Newspaper Page Text
: P .Ae : ew-“ ” "
- P. A.FACKLER, Editor n,‘l Pub'y
o M s
JULIAN H, PARKER, Asso, Editor
Q_!‘llgufi"OßGAN "
Entered as second class mapfer
March'l) 1004, at the post office a
‘Mazlehurst, Ca. S
_THURSDAY, JUNE 10,}1009.
Qffic.e - - - e B
B —————
Our Special Edition
~ Our special edition is out, and
many of them have been sent
o a half dozen different states
already. Itis our aim to place
them where they will be instru
mental in bringing newcomers to
our town and county. We want
enterprising, monied people to
settle in our town, men who are
not afraid to invest their money
in enterprises that would bene
fit the town and themselves.
And, Jeff Davis county extends a
hearty welcome to all thrifty
farmers from other sections who
might come and locate in its
We are indebted to the City'
Council, and to many of our live,
enterprising and progressive
citizens for assisting us in get
&ing out this edition, for without
their aid we could not have done
b Thereare no flowery articles
in this special edition, nothing
but plain factsand figures, trath
fully told, and we sincerely hope
that it will be the means of ad
ding many more good and useful
gitizens to our town and ceunty,
ere many months roll by.
A Few Expressions from
Uncle Silas
F De pol'tician am always tryin’
%o find out de big side ‘to jump
on. e
Jelousy has caused many er
man to git er divorce, when dar
"was no cause for hit.
Er long, keen, lyin’ tongue kin
‘do er lots ob debilment in dis
world, no matter whether hits
jn de mouth ob er man er ‘oman.
De good hook say dat de
Lord dose love er churful giber,
but my ’pinion am, dat dare air
w 0 few ob dese kind ob folks in de
world dese days, dat de Lord
#lon’t take no notice obh ’einn,
Keep yo’ eyeon de mam who
am smilin’ an’ treatin’ ebery
body good on de streets, an’am
as mean as de debil to his wife
an’ chilluns as soon as he enters
his door, :
De hottest place in torment
am fix’d for de man who will
make out to yo’ face dathe thinks
the world ob you, and as soon as
vo’ back am turned will stab you
deep an’ hard wid his old viper
Hits strange, but am de gospel
%ruff, de sorrier some men air de
mo’ dair wives seem to think eb
dem. An’ er ’gin, I’s seed’omens
wid smart, nice husbands dat
made ’em er plenty, an’ yit, dese
omens who had de ’spectable
husbands didn’t seem to care er
guss for ’em. ’'Omen folks am
gartantly curius critters. /
P Every closet in this town
should be cleaned out every weelk,
and plenty of carbelic acid or
Jime put around it. This is the
sickly season of the year, and‘
we would advise every family,
not to only look after their closets,
but to clean up from around
their premises and burn the
trash. Our town is not in as
good sanitary condition as it
should pe. : ‘
If you have a habit of going to
sleep in time of service, try this:
Take a silver doller and clasp it
tight in your hand and threaten
%o give it to the preacher if you
go to sleep. Most of you will lik
dy stay awake all day.
~ Col. R. B. Price, of Broxton,
twill move to Hazlehurst within a
féw days. Heis a member of
the law firm of Price & Grant.
The News extends a h(;a;rty wel:
gome to Col. Price and family, °
VD TR N eN, T i?*- S
Tigje has scat & 810
flakes on her brow, plowed deep
furrows on her cheeks, but is
she ng:fsweet and beautiful now?
The lips are fltin and shrunken;
but these are the lips whicl'have
kissed ‘'many & hot tear fron the
childish cheeks, and they are
the swéetest lips in all the world.
The eye is dim, yet it glows with
the soft radiance of holy love
which can fiever Amde. Ab, yes,
she is a dear old’ mothey. The
sands of life are neavly thn out,
but feeble as she i, she'will go
futher and reach dox? lower sot
you than any other upon 'earth.
You can not walk into a midnight
where she can not see yot; you
can notenter a prison whose bars
will keep her out; you can 'never
mount a scaffold too high "gor Ler
to reach, that she may kiss and
bless you in evidence of her
deathless love. When the world
shall despigse and forsake you,
when it leaves you by the way
side to die unnoticed the dear old
mother will gather you in her
feeble arms and carry you home
and tell you of all your virtures
until you almost forget that your
soul is disfigured by vices. Love
her tenderly and cheer her de
cliring years with holy devetion
—Selected. ;
To whom it may concern
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
Isaac H. Smith having made
application to me in due form to
be appointed permanent admin
istrator upon the estate -of Mrs.
