Ala., July 14, 1908,
Dr. 3T trine, Savannah, Ga,
Dear Siri—l am 'Flld to say that three
or four boxes of Tetterine 1 ordered or
you, T have personally used, have given
me more relief and seemdngly a perman
ent cure of Tetter and Eczema than I
have had for 25 years for which time 1
have been tortured and tormented, with
some dreadful skin disease on my thighs
and In my groins, also on my left hang,
and had as I thought destroyed the na
tural growth of two of my finger nalls,
1 now have one of them absolutely cured
and looking as natural as I could ask for,
The other one very much improved, |
nlso had it on my feet and they are
cured, In the twenty-five to thirty vears
1 have heen embarrassed and torturea
with ;fin trouble i have consulted and
taken edicine from many doctors, and
bought and used many different kinds of
ointments, but none gave me relief and
satiafaction as your Tetterine has given
me. I would not have had my two finger
nalls just as they were for SIOO,OO.
Respectfully, J. D. Chandler.
Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring
Worm, Ground Itch, Itching Piles, In
fnnfi'l Sore Head, Pimples, Bolls, Rowuh
Scaly Patches on the Face, Old Itching
Sofes, Dandruff, Cankered Scalp, Tllun
fons, Clorns, Chilhlains and every form of
Bkin Disease. Tetterine 50c: Tetterine
Soap 26¢. Your druggist, or by mall from
the manufacturer, The Shuptrine Co.,
Savannah, Ga,
Only a square man, asserts the
American Cultivator, can become an
all around success. g
Beware of Ointments For Catarrh
That Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering 1t through the mucous
surfvees. Sueh articles shoula never be used
except on preseriptions from reémgnhle phy
sicians, asthe damage they will do is ten told
to the good yon can possibly derive trom
them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. .. Cheney & Co., ‘Toledo, 0., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of thesystem. InbuyingHall's Catarrh ('ure
be sure you get the genuine. It is taken in
ternally and made in '1‘0!0({0. QOhio, by k.
J. Cheney & Co. ‘l'estimonials tree.
Sold by Druggists; i)rice. 75¢. per bottle.
Take Hall's F‘amily ’ills for constipat.on.
The principal European manufac
tories of perfumes are in London
Paris and the towns of South France
and Neorth Italy.
Hick’s CAPUDINE is the best remedy-—
relieves the aching and feverishness—cures
the Cold and restores normal conditions. It's
liquid—effects immediately. 10c., 25c. and
80c., at drug stores.
Most narrow escapes are wide of
the mark.
Piles Cuved in 6 to 14 Days.
Pazo Qintmment i:nsuamntged to cure any
caseof l‘'mi. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding
Piles in Bto 14 days or m®Sney refunded. 50»
Almost pvery man is a crystal ga
zer—thatris, if he owns a watch.
Every Woman Will Be Interested.
If you have pains in the back, Urinary,
Bladgder er gg:ley trouble, and want ‘&
R}eaaant herb cure for woman’s ills, try
other Gray’s Australian Leaf., Itisa re
liable regulator. All Druggists 50 cts. Sam
ple FREE. The Mother Gray Co.,Le Roy,N.Y.
The flowers of speech are fairest in
the bud.
Itch cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's
Banitarw Letion. Never fails. At druggists.
George Washington’s father was
named Augustine,
‘A Simpleand Safe Remedy for a cough
or Throat Trouble is Brown’s Bronchial
Troches. They p'gssess real merit. In
boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free,
John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass.
Sound advice should be more than
Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes
Relieved by Murine Eye Remedy.
Qomtpounded by Experienced Physicians.
Conforms to Pure ¥ood and Drug Laws.
Marine Doesn’t Smart; Soothes Eye Pain.
The man who cheerfully does a
thankless task is a real hero.
Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or
Nervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you.
It’s ligquid—pleasant to take—acts immedi
ately. Try it, Iloc., 25c, and 50c. at drug
Many a man has his fling without
making a hit,
You will respond very quickly tot
gt:’lg Tea tx;leacment, foxy axis l\%tun?lel?;;.
corrects constipation, purifi
and benefits the enli):ire sy:.‘ PRI
Half measures ought to go in the
same class with short weights.
A Dark Picture to Look Back Upon.
John Corey, Constable, Attiea, N.
Y., says: “From September, 1896,
i Wiage A
a "5 PR
(LY Xl
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L g
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Al B ‘,u:”gfi‘i}l
) ' 4 /,:;- s '
"??bagoa I decided to try Doan’s
idney Pills and a short while after
I began using them I was able to
' ( After taking seven boxes I
threw away my crutches and the
' lumba hfs not returned from that
day h#4. Through using Doan’s
id Pills I am to-day a healthy
S 11 dealers. 50 cents a box.
