Newspaper Page Text
O¢ school closes on Friday
f next week, with appropriate
pxorcisesy .‘v ‘
Mrs. A. D, Mitchell, of Suw
merfield, Fla., is visiting hor
daughter, Mrs. J. A Frazier.
*"Mrs. GW. Best i home again
from a week's visit i\'x?itzggrald,
with her sister, Mrs. J.'M. Lee.
Mrs. Bessie F. Gaskin, of
Nashville, G&:, is the guest of
#lrs. R. A, Caok of this place.
We are little late this week
with our paper. Things will
work alittle wrong in a print
shop some times. ¢
Rev. Wm. Denham, of Mcßae,
will preach at ‘the Présbyterian
church Sunday morning. All
are invited to attend. "
We learn that quite a severe
storm struck Denton on Satur
%lay last, wrecking My. Jim Fllis’
heme and injuring him." :
55 or 6 doses 666 will cure anycase
of Chgls and Fevor, Price 25¢.
Red seal shoés the best thing
on fooy. Try a pair.
; H. Cock & Son.
D. J. Williams is now proprietor
of the City Case—and is ready
and more thenWwilling—to supply
the hungry public with some
thing' good to eat,
Dr. Vontgomery ownsan auto
mobile, but he geems Ipth to put
his horse and buggy aside as he
uses this mode of conveyance
more than he does his auto.
Sheriff Ellis returned home
from Toxas on Wednesday of
last week, bringing W.H. Mor
gan with bhim. The ex-marshal
irave a SI2OO bond soon after he
landed here, and is at liberty.
* An architect, from Titzgerald,
was here Monday, confering
ith Judge Cook and Hon. J. A.
gromartic, thie Jai]{ Committee,
on +matters pertaining to the
buiiding of the new Jail, :
After all itpays to to trade
with H. Cook & Son, a good owi:
rocking chair free with purci:-
ases amountingto $32.00, _ Come
and see us. :
H. Cook & Son,
* (01. Grant purchased one of
My, J. J. ¥razier's.fine cows
vecently, paying $60.00 for her,
and now the Colonel says that
they have more milk and butter
at their house then they know
what to dg witl,
F The new Council were sworn
in on Tuesday night last, and
the Marshal, Clerk and 'T'reas
urer, re-elected. There were no
opposition =to the three last
named ofticers, which demon
strates that the town is satisfi:d
with them.
The editor of this paper has
never received one penny for the
little write-ups he has been giv
ing our county officials lately.
In fact, they knew nothing about
them until they saw them prin
ted.. We always ke to_give
credit to those who deserve it,
and we honestly believe that Jets
Davis has as competent and as
economical set ot officers as you
will find iu the state. Men who
Vave the interest and welfare of
the county at heart, And again,
it naturally does us good to say
nice things about people who de
serve it, Qur rule hbas always
been, if we can’t say something
good about a person not to say
anything at ail. There are sever
al hundred more men in Jeff
Davis county who are just as
good, no doubt, as those whom
we have been writing up; out,
they do not hold public offlces.
And, if weall would adopt the
pian to compliment and eacour
age our officers when they do
their duty, instead of always
looking for some little biunder
they might make,to censure thein
for, they would feel better many
times, and so would you. And
the world would be better if we
all would adoptthe rule of throw
ing lityle bouquets at exch other,
g.,hex} we léerform our dutics well.
1% see v Al
ST OB 800, . . Tl
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Mr Curl Britt, the popular |
mail carrier on Route I,happened
o a véry painful and serious ac
cident on Sunday afternoon last,
between 3 and 4 o'clock. He was
out driving a new horse which
he had just traded for, and while
crossing tha G, & F. R T on the
Mcßae and Baxley voddy the
animal became frightened at
'\snmething and run away, throw
iag My, Britt from the buggy in
front of the house where Mr,
Berry use to live, brealking lis
left thigh in two places, He was
carried to the offize of Drs,
Montgomery and Girtman soon
after the accident, and they did
everything within their power to
relieve his sutfering. After
dressing his wpunds he was car
ried to his home near the court
house, t
He is badly hurt, and no doubt
it will bemany' days before he
will be able to be up and out a
gain. ‘
His many friends throughout
the eounty deplore this sad ac
cident. '
To Qld Confederate Sq}-
Hon. L. W. Johnson, our Rep
resen'tative in the Legislaturee,
has the interest of our old Con
federate Soldiers at heart, and
is always willing, ard anxious,
4o rehder them any assistance
possible, in the way of securing
a petgion.
