Newspaper Page Text
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5 or (i doses GO6G will cuce anycase
gs L‘h!lla and Fever, Prico" 2-('»;:.."
The pavement cxtending from
he Citizens Bank to 8. B. I'reed
an's store is being cementéd.
-, ' | |
Several very fine horses were
shipped here from Athita a sow
dafs ago'lor Jurman & Williams,
Plays are usually written from
poz)ulaw novels. The ohe that
will be rendered at the 4“cudemy
on I'riday night of next'week, is
fgxmcled on facts.
We believe that Contractor
Whitehurst is going to '‘be as
ood as his promise and have
he G. &F. depof completed by
uly the Ist.
Found—Near the Postoifice, 4
Scarf Pjn with initials, Owner
can have® the same by describ:
ing pin and paying for this ad,
Address, Lgck Box 181.%
" After spending § coußle of
weeks heié with home folkis and
friends, &'l}fs. P. W. Leffler ™ left
for her homé in Magon, op Satar
day last. ' Herv little hrother,
Prba.n Mjddleton, gccom x’»qpicd- ‘
her back home. ' 4
" Weare glad to see Mr. E. M.
Taylor opeped up again for
pusiness. Owing to financial
froubles hig store was closed up
for several weeks. We hope that
from now on he will receive his
share of trade.
Dr. L. P. Pirkle has opened up
a nice stock of drugs in the store
room next to The Cifizens Bank.
His ad. will appear in our next
issue. He will have his soda
fgunmin up and everything run
ning nicely by next weels. ‘
Messrs. Grant & Price have
moved theiy law oifice %rbm the
first floor at the court house to
an upstairg room, where its ‘cool
er. They extend a hearty wel
ccme to friend and client to vis:
it them in their new apd pleas
ant quarters. -
The early part of lagt weels we
lost a cuff button. We advertized
for it, a gentleman found it, and
seeing the little ad. knew that
the button helonged to us, and
returned it. Yes, sir, therc’s
virtue in printer’s ink.
On Saturday last Mr, T, H
Turner brought to our office a
few stalks of yery fine oats. The
heads on these stalks Wwere
twenty inches long. Now, farm.
ers, if you have anything in
yoiir oat field that can beat these
of Mr. Turner's, waltz them in.
Those who attend, will see a
regular printing oifice and edi
torial room on the stage at the
academy on F'riday night of next
weelz, the 25th inst., whep “The
Ups and Downs of a Country LEd
itor’’ is played. ‘
On Saturday afternoon last
Mr. Jee Osborn’s mule became
frightened at an automabile that
was passing and rup away,
throwing him out of the wagon
near the Peoples Drug Store,.
He was picked up and carried
into Dr. Girtman’s office, where
an examipation could be made.
The Doctor found no bones
brokeubut he was brused up
badly. ,
Mr. Ed, Pearce went up to
Savannah a few days ago to
bring back a large automobile,
Mr. Jim Curry accompanied him
and he reports having had the
biggest time of his life on this
trip. They took in Tybee, Thun
derbolt and many other places,
while in Savannah. ‘‘Jeems”
Curry is a rattling goodd fellow
to have along with you when you
go off on a trip of this kind. He
is full of life and fun. The name
of the car they brought back is
the Reo. They made the run
'rom Savanngh to Hazlehurst
rithin eight hours, and lost two
nurs while enrouté here.
| Do You Want It?
We have a brand new, hand:
80..6 gweet-toned piano ¥hat we
woulajike to trade for & horse
and buggy. Nothing makes g
home more chesrful than to tisve
music in it, L A hely
I'or further particulars "‘ca.lll
upon the editor of this paper:.
