Newspaper Page Text
g. A.FPACKLER, Editor and Pub'r
R s e ooy, R
“Entéred as seddid class matter
March 1, 1004, at the post office at
Hazlehurst, Ga.
e —————
Pfii;,g'.”'-‘: . e B
Our Sheriff.
F Jeff Davis county has a first:
class Sheriff in every sense of
the word, Mr. W. H. Fllis has
made good ever since he took
charge of the bffice. In the first
place, he is a gentleman, and
don’t believe in shooting people
like many officers, justto get a
reputation of being a bad man.
While talking to the editor of
this paper one day recently he
remarked, that he hoped to serve
This term out without being forced
to harm any one. And we be
lieve that he was honest and sin
eere in this remark. He is jolly
and obliging, and has a happy
faculty of making friends with
all whem he comeés in contact
with, '
Now, the reason he does not
want to shoot any one in the
discharge of his duties, is not
be(*,auset'?he has not the nerve to
do such a thing. No, no, If he
had it to do, he can do it all right
eneugh, but he says that it is
his ambition o serve his term
and to discharge his duties to
the very best £ his ability, with
out hurting any one, unless he is
forced to do so.
And it takes such men like
W. H. Ellis to make conl-headed
first-class officers. ;
And, he has made many new
friends since he took charge of
his ofthce. 2 |
Court officials, school teachers
and editors are the targets for
the public to criticise, to shoot
their arrows (their tongues) at,
whether this class of mortals de
serve censure or not, but, we can
say with condor, that up to date
we have heard compliments paid
Mr. Ellis instead of censure,
ever since he assumed the res
pon%blq position of Sheriff of
Jeff Davis County. ‘
. We are informed by the city
authorities, that itwill require
about thirty days to validate the
schopl house and watqrworks
bondé. Immediately after valid
ation plaps will be approved and
contracts let. So, it will not be
very long until there will be
something doing in the water:
]yvorks plint and school building
@ * 3 j_
) )
' £
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office with Dr. W. F, Girtman, City Pharmacy.
A Few Simple Tests,
With modern instruments reveals the exact conditipn of your eyesight.
Don’t neglect your most important sense. To examine your eyes, ear o
throat, it is necessary to be equipped properly, so all imperfections can be
measured accurately, and prescribe propev corrections. It is best to go to
one who devotes his entire attention to his elass of work. liye strain alwuys
causes headache, and many people are injuring their sense of vision by not
‘having their eyes properly treated.
What's Wrong With Your Eyes ?
Are They week? Probably you need glasses. Come around and let us ex
amipe your eyes, They may be the cause of your headache, Don’t ueglect
patures warning. 1f your e{)es are tired, they need help. Many a child is
called a ‘-dull scholar‘® just because of some defect of the eyes,
Don't Neglect the Children.
1f ydu go on allowing your Eyesto smart and ache 2nd annoy, yOu may nev
er again be able to malke them strong, Neither canwe, !
Don't Délay---Don’t Wait---Now is the Time.
60 per gent of all headaches are caused through defective Eyes, Little eve de
fects grow to big ones if not proporly and promptly attended vo. 5
Y f e ‘
- ' It¥ Q. |
Ell Catarrhal Affections Cured.
~ |
01l ? A 0 ’ 2 y
i will beat DR, GIRTMAN’S OFFICE
Oh, we've been mad she past
few days, awful mad, ‘‘as mad as
Tucker.” We don’t know how
mad Tucker was, but we doknow
that we E:vve been sovmad the
past gv s tlat we lost our
appetite, and have spit cotton
And, we lack a good deal of be
ing calm and serene now.
We have a nice eabbage patch
(or did bave one) near the office,
and the cabbage in it were fine,
and had just begar. to head. But.
wo have abandoned all hope of
ever enjoying a wess of greens
from this patch, for some low
'‘down, depraved scoundrel has
beeh making: nightiy raids on it
lately, and helping himself to
them, without even as much as
saying “‘thankey.” And one
‘night recently we think he
‘brought a two-horse wagon
along, and -filled that with cab
‘bage, from the appearance of the
‘patch the next morning.
This cabbage thief seemsS to be
very choice and particular for he
invariably selects tha largest
heads in the patch.
- Now, we just can’t stand
overything, if we are a country
editor, and hereby offer a re
‘ward of $897,215.77, for the ar
rest, with” sufficient proof
‘to convict—this “serpant in hu
‘man form—the cabbage thief.
‘And, if our friend, Joe Brown,
was occupying the gubernatorial
¢hair just now, we would prevail
upon him to add eight or ten
thousand dollars more to this
reward of ours, so as to interest
the best detectives in the coun
tvry, to encourage them to go
to work on this case. This thief
must be canght by ail means,
or else the people of Hazlehurst
will have no greens to eat this
The moere we write tha mader
we get. We have gone to spit
ting cotton again. We must
stop right here. Doggone that
cabbage thief. He ought to be
City Court,
Jeff Davis County Court con
vened herelast Monday. Judge
J. H.Parker, presiding Judge;
Jas. R. Grant; Solicitor; A. J.
Herrington, Clerk, W. H. Ellis,
Sheriff. & :
A great’deal of business is be
ing disposed of, all of which will
be published next week. Onz
great advantage of our county
court, is, that it disposes of about
the same amount of business of
its kind as does Superior Court
at a much less expense.
