Newspaper Page Text
Yol. 7. No 27.
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‘ : Néw Goin;;; Cn f’it
| G ,
l We are compelled to raise meney to meet our Spring
obligations. : _ "
b [Mow Is Yeur Time.
Clothing, Dry Goods, :Shoes,
Hats. Inspectevery article
in the Stoge, will ge at any
;S. i . ‘
} S":s ;
' Remember, we ha ve ho eld stock to get rid of. What
' we have instock are ail new goods, up to dats
in style and matgrial, and at your
Juqt c¢ompare ouf ¢‘ood§; and the low prices
wé have cutdewn, sad yeu will ind eur
Stote the one you are looking for, *
4 : Hazlehurst, a
:b4- ’.; & _}‘} . j i : t
- : onday, June 23 B
will be the last day of Ereedman’s Great Sacrifice Bale. : Freedman’s Great Sac
vifice and Cut Pricé Sale is drdWing to aclose; there areonly a few days more
left to participate in this wonderful cat price sale. We have offered many
Special Sales, but we have néver 'had any-to gclipsethisgne: . -+ . -
: This is findoxibtedlii the most suscessfiil we have ever carried on. " Our stock is all méw and well ée’i'ceté:a
and we fully'réalize the fact that we would biave so cut Prices extremély low, in order to arduse eatliusiasm. all of Which
: kL i £ 35 8 Lok i A \ : ' ; L. TRy SB4 ;
‘we have certainly ‘more than gcc'omfllished'. Tfie price’; on this Sale are so low that it is practically given away. All
We wailt is 2 prospective custemer. We want you to see our geods, get Ouf prices, and there is flo doubt es eme making a
sale. : , P : j ae
/ 5y l . kia 0 .;; ° i Rk el P VA g 8
.., Competition isClear Our of this-Question. .. o
Hewever, we w?ll léfi‘é that £ you: alf we dsk is 8 visit to Our Créat Department Store, and the quality: style amg
ptices will do the test: e AR ey |
i ; S .“': L A
5 T N ;’ iAR ok cak N
TT i 3
by Sesue it Right Priced: o
Hazlehurst, Jeff Davis County, Georgia, Thursday, July 1, 1909,
Capital Drug Store,
. Ha_'zlehutrst, (a.
'Phone fio. 51.
Having recently begun the
Drug DBusiness in. your com
munity, | take pleasure in in
viting you to call at my store
when in need of anything usu
ally found in a complete up-to
datea ; : ’ ]
+ Y have a fresh and clean stock es .
Drugs, Medicines, Druggists’
Sundries, Cigatrs and Toilet
Articles. '
If my service Suits you, tell others,df Rol, tell me.
Our Motto: Heiable Goeds.o
Béai*{s midd. otir steck is Complete and we
Cheerfully Solicit Your Patronage,
~ DR. L. P. PIRKLE, Prop'r.
SI.OO Per Year,
[m Likes the Kiser King Bhoe.
Fitzgerald, Ga,, May 20 1009,
T. K. Weatherly—Dear Sir:
Please send me pair No. @
Kiser King No. 872 gfioes. The
pair that I bought of you ten
months ago is good for four
months more. I want another
pair before you are out, for they
the best and easiest shoe I
ever wore, Respt,
’ _John Rough.
T, H. Weatherly sole agent, Jes
Davis County,Ga. prém
- Wanted—At once a good hust
ling Salesman and Collector to
sell Singer and Wheeler & Wil
son Sewing Machined in Joft
Davis countv. Must be strickly
honest and sober, and to be able
to furnish referance and bond.
Apply, Singer Sewihg Machine
Co. Waycross, Georgia.
" For Sale--A second hand pi
ano. Has sweet tone, and ir
very good repair. For cash o
on easy terms.. Applyat once
James W. Miles: o 7 aid 4t
L il ;
For Sale—-A g'oo'd horse, will
work anywhare, For futher par
tizulars apply to Mrs. Nancy
Swain, ¢{ this place” ™ .
e A
It is.o mighty éasy matter v
anvone to condémn the writinus
and sayings of an editor, but it §s
an awful hard matter for the ane
whe criticises to step in the cdi
tors shoes and do the same worl:.
The editer expaects criticism, L
often he is judged too harshly. Ile
is honest in his writings; he tries
to .do wlat he thinks is best for
his town and community.—Ex.
Money to Loan at 8, per cent
per annum, on farms.
i ~ Correapeuden t Frank &Sc
Jan. 21. Auvgusta, Ga.