f’u-" a ‘ * ‘ »w%fi,“ #,fl@a‘g o
lettet signed Citizon, in issue of
June Srd, asking my position in
geg?rds tothe buying lands to
vildl the néw juil,
Owiug td'the tinancial condition
of '}he cotuinsy, I donot favor huy
ing® land Yo' build on; besides, I
think we have plenty of land
to'build. But Citizen, you and I
}:n'c not Solomons. ‘The Grand
jivy recommended that the
committée buy other lands to
buitd on. Shall we igpore this
rechmmendatiqn 'doubtless we
would be called pennrious, and
not enterprising) ' The people
wight think it best to bty other
lands. At the last fall term of
Superior Court an attorney at
law wert before that Grand Jury
and aslted them *to recommend
the putting in of electric lights
in the court house, that I had
refused herefore to do it. In that
statement 'he said, that 1 was
stagnuting she public improve:
ments ¢f the cotnty. Now, I
like to see these improvements
as much as any miu in the coun
ty, but the question is,' are we
able to bave: them, with'a tax
value of about one and - a'quater
million dollars our tax rate will
be a very high rate belore Jang.
Messrs. M, 3. Johnson, J. A,
Cromartie and J. J. Frazier, the
comittee, are gentlemen Whowm
I have a very high regard - for,
and feel contident that they have
the interest of Jeff Davis county
deep down in’ their hearts.
2 H. Ceok.
Unyeiling of the Magnu
It is said that the largest
crowd that had ever gatheicf at
the cemetery, was seen wgrg
last Sunday afterngon to wi ness
the unveiling of the J. M. i’i‘ck—
ren monument by the Woodufien.
The ceremony was_impresgive
and beautiful. Col H. A. K?’}"s
euolgy over the grave o gis
deceased comrade was grand,
and was listeped to with marked
Mrs. H. (% ‘Daniel’s ypecitation
during the exercises was very
fine, and we have heand many
compliments paid her efforts.
We have a very strong camp
of Woodmen in our town, and
new members gre being added
eypry week.
Raleigh Wood was taken _sud
denly illat Cook & Son’s store last
Monday afternoon, while wajting
npon a customer. He had just
completed selling a billof goods,
and was wrapping them up when
Judge Gook, who was standing
nearby, saw that something was
the matter with him, and that he
was about to fall. The judge
hurried to lim, and assisted him
to a place in the store where he
could lay down, Drs. Girtman
and Montgomery wej'e summen
ed immediately and rendered
medical aid. He was carried te
his home soon afterwards, gnd
has been resting easy since.
In writing our play, we have
tried to demonatrate that there
are true friends in the world yet,
as well as many treacherous,
oi.iy-tongued scoundrels. And,
again, we have tried to illustrate
that no matter how hard a fellow
may strive to steer clear of
booze, his satanic majesty, as
sisted by his agents on this earth
will trap him, snre, if he is not
always on the alert. Theplay is
a true story, and we hepe that it
will be instrumental in doing
some good in this world, Go
out and see iton ['riday night,
the 25th inst.
Mrs. Carry Hall, sister to Mrs,
Pearce, es this pluce, died at the
Pearce House on Sunday night
last between 11 and 12 o'clock.
She was taken sick at her home
in Douglas a couple of weeks
prior to her death, and was
brought over here, thinking the
change would be beneficial to
her, but instead she gradually
Y_rew worse until the end - ¢eme.
ler retnains were ¢nrried to
M¢Rae on Monday for inter
t ol B - |
There will be preaching at the
Baptiss church en Sunday nexs
by Dr. J. C. Bruton, J
| Y e Irel ) A "
preciated as they should be.
Peopledo not tale time 'gmnk
just how/much a gorfll o WSpa
per does for a ‘com nity, It
X)rint-s adany things free of
arge that it would be legiti
thate to' chdrge‘for, and many
times take’ the lead for. material
intellectuustand moral "growth of
a community. Any people should
be thagltul wlo have a e¢lean
newspaper publishe% in their
conxnunxib:(.-mltev. Geo. D. Stone
Farming lmonn tor Sale.
I have in my possession, and
am agent for same, one and two
two horse Cultivators. These
arp great labor-saving machines
on the firm;"4nd are the latest
improved and are made from
the best material. They also do
the very best work that can be
done, with furming impliments.
Phese machines can be bought
within the next 60'days at'actual
cost, for¢agh, 'O4
I bhave atso, corn and cotton
planters, which will be sold at
cost, within the next 60 days.