The following well known at
torneys are in attendance at
court: Cols. W. W. Bennett, of
Baxley, J. H. Rogers, Jeff Me-
Donald and R’ B. Price, of
Dr. Austin at Dr. Whelchel’s
office can cure your eyes, ear
nose and throat. He hasall the
latest appliances,
Satisfaction Guaranteed,
I hiave ‘opened upa shoe ghd
hrrnéss shop'in the up-stairs,
oven Williams’ blagksmith Ehop,
neaw Pace’s old stfil.
Bring on your shoes and har
ness, if they need repairing, I
will do your work sa.tis?'oril,v,
and at reasonable figures.
April 1, 1909, JW. KING.
~The City Pharmacy,
| W. T. PATRICK, Prop'r, :
[ o |
I carry a fresh and complete lize of
Drugs and [ledicines.
| BRI SRR T 3 '
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
l —-PBeautiful ling of—
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parlor,
I live within a few steps of ‘my drug store, and can
easily be called at any hour of the night by those why,
may need medicine after Ihave closed.
- Dom’t Run
The risk of losing your rights bv not having
your Deeds and Mortgagés on Record. ‘
“Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Courtof the County
where the land lies. Record nay be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”"==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
in the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in the county where the mortgagor
residesat time of execution.”’-Section 27, 26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recorded in the old counties.
Yours for proiection,
Peaples Drug Store,
We handle nothing but the verybest and purest
Rl Prescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attention,
A complete stock of all Drug
Store Sundries,
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
ever seen in Hazlehurst before; and, you wiil
find our prices right, too.
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY of every des
cription. When in need of writing material
come to the
Pecoples Drug Store,
J. W. JARVIS, Pro,
3 el «"_ PV E g@ N Jfl;‘,;‘
Mes TAkce Gollsn Taving
made application for ve
months support out of the es
tate of T, M. Sellers, and apprai
ses duly appointed to set apart
the same, having filed their re
turn, all pepsqens concerned dare
hereby requived to show cause
before the court of Qrdinary of
said county on the first Monday
in May, 1909, why said applica
tion should not be granted. This
Oth day of April 1909,
} Henry Cook, Ordihary.
= Sherim 8 y
emazr, County,
. Will be first Tues
day in May nex üblic out
GRY, at the cou Re in said
county, within gfe legal hours of
sale to the hiShest bidder for
eash, the .folfowing " descrihed
property, to wit: “e
Sixty Eight (68) acresof lot of
land No. 368 in the second land
district of originally Appling
now Je!f Davis coanty, bounded
as follows: On north by lands
of Sely Wallker, east by.lands of
' Mariah Crosby, on south by land
of James Cowart,on west by
lands of A. Armstrong, levied
upon and will be sold as the
property of Lilla Morgan, and
Sidney Morgan, to satisfys fi. fa.
issued from the eounty court of
said county in favor of -F. M.
Lord for useof Baxley Banking
Co,, and against the said Lilla
Morgan and Sidney Morgan,
writteq notice given defendants
in terms of law. L
Also there will be sold at thd
same time and place the follow
ing described property, to wit;
One and three quarters (1%)
acres-of land in the town of Ha
slehurst, known as the Ned Bra!
dy place, part of let of land No.
502, in the Second Land District
of Jeff Davis County Georgia,
bounded on North by a street,
East by Jands formerly J.H. Lat
imer’s, South by Free Will Bab
tist Churth, West by ‘public
road and'A. M, E. Church, levied
upon and will be sold as the
property of J. A. Walker, to sat
isfy a fi. fa. issued frem the
county court of said county in
favor of' A. Leffler Company,
against J. A. Walker. :
Also at the same time and
place, will be sold the foilowing
property, to wit. '
One certain stock of goods,
consisting of Shoes, Hats, Cloth
ing, Dry-goods, Notions, Hard-
Wware and groceries. :
Also one certain large sized
Bay Horse, about Ten (10) years
old, levied upon and will be sold
as the property of E. M. Taylor,
to satisfy two (2) fi. fas, issued
from the City Court of Baxley,
Goorgia, in favor of the South:
ern Hat Company, against E. M.
Taylor, principal, John Johnson
and G. W, E, Herndon, Security
on Stay Bond;also two (2) fi. fas.
issued from the City Court of
Baxly Georgia, in favor of Shad
burn Brothers against E. M,
Taylor; also two (2) fi. fas. issued
trom the City Court of Baxley
Georgia, in favor of Gramblig
Spalding Company, against E, M.
Taylor principal, John Johnson
and G. W. E. Herndon, Security
n Stay Bond; also one (1) fi. fa.
issued from the City Court of
Baxley Georgia, in favor of Beck
& Gregg Hardware Company
against I 8 M. Taylor, alsoone (1}
fi. fa. issued from the City Court
of Baxley Georgia, in favor of
the Warren Manufacturing Com
pany against E. M. Taylor, also
one (1) fi. fa.issued from the
City Court of Baxley Georgia, in
favor of Powell Little & Com
pany, against E. M. Taylor.
This April 6th, 1909.
W. H. Eruis,
Sherift- Jeff Dsvis County Ga.
Notice to Debtors and Credi
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Noticeis hereby given toall
creditors of the estate of Wiley
Byrd, sr., late of said county,
deceased, to render in ad account
of their demands to me within
the time prescribed by law, prop
erty made out. All persons in
debted to said deceased are here
by requested to make immediate
payment to the undersigned.
This the Ist day of March 1909,
Administrator of Wiley Byrd, sr.
March 6.6 '
House : Painting, Interior
*Decorating, Paper Hang.
ing, A Specialty. ;
Have jusi raeaival tha New Styles of
wall paper for 1999 from New York.
All work guarantesd. Picture
Frames. A Posial to 3ox 121 will re
ceive prompt attention.