Fost@ailburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Why not intralect as well as intra
% L 8
e A bt »y BT "N .0 b N B Shail bAN ’Jw,‘fl.-_:' s k’
by P T RSOS TR RSt) TV VAR A4oL AR Ase S L 5 D Ry AT e i ¥ ;
o 2 f" ML Rl el SRR B IRARTEY £ y ) R ")s"‘i\.p-}‘,.g': A ,;,."I' R ‘x'.‘,;j‘i‘-n'iv‘ b i“.t" : b AL AN g '.t: AR A- R sty LT 2 LRI ) 1 p
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il % S i B 8 ol AR AR MR N i poe £ ¥M ] p 4 o
) f 3 I O L Y . § ¢ 4 /ARVS R ,
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A% A MY J ! b J i G(B 3 4 o b i A Eodil IS Tpen e
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L ' ot vy
b’ 7Y Sk i g
v D : 4 SR BBk
to March, 1897, I
was confined to the
house, an invalid,
from kidney trouble.
For months I had
tottered about on
crutches, a discour
a;gd and despairing
man. I was prac
tically crippled with
. YR !
R!:N ¢ ) \
"',"-'\< VR : ry
R b AL Y
1f you suffer from Fits, ¥ Spasiis
ST Ao kel S S R P
30 18 (0 send for & lffi'l".!k.g?m. ¢ avhoid -
Dy, May's Eplleptic Cure,
: It has cured tnousands wxuro everything else
falled, Sent free with directions, Express Prepald,
u:uunt«e‘gl b‘v May Medieal Laboratory, under the
Natlonal Fodd and Drugs Act, June doth, 1906, Guaes
anty No, 18051, Please glve AGE . and rull address,
e W i AR,
84S Peurl street, Now Y ork Clty,
The laws of gravity are sometimes
broken by a #illy remark.
e it
By Boiling Grease—Skin All Came
Off One Side of Face and Head—
Thought Her Disfigured For Life
~Used Cuticura: No Scar Left.
“My baby was sitting beside the fender
and we were preparing the breakfast when
the frying-pan full of boiling grease was up
get and it went all over one side of her face
and head. Some one wiped the scald with a
towel, pulling the entire skin off. We took
her to a doctor. He tended her a week
and gave, me some stuff to put on.
all festeied and I thought the baby was
disfigured for life. I used about three
boxes of Cuticura Ointment and it was
wonderful how it healed. In about five
weeks it was better and there wasn't a
mark to tell where the scald had been.
Her skin is just like velvet. Mra. Hare,
1 Henry St., South Shields, Durham, Ing
land, March 22, 1908.”
Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Sole Props.
of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass.
\ Many a man has droped his pile
‘while taking cn a load.
‘ c%oée/% c@m/m,edd %/éye
Sy AT NG i g S Ne e Aoy
I 'l‘3\;)‘ iB2D I ‘W ,!‘l.“ R A JP:: ] B _:.:"JA;”..‘ ”s\‘\=“~ (o i"";‘r"
4818 L g B R ¥ o AR O N RO e
fAB bt e SBSOIR O, 4 T ~!‘Q‘Hésffll N\’\
ATR S . p PR ¢ 4 i N
f R T NI THE OIL THAT PENETRATES R -*‘\;-,.-Nuzg."\, 1
RS B¢ 1)
AUy T il
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7 sgm; LRYDY) B
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L~y For
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A\ ‘eTAR R e Lam
TN\ NGI MRy 8¢
R 0 TR ECaoy G NG, %
‘ ; ‘v . l'v\ :‘»-‘]" , \\“m
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A B \ B ;;; r:.:'}/“1",'.:j‘.,.' 7 P -
An aching back is instantly relieved by an
application of Sloan’s Liniment.
This liniment takes the placeof massage and
is better than sticky plasters. It penetrates—
without rubbing—through the skin and muscu
lar tissue right to the bone, quickens the blood,
' relieves congestion, and gives permanent as
well as temporary relief.
L Ini t
has no equal as a remedy for =
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or any // @
pain or stiffness in the muscles § #®
or joints. | @ L
Price 25¢., 50c., and SI.OO. \“ g
Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass., U. S. A, \%% €%
Sloan’s book on horses, cattle,sheep and poultry sent free. s .
S o S
R Doe L e D oTLT g o TR
B ey R g :(_‘ R T .l,: o = ."0"?, g ‘,“; L J), FLlly
b¢)BiN A G . ¥ d B
¢ ; 5 » 3 e iy F‘o A \ 1 4
Lt ¢ 5 / . b X ) T B N 5 ‘cxf ; g ;
“‘ ¥ s e # { .
s A (. ) A . N PR N o -
M LRSS 1, T s ‘4 G T IRARCS P SN ETR “:';{:\l A.‘:“."‘"Y\’at" :
- AE Do . MalrtilSaTom B 2 A RO ST B 0 MNP AT 08 o B tndel Ao oB LN JRNRR R b L s i sikXWS G b Biniin, MRNB G
’ We have had several years experience in growing Cabbage plasts low other
kinds of vegetable plants for the trade, viz: Beet plants, Onion plants, €ollard plants,
and Tomato plants.