M. E. Smith, late of said county.
Notice is hereby given that said
application will be *heard at the
regular term of the Court of Or
dinary for said county, to be
held on the first Monday in July
1909. Witness my hand and
official signature, this 7th day of
June 1909, :
HeExßry CooK,
Ordinary Jeff Davis County.
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County,
The petition of Intance L. Cook,
Guardian of the person and pi-op
erty of Myrtle Wiicox, nee Pick
ren, hasapplied to me for a dis
charge from his Guardianship of
his said word. This is therefore}
to notify all persons concerned
to file their objections, if any
they have, on or before the first
Monday in July, 1909, next, else
he will be discharged from his
Guardianship as applied for.
Ordinary Jeff Dayis County:.
GEORGIA--Jeff Davis County.
James J. Davis, Administrator
upon the estate of Sealie C.Davis,
late of said county, deceased,
having filed his petition for dis
charge, this is to cite all persons
concerned to show cause against
the granting of his discharge at
the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county to be
heid on the tirst Monday in July
1909, This Bth day of June 1909.
; Hexry Cooxg,
GEORGIA—Jeff Davis County.
M. T. McMahan, having made
application to require titles to be
executed to him to certain land
described ina bond for titles
thereto attached purporting to ke
signed by C. C. Krider, late of
said county. deceased, the said
application, alleging . that said
land has been fully paid for, all
parties . concerned are hereby
notified that said application will
be heard before the Court of
Ordinary for said county on the
sth day of July 1909. :
This 7th day of June 1909.
Henry CooK,
Farm For Sale Cheap,
One Hundred and Fifty acres
of land one mile from Tifton,
and One Hundred acres in culti:
'vation. ~ Thisfarm can be bought
for nearly half price inside of
sixty days. For full information
address W. M. Giddéns, Tifton,
Salesman--We are desirous
of securing the services of an
expert salesmran on a salary to
begin with of SIOO and expenses
per month., No one except a hust:
ler who can give good reference
need apply. We offer the right
mana good contract. National
légan & Trust Company, Tf&t_on
gy : ahdl o
Py “
so S ‘*”\fi‘gyi‘ '
TR, v"»f‘is-'i'“,fa‘w”“"'_‘ o ce' S Lt
rom the foot of ‘the Acropolls st Athy
ens, The rulns consist of sixteen coly
umns of the thlan order, gix and
Balt foet El dlameter and sixty
et high, It was the second largest
témplo erected hy the Grecks, ome su
périor to 1t In size belng the temple
of Diana at Ephesus, According to a
legend, its foundation was bullt by
Dukallon, the Greek Noab, who from
this point witnessed the waters of the
flood subside. An opening In the
ground {s said to be the orifice through
which the flood disappeared.
Amended. .
In a book of musical criticism the
author alluded In flattering terms td
the works of his friend Herr Q. Un!
fortunately'during the printing of the
volume thd two friends quarreled.
Then the offended autho¥ had inserted
in each copy of the book a slip of pa
per with the following note: “Erratum,
page 94, line 21, for ‘He¥r Q., the emi
nent composer and distinguished musi
cian,’ ‘read ‘Herr Q. the pretentipus
violinist and impudent and clumsy
plagiatist! "—Londoh Mall, .
Testing Dear Littls Fido's Milk.,
“Algy, "dear,” remarked a' young
wife to her husband, “I wish you
would taste this milk and see if It is
perfectly sweet. If it's the legst bit
sour I mustn't give any of it to dear
|llttle I’jdo!"—Lg’n’dun Tit-Bits.
“A man's religion never dies so long
fs he uses the Golden Rule in measur
ing his actions.” ;
Cook (angrily)—Sce here, you little
imp, did you take that cake off the
shelf? Small Boy (son of an attorney)
~I decline to answeér any questions
until I have conferred with my law
{ i ove
yer.—Chicago News.
Who Is rich? He who is satisfied
with his lot.~Talmud.
\ Sheriff Bales.
