Newspaper Page Text
ayor . Moore, of Broxton,
in Hazienurst Saturday on
i‘@BSo \ 1 v
rs. Patrick has just received
andsome line of childrens caps
' .
ev. J. D. Snipes paid The
ws office a plesant call Tues:
y morning.
You will find King & Sellers
woffica over the Citizens Bank
w einstead of at the court
buse. |
A large automobile, con tain
g three occupants, passed
hronzh Hazlehurst Tuesday en
ouse to Macon. : 1
Two Boys; yes, they - and the
other are doing well. Born to
r. and Mrs. Pomp ; Ellis last
Saturday night. ":.. |
M. E. R, Hacrison, the ice
mantfrom Lumber City, was 1n
town Tuesday, making arrange
ments to move here. -
Don’t you want tobe in the
style on Easter;? Then, go.and
get one of Ragenstineins lovely
hats from Mrs, Patrick. °
Mrs, M. F. Swmith and Mrs.
Dixon, of Bullech County,:are
visiting their .relatives, Mr. and
Mrs.J. A. Snipes, of Snipes
ville. .
- Qur helper,: Otto: Middleton,
presented us 'with a fine, large
shad 4 few days® ago, which was
highly enjoyed. It was caught
out ‘of the Ocmulgee river. |
.‘ Kfter spending a few days
here visiting his sisters, Misses
Carry and Louise, who are school
teachers, Mr. Conley left for his
g’ome at Durham, N. C. on Mon:
ay last. .
Mrs, Pitrick has an ad. in this
issue of The News, announcing‘
her sprix(:lg openiag. Read it, then
go round and :select yourself a
pretty hat for Idater. ‘
° Mr. Freomar Britt; of Tifton,
formerly of tais place, and his
son,Carl T. Br'tt, hds bought Mt
Isham O’Quin o’s place near here.
‘Mr. O’Quinn "#ill come vack to
town, we are. glad tosay. Mr.
Britt will move to the place this
week. \
" The protrsicted meeting Start
ed at the Jlaptist church some
days ago, is still in progress
and much ;3ood is being accom
plished by these meetings, we
hope. Laisge congregations are
out at almost every service.
- <Mr. E. (0. Daggett, the electri
cian, received aitelegram Tues
ddy morning from Knoxville,
Tenn., announcimg: the death of
hi§ mother. He left at 11 o’clock
onithe ‘‘Dixie Flyer' for that
place to attend the funeral. ‘
Mr. Morris ILevy, who was a
clerk in S. B. Fréedman’s store
heré for quite awhile, hds gone
to Baxley to clerk for J. Hersh~-
man, . his cousin. Morris was
very-popular up . here with the
bOyS. R
- We'regret to anmounce tfiat the
doors'of the Sanitarium has been
closed, since Dr. Hall dec;i"éied to
move to Douglas. * The biilding
has been vented so Mrs. -Chap
man, we Jearn,and«will be:§urned
into a boarding hguse.
Mr. G. F. Armstreng has the
sympathy of a hostof friends in
the great.sorrow whigh hag come
te him and his family in the death
of his njother, whichpccure? last
Sunday night at the home of her.
daughter, in Eastman. The fur
neral and burial were' in Macon.
on Modday, 15th. $
A fev?{fdavs ago a dog balong
ing to Rev. J, D. Snipes, who
lives 12 miles from heére, went
mad and bit Mr. Joe Newell'and
tried tobite sevéral more péople
before he was killed. Mr. Siiipes
savs that the bite justgrazed the
skin on Mr. Newell’s leg, conse-.
quently he does not feel any dan
ger in. ref&rgc_e@o having \gydro”-"
vhobia. The dog may have bit
genVimevergl} n&mah l‘)’gforo it
w 8 discoveréd that he Wag mad.
: T B IW U T
It does us good to see the, citi
zens of a town all pull to”th‘er
for the betterment of the place
they call home. And this was
demonstrated on Tuesday last,
right here in Hazlehurst, when
the bonding of the town was vo
ted on. They came mighty near
all voting the same way, and it
takes such a spirit and unison to
make a town grow and prosper.
During our many years stay up
on this mundane sphere we have
lived in several towns that were
bonded, and we never saw one in
our life that diin’t grow and{
A healthy tewn with a good
school, : prosperous churches; a
live paper, electric lights and
water-works, makes a very de
sirdble’ town to live in,and a
town where monied men wiil 10-.
cate in from elsewhere. \
Now, let’s all pull for Greater
There were 0n1y.121 votes cast
in all, and 105 of these were for
water-works and to erect a new
school builuing. |
Six out of the 121 voted against
the.. school building and five
against water-works..
There were only one negro
who voted during the day, and
he was Dave Fryer. He cast
his vote for water-works and a
new school él)uilding. ._
Delightful- Entertainment.
Perhaps, the most delightful
entertainment of the season was
that given at the home of Mr. &
Mrs. J.J. Frazier on Saturday
evening, March 13th _
~ Several interesting games
were played and it was anevident
fact thatall, had fullyenjoyed the
The following young people
were ' present: ‘Misses Ruth
Woodward, Jimmie Curry, Lula
Girtman, Annette Cromartie,
Gertrude Youmans, Mary F'razier
Lola Jarvis, Mrs, Gill. Messrs.
Vonderaw,. Cromartie;. Knight
and Gill. ' ;
After voting Mrs. Frdzier a
most ' charming lostess and
delightful entertainer, the party
returnéd to their respective
homes fully conscious of an even:
ing well spent.