We now have ready for shipment Beet plants and Cabhage.plants as follows:
Early Jersey Wakefields, Charleston Large Type Wakefields, and-Successivps. Theso
being the best known reliable varieties to all-experienced truck fa These plants
are grown out in the open air near salt water and will stand lflam\viflhflt‘hi\nl‘y.
Prices: Lots of 1,000 to 4,000 at $1.25 ‘per thousand, 5,000.ta 9,008. at $ 1.00
per thousand, 10,000 and over at 90 ats. per thousand. Special prieas made-on large
orders. We have special low Express rates on vegetable plants from-this pein.
Other plants will be ready in February. Your orders will have,ous prampt and
personal attention. When in need of vegetable plants give us a trial-order ;- we guay
antee satisfaction. Address all orders to
IR U VDR [ns el
When England Shook.
In the course of its history Eng
“land has known a few serious earth
quake shocks, In the days of Wik
llam Rufus one was felt throughout
the country, and in 1274 an English
earthquake destroyed Glastonbury
among its other damage, while part
of St. Paul's Cathedral fell in as the
result of an earthquake in the six.
teenth century, Perhaps the most re
cent shock was that which inflicted
much damage in the Eastern counties
in 1884; a mansion house fund was
opened for the sufferers.—London
MnLWimh;w’n B&othing an"iup c:or cflh‘!ll‘cllm
thing, softens ms, reduces in ma
m::m:;y_ggu;&}p@_ colic. 25¢ a bottle
It is the variety that makes human
nature such an interesting study,
Oal{ One¢ “Bromo Quinine”
Th“hh igna e t%‘oWGQrgo ood!‘?l’lt
r the » ature.o . .
%?lotld over to Cure & Cold in ()qo gu”o.
A man may be flighty and yet not
be a succasful aviator.
- . - X
= 9 Pimples,ltching Humors, Rheumatism, Biood
. \ " - =
1y A 5 [ . hoison, Eczema, Bone Pains.
. [ bl dhy ‘ . (Botanie 8100 m i+ the only Blood reme at k e poison in @ENE
k o XY the blood and then purifies it—sending a flood of pure ric{ blood direot to th skin ~ {3
b i BN surface, Bones Jointe and whereve th diseape is ocated. In this way all Sores, &
a N LY M R Uleers Pimples, Eruptions are healedan? eure« pains and aches of Rheumatism - X 7
'y B iy B Jcease, swellings subside. B. B. B comjxletely changes the body into clean, healthy; )WA !
; v ’ condition, giving the iskln';l’).\' rich re! hue of {zertc(-zl;mults. B. ]ii I'3 émresitns AR
a worst old cases. Try it. .00 per largoe bottle at Drug Stores with directions
[‘ures 'hn}“gh 'h[' Bmfld for home cure. SADyiI‘LE FREI!‘. by Wrfiing BLOOD BALM CO., Atianta, Ga. V. o~
A T 2323 BP " e g AU R G .et g g —!
| Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other dye. You
‘ san dye any garment without ripping apart, Write for free booklet—How to Lye, Bleact and Mix Colors. MON ROE DRUG CO., Quincy, Illinois.
S ing!
top Coughing
Nothing breaks down the health so
quickly and positively as a persistent
cough, If youhave a cough give
it attention now, You can relieve
it quickly with PISO'S CURE.,
Famous for half a century as the
reliable remedy for coughs, colds,
hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma and
kindred ailments, Fine for children,
At all druggists’, 26 cts,
@fln : \\\lfl\"
et i:‘»ff.i'f";'f-.t;
Y 1 3
SESBHERAA e fifi "B o LW T ™RS
i IX, i ( Nly Gy R 4 Iz " é\' ,’t’?"-";'., £\ - g“' (A} A
e . \ \ Q‘?" (K 1L a s e (8 —A n * .
eo, v 2 PRS- LO L - 2
¥ »B& T J N c 1& is now successfully raised in
'gz" SN A, ‘ S e most sections of the country and
3'55.‘- fi} \\\ ' RS heavy yields are obtained by
¥R AT A\ . the use of .
K ___‘.‘l{-. 7 :"’;} £Ny ~":1‘1“‘.‘-: "
£’ B '#/n \é par .