~ we ‘take the following para
graph from a letter he received
from Hon. J. W. Lindsey, of At
lanta, o few days ago, Mr. Lind
sey is at the head of the pension
office, and he is &nxious for
every old Confederate soldier in
the ‘state—who are entitled to a
pension—to draw one. He says:
“l\iy purpose in bringing
this matter to your attentive, 18
o urge upon yoi its impertance,
for eveybody is vitally interested
in the subject, and it beh >ove~s‘
us in some crganizad way to
secure the cooperation of all
good citizens, and _taxpayers,
county officials and especially
the representatives and senators
|in the next General Assembly &
teo to work individoally ana
‘f;«)@iccti‘.':l,y Dy comiittees or in
any way for the best resultsin
each militia district, and ascer
tain jast how many ex-Conteder
ate soldiers and widows of ex-
Confederate soldiers are uow
residing in vour county to oe
provided for in the new legish
!tion. his 1 think can be casily
'done. vou can get from the tax
'digest in your county for; 1903 a
ist of ex—Confederass scidiers
as muade by yourtax receiver,you
can get from the pension book in
the Ordinary’s Office a list of all
the Peusioners, check out the
pensioners, and you will then
hgve a skeleton list to start with.
Canvass cech name thoroughly,
you wiil tind that the tax receiv
er put scine on thag should have
been leiy oif, and that he left off
some that he should have put on.
Mulkse oocorrected list, then ascer
tain Uiccompuny and regiment
in which each wan enlisted, and
in what regiment he served, and
and who he witnesses are that
each manserviceare to be proven.
Also canvass the service of the
husbands of each widow in the
same way,and of the tine and
where, she and he were marrvied
and of the value of whut proper
ty of all kinds thut any of tiem
are in the use and possession of
Do not depend ol what one may
say or claim of himself or her
seif as to the service in the army
or of their properuvy or ivts velue
but ascervain by investigation
|What, the true facts are of each
10ne,,l and by whom it can be prov
-1 en. .
No doubt there are many old
confederate soldiers in Jeff Davis
county, to-day who are entitled
to a pension, but don’t know how
to o about getting one. If they
confer with Hor. L. W. Johnson
ol Graham, or Judge H. Coolt
our Ordinary, these two gantle
me will take pleasure in furnish
ing them the desired information
and will render them all assis
tance possible.
_ Rev.J. A.]J]. Dumas has ac
‘pe,;gped"’@au call - from vhe Baptist
l@tm;xfgh in Vigalin, - .
altha ald .conno I et
,‘ ‘ .;." 1 m'» ‘M i#fl:f’kfi;fl& :
Saturday dufi? the- Gene:
Flection, and Messrs. Hursey
and Haynes were elected to serve
on the Board of Education,
Frank Hall, colored, was liber
ated from jail Monday morning,
“'he Sheriff says that he gave a
dood bond, consequently he was
forced to turn him out. One of
tho agreements atipylated in
sald bond was, that Hall was to
remain awpy from Haglehurst;
~ THE— A
Located as Hazlehuist, Ga., at tl;e
Close of B'udness April 28, 1_906.
RESOUItces. i
Loans and di5c0unt5.........09,870.58
Overdrafts. ....coooqeossoecses 1438, 26
Ifankin_g HOUSe +ooovveossess 6,000.00
I"urniture and Fixtures...... %184.21
Other Real Estate ............ $300,00
Due from Banks and Bank- .
ers »in the 5tate......... 6,665.18
Due from Banks awsd Bank- ¥
~ ersin other 5tate5........ 1,586.79
COLTEOCY .o ceercessssscessss 101100
RN R L aknssss TN
Silver, nickels and pennies... 303.55
checks and cash itemi5........ M 2.07
. H —
Total,. .. coccroones 8040314
Capital Stoek paid in........ 30,000.00
Undivided profits, less current
expenses and taxes paid.. 3,805.00
Individual deposits subject to
cheek .........ec09000000029,420,92
"Time certiflcates. ... .0..vee0.18,423.55
iCa.shier’s ChookS. ..cco0: s 0 483.61
iNotes and Bills Rediscounted 10,000.00
; Total,.....cooueenns $91,493,14
i 3
Jest Davis County: §
Before me came Geo. I, Armstrong,
cashier of The Citizens Bank, who be
ifir duly sworn,says that the swbove and
foregoing statement is a ‘true condi
tion of said Bank, as shown by the
buoks. of file in said Bauk.
, Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this Ist day ol'May; 1909.
8 3 * JNO. H. BOONE,
‘Notary Public.