Come and see them, if you
need anything in this line
' % H, J. Fussell,
Hazlehurst, Ga. R. F.'D, N 0.2
For Sale
We have practically a new No,
(i Remington typewriter which
e will sell for SSO. cash. Write
at once, National Loan & Trust
Company, Tifto'n'l, Georgia. !
Scasn BN L itasl
He Likes the Kjser King SI%QO.
Fitzgerald, Ga., May 20 1909,
T. H. Wé’ittherl,vL-Dear. Sir: -
Please gend me pair No. 6
Kiser King Na. 872 shoes. 'The
pair that I b«n‘t’ght of you ten
months ago is* good for four
month§g more. i want another
pair before you are qgt, for they
the best amd gasiest shoe |
ever wore. Respt,
; ; John Rough.,
T, H. Weatherly sole aggnt, Jest
Davis County e« p-3m
influence of & Game of Golf Epfl! a
" Man's Life.
A New York pasjor reccived 8 call
in bis study one mof,nlnx not long ago
from a man with whom he had a
pleasant but pot lgdmate a_c_qqaint
ance, And the visitor told him with
out much adlo that ke had called on &
peculiar errand. :
“Some time ago,” he said, “gs you
know, I lost my wife, I have 3’\6 chfi
dren, I have po kingfolk, and I am
very lonely in the world. Last week,
by an unlucky speculgtion, I lost my
whole fortune. - 1 am {herefore without
companionship, without occupation,
without money. lam too old to start
again, and I have no joy in lifg as it
is. I have dellberately decideg], there
fore, to commit suicide. And I called to
tell you of my purpose and to ask the
favor of you that when my body 1s
found you will make guch an explana
tion as your good judgment and kind
ly feeling toward me may suggest 1
have come simply to ask this favor
and not to argue the question, which 1
have settled for myself. 1f you do me
this last service I shall be very grate
ful” .
Fhe pregcher said little and was far
tog wiso to yndegtake to Glssuade him,
but he permitted the msa to say all
:benbndtoazwm t toterrup-
Thaj) 2s hewuphlpwtho
prescher calied to him amd qullh:
“] have not secn Pou ap the golf
links for seme time. You wWe o on
joy the game.” ofe
“Yes," sadd the other.
“Well, go out and play om¢ more
game today before you CaNy oQ$ your
Wn‘gfifi.' ®
The man smiled for the 8t time
and went to the golf course and--he 18
Itving yet.—World's Work,
Old Time Gas Charges.
The price of gas in the early part of
the last century ts shown by & sched
ule of charges issued by the Ilverpool
Qaslight company 1o the year 1517
Instead of so mueh per eubie foot be
tng levied each fndividual burner Wi
charged for, and the peice vuried ae
ecordinig to the hour st which the Izl
wis to be extitguisbed. Thes for
uetng one ‘No. 1 Asgand Darier o 9 il
Por o right te ke W alight antll §
£3 18 was te QQ‘ Wity .M‘
yotplering Liadthew wier
of 12 had to i W i
an 28 fs. rospestßr ). : .
g tthote Iu:- ki dtll ~d
000 e B fsve wwaday si-Saer
Au aniusing anccdote of an ambitieus
holiter: who mat his first grizzly bear
win procession, (‘dhe incldent occurred
ini thei woods nen¥ the site of the+pres.
ent. town of Mouterey.
vThe Lunter sat down to pest in the
shade ofia trec nond unwittingly!'went
to eleep. When he woke It was near
sunset, and h¢ sat up, rabbing his
eyes an(l contemplating a returp to his
hotel, several miles distant,
"Just then a rustling and epackling
nofse from a clump of chnpnrrl' ahout
100 yards away attencted his' atten
tlon, Out walked a grizely bear, a
monareh of his kind, e yawned,
Heked. his Jaws and then advanced to
ward the tree where our huntey sat,
but evidently was unconscious of hls
prescnce. .
