Newspaper Page Text
Buy you a Topaz silk dress
for Baster. We haye the goods,
‘Bgst & Wflliums. :
*n “ ! :
If its o fine horse or a pair of
good mules you want, see Jar
man & Willlams. They have
just regeived, th far load of fide
stocls e
The protracted meeting that
had been in progress at;the Bap
tistchurch for a couple of weeks,
came to a close last Sunday.
Several additions were made to
this church during these protrac
ted services. A
A Complete Line of Brand New Shelf
. e
, Hardware,
We havé recently added to our stack a very complefe ligg of
Shelf Hardware. No doubt you’are needing sqtt}ethi:x;%g in thi% line, We
cordially invite you to ¢3ll, see out line, and get our prices before buy;i?g.
3 . ! 1 "
Celebrated Keen Kutter
Line of Pocket Knives, Razors, and Edged Tools of all kinds. th;l-:n you see “KE'I?N
KUTTER” stamped on an artiéle you take no risk in buying it. IT IS BEST.
» ? 0 3 )
We have a big stock of High Grade
' ¢ ‘ ‘ Ad B ;
Cooking Stoves and banges
and will sell you one on easy terms, Just received a car of High and Mgdium Q::?de
O . s 47 9 ik & ’ sgl
Come to sce us it you want a buggy.
We have some SPECIAL BARGAINS in Wagon Harfess and Bridles, We can save
you at least 23 per centon all kinds of harness. | |
We Buy Farming Implements.
and are in position to save you money on Fertilizer Pis-.
tributors, Cotton Planters, Boy, Dixie Plows, .
WARD COTTON PLOWS, CULTLVATORS, and Plows of all kinds. § “
We will make you very atfractive priceg on plow b_.a.stings in 100 pound lots.
If you need -gpy wire fepcing buy the best—THE, AMERICAN—ywe sgllite
We 'w'iu save ypu filone'y pn- - :
o 4 g ,\' i e
Our stock of Furniture js very campleta. Nothing makes a dining:roem mare dttrac:
tive:than nige- SIDEBQRD, We have a beautifu] line qf Sjdeboards. ~
.. ..Weare putting jn a complete line of CQFFINS, CASKETS, and gll kinds cf
. .Ityou will MAKE IT. A come to uswhen yqu want ;anything in our
lines you"vyill see &lm_t it pays. to Bry from us. We buy our goods in. large guantities, .
and get close prices, and are in position to malie you clager prices than thoag who'buy
in small quantities. ; -
Don't Forget to Come to'See’ Us When. You'Want Shelf Hardware: -
:rTy L .’;,"t,’ 4 ‘ G L =
Jarmap & Williams.
U gaoreupleTs GA, o ¢
of '?'?'("; " Atidnta, paid
The News office a shgrt, hut ver.
pleasyt call last Saturday after:
noon. - .
; Don't forget to drop into our
store while yWyou are down town
and look at'our nice gssortinent
of ladiey waist. Bestz Williams,
- We learn that some of our
young pepple are contemplating
|getting up some p ays . for the
spring and summer months.
This is a good iden ys there will
be no traveling theatrical troups
to visit our town dpyring these
montlils, and oyr people will be,
real hungry for ampsements of
some kinq. ; “ 3
"Qur pattern stock is now com
plete, and we can fyrnish most
any style and size you may wish,
Best & Williams, e s
mattér. We hozo,, , ?'my
njoons, to be able to order some
new typeand eplarge The News
The people of Hazlehurst haye
begn \'rm'yhkind' and generous tg:
waypdg us, in gne way of patrop
age, all hf ‘which we highly ap:
preciate, and feel very grateful
for. When we get new type, we
hope to get out a weekly paper
second to none in the state,
; liadiesfi(;ltch'] anth’lt‘nbr(iXdried
Collars, ies Jabot Ties, Jadjes
',Vf}flfin§‘.B<ing”, Eushln;'. Qbést'
pihs, a nice assofrtment, all at
Best & Williams, }
Miss Agnes Lcrd, of Baxley,
spent Saturday ‘and Sunday in
Hazlehuvst, the guest of Mijss.
Neta Jaylor. : 5 ‘
A Large Lige\\ e
Ladies Ready-llade Shirt
oo T
Ladies Skirts in Voil, Panama
and Mohare.
Come and inspect our beautiful line of
Spring and Summer G
Dress Goods.
You will be sure to select your Easter.
Dress before leaving onr Store, |
- p ]Lo it eNy o ) -
'. 77 K o'(\ — ‘):,).\.1 s ‘\_-‘:?;‘0‘ " ':‘,l S - war - L "
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)W2 WE ARE SN (!
O /f 8 }q‘» N O
w s TSI . RErRY 3 ‘-
7 5 RELUCaERI < ¥
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A b LR o W
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8 k. i 1X {
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) " ¢ ,":\ ) ! 3 x
} A RS ! g
8 : .
y oo e :
) 7 1 - * i Y
o Slippers, Slippers| R
b, w it ... g -
of |We know that you will buy a pair of ag
gy these pretty and durable Slippers just - - £
~ assoon as you lay your eyes on
'y 5 ’ them. e vy
- 7 PO . (\&—)/, % .
. A \g\\) Si) S : £ /;/62‘/"‘ £
) SRS &)
\;o{;,' ’ ;g|‘. .l i Q 1 H ~,_ S p ‘.‘j‘ '»':/,t
--"Tl T ~ % *® v Bo’ o
" Yours to please, .
= :
A Few words with
I havegene jnto business again on
Middletan Street, My stockis net as
largeas it was,hut] expest ta increase
it, from time, to time, I Can sell you
}gqus; cheap asyou can buy
them elsewhere in town, and maybe
somsthings a little; cheapgr.. Gome
and segmg, .| Ewould _greatly gppres
ciate your{rade. oo
- W, R: Lord
The:, public; will finds my highgrade upland Gatton
Seed on. sile at Jthe Stoge of E. M, Taylor,.: Hazle
hurst, Ga:. It will handsomelpopay yoy to rry- a- few