GEORGIA—]Jeff Davis Cpunty,
Will be sold on the first Tues
day in July next, at public eut
cry, at the court house in said
county, within the legal heurs es
sale to the highest bidder ~fer
cash, the following described
property, to wit;
The west half of Lot of Land
No. One Hundred and Fifty Six
(156) in the second district of
said County, containing two hun
dred and fbrty five (245) acres,
more or less, and bounded on the
north, west and south by the
original lines es said lot, on tho
east by lands of the estate qof
G. J. Fllis, levied upon as the
praperty of G. D. Ellis: Admninis
trator of the estate of the said
G. ].Ellis, deceased, to satisfy
twe fi, sos. issued from the coun
ty court of said county. Written
notjce given Defendant as requir
ed by law.
Also at the same time and
place, will be sold the following
property, to wit: | ~
Fifty Four (34) acres of lot of
land No. 362 in the second djs
trict of said county, being the
place upon which Thomas McDew
now resides, levied upon and
will be sold as the property of
Thomas McDew, to satisfy a fi.
fa issued from the county court
of said county, in favor of D. J.
Morrison & Brother against
Thomas McDew. Written notice
given defendant as required by
Also at the same time and
place, will be soid the following
property to wit:
One Hindred (100) acres of lot
land No. 385, 216 acres more or
less of lot No. 286 in the Ist land
district of Jeff Davis County Geor
gia, bounded north Dby lands of
W. H. McLoud and Ambrose Har
ris and prony of Fox . Branch,
south by lands of Fannie Mcßae
and J. M. Ashley, west by lands
of J. D. Buchannon, W. H. Me-
Loud and Mary Taylor, 227 acres
lot No. 397, 145 acres lot No. 404
120 acres lot No 417, 190 acres
lot No. 293, 449 acres lot No. 403.
72 acres lot No. 386, all lying and
being in the Ist district of Jest
Davis County Georgia, and lev
ied upon and will be sold as the
property of J. D. Buchannonand
Wash McDew to satisfy Four (4)
fi. fas. issued from the County
Court of Jeff Davis County Geor
gia, and three}(3) fi. fas. in favor
of Avery & Company and against
Wash McDew and J. D. Buchan
non and One (1) in favor of Daniel
& Haynes and agaiust McDew,
Buchannon & Company. Writ—
ten notice <given cefendant as
required by law. :
This the Bth day of June 1909.
o s W. H.ELLIs,
Sheriff Jeff Davis County:
¥On last, batween F.'F,
Nickel case with E move
ments. %nder will return same’
to Guy H#ll, or the News' office
and be rewarded. This May 11th
1909. ' " 28
ket e
5 or @ doses GGG will cure any
case of Chill gnd Fever. Price :.‘:'»c.
» Ph ,
The City Pharmacy,
W. T. PA;TRICK. Prog’r.
P sy
I parry a fresh qu complete lice of
Drugs and lledicines.
Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Etc.
——Beautiful line of—- .
Elegant Ice Cream and Soda Parlor,
I live within a few steps of my drug store, and can
easily be called at any .hour of tlie night by thoze why
may need medicine after IThave closed. :
Dor’t Rum
The risk of losing your rights bv not having
vour Deeds and Mortgagés on Record.
~ "Every Deed Conveying Land
Should be Recorded in the office of the
Clerk of the Supericr Courtaof the County
where the land lies. Record may be
made at any time, but such deed loses its
priority over a subsequent recorded deed
from the same vendor.”==Section 36; 18.
“Mortgages on realty must be recorded
i the county where the land lies; on per
sonalty, in -tHe county where the mortgagor
r,'e,sides at time of execution.”’~Section 27, 26
I will re-record at half price any deed
recorded in the old counties. |
Yours fer protection,
Peoples Drug Store,
We handle nothing but the very bestand purest
RliPrescriptions Receive Prompt and Careful Attention,
A complete stock of all Drug
Store Sundries.
Just received the prettiest line of Solid Gold Jewelry
ever geen in Tazlehurst.before; and, you wiil
find our prices right, £ob. ‘
We carry a fine line of STATIONERY of every des
cription. When in need of wriling material
come to the ! :
Pcoples Drug Sfore,
s J. W JARVIS, Pro.
Bt et were eSR
goncern’ to offer Varnish ST
to housekeepers. Oawmnbells Vot
sh Srain'ig original first made.
n 1888, uigtoduy recognizad as
he most "satisfactory artitle of
the kind upon the market. Pews
ples Drugs.'Store carries a com
plete stock,
P“‘ES get immediate relief frog
Dr. Shoon's Magic Ointment,