s grizzly majesty had proceeded
about twenty puaces when a femalo
bear folljowed him, and an Jostang later
Q'tlnlm arizzly ruum'o}} her at' a slow,
#hambling' paca. - :
The hunter sat spellbound with ter
ror as the procession came toward him
watil ‘the forward grizzly was within
thirty yards. Then, scarcely realizing
trbat he did, he sprang to his feet
and utiered a frensled yelj~pell upon
P i R
. The eoffect was magicsl. The fore
most?bear gprang into the alr, turned
sharply about, kmocked the female
down, rofled over her, gathered bim
sclf up and bolted “Ike forty ¢art loads
of Tock geing down a chute” straight
for the chaperral again, the other two
fiears close at his heels and never
turhing to' see Wh»hnd frightened
them, ‘lt
The hunter, scelng the ememy re
treating, sprang to' bis feet “ihd fled
at top speed for the'hote], Jeat¥ing hat
apd gun beliind. The truth ot}fls wild
gnd startling tdio was proved the next
day by.the nuinerousgbear tricks of
different sizes found An "the” marshy
g near by. But/tbe threc bears
. ey odd .'
mg‘”’""” beyond M*;‘* o
ol Carnogle’s .
v rbnelp ooy Sy Y
Angrew (Carnegle cbce stated 13a) &
Surroyndipg Country,
We have just reegived and epened up for
yeur inspectjen the swellest line of Sum _
mer Dress Goodg gver seen in this town
Lefege. It iy something new.,
Is the name of the goaods, Wg hawe it
Faney Celers and White. ;
We have also jyst received 3 beautiful
lige of .
en’s, Ladigs, Girls & Boys
, Jo i
Qur Store is the plage where you ¢ss be
| suited in foetwear,
" Drop in and inspegt eur new and bea;.l. A
tiful line of Ties, for both ladies and gen’
tlemen. They are dreams.
Hew about a Mosquite Net ?
We have a nice line.
" Yours te please, - -
A b
L f‘ -
pled about the Nepal §ride, ¢o fir sa
At = roduced price,” ho Baid: * bought
pevennl-thousand tons+—a big order for
those days. The sccond day after wo!
commenced so run it thés foreman, camal
bo the offipe and tol@ me the new: ores
was of no account, that it dij pot flow.
and that tho, fugnaces wese 80 choked!
they would haye to be dumped nnz
#ome remedy was found.. Those
were bullt to last two yemts, ABd
dump them at'this time would
g 0 heavy a loss as to practically
moe out of bysiness. A young ¢
had called on me & few ‘woeks bes:
and, while I had not pald much atten.!
tion to himi, 'I had kept'his card. IV
occurred that he might posstbty;
be ‘of somie help, though I confess "
did not then seo what chemjstry b with the iron business. <- But
sent for him, and he.came at'o
Pirst he examined the new oré a
thenthe old that we had been runnimgy
withoutdifficulty, and finally he looked:
at the furnaces. To ayvoid delay he
made « Mttle test of the twa ores right
there. I had told him when bhe ar
rived that I felt sure the new orewas
worthless and admitted my mistake
in buying it. Of course I 4id this as}
I 4 not want him to think I was
ignorant of the -business. ' You esn
imagine ‘my surfrise, thu&:men at
the cooelusion of his test quietly
informed us that thomew ore was‘se
good we did not know:how to run It
The fact was that the'new ore con
tained 20 per cent more iron than the
old, and &1l that it was'neccssary to
8o was to'add a proportionate increase
of flux to bring about reduttion,”-
Amerfeod Ifiuatrm. it -
“w e ' ':\fi. ""/'_"'J’l";
’nt Conductors. :
Bome substances conduct heat meré:
freely thdn others, silver amohg’ the
metals dbeing the best conductor, and:
as a unit of measurement is taken ay
1,000. Compared with silver as a.con
ductor, gold 1s:'081, copper 845, zinc:
641, tin 422, steel. 397 and wrolght
fron 436. Glass “Wwood, gases, liquids
and resinous substanees are bad con
ductors. Water 18 such ‘& poor cons
ductor that if heat is applied to the,
top it will“boil at the top, while the
bottorm will rematn cald, - ¢t
G QAP W .- 49