} age
Statement of she Condition of
) .
| :
| —T I
Located at Hazlehurst, Ga., at
' The Close of Business
[ April 23, 1909.
Toans and discounts........ 40,443.53
| Demand Loans. ... ..woers s Z3KLOO
Overdrafts ... G 403
Danking House. .....oeeeveee 4, 840,02
Purnituze and Yixtures...... 1,445.59
‘pue fronmy, Bauks and Bankers
| 0800 BEAI, .o cvs .51 cvpes 5300400
Due from Banis dad Bankers |
| in other Stalts. .oveeenr v 380,57
CUITRNEGY .. vvovn e sonesoesess 1,%47.00
'Silver, WicKles ad Pennies..., d 06.54
:Checks and Cash'Liems..oe. ... 363.50
Ban b I casosss i s noesve ORDB
Total ..ooeovrnncns .$59,030,00
mz&&ILll‘IESq : ;
Capital Stock Paid in...... .13,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Cur- j
rent expenses and taxes
S T s BB
Due to Banks and Bankers ’
in this 5tate........ .covene
Individual Deposits Bubject
toEheple s .28,000.12
Tme Certificates ....0...0e- 1,969,060
cushier’s Check 5.......... .. Li3vhil
Bills Payable, lncludwy T'un?
Certificates 1@ resenting
Borrowed M0n5y....... 12,500,900
T e
Jelt Davis Couniy )
Before me came L. 13, IlKXnight, Cagh
ier of Bank of Hazlehurst, who being
duly sworn, says thai the above and
foregoiny statem=nt is g true condition
of suid 13ank, as shown by the Leolis
of file in said Bank. .
Sworn to and subscribed before me,
this 3rd day of April 1909,
I 1. 1. WILLIAMS, i
N« PEx:OR, J. P
To Whem it Rfzy Ccncori.
GEORGIA—Jest Davis County.
L L. Coolk, having made application
to me indue form to be appointed per
manent Administrator upon the estate.
of James L. Williams, late of 5'41(1‘
county, Notice is hereby given that
said application will be heard at the
regalar term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county, to be held on the first
Monday in June 1909. Witaess my
hand and offlcial signature this 3rd
day of May 1%09. g
. A Large Line of :
Ladies Ready-llade Shirt
Ladies Skirts in Voil, Panama
and Mahare. '
Come and inspect qur beautiful ling of
gpring and Summer ° B
Dress Qoods.
You will be sure to select your Easter:
Dress before leaving our Store, ;
- : .
1 )/Q‘\}Q‘ - T g vgkfi? AN
N 2, ,gi"%« NN
VO — ; : RN O
& | Y [P ee | Sy
i AYo vStis '. -;,n,‘. % ‘" 3 : ; b
¥~ AEUTGeatE C §
‘A ' l\;‘,‘zflf(‘)n"f‘k A :,.i,-: " W
'}n . "\“"‘T‘ S 0 1"R e ».s;’,_,.Z FEARACTY SR PIY "T s , H
\5»: 4 : L v
5K \ R
.y . gl ) ;
F . ! £ . r B
A Ry \.;_",-_?‘ 3 -1
'\ E i‘ i ; : ‘ i ‘ 5 ,%‘ :
N - | ] :' s 1 X
-3 ; s Foedilnon Nm‘"m‘ oy
¥ . v
® 0 { T,
@ Slippers, Slippzr s. K
. ! . e il
ey \ \We know that you will buy a pair of Q
. these pretty, and dgra!q!? Slippers just
3 as soon as you lay ydur eyes on
) - them, _ v
-A% 2 i : *‘7 4
o eol " __‘\‘@;,4.::—_——-—.‘ (‘)‘o's KW'
& .\\§YT iy TR f;,g; h B
3 ST, §"li,';hfr" .V 5 T
) NS %//o,*@é“' 1
TN 4 W . W iy - ~ R 5 R
P o h Nt v i
Yours. to please,
A Few words with
| have gone into business again o
Middieton Street, My stockis net as.
largeas itwas,butl expect to increase
it from.time ta time, I Can sell you,
goeds just as. cheap as you can buy
them elsewhere in town, and maybe.
somethings alittle cheaper. Come.
and seceme, | would greatlyappre-.
ciate your trade.. b
The public will find: my highgrade upland Cotton
Seed en sale at Jthe Stere of W. R. Lerd, Ezazle~
hurst, Ga., It will handsomely pay you torry 3 few
‘bushels of them,. |8 W, . JOHNSON..