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Call 2¢ our Store 2nd hear the specially prepared Régqr&~ of Bands and othér instruméntal Music, Songs, Stories Recitati
X . W y Etc..iand ,am-&;imar‘sdf that this is thé JDbest -.ofi'cf_fézd, ) ,
aia Stapdard Yalking Machine with Handsome Flower Hom for $2.98:40 Every Customer whode Cash Purchases Amouis 0 $35.00
e See and hear this ®onderfulinstrument sndlearn how easily yoit can obtain one. s, s
¥ 2 1 . 3 ¢= < - } .
, i 3 2R \ :
- J. J. Frazier & Son,
.. .®~—_The Cid Reliable Grocerymen,—
HAZLEHIJSTQ e‘ FT‘!’};‘.} b 43 - |5- ';— -, “: v GEORC}
;I,‘\‘-".\\%%\" 2o 3
2 A - Nrnaiy
n g Lol rag 3Lk
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4 B7A Dy o B6a Y Y,V
’~ ¢ ,:‘ 2 r 4;,:‘\ 2% -:l-' 42 rf"‘-, \'-"- &) g . 5 ¥ ::‘
‘, ‘ % - \{\. LN g 2 ‘:;; w 3
PR , h Tt 30ST L 2 i i o
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%, . ‘a;\h i ‘ ‘:s_ St ?“\ n I £ “,‘;‘i b
. NSHES - 8 B | 3
e B i )?:
Say i, b
| The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beent
, in use for overgio years, has:borne the s?natnre of’
. . Y e @nd has been made under his pere
: ' fl z " songl supervision since its infancye
» RL A]l{»w no one to ceceive %ouin this.
. I All Counferfeits, Imitations and ¢ Jusi-as-good’’ are bub
' | Experiments that trifle with and endauger thé health of -
.-i Infants and Children—Experience dgaiust Experiments
é \h . Ffl;. | ® v ’Lv' ‘",
%’ Wnat is CASTORIA
. Castoria is a hnrmless. substitute for Castor Oil, Pare.,
/ goric, Props snd Soothing Syrups. It is Picasant. . I
contains noither Opium, DMorphine ot other Narcgtie,
%l substance. Its ageils its guprantee, 1t desireys Wo#ins
' and silays F@v:eyjshnessc If ‘cures Diarrhaeg @nd Wind,
Colic. 1% relicves Teething Wrotibles, ctras Cofistipation,
and Fitulency. It assimilates the ¥ odil, regulates wha}
Stomach and Bowels, gi.ving' Lisalthy and uaty{.fl slqegf‘.i,; ‘
1 The Children’s Paracea—Tho Mother's Friends ¥ -
; & -,"" r‘ BN :
e / Bears the Signatdre of . . !
o WY 4. Ay
o g 4 g , “agna 't
;g{‘t’- .AT Ve v- - 5 '..;Q
5 e : X Wy
The Kind You Haye Alwags Botgh
sor I Use For Oveér 80 Yéars. v
i ichccnu’uooifg-v.'ff mußkay sTaeet, uew foan ol o ’3‘{
. skuneh,
s@O 1O
"'""'"“"""ItS Up To You.~———
See This Machine. Read Our _bffei*;
. Your ifniqg rédm floor dn be
touchedsup #l‘ refinished with
Campb_elé?s; loer Fi%‘éh and the
result will, b very tiszctory.
Peoples .fif?’ Stere darriés a full
line of 41l #iZe cans énd tfie man-
' A $25.00
e : . ‘@—._.AN D™
- Singing Machine .
et B -'; j;f‘Oß ,
§2.98 Cash to Every Custom:
~ Whose Cash Purchases amount to $25.0
in .. j
gulding Columis Brackets
s R A E S o
Plain} and Cabinet Mantéis, Sash
Door and Blinds; and all Kirids
F 61 Building Material.
All Work Guatanteed.
: 6_‘ ; e-” : .;
Prics @Wad *ofi Application:
Hurrah Fer R
J. T. R.Rowland is dei
the peer, laboring clai
accerding to his abilit
ene else in this count
just closed a deal for
acres of the bast farn
Jeff Pavis County, an
te eut it up in such si;
a purchaser might '
sell it at a reasonal
any ene, and on e
Sheuld any ene wish {
¢ash dewn; Rowland |
tiom te make them a gq
ficient title. Hurrahk'
land. |
¢ s Bealerii
1 hove seme bargajn
Thg aousés, alse in vac
178" Ksh; balante;|
Sh. & *
Haxlehurst, » # 2 7 #
thavk-marn, 8-6, /-,
Copyrigh?, 2804, '5, '6, 1903, end 1909
by W. G. Browhses. ,
The tbllowing disosnes are caused byho]
in the lilopdwad ate cured:by shis rir
which tulde from one day t 0 twe whex
ring comgpons 1o #work; secording %o .
circunistances. THa, ¥ing and the .1;:1
elacteorntienmickl Jdciion, removing the)
acid. whieh cires '.h{ divease and will k
Briatit = Disensa, Liiibres-it is net a
ckilaros. Clores- -9t Vitye's Daace,
roon -fiokucuc--Paiaful and Fsoesslv
!r«riaid.{rom‘u. Stroope, uifl'w' Ne
trutiol,whmodi interaal - Bemorrha
lith---w ¥ concretion formed im the
uoids, I¢lypus. Oatarset, Géites, Wh
Rhoumitism---[nflammatory, Gout, 1.
tioular, griulyu). )vum!u-, Asthma, el
paiwiv. JMeyrisis, Valvuia¢ ERheumatisn
Kheamnt c Fever. Rheumatio Faruiy
Piatr, Rybs: Kars, Lirabu, Per, Operators, 1
Dr‘ry, Choeity, Yatty I:o}uuoutiom-f
pondiv s Inflameatinn es Bowels, Chy
try, Adidity, o¥Waimaeitl | which opus
kimd of comel;phigyi--tuy etber kin& ;
liver disvase. Canpsr-Uur civema--Ca
mers. G-u.o_atnuj;' K.meys, Steone
Prestaticiv. Graver, (inii-stenes, Calcauli
Tooth, iVhite ¥pole rn Naiis. Tsoricsis, Voins i« Uleews, Varicor
veins iB the scroic - Variones Voius o
Rootum--oftea widtikca for siles wad |
aftor offestn of Lipasherims Soeriet, ||
Malaria! Fevers. This ring is net # =
net oure liver dhiuo B d =n of tho ii
Prico: Plain 'ilfi £.O; Gold-cov
24.00. By Mail er will rend by Bayre
walivery, if yom ‘l:k,h ruy Oharped. o
ex jbree 3 mime, Fisng ova
{ monty refunded. it s sobiadoc o
"n-u rrew pidge f ¥V ol §
for addibiecn ] dafdrmasish. Kot lor