We dropped in atithe Peoples
Drug Store on Tuesday morning
ldst, and found the obliging pro
prietor, Mr. Jarvis. and Mr.
Charlie Latimer,his affable clerk
both just as busy as they could
be, opening up and marking a
line of finé stationary, and évery"
thing that a school child néeds,
from a piece of chalk up. Heal
so .has a nice line of ledgers,
cash books, etc. Anything in the
writing material line you can get
at the Peoples Drug Store. -
€ol. Grant has moved his office
from over the Citizens Bank to
the'Court house; He and_ the
Sheriff are occupying the game
room. v s !
- Don’t Runj .
The risk of lOsin%éyour rights b¥ not having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record. i
¢ “Every Deed (:%nveymg Land ¢
Should be Recoded in thé officeiof the:
Clerk of the Supérior Courtof the Coutity
where the sand lies. , Record nmy be
made at ady tlme, but suclf deed loses its
priotity over a subsequent ecofded deged
fromi the s&me ve"n‘dor."--Secéon 26: 18,
. P'Mortgages on realty mupt be;recorded
iR tflé co‘mty where the land lies: on per-"
sonalty. i, the colinty where the mortgador
residesat time of gxecution."-s-_ectiofi 27,26
I will re-recopd at half price any deed,
recosded in the old counties. , . g
sk \figmurgfor z'otect;on. £ g el
T A P T i g
§ came #bout this why: Last
Saturday evening while passing
the Pierce House we' atopped
and talked with Ty Cobb—one
of the world’'s greatest base ball
players—for 8 moment or two,
During this time our three little
boys'came up. Leohad a ball
in his’hand, as they were just re
turning’‘from the ball ground
where they had been playing.
After looking at Mr. Cobb for a
moment or two he let the ball
fly at him, Of course he coughy
it and they pitched it at each
other for quite awile. Bob and
Bill stood off and watched them,
and finaily decided that Leo was
receiving too much honor, and
that they wanted a little of it
themselves, so the three of them
pitched and caught the ball with
Ty Cobb, the world’s famous
base ball plaver, and they think
it was one of the greatest honors
of their lives. They feel awfully
swelled over this matter, and
we think that they have told
every man, boy and.negro in
town that they played ball wiih
Ty Cobb, Which was:soo.
Ladies. don’t buy your spring
and summer hats until you see
my linej I can please you.
¢ f Mrs, D. Patrick.
The olectric plant has been
moved from #ts old - guarters
down near the Southérn R. R.
&G. &I R. R crossing.
Remember, that Mr, J. A.
Moore’s'stockef general merchan
dise is complete, and his prices
on every line of goods are just as
low as he can consistanily make
them. Goin and see him, and:
price what you want to buy, and:
we dare say you will buy what
you want from him. He is as
pleasant and as agreeable as any
man vou evér dealt with., |
Just received,at the City Phar
macy, a beautiful iine of Jewelry.
Drop iu and igspect it.
Col. Grant is a very.happy man
these days and he Has a perfect
right to be, too, because his wife
and little ones arrived in Hazle
hurst last Friday from their for
mer home in North Georgia, and
now the Colonel“¢an live at home
instead of this'way boarding
Theyare occupying the’Morgan
ocottage. - Mrs. Grant’s siaver ac
compgnied her-and the children
dowi.’ e -
Solid go'd cuff buttons, colar
buttons, rings, etec., just received
at the City Pharmacy. 1
Col. H. A. King left for Au
gusta on Monday morning last
ot legal business.
* Don’t fail to attend Mrs. Pat
rick’s Millinery opening to-day. -
~Rev. E. F. Morgan, Presiding
Elder Mcßae District,” held the
Seécond Quarterly’ Conference
this (Methodist) charge last Sat
urday afternoon, and preached
two excellent sefmons in the
Methodist church on Sunday
Owing to inclement weather the
evening congregation was small,
while that,of the morning was
Mrs. Maitie Burnam is up and
well again; after several days
illness. - :
w ¥ ¥ e RS
A Large Line of
Ladies Ready-lade Shirt
WafistSO ‘ : : .
Ladies Skirts in Voil, Panama
and Monare.
Come and inspect our bzautiful line of
Spring and Summer
Dress Goods.
You will bz sure to select your Easter
~ Dress before leaving our Store,
‘l ' 3 ‘ » 4 ahd v o .
: - [\ A ; Fal
Y. sV WoRHESY : &
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W - Slippers, Slippers ! W
’ We know that_’f you will buya pair of <
b’/ these pretty and durable Slippers just i
f . assoom as you lay your eyeson: .~ %
... A them. ¢ i E
; ’,-1 4N g)'/“ 2‘:}‘ ‘/6 4‘. ,’00([-‘;2 As#h : W
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Yours to please,
A Few words with
) o, « YOU'; vA g
thave Qoné into I;J,_fu"sigiess ggai’n ot
Middleton Street. My stock is not as.
large'as itwas,but L expectto increase
it frogh time to time. I Can:sell you
goods justas cheapasyou can buy
them élsewhere:in town, and maybe
§ometl§§ngs a little .cheaper. Come
dnd seemé;s | fwould greatly appre
clateyourtrade;’ . - .
T e e kBB
y ¥Wc ?RO "/l-"orl’d
AR IO TP R A it Wi
L “;," N OTICE» Xo B .:,A Ny 7
"'l"fie"‘bfibf;f—c" wmfinag my hlghgradc upland Cotton™
Seed 6n salé ac fihe%to‘te’of E M. _'lfaylpr:‘ . Hazl?ér