2 5B A '._l: KA
l._ o ‘fii‘j ,“fi \ '{’ Y
Pl [ NS AN : ;
R, ,;.5..'(‘;-1 "; oy Potash gives vigor to the plant and insures a2}
: e M (\ & decp rooted, well set stand that preduces large
: () X \\‘ yiclds. All who have used Potash, say :
A f :: o
ogex e - l)Ig ";‘ Potash is Profit
s’\’:‘,";‘}‘? HEY >, M No fertilizer is complete for.
Z}"‘éju,‘.‘}:\.‘.“f;‘»‘% Lsl PSR g - alfalfa without at least 10 per
R ’%\Cffi‘}f% B2oS e G cent. of Potash or 10 pounds of §
z&}w‘g‘ RS 4 T BRI . actual Potash per 100 pounds of
| s {;’&\\"q)‘;,fi;'. eSS A 3»3;*' fertilizer. 1f you cannot get such
""él‘fii%*’s:f eSR Sa;‘i;@{&’;&%‘fw a fertilizer from your dealer vou
;;;‘i's‘r}‘-"f Vi ’«'}?‘Q’!%‘,g)‘ S/ %" St AR HESEIEMAY should reinforce the low grade
ufi-’»:!;% 55 P 0 ,!.5.91. N ""-. SRR aods with 2 pounds of Muriate of
P L IRN2 NG e Potash to the hundred for cach per
AT ISy N ay ™ o PPN cent. of Potash needcd. s
o/ %,»F't:fl* R y{é\f‘ ) «::’ M A
Rt s MR Write for instructive pamphlets pertaining to
.11-:'c'_:;".‘;‘i\?: 4 ol ‘*\3. S ‘;" ™y the fertilization of all crops, eto. b
o ST T S g i2O A
BPO S SNRESEEe" German Kali Works, 1224 Candler Bldg., Atlanta
XS iy SAU P NEW YORK—93 Nassau St. CHlCAGO—Monadnock Blk.
. d ?
“Do as T did?”’, writes Mrs. ‘A. J. Smith, of Trego,
Wis., ¢‘and take that good medicine, Cardui, for your
troubles. ‘
“Before I commenced to take Cardui, I was so
sick and discouraged I thought I would never get
well, and did not care if I didn’t. I suffered terrible
pain, every month, and had displacement and other
female troubles.
- “T took a lot of medicine before I could notice
any difference, but now I feel better than in fourteen
years. I have no more pain, the female trouble is
cured, and I am so well that I do all my own work,
milk six cows, night and morning, and wash and cook
for seven persons.”’’
- GH 154
\ The Woman s Tonic
If this is not a remarkable record, nothing is.
It must have a message for you, telling you what you
PR ‘o
/ :}F‘i\gk"\’ )/,: 57
K X e 7
P\ TR e 8
oL ‘*‘Hi:’;'
A Enrin )
4 . *(’ )
N X i
u“!l:} M '"/['
(B 0 eLI
f L O )
A ¥ ?,‘,!T ARG
\ s (LA "R Y
‘ o )
‘ “\ P Y
Whiskey, Drugs, Cigarettes and Tobacco-Habit
Administered by Specialists for Thirty Years. Correspondence Confidential,
might expect for yourself, as a re
sult of taking Cardui, for any ailment
that is yours, as a result of womanly
No matter how weak you may feel;
no matter how long you may have suf
fered; no matter how many other
medicines have failed; do not be dis
couraged. Take Cardui. It will help
you. Sold everywhere.
" !
For 16c¢.
i Everybody loves earllest vogetables B
A and brilliant lowers, Therefore, to™
, ( galn you as acustomer we offer: :
‘ " 1000 kernels Fine Onion Seed.
TN 1000 * Octery. 100 Parsie
[ q 2 . elery arsley.
é \ 1000 % Julcy hndishSooX.
(A 1500 44 Buttery Lettuce Seed. AN
1500 ' Tender Turnip Seed. SR
1500 Swoet Rutabaga S'd,
I 7K. 1200 DeitancFlowesne nvants S 0
> nuale
Iu all 10,000 kernels of warranted S
- | northern grown soeds, well worth \
: sl.ooof An; man's money (Including .
) mgfl&.:;;llog 01l postpald for but 160 KA’ ’
B BB | Andif you nend 200 we add a pack- F'il
8 € o!:vfh:.“‘l‘:::l"‘ooph'l:;:wn‘ts?:'n. ‘l'
X { ll| Plant, Tool and Soeed Catalog \
, TA ‘::'m?i:fix':;m' buyers, Write for ¢
{(( )" LacROSSE, WiS. Boxa.Cff
et M T ; =
It takes push to open the door to
Sheet Metal Manufacturing Go.,
€C W. Alabama St., ATLANTA, GA.
Hot Air Furngges.
Vengilators, Skylights, Roofing.